Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 62: Chapter 60 Ellen vs Akito finale

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“You know, you look a lot better without that fake smile on your face.” Ellen smirked while teasing him.

“No way. She actually did it.” Ren whispering in disbelief. He knew his brother’s reputation, he couldn’t believe that girl actually beat him.

“Yeah! That’s our Ellen, way to go!” Raul yelled down excitedly. What a battle!

The lobby was a total wreck. If the hotel hadn’t been built with cultivators in mind it would’ve collapsed already.

Raul headed for the stairs to go congratulate Ellen, but Marina grabbed his arm. “What’s up? She got him already.”

Marina shook her head and watched the lobby uneasily. “Shining Ocean won’t go down so easy.” She stated, knowing the true danger came now.

“YOU DARE!” Akito exploded in anger as genuine killing intent swept through the hotel. Not a trace of his smile could be found as his beautiful face contorted in rage, but he wasn’t looking at Ellen, instead his eyes locked on Ren.

Why, why, why! He thought for sure he could do it this time, he thought he could finally rid himself of this throbbing pain in his chest, yet once again someone was getting in his way. His eyes turned red. Today was his only opportunity, he wouldn’t let anything block him this time. If they insisted on getting in his way then he would drown them all!

Akito’s aura changed completely as it enveloped the entire hotel. Nothing shook, everything stayed perfectly still as though held down.

‘What. Is. This!?’ Raul thought while struggling to breath. Raul thought Akito’s aura was like a raging tide before, but it paled in comparison to this. It was as if he was suddenly plunged into the deep sea, no light or air in sight as the water pressed down from all directions.

“I gave you many chances, but now you’ve sealed your fate!” Lightning shot off Akito in arcs as he forcefully pulled his hands apart. The sound of chains rattling filled the lobby as the manacles worked to to keep him restricted, but they were clearly straining. Cracks started to spread through the building under the weight of his power as he abandoned all care for collateral damage.

‘He’ll bring down the hotel at this rate.’ Ellen realized in shock. Most of the Vault members would be fine if that happened, but Raul, Marina, and the hotel staff would be in danger. As soon as she concluded that, her eyes glinted with a dangerous light.

The awl in her hand disappeared, she didn’t trust it to do the job with Akito’s current power output. Instead, a simple black long spear soon filled her hands. It was thin, with even the blade being barely an inch thicker than the pole. Simple, unadorned, and to the point. It shared many similarities with her awls, but if someone were to equate their quality, they’d be sorely mistaken.

She glanced down at her trusty spear, Mara, and once again thanked the heavens that she’d changed the design, before locking onto her target.

She didn’t charge forward however, instead she tapped the shadow of the chandelier above Akito with her Spirit Sense and triggered the trap. Dozens of long quills dripping with shadowy energy rained down on the struggling Akito.

“Useless!” Akito raged as he swept his still imprisoned arms upwards and shot an arc of lightning at the oncoming quills. He may have been glaring at Ren, but his Spirit Sense never stopped marking his opponent.

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The quills broke apart almost as soon as the lightning touched them, spreading across the room in tiny fragments. A sneer spread across Akito’s angry face but it didn’t last long.

He froze upon realizing a blanket of Shadow Qi enshrouded his spirit sense. The broken fragments released a shadowy smoke that spread across the lobby and gave off such rich Shadow Qi that he couldn’t sense anything else, he was basically blind. He looked at Ellen with horror, but she was gone.

He looked around in a panic, trying to catch Ellen’s traces with his eyes while desperately trying to break the manacles, but he was looking in all the wrong places.

Ellen didn’t appear in any of the places under the smoke, instead she appeared right where the quills first came from, the chandelier above Akito’s head.

Akito assumed she’d tapped it to activate the trap, but he was wrong. It never even occurred to him that she would attack from above since his Spirit Sense still worked there and he’d always caught her with it. But this time was different.

Ellen appeared, but she wasn’t the same. All her features were gone, she looked like a faint black outline, a silhouette. Her foot gently tapped the ceiling and she started gliding down. The chandelier proved no obstacle as she phased right through it without even a shake.

She cast no shadow, the light at her back simply passed through uninterrupted, making her look even fainter. Even those watching couldn’t find any trace of her. In mere seconds her spear would pierce through Akito head and kill him. Kill him, the descendant of an Earl Household…

In the mitts of desperation, a strong feeling of dread suddenly washed over Akito and drew his eyes upwards. They widened in shock as he realized the sharp outline of a blade far closer to him than he’d like.

Ellen cursed her own indecision. This was the first time she’d used this technique in actual combat, and her mixed feelings caused a sliver of presence to slip out. She tightened her grip on Mara as her eyes sharpened in resolve. She would kill him, consequences be damned. He was a threat to everyone here and too powerful for her to restrain. This would be her only shot; she wouldn’t hesitate anymore.

Facing that sharp blade, Akito felt genuine threat for the first time in the battle. Fear of death arose in him, and he roared while instinctively releasing his full power. His arms flashed with qi, forcing the strained manacles to crumble. Water and lightning mixed in his hand in the form of a shark as he swung to attack Ellen.

This attack entirely dwarfed all its predecessors in power, they couldn’t even be compared. Ellen absolutely couldn’t take it head on. Even knowing that, her expression didn’t change one bit as she calmly brought her spear down.

Just because she didn’t use the shadow shroud provided by the quills herself didn’t mean nothing else did. Right from the start Akito was under the impression he was fighting one individual, that’s why even now he remained oblivious to the rats holding quills near his shadow, their stealth further enhanced by the shroud. Even with so many quills they wouldn’t hold long, but it would be enough.

Akito’s shark and Ellen’s spear closed in on each other, the final clash inevitable, then.

A hand grabbed the tip of Ellen’s spear and completely killed her downward momentum, while another hand covered in flames pierced through the shark without effort and grabbed Akito’s arm.

“Don’t you think this is a bit much?” Tai muttered with a pained expression after looking at the damaged hotel.

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