Keeper of the Sky

Chapter 64: Chapter 62 Rebuke

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Akito left with gritted teeth and a lighter wallet. The money wasn’t the issue, the humiliation was. He knew that some outsiders definitely started watching when the fight started. Informants were quite active this time of year, no doubt soon news that he got sealed by an Ascension Realm and had to pay for his freedom would spread across the city.

‘My one chance… Dmn you Vault Family, this isn’t over.’ He acknowledged that he’d been too hasty, if he’d just taken Ren out of their territory before dealing with him, none of this would’ve happened. But even so, he couldn’t let go of this resentment so easily.


“Thank you for being so understanding, I’m really sorry about all the damages.” Tai bowed his head to the hotel manager.

“No trouble, no trouble. It comes with the territory, we’re used to it young lord.” The manager shook his head warmly. Any hotel that dealt with cultivators held contracts with the city government and were well trained, so the manager didn’t think much of the days events or damages. What truly surprised him were Tai’s actions.

He dealt with arrogant lords like Akito all the time, but he never saw one willing to bow his head in apology to a mere mortal like himself. It wasn’t merely empty placates either.

Akito generously handed over much more than the cost of the damages to make the matter drop without calling the authorities. Even though Tai was only required to give enough for the damages, he gave the whole amount to the hotel, saying the excess should be used to compensate the staff for endangering their lives.

The manager couldn’t help admiring the charismatic youth before him, and the same was true for the rest of the staff. It was a sweet scene, but someone remained unimpressed.

“What a touching scene.” Ren slow clapped and wiped an imaginary tear from his eye, causing everyone in the room to frown. “Whelp, as satisfying as it was watching that brat get humbled, I’ve got places to be. Later.”

Ren tried to walk out, but Raul stopped him. “Oi, everyone here just worked their ass off defending you, the least you can do is say a proper thank you.” He growled.

He’d brought Ren here to help him and he was making him regret it.

Ren sneered and said, “Look, I don’t know what you want as a thanks. That guy wasn’t lying, I don’t have anything of the Singh Family to give you guys, so there’s no point in keeping me. So let’s just agree that it’s a big misunderstanding and go our separate ways while I’m still being nice.”

A vein almost popped on Raul’s head. “You’ve got some ner–“ Marina finally caught up and covered Raul’s mouth.

“That’s fine with us. You shouldn’t have a problem with that either right?” Marina turned to Tai.

Tai glanced at Ellen, who gave a barely noticeably shrug. “I don’t care. He can do whatever so long as it doesn’t involve us.”

“Then let’s pretend this little get together didn’t happen.” Ren snorted before walking out.

“mmmpmhm!” His condescending attitude pissed Raul off big time. He didn’t want to let it go like this. Despite that, Raul didn’t struggle in Marina’s grasp.

She may have spoken evenly, but he could hear the hidden pain in her breath and feel the light sweat on her hand. She’d been moving around too much as is, any wrong move might set her healing back and Raul wouldn’t risk that.

Ren walked out of the hotel and kept walking with a breezy confidence. Only once he’d gotten three blocks away did his cocky attitude deflate as he coughed roughly into his hand.

‘To get like this without even seeing any action, pathetic.’ He wiped the blood on his pants while looking around the unfamiliar city. A self-deprecating smile couldn’t help spreading across his face at how far he’d fallen.

Mother wouldn’t see him, the house disowned him, his friends for years walked out on him, and even the new brother he’d made turned out to be working an angle.

His fist tightened in anger. The entire world seemed to think he was its punching bag, he’d soon proof them wrong. ‘Three more weeks, I’ll show them who’s trash.’

“That bastard! If I ever see him again I’m gonna kick his ass!” Raul raged. He, Marina, Ellen, and Tai were in Ellen’s room.

“Why are you complaining? I’m the one who had to fight for him.” Ellen grumbled.

“That’s exactly why I’m complaining! You were so cool and amazing in that fight. Totally saved his butt and he didn’t even thank you, pisses me off!” He seethed.

“Nice try, but don’t think you can butter me up and make it ok.” Ellen huffed.

“Of course, of course, wouldn’t dream of it.” Raul nodded gravely while accepting the bread and sausage sticks she gave him.

“Don’t spoil him Ellen.” Tai chastised before turning to Raul. “His behavior aside, you can’t just bring people over, that’s dangerous.”

“Wow, really? I would’ve never figured that out on my own. You’re amazing big bro.” Raul looked at him with awe filled eyes.

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Tai twitched in irritation and resisted the urge to smack him. “You can’t do the deed and then act like not doing it is obvious jackass.”

“Usually, I’d agree with you, but this case had special circumstances. I mean, come on, have I ever brought a stranger home before?”

Tai had to admit this was true. Raul never involved the House in his private life, asides from a few tabs. “Sigh. Elaborate.” He said while rubbing his head. Ellen already caught him up on the basics, but there was clearly more to it.

Raul told the story of last night again, the uncensored version this time. Everyone already knew Ren’s situation now anyway, so he didn’t consider it a breach of trust.

“So you knew he’d bring problems but brought him here anyway?” Marina finally spoke with a cold fury.

“What choice did I have? You saw what happened with his sister, he would’ve died if I’d left him.” He said righteously.

Tai and Ellen sighed helplessly. It couldn’t be helped. Raul only became a cultivator a few months ago, he didn’t understand how cheap life truly was.

“Naïve.” Marina scolded, unconcerned with his past experiences. “It would’ve been one thing if he was a loose cultivator, but the moment you knew he belonged to a Family you should’ve thought twice before involving yourself.”

Raul’s face grew hard as he looked at Marina coldly. “What are you saying? That I should’ve let him die because of his last name? That’s insane.”

“What’s more insane, letting a stranger die, or carelessly endangering your Family? Because that’s what you’re doing when you carelessly get involved with higher households!” Marina’s voice rose with her anger as she glared back at him.

Ellen stepped in between them with raised hands. “Hold up, let’s just all calm down and–“

“You stay out of this!” Marina snapped, surprising her. Ellen wanted to say something, but Tai pulled her out from between them.

Marina focused her gaze back on Raul. “Do you have any idea how poorly today could’ve gone? If one of those attacks hit then Ellen would’ve gotten seriously hurt, and if he brought the building down then who knows how many of the hotel staff would’ve died!”

This was an exaggeration. None of the staff would’ve actually died as they were all in a bunker at the time, otherwise Akito wouldn’t have even dared consider it. He may not care for their lives, but all hotels that catered to cultivators were contracted by the city, and while property damage could be waved over, the death of any staff was a lack of respect and would be dealt with harshly.

Of course, Raul didn’t know any of that. Marina’s words hit right in his sore spot and pangs of guilt rang through him. “How was I supposed to know he’d just attack like that.” He defended himself. He didn’t think anyone would launch an attack in the middle of someone’s home, it was nuts.

“It was about an insignia, you should know from your own experiences how seriously cultivators take them.” She countered. “Even if it wasn’t about something so serious, Shining Ocean’s actions aren’t uncommon in the cultivator world, the world you’re now a part of.” She poked him in the chest for emphasis.

“Taking several steps back, even if he didn’t attack, your actions would’ve still implicated the House and jeopardized everyone’s exams. An Earl House usually has an average of five True Pillars every exam, what if they all decide to target Tai? Did you even think about what your actions could cost him?” She didn’t let up at all, hammering each cost in.

“Kuh.” Raul clenched his fist and glanced at Tai as those pangs of guilt overwhelmed his anger. The entire Family put a lot of hopes on Tai’s performance, he couldn’t even fathom the amount of burden on his shoulder. He wanted to become a cultivator to help him with it, not make it worse.

“I couldn’t leave him.” He mumbled, despite knowing he messed up. The idea of leaving a drunk and helpless Ren to his fate sickened him to his core, he didn’t think he could do it.

Tai noticed Raul’s look and couldn’t help patting him on the shoulder. “It’s no problem man. You’re thinking too much. If Ellen could seal him then he’s no threat to me.” He said arrogantly.

“Oi. You got something you want to say to me?” Ellen glared at him. Admittedly her sealing skills weren’t exceptional in the Vault Family, but her ability to blend them with her battle skills surpassed most.

“Cough, I phrased that poorly.” Tai muttered while refusing to meet her eye.

“You two are part of the problem.” Marina rounded her angry glare to them, causing them to unconsciously back up. “Why the hell are you trying to make it easier on him? You just risked your life for a stranger he brought over, and you had the test of your life increase in difficulty. Don’t excuse it, don’t give him snacks or joke about it, get angry! How’s he supposed to know when he did something wrong if you coddle him!” Marina looked a little pale at this point and couldn’t stop herself from panting. All the stress was really taking a toll.

Even with her frail appearance her words held an undeniable power. Ellen looked down while resisting the urge to say sorry mom. Even Tai offered no argument as he looked away in red-faced shame.

She turned back to Raul. “Everyone told me you’re street smart so I didn’t think this was necessary, but that clearly doesn’t apply to Households or cultivators. I’m giving you a crash course on how to deal with them correctly and you’re not leaving this hotel until I’m convinced you know the basics.” She said in a tone that brook no argument before leaving.

Raul couldn’t say a word as he watched the bashful Ellen and Tai move out of Marina’s way.

“Man, I didn’t know she could get so scary.” Ellen muttered. Marina usually appeared calm and composed, it was Ellen’s first time seeing her get truly angry.

Tai nodded and said, “Indeed, but she does have a point.” Tai felt guilty as he couldn’t refute Marina’s claims. Ellen didn’t have any responsibility for Raul’s education, but he definitely did. “Don’t worry bro, I’ll help you with your lessons. If it’s just the basics you can be a free man in a couple of days.” He pat Raul’s shoulder.

“Oh no you don’t!” Ellen got in between them. “You have the exams soon, you’re not doing shit but preparing. I’ll help them with the lessons.”

‘You should be preparing too.’ Tai wanted to say but refrained, not wanting to bring up that argument again.

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