King of Blue Flames

Chapter 24: Chapter 22

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“Dorian isn't here. I wonder where he is.”

Rinaldo hoped Dorian was fine wherever he was. He tried to put his worries behind him and focus on the task at hand. The task was to see if there was a way to return the beast folk girl to normal. There must be something he could do to help her. Contacting the Central Church was one of them.

Without Dorian, Rinaldo didn't know how to get in touch with the Central Church, let alone the Choir. He also didn't know the procedure to request miracles. The girl had suffered so much, that Rinaldo would do all he could to ensure she could get well.

Suddenly, he heard peals of laughter behind him. He turned around and saw Victor talking with a church sister. The sister spoke a long series of words, before Victor responded. She seemed to laugh as she listened to Victor. Her face was smiling when she heard the man's answer.

He didn't hear the rest of the conversation because he didn't feel like sitting there and listening to the conversation. He got up and walked away, wanting to be alone for a while.

Just as he was leaving, Victor looked at Rinaldo. “What are you doing here?”

“I'm looking for Dorian.”

Victor shook his head and frowned. “The leader of the orchestra? He's not here. He left.”

Rinaldo raised an eyebrow. “Where's he going?”

“How should I know?” Victor shrugged. “He left with his friends earlier in the day.”

He must have returned to the Holy City to report to Archbishop Lucio, Rinaldo thought. The Holy City was the seat of the Central Church. Despite being on an isolated island, it had everything one could ask for in a city. It was busy, active, and most of all, beautiful.

Rinaldo had never been there, but he had heard it was a place the gods themselves would visit occasionally. It was the home of the greatest church in the world, and it had an incredible view of the sea. The city itself had the shape of a star, and at its tip was the holy cathedral.

While some said the city was built on top of a volcano, others said it was built on a natural plateau. Some said it was built on a great tower rising from the sea. No one knew for sure. All anyone knew was that the city sat as a great beacon in the middle of the ocean, for all to see.

“He left with his friends?”

“Yeah. They wanted to leave before the day ended.”

“Friends, huh?” Rinaldo gestured toward Celeste. “It seemed like he left one behind.”

Victor glanced at her. “Well, they didn't seem to be fond of her.”

Celeste turned toward them, clearly uncomfortable with being the topic of discussion. She seemed to shrink, as if wishing to disappear. Rinaldo gave her a reassuring look, but she didn't look at him, still focused on Victor. The man noticed this, but it didn't seem to bother him.

Victor walked up to Celeste, put a hand on her shoulder, and whispered into her ear. The siren smiled, revealing a sharp, serrated set of pearly whites. Now seemingly more at ease, Celeste put her arm around Victor's waist and rested her head on his shoulder.

The man stroked Celeste's back. His actions made Rinaldo think he intended to comfort her, reassure her he would protect her, and ensure she was okay. At least, that was what he wanted to think.

Celeste pulled away from Victor, but she still seemed to be happy. She gave him a loving smile, and looked away before walking away, seeming shy. Rinaldo could only watch the scene as a bewildered spectator at what had happened. What had Victor done to her?

Rinaldo was about to walk away when Victor returned to him. “She seemed a bit lonely.”

“What did you say to her?” Rinaldo wanted to know what had gone on between the man and the siren.

“I just asked her if she wanted some squids. She seemed to like that.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Squids?”

Victor nodded. “Dried squids.”

Dried squids? Why dried squids? Victor had a lot to tell. Rinaldo couldn't help but wonder what the story behind the dried squids was. How could dried squids make someone like Celeste happier? He shrugged. It could just be a silly secret of Victor's.

“She likes them, huh?”

“You should try some yourself. They're quite good.”

Rinaldo wasn't a fan of dried squids, but he had to admit they seemed good despite being bland. He had heard that people considered the squid a delicacy in some parts of the world, and Victor admitted to always carrying a supply of it in his pockets.

“Thanks for that. I don't think I'll like them much, though.”

“You'll like them if you get some. Trust me.”

“Well, maybe I'll have some later.” Rinaldo walked away. “See you later, Victor.”

The man nodded. “You too, Rinaldo.”

He looked back a few times to see Victor and Celeste sharing the same space again. Victor seemed very attentive and caring towards Celeste. She seemed more comfortable and content around him. It was almost as if she were a member of his family, Rinaldo thought.

Victor's care for her seemed very genuine. Rinaldo just wished he knew the story behind the dried squids. He had a feeling he'd learn more about them, as well as some of Victor's secrets, later.

It was getting late, and Rinaldo wanted to go back to his mother's house for dinner and then get a good night's sleep. It wasn't easy for him to fall asleep early every day. He usually got to bed later, and often stayed up late into the night.

That night's dinner was a quiet affair. Rinaldo, Olivia, and the maids were the only person present. The mayor had invited the marshal to dinner in his own home, which was such a pleasant offer that he accepted. Rinaldo's mother was away for the evening.

Nobody talked much, mostly because of what had happened earlier that day. Mary and Clarissa seemed to be the only ones talking to each other. The atmosphere was different, and everyone else seemed to be lost in their own thoughts.

“Tomorrow, Clarissa?”

“Tomorrow,” Clarissa answered, a few seconds later.

Mary smiled back, understanding. “Alright then, I'll see you then.”

Clarissa and Mary walked away, leaving the dining hall. Rinaldo tried to avoid asking anything that might cause arguments, so he stayed quiet mostly. He returned to his room, and after a few hours, Rinaldo heard a knock on the door. He got up and opened the door.

Olivia stood in front of him, holding a box. She smiled at him. “I made you some cookies.”

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Rinaldo smiled back. He thanked Olivia and accepted the cookies. “You're the best, Olivia. I hope you don't mind me saying this.”

“No problem. You're my future husband.” Olivia giggled. “I should expect compliments from you.”

“I appreciate it.” Rinaldo placed the box of cookies on the table. “How did you know I love cookies?”

Olivia blushed and giggled. “I have my ways.”

“Don't worry. If you have your ways, I'll give you the love you deserve.”

Olivia was still blushing, even as she hugged Rinaldo. “Oh, you better!”

He returned the hug and laughed. “Oh, I'm going to do my best.”

“Good enough for me.” Olivia giggled. She kissed his cheek, and then went back to the door.

The way Olivia had talked to Rinaldo made him feel so welcome. She was the perfect match for him. Rinaldo watched as she walked down the hall, as if still feeling the impact of what she had said, but in a good way.

Rinaldo loved seeing the happiness in her eyes when she said, “You're my future husband.” That really meant that much to him. They both had a lot to do before the day they were going to be married, which would be a long time coming.

He walked into his room and shut the door. Rinaldo closed his eyes and took a few steps, before falling, and sleep took him. His mother should have dealt with the cultists by now. The city was safe from them, at least for now.

The following day, Rinaldo woke up, showered, and dressed. “When did the sun rise?”

It was a sunny morning, and the skies were all blue and beautiful. Rinaldo went downstairs and found the kitchen crowded. The maids were setting the table, and there was a lot of talk, noise, and laughter.

Rinaldo spotted his mother through a side door. She was sitting on the countertop with a mug in one hand. He sat down, and his mother noticed him.

“Ah, Rinaldo, awake already?”

“Good morning, mother. What time is it?”

“Nearly six, the maids are just about to start the day's work.”

Rinaldo went to the coffee pot and poured himself some. He sat down and looked around at all the maids, chatting among themselves. It was a noisy but friendly place. He had enjoyed the company of the maids the last few days. It was as if their cheerful gossip and laughter filled his childhood home.

“Everyone seemed in good spirits this morning,” Rinaldo remarked.

“Yes, the Black Sun won't bother us for a while.”

He hoped laughter would fill the day, not violence. The city was at peace, but then anything could happen. It was difficult to tell what the cult would do and how they'd react to the news that Rinaldo's mother had deceived them.

“They must be so relieved. I hope that it all works out.”

His mother nodded. “Yes, it's best for everyone. I wish they'd leave us alone forever.”

Shelley started setting out the plates. The sun was shining into the kitchen through the window, lighting the dining table. Rinaldo smiled when he saw the breakfast laid out there. It was a feast fit for royalty. There was a hearty breakfast of sausages, toasts, bread, eggs, fruit, and jams, just like the kind he had been used to.

“Whoa… looks like the maids have prepared for our guests.”

“Oh, yes.” His mother looked happy. “I did ask them to prepare you and the marshal a special meal.”

The marshal joined them soon after, followed by Olivia. They gathered around the table. It was a large table, able to accommodate all their guests. The marshal sat at the head of the table, followed by Olivia, and then Rinaldo.

“Ragnell, you are looking well.” Gilbert complimented her youthful appearance. “I'm glad to see that the cultists have listened to you.”

“The Black Sun has given us their oath of peace.” She reassured him. “There won't be any bloodshed today.”

Gilbert laughed. “It's a relief. Now I can finally go back to my normal duties.”

Everyone was enjoying the breakfast and the conversation. The maids had toasted the toasts to perfection, and the sausages were succulent. Rinaldo wondered if the maids would cook like this every day. It was undoubtedly a pleasant and welcome change.

As the breakfast went on, the marshal relaxed. Rinaldo saw Olivia's eyes lighting up when they saw the breakfast. Olivia seemed as fond of food as Rinaldo was. She had a cheerful smile, and eyes that sparkled like jewels.

“A toast to all our guests and the feast!”

“To the feast!”

They all raised their glasses and clinked them together. Rinaldo shovelled his plate down. The breakfast was delicious, and he felt full. A maid came by and asked if he wanted more, but Rinaldo declined. He didn't want to overeat.

“Ragnell, I would like to thank you for inviting me over. This breakfast has been one of the best I have ever had. You have no idea how delicious everything is.”

“Oh, this kitchen is famous for its cooking. The maids here are all trained and eager to try new recipes all the time.”

Mary blushed. “It's a pleasure having you here, Esteemed Marshal.”

“I wish I could stay longer, but I must leave soon.” The marshal was a busy man, after all.

Olivia was talking to one maid. Clarissa had her back turned, so Rinaldo couldn't see what she was saying. Olivia was beaming as she spoke. The two seemed happier than ever. Rinaldo was glad they enjoyed their time here.

Rinaldo wondered how Olivia would feel when the day was over, but he hoped she wouldn't feel sad when they left. They had to return to the palace eventually. Rinaldo sighed, thinking of the older days. He had almost forgotten what it was like to spend his days here. His childhood had seemed like a long time ago.

“It's good to be home again.”

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