Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 65: Chapter 63 South Academy Exams Start

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“The whole House will be waiting on your good news Young Master, we all know you can do it.” Elder Iori encouraged him. It wasn’t just her though, the entire Family stood in the lobby cheering him on as he left, even the hotel staff took some time out to see him off.

He didn’t say anything in response. He simply nodded in affirmation and showed them his back as he left. It wasn’t a large back, but it stood ramrod straight, giving a feeling of power and unyielding determination. Everyone’s worries lifted as they felt the reassurance of that proud back; they’d never realize the weight they’d placed on it.

Tai felt the hopes and expectation pushing on his shoulders, but he’d never let them sink. Even after he’d left the hotel and was out of sight, he didn’t faulter. This test was only a steppingstone, his aspirations were much higher. He wouldn’t faulter here, not for the hopes and expectations of his House and friends, but because of his own expectations of himself.

“I appreciate you meeting me here.” Her voice broke him out of his thoughts.

He shrugged and turned to his brother’s wife. “It’s on my way anyway, though I don’t see why we couldn’t have met at the hotel.” He said indifferently. He’d already confirmed that he really couldn’t get along with this woman, so he didn’t bother trying. That said, he was curious why she’d slipped him a note to meet her here.

“None of your business.” She snapped at him before grudgingly passing over three notebooks. “Here.”

Her attitude made him want to leave, but his curiosity got the better of him and he flipped one open. ‘Akito Singh, twenty-one years old, Moniker Shining Ocean.’ His eyes widened as he continued to read a short description of Akito’s life experiences and fighting abilities.

Tai hastily skimmed the pages with greater and greater shock. Everyone in it were the cream of the crop of the True Pillar Realm in their age range. They’d undoubtably be his biggest competition in the coming exam.

He’d of course gotten info on the competition from his own sources prior, but they paled in comparison to the treasures he’d just been handed.

The House’s investigation only covered the more famous individuals and had some example of known moves from them. Marina’s intel held more people, hidden prodigies, personal information, combat style, personality, and even potential improvements that could’ve been made. It was truly a frightening amount of information that sent tremors through Tai.

‘Duke houses really are completely different.’ He sighed at the vast gap while wondering what his own file would entail. He didn’t know he was overestimating. While the information gathering ability of Duke Households were indeed strong, the Norn family was a peculiar exception even among them.

The Norn family spent the least resources and spies gathering information on the younger generations among the Duke Houses. Afterall, why would they bother when most families will send the information themselves?

For the chance of attracting the Norn’s attention and obtaining a marriage, most households paraded their geniuses to them like peacocks. Most of the Norn’s own intelligence work was just verification and fleshing out. The intel Tai received is even more comprehensive than most as they had Marina’s own research added.

She’d studied the geniuses of their generation comprehensively while looking for the perfect candidate for her purposes, she even went as far as to evaluate their personalities and run simulations on their development.

He turned complicated eyes to Marina for a moment before storing the books in his ring. “I suppose asking why would be pointless, so I’ll just say thanks.” He said begrudgingly.

“Your welcome. Just don’t choke out there.” She said snidely before heading back to the hotel, causing Tai to roll his eyes.

‘Would it kill her to be a little civil? What is she planning with this?’ He couldn’t get a read on her at all, her actions were always catching him by surprise. ‘Well, whatever her reason I can’t deny she’s throwing me a nice bone here.’ He admitted while staring at the books with gleaming eyes.

“You’re in charge now Kane. Sorry to leave you with all this burden, but I trust you to lead them well, both before and during the exams.” Akito patted the older man apologetically on the shoulder. What should’ve normally been a position of honor became a burden.

The Singh Family’s reputation took a hit after his fight with the Vaults. Their rivals didn’t hesitate to exaggerate and spread the word, and they’d become a laughing stock in the city. Even when insulted in public they couldn’t do anything but grin and bear it as their members were looked at as troublemakers by the city guards.

Akito took full responsibility for it and truly regretted that he had to leave the Ascension Realms with his mess. He realized that he’d been way too impulsive and there’d never been a need to get into conflict with the Vault Family.

“I’m honored Young Master, I’ll be sure to perform according to expectations.” The young man bowed with a solemn smile. Kane wasn’t the strongest of the Ascension Realms or the most well connected, however he had a calm temperament and a rational mind, traits that would be in need for the coming weeks.

Of course, the choice wasn’t looked on favorably by everyone.

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“Of that, I have no doubt.” Akito smiled brightly, dazzling Kane and the rest of them. He turned to the rest of the Ascension Realms behind Kane. “As for the rest of you, it’ll be a difficult couple of weeks, and I’m sure once the exams begin you’ll want revenge against the Vault Family, but don’t even think about it. You’re to avoid the Vault Family as much as possible in the exams.” He said sternly.

The Singh members had listened calmly to everything else, but now several people revealed expressions of unwillingness. “This isn’t guidance, it’s an order. Anyone who fails to follow will be punished” Akito double downed with a severe expression.

He looked everyone who still had obstinance in their face until they looked down. “I leave it to you Kane. I want the next time we all see each other to be a moment of celebration where we can all enjoy passing together.” He said wIth an extra sweet voice to alleviate some of the bitterness.

Akito hated having to give these orders, especially as the party at fault, but it had to be done. That shadow girl wasn’t simple, no one among the Ascension Realms could handle her, and a largescale confrontation with the Vault Family could lead to many of them failing. He wouldn’t endanger his Family Member’s chances for revenge.

Besides, there was no reason for them to risk anything for a revenge he could take with his own hands. ‘Ephemeral Mask was it? I’ll be sure to pay you back for you family’s kind care.’ His eyes sparked with menace as he led the other six Pillar Realms out.

They didn’t know that a spiritual gaze followed them as they moved through the city.

“Have they left?” A feminine voice asked from a monitor in the suite of the Singh Household’s base hotel.

“Yes.” A beautiful woman of Eastern Descent with long black hair answered while still tracking Akito’s group with her Spirit Sense.

“And he didn’t look for Ren since then, correct?”

“No, he seems to be properly repenting for the trouble he caused.” A tinge of sadness touched the woman’s voice.

“Good, that means he might still have a chance.” The monitor said tiredly. “I hate to say it darling, but I told you repeatedly to cut Ren off before it’s too late, now he’s almost ruined Akito as well.”

The woman stiffened at those words and said, “What’s done is done, it’s over now,” With a grave voice.

“We both know that’s not true.” The monitor denied. “If Ren passes the test and the two continue to interact it’s likely Akito will develop a heart demon. He’ll have no chance of becoming Patriarch if that happens, so we can’t let it happen.” Many Households weren’t monolithic, especially at higher peerages. Even the current leader often couldn’t decide the successor on their own.

“What are you suggesting I do?” She turned to the monitor coldly.

“Relax, I wouldn’t ask you to kill him, he’s my son too you know. I’m just saying it would be best to make sure he can’t take the test.”

“No. It’s his last chance to take it, he might never solve his problem if he doesn’t go.” She refused instinctively.

Beautiful bell-like laughter rung out of the mirror. “Come now Akari, we both know Ren won’t find anything there. He lacks the discipline to truly search for a solution, the only thing he’ll do is waste a year before getting himself killed at the fronts, and by then it might be too late for Akito. You’ll be saving them both by doing this.”

Akari hesitated for moment before sighing. “Fine, I’ll find a way to keep him from taking it.”

“There’s no need to sound like that darling. I know this is rough, but it’s for the best, for both of them.” The monitor whispered one last time before turning dark.

On that day every True Pillar Realm below the age of thirty marched to City Hall. Thousands of powerful youths with indescribable auras ran through the city under the watch of excited onlookers. The curtains of the Southern Military Academy exams officially raised.

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