Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2)

Chapter 5: A Hoplite No More (Tranformation, Mythology, Historical)

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Arcturus is a hoplite destined for war. However, on the eve of battle, he visits the seers of Thebes who offer him a chance to survive the coming conflict.

But the cost is high. Is he really willing to change who he is in order to live?

Or rather, is... she... willing to change?

Fetishes: Transformation, Pegging, and Oral

Arcturus made his way up the mountainside, following along a series of paths that had been cut into the ground by the movement of a thousand such pilgrims over just as many years. Below him was the city of Thebes and above was a structure as old as the gods themselves.

It was a lonely journey today as many in the town below were busying themselves with the coming war. The men were preparing for battle, the smiths were forging armour and spears, and the markets were preparing the rations necessary for the long military campaign ahead.

He should’ve been back in the city, doing his part and readying himself for combat. He was a man of fighting age and more than capable of standing his ground within a phalanx. And he would most certainly be conscripted into their ranks once he returned from this voyage.

The thought filled him with a mix of emotions though mostly it was dread that came forward to fill his mind. A dread so pure that it dumped pure ice into his veins. Their commander was no Athena, the warriors were not favoured by Ares, and it seemed that only Hades alone would be there to welcome them in this fruitless crusade.

One foot went in front of the other as one sharp bend gave way to another. Slowly, he ventured higher and higher still. Until finally, he stood before the temple. It was old, older than any other structure in Thebes below.

It was a structure that probably looked pristine back in its days though the marble had tarnished with age as cracks began to form in the material. Vines clung to every surface and spiralled along the many mighty columns that supported the roof.

Still, there were signs of life as there was a garden out front, its harvest bountiful. Impressive considering this was probably the only crop in the land that had not faced hardship this year. Yet, here on what should’ve been a barren mountaintop, there were fruits, grapes, vegetables, and grains growing with such raw abundance.

It was incredible what the gods could bestow upon a favoured few.

Arcturus passed by the garden and made his way towards the entrance, stepping inside.

The interior was dimly lit with only a few kindling flames providing any illumination. The air smelled heavy of flowery fragrances and there was a smoky quality to it as well. It helped put the young hoplite at ease as he ventured deeper inside.

He entered a chamber where an impressive fire crackled away with three women around it. The women seemed at peace, chatting amongst themselves and enjoying a meal with wine. They were almost completely naked though they didn’t seem to mind this in the slightest.

One of them noticed Arcturus and smiled.

“So, a hoplite wishes to speak with Thebe’s seers?” she asked.

Arcturus’ eyes widened. “You know me?”

“Not you exactly but on the eve of war it would be strange for a smith or a farmer to come to our chambers,” a second woman said, flashing an equally welcoming smile. “Plus, we’ve been seeing nothing but hoplites for a fortnight now.”

Arcturus couldn’t help but let out a tense note of amusement. These seers were nothing if not astute.

“I hope the adventure wasn’t a long one?” a third woman asked, standing up and approaching him. “I know the city has done a poor job of maintaining the paths leading towards our abode.”

As the women came closer, Arcturus got a better look at them.

The first women to speak bore a full-bodied figure with tanned skin that looked like it was more appropriate on a Persian woman than a Greek. Her hair was long and a rich brown in colour. The second woman was thin but tall with the pale skin and red hair that seemed more appropriate for a Gaul. The third seemed local with an earthen skin-tone and short black hair with a body that was an average of the other two.

“I am Persephone,” the first woman said.

The second advanced, holding a hand to her naked chest. “And I am Theodora.”

And finally, the third laid a hand upon him, reaching for the knot that kept his garb tied together. “And I am Helen though I can promise you that I am not from Troy.”

Arcturus drew in a breath and smiled. “I am Arcturus, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“That is a mighty name,” Persephone said. “One that has been borne by many legendary warriors throughout the Peloponnese.”

Arcturus looked at her. “Does that bode well for me?”

“Possibly,” Helen said, shrugging. “Though names alone are not an indicator of bravery or fate. We once met a Hercules who was trampled to death by a herd of cattle on his way to the markets one Sunday morning.”

“And don’t forget about the Achilles who was slain by a beggar bearing nothing more than a rusty sickle,” Theodora added as she scoffed at the memory.

“But I guess we won’t really know much about your fate until you participate in one of our rituals,” Helen offered, winking at him. “It is hard to divinate without divinations, you know?”

Arcturus reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag containing coinage, freshly minted from the silver of Athens. This was his portion of the accursed bullion that had so eagerly brought Thebes to war. It was a mercenary’s sum.

“I have brought tribute,” he said.

Helen took the bag and opened it, peering inside. “This will do nicely. The traders who come up here prefer Athenian money to any other currency.”

“Shame that such currency will not hold much value after our next trade,” Theodora quipped, snorting. “Not that they need to know such things.”

Arcturus’ stomach dropped at such a statement. It was not reassuring to hear that your ally’s currency would lose all value in the near future. Why would Athenian bullion lose its worth? Were they really destined to lose against Sparta that quickly and to such an extent?

“Just because an Empire falls doesn’t mean that everyone is slated for equal destitution,” Persephone added, smiling at Arcturus as she took his hand. “In fact, there are many who would benefit from a shake up in the world order.”

She led him towards the fire in the centre of the room, moving him over to a fine rug that was positioned near a broiling cauldron.

“Is there anything special that needs to be done on my behalf?” Arcturus asked.

Helen smiled and moved towards a table that was set off to the side of the room. “If you’d please shed your attire.”

She then grabbed a mortar and pestle, grinding together some ingredients that were inside. Though she also added a couple more that were equally colourful and exotic in nature. They seemed to come from all over the known world and maybe even beyond.

“You commune naked?” Arcturus asked.

Helen shrugged. “I don’t question the will of the gods but they speak more clearly when there is no barrier between them and us.”

Arcturus nodded and accepted this answer. He reached for his garb, pulling the cheap and rough fabric away from his body. There was no ceremony to his actions as he quickly discarded his attire and folded it, placing it on the ground next to the rug. There was no shame to be had as the women were clearly the expert in this field and didn’t seem to mind nudity in the slightest.

He also knew that he was an attractive figure, cut from the stone of heroes with a body that had been toned through years of working in his family’s vineyard. It was the body of a freeman but not so free that it had become soft from wealth. His skin was left tanned, a brown that conflicted with the light shade of his hair.

“You are built like a hoplite,” Persephone chimed in, flashing a smile.

She was busy working on something else at another station, bundling together a collection of wood and fiber. If Arcturus had to guess, he’d assume it was for the fire in front of him.

“Feel free to sit,” Theodora offered, pointing to the rug.

Arcturus settled down upon the floor, feeling like a lost child who didn’t quite know what he was supposed to do. So, he opted to fold his hands within his lap and look around as he watched the women work.

Theodora wasn’t prepping something but was instead moving around the circle, placing down little bundles of flowers while also using a stick of charcoal to etch out creative symbols upon the stone. This was when Arcturus realized he was in the midst of an intricate piece of art, featuring all sorts of pictography that looked incredibly spiritual in nature.

“So…” Arcturus glanced down at his hands. “How does one find themselves becoming an oracle?”

“It’s usually by receiving a message from one of the gods,” Persephone replied.

Helen snorted. “Usually, it’s Athena though apparently Theodora was selected by Poseidon.”

“But we’re…” Arcturus began.

Theodora chuckled. “You aren’t the first person to point out that we’re nowhere near the coast. I’ll be the first to admit that he was a strange choice for this temple but…” She shrugged. “A god is a god regardless of their logic.”

“If you really think about it, anywhere in Greece is relatively close to a coast,” Helen added, pointing the mucked-up tip of pestle at her companion. “This isn’t Macedonia or any of those farther off and less civilized domains where the water is green.”

She placed the pestle down and brought the mortar over, kneeling down beside Arcturus. Inside the bowl was a purplish substance that sparkled slightly in the fire’s light. It seemed to be a mixture of lavender and some sort of metallic dust though it was moistened, looking quite sticky.

“What is that?” Arcturus asked.

“A little paint,” Helen explained, dipping her fingers into it. “The ways of the divine are mysterious but it helps us channel your fate into a more tangible reading if you are marked with their symbols during the divination.”

“The gods work in weird ways,” Arcturus murmured.

Helen snorted. “Just be thankful that you only require their services on occasion. Imagine having to fulfill their will for your entire lifetime.” She shook her head and sighed. “It isn’t easy work. I’ll tell you that much.”

She started to spread the paint upon his chest, tracing some sort of crude picture upon it. Her presence was so close that Arcturus could feel the warmth of her body and could smell the rich scent of the perfume that she wore. It smelled floral and lovely, whatever it was.

He flushed as he realized that the presence of someone so beautiful was having a reaction upon his anatomy, causing it to stir and harden.

It didn’t seem like Helen noticed however as she continued to draw little patterns upon his flesh. By the time she was finished, there were a few symbols upon his chest and a few more that ventured down to his belly and out along his forearms.

Arcturus shuffled as she drew back, trying to hide his erection between his legs.

Though this only made Helen notice it as she let out an amused note of laughter. “You are not the first man to have such a reaction, young Arcturus, though I do appreciate your restraint. Not many men are quite so kind.”

“Did he pop a boner to seeing three beautiful women completely in the buff?” Persephone asked, shaking her head. “Who could possibly do such a thing?” Though there was no legitimate bite to her words.

Arcturus sucked in a breath and felt his cheeks burn even more. “I believe there is a spirit in control of my body.”

“The only spirit inside of you right now is the will of Aphrodite,” Helen teased.

With the empty bowl in hand, she returned to her spot and settled down upon a rug that was to the left of Arcturus. She placed the bowl aside and instead folded her own hands within her lap. It was also around this time that Persephone finished with her circle and Theodora had finished manufacturing her bundle of combustibles.

Arcturus watched as both of them occupied a spot around the cauldron as well, the four of them forming a loose circle around the bristling flames. It was hot to be this close to the fire and he couldn’t help but sweat, feeling moisture form against his brow.

“Are you ready to begin?” Theodora asked, holding up the bundle of wood and wagging it back and forth before his eyes.

Arcturus didn’t speak and instead simply nodded. This seemed to please the seer as she tossed the wood into the flames. Soon the reds and oranges erupted and grew in size, washing an even more intense heat across the room. The flames soon took on other colours as blues and greens were added into the mix as well. It was beautiful to watch, unnatural but impossible to look away from.

He instinctively sucked in a breath.

The paint upon his body started to glow, taking on an ethereal quality, seeming to absorb the very energy of the gods. Each of the seers closed their eyes and started to chant in an unfamiliar language that seemed older than the world itself.

Somehow even with the flames broiling with such vigour it seemed like the world was darkening as a strange mist crawled in, seemingly from the very walls themselves.

Arcturus’ heart was hammering inside of his chest and his breathing started to grow more frantic as the intensity of things took on a more fevered pitch. Soon the seers were having an energetic conversation amongst themselves, sharing information that he had no hope of being privy to. Their eyes were glassy and unfocused as they spoke. It was like their gaze was somewhere else, somewhere that only those graced with divinity could ever hope to see.

He closed his eyes, trying to block out the terror that he felt. At this moment, he realized why these witches were only visited on such rare occasions. Who would willingly subject themselves to this kind of treatment? It was loud and bright and hot and just an assault upon all of his senses, relentlessly grinding against them, all at once.

Then, just as he was about to scream, the fevered pitch faded and the voices fell away.

Arcturus opened his eyes and saw that the world had largely returned to normal. The flames were orange, the mist had dissipated, and the three seers seemed to have calmed.

The only thing that gave away that something terrifying had happened was his own hammering pulse and the frantic nature of his breathing.

“Sorry about that,” Helen quipped. “I know the first time can seem a little intense to those who are uninitiated.”

“Intense is one way of putting it,” Arcturus whispered. “D-did you learn anything?”

“Many things,” Persephone replied.

Theodora flashed a smile. “Let me be the first to congratulate you on your father’s survival.”

Arcturus’ eyes widened which made Theodora suck in a breath through her teeth. “I take it you were not aware of his illness.”

“I think that’s a few years down the road, Theodora,” Persephone quipped.

Helen shook her head and held up a hand. “Regardless, let's focus on the question you came here to ask.”

Arcturus nodded and looked between the three seers. “Am I going to survive the coming war?”

“Yes and no,” Helen answered.

Arcturus cocked a brow, hoping for something a little less cryptic than that.

“I know, I know, not exactly the most helpful answer in the world,” Helen admitted, sighing. “You will survive but the fates have informed me that you’ll go through many changes that…” She rolled her hand through the air, obviously trying to find a way to phrase this message. “Do you remember that riddle about the ship?”

“The one where you remove one plank and replace and then keep doing that until you have enough scrap timber to rebuild the ship or something like that?” Arcturus asked.

Persephone snapped her fingers and nodded. “Exactly! You’re like that ship. So, you survive but are you really still you at the end of it?”

Arcturus paused, trying to decipher what that could possibly mean.

“Though there is also an alternative path that you could take,” Theodora added. “One where you die fighting instead of being this ship.”

“A choice?” Arcturus asked.

Helen nodded. “The fates do provide them at times.”

Theodora suddenly got up and made her way over to another workstation where she busied herself with a pet project. Once more she started to grind together ingredients, mixing them into yet another concoction that seemed exotic and mystic in nature.

“The gods have informed us that we’ll be providing you a choice between these two paths today,” Helen stated, glancing at him. “You’ll be presented with a brew which if drunk will allow you to survive but be greatly changed. The option to consume it will be left up to you.”

Arcturus nodded, once more looking at his hands. It wasn’t exactly an easy choice to make, especially with imperfect information. Though he assumed these seers were not the kind of people who could offer easy alternatives and clear answers.

The options were life and death from the sound of it. Still, the fact that Arcturus would no longer be himself, if he chose life, bothered him immensely. The phrasing of that statement felt so woefully cryptic.

What could that possibly mean?

He pondered it for a moment before looking at Helen.

“Would my death in war be honourable?” he asked.

Helen hissed through her teeth. “I’m afraid that the fates have informed us that you’ll die of camp fever during a poorly planned siege.”

“Ah…” Arcturus pursed his lips together. “That’s a little grizzly.”

“Not ideal, no,” Persephone added. “But when it comes down to it, for every Achilles there are a thousand poor bastards who die shitting themselves to death outside of a city’s walls.”

“Persephone,” Helen hissed.

Persephone laughed and could only shrug in response. “What? Would you prefer that I lied?”

“There’s just a more polite way of phrasing it is all,” Helen grumbled. “It's called being the victim of attrition.”

Theodora approached and settled down beside Arcturus, holding out a cup with some sort of strong-smelling tea inside. It was greenish in colour with various kinds of pulp floating around within. She didn’t speak but simply smiled at him.

“So, this is the choice, huh?” Arcturus asked

The other women all studied him and their only response was to simply nod at his question.

Arcturus hummed and brought it to his lips. Though instead of taking a sip, he drew in a deep breath through his nose.

“Yep, smells… strong,” he murmured.

“Most mystical brews do,” Theodora said.

“Any hints about what this potion does?” Arcturus asked.

There was no response from the assembled seers. It would seem that this was something that the fates didn’t want him to be privy too.

“Nice temple, isn’t it?” Persephone asked, letting out a sigh. “Anybody would be lucky for a chance to live here.”

Helen glared at her and the other seer sealed her lips.

“Wait…” Arcturus began, realization dawning upon him. “Does this turn me into one of you?”

Helen huffed and glared at Persephone. “The fates did not want him knowing about that until after he drank the potion.”

“Why would they want that information to be hidden from me?” Arcturus asked, drawing the potion away from himself. He instead looked warily at the seers, suddenly feeling incredibly ill at ease. These women were up to something and he didn’t like it one bit.

“Because trying to convince people to join our ranks is a pain in the ass,” Theodora quipped as she also shot Persephone a sharp look. “Who wants to live on a mountainside in a decrepit temple for the rest of their life?”

“I mean it doesn’t seem all that bad,” Arcturus said.

Theodora snorted. “Wait until winter when you have the wind blowing right through the middle of this place. Then tell me how much you like the idea of living here.”

“How can I be sure that your prophecy is even true,” Arcturus replied, glaring at her. “Maybe you’re just scamming me. How do I know that you’re really even seers?”

Helen smirked. “Your favourite colour is evergreen.”

Then Theodora cut in. “When you were five, you shattered a wine vase and blamed it on a slave. The punishment he received still haunts you.”

Finally, Persephone. “You lied about the reality of losing your virginity when talking with Max earlier this week.”

Arcturus flushed. “Alright, alright, maybe you three know a thing or two but I still don’t appreciate being lied to.”

“Well, feel free to get your next prophecy at another temple then. I’m sure they’ll do the exact same thing to you,” Helen teased. “Same pantheon after all.”

“Some of the people on the islands might be a little more honest,” Theodora admitted. “Though who wouldn’t want to live on one of those islands.”

“Someone with a fish allergy,” Persephone ribbed.

Arcturus looked down at the drink and swirled it around though this did nothing to break up any of the solids present within. He drummed his fingers against the side of the container, really wondering if he should risk it.

The gods were a lot of things and they worked in mysterious ways but even this seemed absurd by their standards. There were many fair maidens amongst the Greeks and they supposedly wanted to conscript a hoplite into becoming an oracle?

Still, this was between life and death. And as a result, the choice is a lot easier to make.

So, he started to bring the cup towards his lips.

“Oh, before you drink that we should also discuss the other aspects of the ceremony,” Persephone said.

Arcturus paused and drew the cup away. “How much are you keeping from me?”

“Very little,” Persephone answered. “But since you know what the potion does, you should probably also know that there will be a little ceremony attached to it. One which requires us to bed you in order for the process to be completed.”

Arcturus cocked a brow. “You’re telling me that my reward for drinking this is an opportunity to sleep with you lot?”

The three women looked between themselves and all nodded.

“Well, that makes the choice a whole lot easier,” Arcturus said, chuckling to himself.

He once more brought the cup to his lips and held it there as he pondered what to do. Though in the end, life was too tempting of an option as he tilted it back, drinking the liquid inside. It had a fowl taste to it, strong and bitter with plenty of acidity. This was not an enjoyable tea, not even remotely but still he drank from it, guzzling both pulp and fluid alike.

His stomach was not fond of it but he did feel a certain mythical energy coursing through his veins and ebbing through every fibre of his system. It felt like the power of the gods, like the very essence of creation had entered him, ready to mold him as it saw fit.

Finally, he finished the brew and drew the cup away from his lips. “Fuck, why does that taste like mare piss?”

“Why do you know what mare piss tastes like?” Helen asked.

Arcturus flushed. “Un… unimportant.”

Helen and Persephone exchanged a look and a pair of knowing smiles. What those smiles knew was something that Arcturus would never be privy to.

He… no they… definitely they looked down at their arms, their eyes widening as the hairs upon it were already starting to soften and retract. They were fading away much like the muscles contained within each bicep.

What were these witches doing? How could they possibly possess such power?

Because they’re oracles you fool, it’s kind of their job to possess such powers.

“I feel… strange,” Arcturus admitted, flushing as they realized that their voice had cracked.

A heat ebbed in their chest, and as they looked down at it, they noticed that their muscles were starting to transition into fat, growing soft and round. At this moment, they were developing breasts which were currently small and modest, perky and triangular in shape.

“That will happen,” Helen replied. “Kind of the effect of taking a potion that so utterly changes your outward appearance.”

“Not to mention what it’ll do to your internal persona,” Persephone replied.

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The two oracles slid over and came up alongside Arcturus. Persephone stroked at their chest while Helen’s hands rested upon their thigh. Their touch was so euphoric, ebbing with a kind of power that the former hoplite had never experienced before.

It was like every nerve inside of them had been heightened to some unheard-of degree.

Arcturus also noticed how much softer their skin felt, like cream or butter with no imperfections or blemishes present upon it.

A faint moan bubbled forth from the back of their throat, sounding soft and oddly high-pitched, almost feminine in nature.

Finally, they glanced between their legs and realized that there was some shrinkage taking place in the organ between them. Their pride still remained hardened, however, even in this withered state. A fat drop of their lust lingered at the very tip though it had grown thin and nearly translucent in quality.

Persephone seemed to notice this as she wrapped her fingers around their shaft and started to stroke it back and forth. It was hard to define how much better having a woman stroke your cock was when you had the sensitivity of a female body. Arcturus moaned with such freedom, shivering against those very same fingers.

“You’re adorable,” Helen whispered.

Her lips went for Arcturus’ chest and latched onto one of their nipples, suckling upon it firmly. The sensation was like a thunderclap, crashing down upon them and sending their mind into a frantic frenzy. They had no idea that stimulation to their nipple could feel so wonderful as they cried out and jerked their hips forward into Persephone’s awaiting hand.

Theodora was then behind them, reaching out and massaging their shoulders. One hand reached up and ran through their hair which now felt so much softer and had grown since they’d last seen their reflection this morning. Her other hand caressed their cheek which was now free of any stubble, as naked as the day they were born.

The women’s presence was warm, reassuring, and comforting in that moment. It felt wonderful to have their sacred company, feel their sacred touch, engage in their sacred duties.

“I don’t believe that Arcturus is a fitting name anymore,” Theodora whispered, her lips mere inches from their ear. “It is the name of a mighty hero but not that of an oracle.”

“How about Artemis,” Helen quipped, drawing away from Arcturus’ newly formed breasts. “I am sure that our brave hero would be a fine hunter, surely one of the goddess’ maidens if she were to choose such a name.”


The pronoun felt proper, like it belonged even more so than they. Its usage alone was enough to elicit a euphoric little note from the back of her throat.

“Or how about Desdemona,” Persephone added.

“I believe it should be up to the hero to choose her name,” Theodora said, looking towards the girl formerly known as Arcturus and offering her a smile.

The hero sucked in a breath at the request, trying to rove through her mental reserves in order to select one that seemed fitting for her new position in life. It was hard to think straight with so many skilled hands upon her body, groping and squeezing, stroking and fondling at her flesh.

These hands didn’t let up in the slightest, seeming to take so much glee in poking and prodding at her newly sensitive skin. They explored her, caressing spots that were now so surprisingly sensitive. All the while Persephone continued to stroke her erection, gliding her hand back and forth along it.

“Galen,” the oracle now known as Galen whispered. “I like the name Galen.”

“Could belong to either a boy or a girl,” Helen quipped, kissing her upon the neck and driving forth another pleasured gasp. “Fitting for someone of your new status.”

“Galen it is,” Theodora whispered. “Tell me, Galen, are you ready to finish with your ceremony?”

Galen nodded, feeling like her poor body couldn’t be tormented anymore than it already had. It was impressive what a few hands and a couple properly placed kisses could do to a person. She would have to ensure that she held onto this information for future use.

Theodora slid back and sat directly behind Galen. “Rest your head in my lap, dear.”

Galen obeyed, laying back and resting her head within Theodora’s soft lap. Her hand reached out and caressed her face as she offered her companion a warm smile.

“This ritual is… strange,” Galen whispered.

“Good strange or bad strange?” Persephone asked.

“Good… definitely good,” Galen replied, unable to contain her laughter as a pent-up burst of excitement escaped her lips.

Soon she felt Persephone settle by her groin. She looked down and saw that the oracle was right beside her erection, carefully grasping the shrunken appendage and then positioned her mouth directly over top of it. Had it really gotten that small in such a short amount of time?

“Are you ready?” Persephone asked.

Galen nodded.

And with that Persephone took her erection between her lips, bobbing along it in shallow little motions. Her tempo was slow but regular and her tongue took much glee in rolling around her erection over and over again.

Galen gasped and groaned, moaning with such a lack of restraint. It was surprising how sensitive her erection had become as a pent-up pleasure began to grow inside of her. It was like every nerve had been concentrated into this small appendage. The pleasure she felt built up with the speed of Hermes, growing powerful and potent in a relatively short amount of time.

Soon, Persephone ventured to the base, not quite the accomplishment that it had once been but it still felt oh so divine to have every inch buried between her lips. It felt impossibly serene, filling Galen with a strange and excitable clairvoyance.

“Holy shit,” Galen whispered.

“Persephone does have a rather seasoned mouth,” Helen teased, dancing her fingers across Galen’s belly. “Though she doesn’t get to play with girls of your particular anatomy very often.”

“W-will I lose it after this?” Galen asked.

Helen shrugged. “This is fresh ground for ourselves as well. We’re not as popular as the other oracles are. So, we get to perform less of these rituals than we would like.”

“Though thankfully the gods provide plenty of guidance,” Theodora added.

Galen’s mind slipped away from the conversation as she felt Persephone’s hand cradle her little balls. These had started to shrink as well. Still, it felt nice to have them fondled, acting as quite the sensation when combined with the impressive pace of Persephone’s eager little mouth.

The woman now lingered at the base of Galen’s erection, suckling and swirling her tongue around it with more and more vigour. It was an impossible sensation to describe though it felt like pure pleasure as Galen’s back arched away from the floor and another potent gasp her lips.

Her eyes were wide and she could feel a fire starting to catch within her stomach, kindling away with vigour.

“Fuck,” Galen whispered.

Theodora snickered and stroked her cheek. “Feels fantastic, doesn’t it?”

“Just wait until you get to feel that whenever you’d like,” Helen added.

She had drifted back to Galen’s chest and once more flicked one of her nipples with the tip of her tongue. Even such a mild touch, such a small sensation, was enough to corrupt her thoughts and meddle them into something great.

“You three…” Galen began though was cut off by a moan, unable to collect her thoughts.

“I mean we’re three lonely oracles who share a mountaintop together,” Helen teased, obviously picking up on what she intended. “Do you think we go without company just to appease some silly purity rules?”

“Plus, Artemis and Aphrodite would be rather displeased with us if we were to deny our needs,” Theodora cut in.

Helen sighed. “Remember that time that we met Sappho.”

“Oh my gods, she was such a good companion,” Theodora bemoaned, her voice heavy with happy memories. “It’s such a shame that she had to move out to those stupid islands. I do so miss her strap game at times.”

Galen tuned out the conversation, feeling herself being driven towards the edge. She gasped and jerked her hips forwards, not that it was of much use as Persephone was already buried against her pelvis. Though the girl did start to bob along her erection once again.

It wouldn’t be much longer now, it couldn’t be much longer now, as it seemed like every nerve inside of her system was being bathed in a shroud of utter bliss. This was a sensation that would’ve made empire’s fall just to be experienced.

And it was Galen’s sensation to enjoy and hers alone.

“I’m getting close,” she whispered.

This didn’t seem to deter Persephone who bobbed back and forth, back and forth with such practiced ease, going faster and faster still. She didn’t seem perturbed by the experience, didn’t seem to mind one little bit. In fact, considering the speed of her tongue, it seemed to be a sensation that she was desperate to experience for herself as well.

Then, seemingly without warning, she pulled back abruptly.

Though it was too late as Galen had already tipped over the edge and plunged into the waters of euphoric bliss. She gasped and launched her hips into the air, penetrating the atmosphere as her cock twitched. A strand of solid white cum erupted from the tip and launched high into the air, cutting through it before landing upon her belly. It was followed by a second and third spurt, each a little weaker than the last.

Until finally, her stream faded to nothing more than a pathetic feeble leakage that oozed down her shaft in thick pearly beads. Only then did Galen allow her hips to settle back upon the floor. Her breathing was frantic and her body tingled with such pleasant sensations.

Persephone grinned and collected a sample of her essence upon her fingers, licking it off of them. She seemed to enjoy it as a thin moan escaped her lips.

“I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did,” she said.

Galen nodded. “Holy shit.”

“It’s not everyday that I get to fellate someone of your stunning beauty. In fact, it’s very rare, so I take the opportunity whenever it’s presented to me,” Persephone added.

“There’s are others like me?” Galen asked.

Helen nodded. “Those who occupy a balance between man and woman, someone who is neither and both at the same time. I’m sure our future descendants will provide a better word to describe it. But what you are is a holy being, someone to be prized by the gods themselves.”

“Huh,” Galen whispered. “I don’t feel particularly special?”

“Those with your condition rarely do,” Theodora teased.

Galen looked down at her cock, seeing how much it had faded. “Is that going to stay?”

“I’m still unsure about that,” Theodora admitted.

Persephone nodded along. “Sometimes it stays and sometimes it becomes something new.”

Galen settled back upon the plush rug and looked up at the ceiling of the temple. It was decorated with designs from artists who were long gone, depicting the gods who were always watching over humanity. Though at this moment, Galen couldn’t help but feel like she was the focal point of their attention.

Maybe a little conceited, probably very conceited. Yet, when your mind was in the midst of a ritual like this it was hard not to feel uniquely special within the grand scheme of the cosmos and the surrounding world.

She looked to her side and saw that the three seers were still studying her, sharing a knowing look between themselves.

“Is the ritual not completed yet?” Galen asked, cocking a brow.

Helen smirked. “Not quite. There is still one final ritual to solidify your ascension to our ranks. Though I can promise you that it will be just as pleasurable as the last.”

“Oh, are you really feeling up to the task, Helen,” Persephone teased, holding a hand to her chest “I doubt your ritualistic vigour can even compare to mine.”

“This isn’t a competition,” Theodora ribbed, rolling her eyes. She then looked down at Galen and reached out to cup her cheek. “We’re here to ensure that the gods’ will is channeled through their chosen vessel. There is no winning or losing in this, only fulfilling the will of Olympus.”

Helen got up and Galen watched as she moved over to a chest within the room. She opened it and rifled around inside for a few moments before retrieving something from within. It was a leather harness of some sort with a long coppery…

Galen’s eyes widened as she realized that it was a faux phallus, mighty in its dimensions, looking larger than any she had ever seen in her life.

“Uh…” Theodora let out a nervous note of laughter. “The Gods’ will can apparently be channeled via a suppository at times.”

“And copper is a rather adept material for it,” Persephone added, shrugging. “Really good at conducting their will and whatnot.”

Helen nodded in agreement. “You learn not to question these things when you become a seer. Some days the gods will present themselves in animal bones and entrails. And other days they will come to us in the form of raunchy anal sex.”

“I see,” Galen whispered.

If she hadn’t already undergone such drastic changes, this would’ve been enough to knock her faith in the gods loose. Though it instead filled her with a strange and deep intrigue. She had never been on the receiving end of something like this before and she couldn’t deny that there was a certain excitement lingering away at the back of her mind.

What would it feel like? Would it hurt?

Helen diverted her course away from her and went over to a table full of various food products, grabbing a smallish glass container and bringing it over as well. As she knelt by Galen, it became clear that the substance inside was olive oil.

“What position should I take?” Galen asked.

Helen smirked. “The gods have opted to let you decide. Though if you want my strictly personal opinion, I would say that taking it on your back is the easiest.”

“Though there is a benefit to being on your hands and knees instead,” Persephone added, offering a sly little smile. “Really it all comes down to personal preference.”

Galen thought about it for a moment, trying to call upon her limited knowledge from the other point of view. She had once liked to bed maidens face to face, loving to see their contorted pleasure as she hammered into them. So, maybe it would be fun to be on the opposite side of something like that for once.

So, she nodded, having made her decision. “I think I’ll take Helen’s advice.”

The seer grinned and started to affix the harness to her lover half, strapping it in place nice and tight. By the time she had finished, a hearty copper cock protruded from her lower half, looking like quite the daunting obstacle. It was far mightier than Galen’s had once been and approached the realm of being almost obscene in its design.

“How is a mortal supposed to take this?” Galen whispered.

Helen smirked and looked down at it, tracing a finger along its girthy mass. She seemed amused by the question before looking at Galen and staring her right in the eye.

“I believe there is a saying about the Gods finding a way,” she teased.

Galen chuckled. “Well for my sake, I hope that they do.”

Helen took the small container of olive oil and poured a little into her awaiting hand. She then rubbed the two of them together and spread the slickness along two of her fingers. They were positively glistening with the stuff by the time she was done, looking properly suited for the task at hand.

“On your back and spread your legs,” she instructed.

Galen didn’t complain and instead did as she was told, laying back upon the rug and resting her head against a pillow provided for her. It was a comfortable position to be in and she obediently spread her legs, knowing that she was exposing her adorable little cock and tight pucker to everyone else.

Her erection had already regained a little vigour, standing hard against her belly, even in its reduced state. A bead of something clear and sticky oozed from the tip and touched down upon her stomach, making her shiver.

Helen came forward and placed a hand upon her knee while approaching her rump with the other. She only extended two fingers, pressing them tenderly against her backdoor.

Galen drew in a breath, shivering at the strange sensation. It wasn’t bad, by any stretch, but it was utterly bizarre. She’d never been penetrated before and she didn’t know if she was ready to change that quite yet. Her eyes widened as these fingers managed to press inside, slipping in nice and slow.

Helen showed remarkable restraint, taking her time as she advanced inch by inch, deeper and deeper. It took awhile but she eventually rested her knuckles against Galen’s backdoor. She even smirked at her as she began to wiggle her fingers about, spreading the slickness throughout her inner walls.

Galen whimpered and could feel those digits press against something unknown in her backdoor, caressing it quite firmly. It was a wonderful sensation, euphoric, causing her cock to shudder and for more of her pre to come oozing from the tip.

“W-what is that?” Galen whispered, gasping at the sensation.

Helen chuckled. “A wonderful feature built into every Greek who is born a man. Though it is one that so woefully few of them are ever willing to take advantage of. Do you like it?”

Galen nodded rapidly. She was at a loss for words as all she could do was moan as this strange little organ was prodded once again.

Helen continued to wiggle the fingers around, spreading the slickness throughout her hindquarters. She didn’t stop until every inch of inner flesh was coated in a nice layer of olive oil. Only then did she pull her fingers back with a nice slurp of fluids.

Galen couldn’t help but whine at their sudden absence.

Once more, Helen poured more olive oil into her awaiting hand and then started to rub it into the faux phallus, ensuring that it was nice and slick. By the time she was finished, it glimmered in the dull lighting of the temple.

Helen then rested her hands upon Galen’s hips, giving them a nice squeeze.

This was the first time that Galen realized how much her hips had grown, filling out to an appropriate size. They were now somewhere between her old body and that of the seers that she was currently bedding.

Though such thoughts about her body were brought to an abrupt halt as Helen started to ease forwards, pressing the metal tip of her cock against her Galen’s tight little hole. Her mind went blank as she was penetrated, lost to the abruptness of the sensation. The prior warm-up was appreciated, making things much easier as she managed to slip inside.

A faint moan rose from Galen’s lips, one that sounded so pleasured and flowery in nature. It was surprisingly feminine with not a hint of masculinity lingering within it anymore. The sound of her own soft voice filled Galen with a strange euphoria, some sort of pride at how beautiful the gods had made her.

Helen eased in a couple more inches, her girth sizeable but bearable, making Galen bite her lip. Once she had nestled herself in by a decent amount, she then drew back and pumped forwards again, thrusting a little deeper than before. Then she did so a second and third time, each thrust managing to work herself further and further in.

Soon Helen was working at a steady pace, grunting as she pumped away. Still, even with the force she put into it, she remained cautious and safe with her actions, taking things nice and slow. For the barest of moments, Galen felt guilty for never treating a partner with such restraint, though any guilt was brushed aside as the tip of the faux erection pressed against that wonderful little button inside of her rump.

Galen gasped and felt her cock press even tighter against her belly, leaking even more of her precious seed.

As she looked up, she saw that Theodora was sitting in front of her, the other seer reaching out and touching a hand to her cheek.

“How does it feel to be on the other end for once?” she teased.

Galen drew in a ragged breath. “It feels… it feels good!”

She gasped loudly as Helen started to embolden herself, growing a little more forceful with her actions. Her hips hammered away with some legitimate vigour as her flesh clapped loudly against Galen’s rump with every movement she took. Soon there was a constant slapping of flesh against flesh as Helen really gave it to her.

There was divinity in the air, magic coursing through the experience and filling the room with a static energy. It only made sense. After all, how could something feel this good without the intervention of the gods.

Galen’s body felt so tender and sensitive, soft against the fingers that now touched her. The faux cock felt amazing and there was a tension taking root within her loins. It was rapidly growing in its intensity, beaconing her towards that fateful little moment that lingered at the end of this encounter.

Helen huffed for breath and drew back a hand, swatting Galen across the rump with it. The blow landed with a nice clap which echoed throughout the walls of the temple.

“Was that part of what the gods envisioned?” Persephone teased.

Helen shook her head. “Nah, that one was just for me.”

Galen didn’t complain. The little bite and then the burn that followed were such a wonderful pair of sensations to combine with the overwhelming pleasure of fornication. They filled her with a warmth that was so tantalizing. She would have to remember this little secret for later.

“I’m close,” Galen whispered.

Her poor cock was so hard, leaking with even more pre and drenching her erection in it. The fire in her core had finally caught and was burning away, increasing the tension inside of herself and threatening to push her into the realm of utter bliss.

“Feel free to finish whenever you’d like,” Helen grunted. “The gods have no quibbles when it comes to the matter of a lover’s stamina.”

Galen nodded and reached forwards with one of her hands. Helen looked at it and smiled, reaching out and gipping it tightly. The sensation of holding onto someone else while getting railed was uniquely pleasant, adding another moment of self-discovery to several minutes which had been absolutely filled with them.

She then gripped her feeble erection with her other hand and started to jerk herself off, swiftly stroking her adorable little cock. It was slick which meant that her progress was much more fluid than usual. Though she found that her traditional methods were obsolete as she instead focused on massaging the tip between her forefinger and thumb as if rubbing a woman’s clit.

Galen gasped as Helen bottomed out inside of her one final time. It seemed that this would be the final barrier. Her cock twitched and a mighty bead of nearly translucent cum launched high into the air, arching through it before falling upon her belly. It was followed by a second and third spurt, each of them weaker than the last. Though by the end, a small puddle of mostly clear fluids now rested upon her stomach.

Helen chuckled and drew back, pulling out of her, nice and slow. There was a belch of fluids as she evacuated, leaving her hole slightly agape and dripping with olive oil.

Persephone knelt beside her and offered a basin of water which Galen gladly took, enjoying a generous sip.

“So…” Galen began, drawing in a breath. “Is that it?”

The three seers looked at each other and they shifted their gaze towards the ceiling of the temple. One by one they nodded in agreement.

“I’m not hearing any complaints,” Theodora said.

Persephone shrugged. “Seemed like they enjoyed the show.”

Helen offered her hand which Galen took, using it to get to her feet. “Looks like you’re officially an oracle.”

Galen chuckled and wobbled a little, looking down at herself. She was curious about the continued presence of her rapidly softening pride. Still, if that was the body that the gods bestowed upon her then it was the body she would gladly have. Honestly, it was kind of cute.

“So, when do the gods start…” Galen began.

“Hey Galen,” a voice echoed throughout her mind, chuckling to itself. “Nice cock.”

Galen blinked. “What?”

“It’s me, Dionysus, your new patron,” Dionysus said, sounding so jovial. “I decided that I needed a little help spreading the message of free love to this neck of the woods and they’re telling me that a new oracle just opened up for the job.”

Galen’s eyes widened and she looked at the others who all seemed intrigued.

“It’s Dionysus,” she hissed, trying to keep her voice down.

Dionysus chuckled. “I can hear you. It kind of comes with the whole godhood thing.” He cleared his throat. “Anyways, how would you feel about drinking lots of wine, going to plenty of parties, and having tons of weird sex with absolute strangers?”

“I…” Galen paused and actually thought about it for a moment. She could only grin at the offer. “That actually sounds pretty rad.”

“Sweet!” Dionysus beamed. “I’ll fill you in on the deets in a little while.” He then tutted. “You’re going to need to do something about this pad though. This place isn’t really my style.” He scoffed. “Anyways mortal, I’ll be in touch in a couple days with all of the deets, you understand me?”

Glaen nodded.

And with that, the voice ceased and she was returned to the moment.

“Dionysus, huh?” Theodora teased. “What’s he like?”

“He uses the word ‘deets’,” Galen answered, looking between the other three “Does anyone even know what that even means?”

Persephone shrugged. “The gods always talk to us in mysterious ways. You learn not to question it after a while.” She shook her head before smiling at Galen. “Anyways, how about we get you set up with your own quarters? Probably have a mattress lying around somewhere. Should do nicely until we can get the locals to make you a proper bed.”

“Though…” Helen interrupted, placing a hand on Galen’s shoulder. “You’re always welcome to bed with us if you’d like.”

Galen flushed. “I uh…” She rubbed at her shoulder. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot!”


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