Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2)

Chương 6: Hen Locked in Her Roost (Female Master, BDSM, Transgender)

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Two weeks doesn't seem like a very long time... until you get locked in chastity by a domme who knows all your buttons.

Fetishes: Femdom, Chastity, Orgasm Denial, and Rough Oral

Tracey was a lot of things. She was twenty-seven, she was a brunette, she was trans, and she was currently pursuing her Masters in History. Though at this very moment, the only trait of hers that felt important to her addled little mind was the fact that she was pent-up as fuck.

She didn’t think of herself as a particularly sex crazed weirdo nor did her libido usually get to this point. Yet, it seemed that when her Mistress was involved that all of her traditional rationality went flying out of the window.

That woman had a way of toying with her that felt like it was almost supernatural if quality, managing to find all of those sweet little fetishes that meddled with her brain and denied her anything approaching rationality.

And over the last two weeks, that specific fetish of interest… that peculiar little itch had been chastity.

Even now, just seated in her living room, she could feel the tight little cage around her anatomy. It was perfectly sized for someone like her, cradling her soft pride in a barrier of pure steel. This cage was just tight enough to be noticeable but not so tight that it would cause any genuine pain. Still, it was hard to think straight with it lingering there, constantly reminding her of the fact that she couldn’t get off under her own freewill.

Tracey shuffled awkwardly in her seat, looking off to her side and glancing at her Mistress.

Amber was a beautiful woman, tall and slender with a chocolate-coloured skin. Her hair was curly and gorgeous, long and black. Meanwhile her attire was trendy as she wore a simple turtleneck and a pair of skinny jeans. She looked so confident and sexy, being such a wonderful juxtaposition to Tracey who felt awkward and lanky with attire that felt far too casual even if they were only lounging around at home.

“So…” Tracey started.

Amber looked at her and smiled. “So?”

“I was wondering if…” Tracey worked her jaw. “I…”

Amber only continued to smirk, merely nodding along and beaconing for her to continue. She seemed to know exactly what was up and appeared to be savouring every moment of it, denying her girlfriend a lifeline.

Tracey whined.

“Is something the matter, dear?” Amber finally asked, such dangerous implications dripping from her voice. Her smile was now so wolfish in its quality. “You seem a little tense.”

“It’s been two weeks since you let me get off,” Tracey finally admitted.

Amber hummed and tilted her head to the side, tapping a finger against her chin as she did so. “You know what? I suppose it has been about two weeks, hasn’t it?” She then grinned and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. “And you’ve been such a good girl for enduring it.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” Tracey quickly said, looking off to the side.

Amber turned her attention back to her phone, tapping away at the screen. For a moment, Tracey assumed that she’d follow her statement up with something else but yet nothing came forth, just more muted silence.

Tracey whined once again, knowing just how pathetic she must’ve sounded.

Amber looked at her. “Oh, was there something else that you wanted to talk about?” She grinned. “I assumed that you were just looking for a compliment for being such a good little slut and not violating the terms of your chastity.”

“Amber,” Tracey huffed.

“Oh, are you taking a tone with me now?” Amber teased. Though the statement at the very least got her to place her phone aside as she gave Tracey her complete and undivided attention. “Are you getting an attitude, you dumb slut?”

“No!” Tracey whimpered, wincing. “I just… I’m pent-up.”

Amber chuckled. “I’d be surprised if you weren’t pent-up from this, dear.” She hummed. “But what exactly were the terms that you agreed to when you gave me this key?”

She reached into her blouse and pulled out a necklace which consisted of a simple silver key hanging from a thin metal chain. The key in question unlocked a certain cage that currently constrained Tracey’s poor anatomy. The mere sight of it was enough to make Tracey tense, making her breathing hitch and eyes widen ever so slightly.

Tracey was stunned into a stupor, unsure of how to respond.

“I asked you a question,” Amber warned.

Tracey swallowed a lump in her throat. “Your… our terms were that you got to decide when I was let out and when I would be allowed to cum.” She shivered. “But it’s been two weeks and I’m really starting to…” She sighed and covered her burning face with a hand. “I’m getting scatter-brained and worked up. I can’t even focus on my studies because of how horny I am all of the time.”

Amber pursed her lips together and nodded. “I see.”

“So may I please cum?” Tracey whispered.

Amber only shrugged in response. “I could be convinced to let you cum though I’m not going to give it up to you that easy.”

She finally placed her phone out of reach and uncrossed her legs, leaning back into the comforting embrace of their sofa. At this moment, she looked so smug and in control of the situation, seemingly so pleased with herself.

Though honestly, why shouldn’t she be? She obviously held all of the cards and was well aware of this fact.

“Well, what could I do to convince you?” Tracey asked.

Amber chuckled and folded her hands behind her head. “Stand up.”

Tracey stayed motionless for only a second as her brain churned and realized that she’d been given a direct order. As such, she sprung to her feet and quickly took a step away from the couch, turning to face her beloved. She instinctively folded her hands behind her back as she did so.

She wasn’t ignorant of the fact that the cage left a little bulge within her jeans and she could already feel herself starting to harden, just a little, within its tight confines. The sensation was barrable though more than a little uncomfortable.

“Please strip for me, dear,” Amber ordered.

Tracey nodded and reached for her video game T-shirt, grabbing the hem of it and lifting it above her head. Once it had slipped away, she realized that her pale torso and slightly chubby belly were both exposed. There were all sorts of freckles painted upon the skin around her navel, little red stars upon a white sky. As she failed to wear a bra, her breasts were also out in the open. They were sizeable, more than a handful each.

Amber just seemed pleased with her as she took in the view. She casually traced a hand along her own inner thigh, stroking at it in such teasing little motions.

“You’re hot,” she whispered.

Tracey grinned like an idiot. “Thanks.”

“Nice tits by the way,” Amber chided before holding up her other hand. “Though if you dare say, ‘thanks I grew them myself’, I will leave you locked up for the rest of the month. And no, that isn’t an idle threat, dear.”

Tracey’s cheeks warmed. “How did you…”

“A decade of dating trans women,” Amber teased, playfully winking at her. “And two years of dating you specially.”

Tracey huffed and couldn’t help but glare at her though this didn’t seem to have any noticeable effect upon her Mistress. If anything, it only seemed to make her look even more in control of the situation, seeming so proud of herself for successfully getting under her submissive’s skin.

Though she didn’t let it bother her for long as she reached for her jeans, undoing her belt and pulling it aside. She tossed it away and started to wiggle out of her pants, shaking her hips seductively from side to side as she did so. Soon they were around her ankles and she kicked them away, leaving herself in just a pair of boxers.

A pair of boxers which just happened to have that ever present little bulge lingering underneath of the fabric. The outline of which perfectly showed off the slits in the metal, the fabric clinging tightly around the locking mechanism and ring.

“Boxers too, if you would,” Amber stated.

Tracey pulled them down as well, yanking them away and sending them flying asunder. Though the sudden nudity made her suck in a breath. She couldn’t help but look down, seeing that restrictive metal glimmering in the light of the room.

Her adorable little cock had hardened just a little more as it started to strain against the cold metal. It didn’t hurt but it did start to feel more than a little tight, growing increasingly uncomfortable. She shuffled awkwardly in her spot, forcing her hands behind her back and exposing her body fully.

Amber let out a soft little moan as she made a show of taking in the view. “God I love seeing you locked up like that.” She sighed. “Are you certain that you want me to let you out?”

“Please,” Tracey whined, hating just how desperate she sounded at this moment.

“But imagine how much better it would feel if I kept you like this for a whole month,” Amber teased, leering at her. “You’d be so needy and desperate by the time we were finished. I bet you’d be leaking like a whore by the end of it.”

Tracey’s cheeks warmed as she thought about that, knowing that her desperation would only grow more intense as time went on.

“Though I suppose if you can only last two weeks, I can’t be too cruel with you,” Amber teased, winking at her. “I’d hate to interfere with your studies.”

She reached for the crotch of her own pants, fiddling with the belt and starting to loosen it. Once that was out of the way, she then unbuttoned her fly and started to pull it down as well, shimmying a little in order to pull her pants out of the way.

Her own panties were a little cuter than Tracey’s own though the prize that was nestled within was a far more appetizing treat. She was both sizeable and girthy with her pride positively begging for a chance to come springing forth out of her attire.

“Though before I even think about letting you out, I expect you to take care of me first,” Amber stated, giving her a playful look. “Do you understand me, slut?”

Tracey nodded quickly, swallowing a lump in her throat. “Yes, Mistress.”

“And your performance here is going to determine if I’m going to let you cum tonight,” Amber warned. There wasn’t a hint of a lie within her voice.

Tracey took a step towards her, coming over to a spot in front of the sofa. She then settled down upon the floor in front of her Mistress, kneeling in place before her. Her gaze was focused almost entirely upon her beloved’s lower half, taking in the view.

Amber finally yanked her panties out of the way and her cock immediately sprung forth, piercing the very air itself. The tip was already wet with pre and her foreskin had just about rolled away from the tip. She carefully wrapped her hand around her shaft and gave it a teasing little stroke, winking at Tracey as she did so.

This wasn’t Tracey’s first time being with Amber. In fact, it was far from it. Though it still left her awestruck to see her girlfriend in such a manner.

“Clocks ticking,” Amber teased.

This was enough to get Tracey’s attention, making her stir from her stupor and focus on the task at hand. She leaned forwards and took the tip of Amber’s pride between her lips, her tongue slowly rolling around this tantalizing flesh and savouring the taste of her darling’s potent pre.

It seemed that the sensation was enjoyed as a low moan rumbled forth from the back of Amber’s throat, sounding like the purr of a hungry tiger. She reached out and rested a hand upon the back of her girlfriend’s head, gently stroking her hair. The gesture was meant to be tender though it also acted as a warning, a reminder of how easily that grip could tense and Tracey could become nothing more than a cheap hole that was meant to be violated.

Though Tracey started to bob along under her own initiative, gliding back and forth along her girlfriend’s flesh. Her lips remained tight and her tongue dutiful as she swirled it around in tight little circles. She cradled Amber’s balls in one hand, massaging them, while her other hand gripped into her beloved’s thigh, applying just enough pressure to ache.

Though she knew that Amber liked the threat of pain, a little bit of masochism lingering in her otherwise dominant personality. In fact, she could hear that pleased shudder as she left little white lines upon her Mistress’ dark flesh.

Amber sucked in a breath and her grip tensed within Tracey’s hair. She seized a nice fistful of her locks though still showed a little restraint, not applying any unwanted pressure but merely allowing her hand to linger there.

“You look so cute with my dick in your mouth,” Amber teased.

Tracey looked up and saw the pleased little look that lingered upon her Mistress’ face. She seemed just so cocky and in control and this fact was enough to ensure that a little crimson hue started to colour Tracey’s complexion.

She quickly looked away and focused on the task at hand, gliding along her Mistress’ erection in smooth little motions. Her cock tasted fantastic, with earthy notes that mingled together with the flowery quality of her beauty products fantastically.

“Fuck,” Amber groaned.

That was the first legitimate note of pleasure and Tracey bathed in the afterglow that such a sound inspired.

Though it wasn’t long before she cringed, shuffling uncomfortably within the confines of her cage. It seemed that she was growing even harder, really straining against the relentless embrace of this unforgiving steel.

Her gaze briefly flicked up and she saw her Mistress toying with the key, taunting her with it.

“You seem to want it pretty badly,” Amber commented. “Maybe I should just leave you locked up because honestly you give way better head when you’re desperate for release.”

Tracey whined and looked off to the side. A part of her wanted to prove Amber wrong.

Though, she bobbed along regardless, knowing that she could only obey as she ventured deeper and deeper with every fluid stride. Obedience was just so much easier.

It wasn’t long before she felt the tip of Amber’s erection prodding at the back of her throat. This resulted in a thin gagging sound but Tracey wasn’t about to flinch away from the challenge. She pushed ahead and balled her hands into fists, focusing on the bite of her fingernails into her palms and not that uncomfortable burning sensation that lingered at the back of her throat.

It took a little effort but slowly she managed to push ahead, pressing Amber deep into her mouth and forcing her pride down her throat. She gagged a couple of times but pressed onwards regardless, not stopping until she felt her nose press into her beloved’s pelvis.

The sounds that Amber made were so divine in their quality, lustful and hungry. She seemed to be somewhere in the realm of cloud nine and Tracey savoured this noise. There was nothing better than having proof of a job well done, knowing that she was going to get that key, that she was going to get her freedom and be allowed to cum.

There was an excited energy in her chest that radiated outwards, infecting her so utterly. Though this was both a blessing and a curse as she felt her anatomy stir and press so painfully against the cage that ensnared it.

Tracey lingered at the base, remaining motionless. She kept herself down there for as long as she could but soon the few sporadic stifling gags began to give way as they grew into something far more guttural in quality.

As such, she lunged back, pleased to feel that her Mistress allowed her to retreat. When she drew away, a web of various depraved fluids connected the two of them together, forming quite the crude spider-web of filth. Strands of pre and spit and other less savoury fluids hung heavy in the air, linking the two of them together. And all the while, Tracey panted hungrily for breath, wolfing down every ounce of air that was made available to her.

“Good slut,” Amber whispered, giving her darling toy a nice set of scritches within her rich and messy brown hair. “But you still have work to do.”

Tracey allowed herself only a few more seconds to recover before she nodded. Then she went back down without delay, taking her beloved into her throat and bobbing along in swift little motions. Her vision swam due to how fast she was going, tackling this task like a woman possessed as she rolled her tongue around in such hurried little circles.

“Oh fuck, babe,” Amber groaned.

Now she started to apply a little more pressure, seizing a nice fistful of hair and actually using it for leverage. She mostly allowed Tracey to set the pace though applied a little pressure to get her to go deeper and deeper with each motion.

Tracey didn’t know where this well of endurance had come from but she ran with it for all that it was worth. She moved like a woman on a mission, like someone on a sprint to finish a race. It was mesmerizing to be here, so lustful and eager to please her Mistress, willing to give it her all in an effort to meet this fabled goal.

She wanted out of this cage and nothing else mattered when it came to reaching this objective.

Once more, she began to really apply herself to this holy mission, gliding deeper and deeper still. And soon, she felt her girlfriend’s cock tickling at the back of her throat once again.

She started to gag though this didn’t seem to deter Amber as her grip tensed and she slammed Tracey all the way down, forcing herself all the way into her throat without mercy. Her grip was like iron and she even wiggled her hips in order to irritate her darling sub even more.

Tracey sputtered and gagged so violently, tightening her fists. Though this old wives’ tale didn’t really deter the sensation for long. Soon, she was really sputtering, feeling her throat burn so painfully. As she looked up at her girlfriend, she saw not even the slimmest amount of mercy within her eyes. Instead, there was only a sadistic pleasure, a hearty look plastered upon her complexion.

“I’m getting close, babe,” Amber whispered.

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Tracey couldn’t respond, not with anything that wasn’t some more pitiful gagging anyways.

Amber really began to grind her hips forward, seeming to savour Tracey’s misery. All the while Tracey gagged and sputtered, leaving all sorts of perverse fluids against her girlfriend’s skin.

Though it seemed that Amber had finally reached her objective, tipping over the edge. She shuddered so violently and let out a potent moan, unleashing a deep growl of corrupt euphoria. It wasn’t long before there was the sensation of something hot and fertile plastered against the very back of Tracey’s throat.

“Fuck,” Amber whispered, her voice left so exhausted from her climax.

She drew back, nice and slow, pulling her fluid drenched cock out of Tracey’s mouth. It departed with an audible slurp, plastering all sorts of fluids against Tracey’s chin as she retreated.

Tracey rasped for breath, spitting up some more fluids and splattering them upon her girlfriend’s skin. Her poor throat ached though she powered through the pain, sniffling back fresh tears as she looked up at her girlfriend.

Amber smirked. “God, you look so pathetic right now.”

She yanked Tracey away from her body and lashed out with her other hand, striking her girlfriend firmly across the cheek. The blow burned and snapped Tracey’s gaze to the side. At this moment, she felt so lowly, like she was barely worth anything more than being a mere toy that was destined to be tormented for her Mistress’ pleasure. Which did nothing to help with her predicament as she grew more excited, making her cage ache so wonderfully as it seemed to grow even smaller still.

“Please,” Tracey groaned. “Please let me out.”

Amber snorted and studied her for a moment. Though she eventually sighed and reached for her necklace, pulling it off.

“Fine,” she said. “Stand up and put your arms behind your back.”

Tracey obeyed and promptly got to her feet, doing as she was told and placing her hands against her spine. She couldn’t help but look down at her cage, watching her reddened cock struggling against the material and looking so pathetic in its attempts to break free.

Amber reached forward and unlocked the contraption, sliding the locking mechanism out. She then pulled the cage itself off and the ring soon after. As they both retreated, there was a web of pre which erupted from her cock and connected the metal to her anatomy.

Fuck, Tracey was leaking like an absolute whore.

Her pride hung so heavy in the air and she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. It felt so liberating to finally be free after so long in that suffocating cage.

“Awww look at the little guy,” Amber teased.

Tracey’s cock was smaller than Amber’s own, being just a little bit below average in terms of both length and girth. She was also uncut with her cute little foreskin hugging the very tip and just asking to be played with.

Amber reached forward and grasped Tracey’s cock, giving it a teasing little stroke. The motion was so tender and playful, yet it felt so utterly divine. After two weeks without stimulation, her poor anatomy just savoured whatever kindness that it was afforded.

“Now the question is, what do I want to do with you?” Amber murmured, giving this subject some thought. It took her only a few seconds before she eventually snapped her fingers together. “Do you mind grabbing me our magic wand, dear?”

She let go of Tracey’s cock and Tracey immediately took a step back, heading towards their bedroom. Her goal was simple and she quickly reached their bed, seeing that their Hitachi was still on top of it. So, she grabbed it and then quickly returned to the living room, seeing how pleased her Mistress looked about her eager willingness.

“You are really obedient when your nut is on the line, huh?” Amber teased.

Tracey bit her lip. “Does that surprise you?”

“No, not in the slightest,” Amber added, shaking her head. “I just like it. Makes a girl wonder how desperate she could really make you given enough time.” She glanced up at Tracey and held out her hand, taking the wand from her. “Imagine what a full month would be like? Could you imagine how obedient you’d be if you were only given twelve orgasms a year?”

Tracey flushed as she realized that the mental image had somehow made her cock visibly twitch. She hated to admit how appealing that fantasy sounded.

Amber seemed to notice it away well. “Maybe we could slowly wean you off of orgasms.” She grinned and touched a single finger to the side of Tracey’s cock, toying with it by stroking back and forth. “Start with one orgasm a week, then one every two, and then one every month. Make them more and more special until you’re only given one a year.”

Tracey whined. “That’d be evil.”

“We could make it a birthday event, where I give you the key as a gift,” Amber commented, offering such a cheeky little smile to her plaything. “It’d certainly save me quite a bit of money.”

Tracey whined, hating that this idea was making her even harder than before.

“But that’s just some idle theory crafting,” Amber murmured, finally turning on the wand. She then patted her lap and motioned towards Tracey. “Take a seat, dear, so I can properly reward you for such a good blowjob.”

Tracey tensed at the sound of the vibrator turning on. It was a deep and pathological response, like Pavlov and his fucking dogs. Though she retained enough mind to obey her Mistress and take a seat, settling down upon her lap.

Amber draped one arm around her waist and held her tightly in place. Meanwhile, the other hand reached around and she touched the wand against the very tip of Tracey’s erection.

Tracey sucked in a reflexive breath, shivering against the stimulation. Her eyes widened and she couldn’t help but surrender a moan. After going so long without, even something as gentle as the lowest setting was apparently enough to make her mind go white hot.

“Holy shit, babe,” Amber teased. “You really wanted this.”

“Y-yeah,” Tracey whispered.

Amber chuckled and started to move the wand up and down, holding onto Tracey tightly as she did so. Her motions were teasing and gentle, all done at the lowest setting. Yet, anything higher than this probably would’ve ended their fun far too early.

Tracey hadn’t been this sensitive in ages. Hell, she probably hadn’t been this sensitive since starting HRT in the first place. It was magical, euphoric, each little movement being enough to draw forth a note of pleasure from her.

“Okay, you sound so adorable right now,” Amber teased, sounding genuinely amazed. “Are you really that sensitive?”

“S-shut up,” Tracey whispered.

Amber snorted. “Telling me to shut up doesn’t seem like a very good way of getting what you want, dear.” She planted a kiss upon the back of Tracey’s neck, allowing her warm breath to curl across it. “I hope you know that.”

Tracey couldn’t respond verbally as the wand returned to its roost against her cock, stroking along her shaft in teasing little motions. Her mind was so overwhelmed, filled with all sorts of sinful little desires that sounded so utterly desperate as they came forth upon moans and hurried breaths.

Thankfully, it seemed that Amber would take some pity as she turned the wand up to an even higher setting. Though even the second lowest intensity felt so potent and powerful, pressing her onwards.

Tracey ground her hips against it, feeling a fire start to kindle within her core.

“That’s it, slut,” Amber whispered. “I want to hear you moan.”

And moan, Tracey did, singing her praise so liberally. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was constantly agape. She couldn’t do much more than sing and rock her hips forward, dumbly grinding against the wand with such feral desperation.

She wanted nothing more than to cum and her body would do whatever it took to achieve such a thing.

“Let me know when you’re close,” Amber said.

Tracey nodded and was about to respond but that’s when Amber decided to sink her teeth into her shoulder, giving it a firm bite. The pain that came forth mingled so nicely with the pleasure of the wand, making her cry out in a mix of ecstasy and agony.

“Fuck!” she barked.

Amber chuckled. “You’re far too much fun to play with.”

She kept the wand at the second setting and focused her attention on the tip of Tracey’s cock. She stroked around it, moving along her skin in such small motions. Tracey could feel her juices start to coat the wand’s material, and as she looked down, she noticed that she was leaking like an absolute whore.

“Tell me that you want to cum,” Amber growled.

Tracey nodded and tried to speak though it was so hard to formulate coherent words within her current state of mind.

“Say it!” Amber barked. “Or I’ll turn this wand off.”

“I want to cum!” Tracey yelped before letting out a haggard breath and moaning even more desperately than before. She hated how lowly she felt at this moment. “Please let me cum… please Mistress… please let me!”

“Who do you belong to?” Amber snarled. She suddenly sounded so heated, an anger bubbling forth and mingling with her dominance so nicely. In the drop of a hat, she’d become a bad bitch, the domme who knew what to say in order to get what she wanted.

And Tracey melted against this persona, whimpering through her own impending pleasure. “You, Mistress, I belong to you.”

“And who is the only person allowed to make you feel good?” Amber then asked, not even an ounce of mirth entering her voice.

“Y-you,” Tracey groaned. “You are, Mistress.”

She could feel herself getting so woefully close to the edge, rocking idly against the wand with all of her vigour. It wouldn’t be much longer now; it couldn’t be much longer now. This was the brink and she was teetering upon it, just about ready to plunge into the waters of utter bliss.

“I’m close,” Tracey whispered, her voice barely prevalent amongst her moans.

Amber snorted. “Is that so?” She planted another kiss upon the back of Tracey’s neck, nipping gently at her flesh. “You better not cum without my permission.”

Tracey whined, the note doing the talking for her.

“God, you sound so pathetic right now,” Amber teased, turning the wand up by another degree.

Tracey gasped at the raw stimulation. She did what she could to starve off her bliss but she felt her composure rapidly starting to fray. Any second now, any moment, all it would take was…

The wand suddenly turned off.

Tracey whimpered and rocked her hips against it in sheer desperation. Though unfortunately, she couldn’t just will it back on with the force of her desires alone.

Amber chuckled. “Holy shit.”

“Babe!” Tracey yelped.

“Don’t blame me,” Amber chided. “This stupid thing ran out of batteries.”

She held up the wand and showed off the blinking red light, each rhythmic blip a little mockery that only made Tracey feel more and more desperate.

“Please,” Tracey whispered.

Amber shook her head. “Sorry, babe, I can’t just recharge this thing with the power of your bottoming or something.” She snorted. “Plus, I think this might be a message from God.”

“W-wait,” Tracey started, feeling her throat seize. “Are you…”

“I mean I kind of have to,” Amber stated. “God obviously wants you locked back up and I’m not about to tell them to go shove it just so you can get off. I’m sorry babe but it would be sacrilege for me to let you nut tonight.”

“This isn’t funny!” Tracey yelped.

Amber snickered. “It kind of is.”

Tracey groaned. “Babe!”

“Maybe we can try again next week,” Amber stated, snapping her fingers together. “Now, get up.”

Tracey wanted to disobey but not even her desperation proved strong enough to get her to deny a direct order from her Mistress. Instead, she got to her feet, turning towards her girlfriend. She knew that there was betrayal in her eyes, her glare burning with such disappointed anger.

Though this only seemed to amuse Amber further. “Keep that up and maybe we’ll make it two more weeks instead of one.”

Tracey sighed and her gaze flinched away, looking down at her poor little cock instead. It had to take the slow way down from the brink, softening at a snail’s pace. Soon, a useless little organ was nestled between her legs, so softened in its quality. A drop of pre hung heavy from the very tip and dripped feebly onto the floor below.

Amber chuckled. “Thank you for the blowjob, by the way, it felt very nice.”

Tracey whimpered as she watched her girlfriend approach with the cage, sliding the ring over her shaft and scrotum. Once it was anchored in place, she then grabbed the cage itself, slotting it over her adorable little cock. And finally, she grabbed the locking mechanism, sliding it into place as well, and locking Tracey up without remorse.

The key then went back around Amber’s neck and she began to toy with it, smirking at Tracey as she did so.

“You’re evil,” Tracey whispered.

Amber nodded. “And you didn’t use your safeword.”

Tracey didn’t respond, feeling her cheeks warm and gaze flinch off to the side. She was unable to look at her Mistress.

“So really, I think you only have yourself to blame,” Amber teased. “Now be a good girl and sit back down so we can continue with our show.”

Tracey thought about resisting but couldn’t will herself into doing such a thing. Instead, she plopped down upon the couch and leaned into her girlfriend, allowing her to throw an arm over her shoulder and pull her in close.

“You know, you could be…” she bit her lip. “Meaner.”

“Do you want that?” Amber asked, lifting a brow.

Tracey nodded.

“In that case, go and grab some lube and your thickest plug,” Amber chided. “Because I think it’s about time to change up your dress code while you’re at home.”

Tracey sucked in a breath.

“Was that mean enough?” Amber teased.

Tracey nodded quickly. “That’s perfect.”

You can find story with these keywords: Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2), Read Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2), Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2) novel, Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2) book, Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2) story, Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2) full, Kimberly’s Lewd Short Story Anthology (Vol 2) Latest Chapter

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