Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 63: Chapter 61 Serious Negotiations.

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Akito’s eyes widened in shock at the ease his Shark was destroyed. He leaped several meters back while keeping his eyes on Tai. “Who are you?” He asked warily.

“Shouldn’t I be asking that? You know, seeing as how you’re destroying my house.” Tai said amicably, but he couldn’t fully hide his overflowing hostility.

It couldn’t be helped. He left for a few hours to gather intel only to receive a call on his mirror that they were under attack.  He rushes back and finds his residence barely standing and the perpetrator aiming a deadly attack at his girlfriend. How could he not be angry? Tai might be able to pretend to be a saint, but that didn’t actually make him one. He was a single bad word away from going off.

Akito instinctively got into a defensive stance after feeling the intense animosity. Three silver beads appeared between each of his fingers and glowed with power. It was only then he realized the trembling.

‘No way, am I afraid? Impossible!’ He forcefully stilled his hands and glared at Tai with ill intent.

“Young master, would you mind letting me down?” Ellen chimed in. Tai still held her spear, and by extension, her, in mid-air.

“Ah, sorry.” Tai tilted his hand and lowered her to the floor. He did it slowly and carefully, as if she were a precious gem that’d break at the slightest impact.

Ellen rolled her eyes at his excessive care, but it still warmed her heart to be treasured such. “Thank you.” She said evenly, not betraying her happiness that he showed up.

She really didn’t know how to handle this situation as she couldn’t restrict Akito in a straight fight. As the one left in charge, she could only ensure no one got hurt by killing him, but actually doing that would have huge consequences. Now she could pawn the problem onto Tai.

“What happened?” Tai asked curiously. His animosity lowered a notch after seeing Ellen’s lack of injuries, and he now had the composure to check the situation. The call he’d gotten only said that they were under attack, nothing about the details.

“He came after the guest Raul brought home and demanded something from him, however he tried to kill him before he could give it up.” Ellen summarized, causing Tai to groan when Raul’s name came up.

That could be dealt with later, for now he turned his eyes to Akito.

‘Again, is he going to slip away again?’ Akito grit his teeth in frustration while glancing hatefully at Ren. “The item I came for is Singh Family Insignia. He no longer has any affiliation with our house and has no right to hold it, but he refused to give it back.” Akito pointed at Ren while explaining angrily. As bitter a pill as it was to swallow, he knew he’d lost his chance.

It’d be hard to use force now with someone of this caliber here. He didn’t think he’d lose, but this man had a comparable strength to him, and he’d be the one in trouble with the guards if the fight escalated. He could even be banned from the test in the worst-case scenario, it simply wasn’t worth it.

‘A powerful Shadow Attribute user and now this man, what is going on with this Vault Family?” There were over a thousand Viscount houses in the South Region alone. Someone of Akito’s status only paid attention to those Viscount Houses who’d made a recent news, or are affiliated with a higher Household.

Despite their consistent participation the Vault Family hadn’t made any big contributions in the war in over a hundred years, and they weren’t under the umbrella of any other households either. A pity the marriage between Marina and Raul was deliberately suppressed, otherwise Akito would’ve long known the Vault name.

“Untrue!” Ren yanked the insignia off his cuff and held it up. “I never said I wouldn’t hand over the little bauble, you attacked me before I could.” He said while looking down on his younger brother.

Akito’s temper blazed. He turned to Tai and said, “I don’t know what he promised you, but he doesn’t know anything about the inner workings of our Family. He’s also dead broke without a treasure to his name, I really don’t know why you’re going through the effort. You should just let me take him off your hands.”

Tai remained unmoved under Akito’s seeking gaze. He didn’t know a thing about Ren, much less expect anything from him, but there’s no way he’d give him to Akito. He may not know the whole picture, but Akito barging into their residence without sending any kind of word despite knowing Ren was a guest her showed a clear lack of respect, what kind of image would he be showing if he just gave him what he wants?

The last embers of hope in Akito’s heart died as a reluctant sigh escaped his mouth. “Have it your way. However you should know the importance of a House’s insignia, I hope you won’t get in the way of me retrieving it.”

“Naturally, provided violence isn’t used.” Tai nodded in acceptance.

Ren trembled as he felt all eyes in the room turn to him. He gripped the insignia tightly, unwilling to let it go without getting what he wanted. However, the memories of his brother’s attack were still fresh. He knew he really had no choice. Ren’s hands trembled in anger and reluctance, but he sneered condescendingly at Akito’s before tossing over the insignia.

“Hmph, none of this would’ve happened if you’d just done this from the start.” Akito spat after catching it. He turned to leave without bothering anymore. This trip didn’t go anything like planned, and he could barely control his anger anymore.

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“Hold it.” Tai stopped him. “Surely you don’t plan to just leave like this. Our hotel’s destroyed and the staff traumatized, we need the proper compensation.”

“Compensation?” Akito questioned incredulously. The cultivation world had its own way of operating, compensation would naturally be given for the damages. However, that is usually handled by their Houses behind the scenes, asking for it directly was an insult, as it implied they didn’t believe he’d follow protocol.

“Yes compensation. Someone of your status should have enough to pay for a small thing like this building out of pocket.” Tai repeated. He knew full well of Akito’s identity as he would also undoubtedly be taking the elite exam this year.

“Also for my injuries.” Ellen suddenly chimed in. Tension suddenly built in the room as everyone looked at her. If Ellen was injured this might not resolve peacefully.

“Your injured?” Tai asked worriedly.

“Yes, mental health is very important.” She nodded very seriously, causing his face to freeze.

“Also, many of my awls were destroyed.” She pointed out. “Those were family heirlooms, very precious.” She added shamelessly. She had complete faith in Tai’s ability to handle the situation, so she might as well fleece the golden sheep while he was here.

Laughter rang through the lobby as Raul finally couldn’t take it anymore and broke down while giving Ellen a thumbs up, causing Marina to facepalm behind him.    

‘These two are going to be the death of me.’ Tai thought as his face twitched involuntarily. And didn’t he make those awls himself? How’d they suddenly become heirlooms?  

Ellen’s additions and Raul’s laughter made Akito’s barely contained temper exploded. “You dare make fun of me! Considering the severity of a stolen insignia I’ve already been courteous to your little house by not knocking this place down, don’t think to take a mile after gaining an inch.” He spat venomously.

Tai’s eyes narrowed as his animosity shot all the way back up. He wasn’t alone, Ellen, Raul, and every Vault member watching stared at Akito with animosity.

Akito could feel the many gazes on him, but he couldn’t care less. At his strength regular Ascension Realm were ants, and he didn’t believe such a small household had another anomaly like Ellen. His only real threat was the man in front of him.

All traces of tolerance left Tai’s face as he sneered. “Your Family’s incompetence in handling their insignia isn’t my problem. All I care about is that you’ve attacked our guest and damaged our home. you will pay reparations for it, or I will hold you here until the city authorities arrive.”

“Hold me here, are you worthy?” Akito sneered before releasing his power. He already had the insignia, there was no reason to hold back.

The guy before him might be powerful, but he’d be far too busy helping his people avoid getting buried to stop him from leaving. So long as he got away now, his mother could smooth things over with the mayor later. That was the plan anyway.

The ocean he’d expected to burst forth didn’t appear. His face morphed into shock as neither his water nor lightning attribute did his bidding. No, it was different from the cuffs before. He could clearly feel there was nothing wrong with him or his attributes, but the moment he projected them outwards they disappeared. It wasn’t just them either, his Spirit Sense became restrained to a radius of two meters around his body.

‘How!? I kept my eyes on them the whole time!’ He didn’t take his focus off Tai or Ellen the whole time, yet he still didn’t understand how they did it.

He could never imagine that they truly did nothing and that the real culprits were the Ascension Realm Vault members he’d disregarded. Intricate runes spread from each of them and interwove into a gilded cage surrounding the hotel,  Akito’s restrained Spirit Sense simply couldn’t detect them.

It’s true they didn’t have the combat power to match him or Ellen, but they hadn’t simply been watching the fight, they’d been analyzing.

The Vault Household’s heavy focus on seals caused their younger members to often be individually weaker than members from other families, however, they held a much higher success rate of beating higher realm cultivators in groups than most houses could boast.

“Trying to destroy this place? Are you worthy?” Tai mocked. “Like I said, you can either pay now or later, but you will pay.” He promised coldly.

 It was only now that Akito realized he may have bitten off more than he can chew.

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