Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 7: chapter 7 a ‘happy’ wedding

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Five days passed and the wedding started. Neither side invited any other households, it was just the Vault Family and the members of the Norn Family delegation in attendance. Both sides wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.

Even so, the venue was grandly decorated. Many high-ranking members of the Vault Household were in attendance with smiles plastered on their faces. Their mouths didn’t even so much as twitch at the disdaining and ugly expressions of the Norn family. Of course, that didn’t stop them from cursing them in their minds.

Despite practically being forced into this marriage, the Vault Family still had to put out a large marriage fee to the Norn Family for the ‘honor’ of taking one of them in… even though that member would be excommunicated and wouldn’t benefit the family at all.

This is the fundamental difference in strength! They were pissed to the heavens, yet they could only smile and give false praise while smelling the sh*t. The only thing they could do to vent was glare at the groom, who, in turn, directly flipped them off.

He was already annoyed as hell having to make nice with the Norn Family members who were looking down their nose at him, and now the people who should be in his corner wanted to lay their resentments on him too, f*ck off!

This created a feedback loop where the Vault family sent increasingly disapproving looks at Raul while he responded with increasingly obscene hand gestures.

Raul didn’t put the elders in his eye at all. He was trash talked for everything from his lack of cultivation to his lifestyle while growing up, and had learned to not give a damn so long as he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong.

Of course, whenever a Norn family delegate came near, Raul and the elders would smile at each other. The elders would talk about Raul’s brilliance and made-up achievements for him with cramped faces, and he’d compliment their wisdom and sacrifices for the family with his fingers crossed. This was the tacit understanding between family members.

“Would it kill you to not antagonize the elders?” Tai watched the whole thing in amusement.

“Tell that to them! Damn geezers.” Raul pulled at his clothes angrily. They were much tighter than his usual formal wear and felt restrictive, he couldn’t get used to it.

“Man, clothing made out of normal materials sure looks bothersome.” Tai snickered while flaunting his much more comfortable suit. Raul’s eyes filled with envy as he looked at the flowing material, causing Tai to laugh louder. “No need for that look, you’ll be able to wear stuff like this soon too.”

Raul’s expression changed. “That depends on what she wants.” He said in a conflicted voice. Old George had talked to him a couple days prior and told him not to hesitate to accept, but he kept his resolve firmly in his mind. There were some things he just wouldn’t do.

“I don’t think it’ll be anything too bad. Her family representative seemed to know what this was about, so it shouldn’t be inherently evil. It’s more likely to just be difficult, and difficult we can handle. Remember, you don’t have to do it alone, whatever she needs I’ll help you with it too.”

“Thanks.” Raul felt his heart warm. That’s right, he didn’t need to limit himself to just what he could do, he had people who’d back him.

“No need for thanks, I’m doing this partially for me.” Tai said with a serious expression. He gestured to where some Norn Family members were ignoring a Vault Family member’s attempt at conversation.

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“If there’s one thing this whole experience has taught me it’s that we’re too weak. We might not be bad as far as the Southern Region goes, but compared to the real movers and shakers of the world, we’re a joke. I want to make the Vault family be able to stand proud, no matter who we face, and I want your help to do it. So don’t thank me, instead, get strong and let’s rampage through this world together, like our dads did.” He turned to Raul and extended his fist.

Raul’s heartbeat quickened, but this time it was hot. He gripped his fist and pressed it against Tai’s. “Of course man, we’ll make the Vault family rise like crazy. Just don’t regret it when I beat you.”

“You need to sleep before you can dream.” Tai smirked.

Soon after that it was finally time for the ceremony. Raul stood nervously at the altar. Tai was giving him a thumbs up along with the groomsmen. Comparatively the bride’s side was barren, no one from the Norn family supported this.

Though he was happy it wasn’t his side that was empty, it was both awkward and annoying to be disdained so much by her family. Even as she walked up to the altar, she was alone. Yet she held her head high, her face its usual blank expression. She looked proud, solitary, and stunning. Raul felt a different kind of heat affecting him as he watched her. 

He blushed a little as they stood across from each other, not that it showed on his dark skin. It was just a little, but he felt maybe being married to her might not be so bad.

The master of ceremony came forward and stood at the altar. He cleared his throat to speak, but a clear voice rang through the hall and cut him off.

“Let’s skip the vows and pretenses. Here’s the ring.” She spoke bluntly while passing Raul a cheap copper ring. An audible hiss rang through the venue as people looked away from the pitiful man.

Even Tai wouldn’t look him in the eye when he turned to him. ‘Miss, I know you don’t care about face, but I would like some please!’ Raul turned his teary eyes to the sky, hoping his father wasn’t watching this.

“Thanks.” He said with a dead voice and took the ring. “here’s yours.” He took a tastefully colorful ring with a big gemstone from the ring bearer and passed it to her.

The master of ceremony coughed awkwardly. “Well, I suppose that makes you husband and wife. Um, are you two going to kiss or…” He asked hesitantly.

Raul turned the same questioning gaze to Marina. He didn’t think his heart could bear it if he tried to kiss her and she rejected him in front of everyone.

Without speaking, Marina dragged his face down to meet hers and kissed him. “Does this suffice?” She turned to the master of ceremony.

“Haha, of course… That concludes the ceremony then. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Cross.” He turned a pitiful glance at Raul before starting the wrap up. For the rest of the night Raul had to fight to hold in his tears.

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