King of Blue Flames

Chapter 25: Chapter 23

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“It's good to be home again.”

Rinaldo turned his head to look at his mother. She smiled at him. He returned the smile, noticing that the others were already discussing what they could do to help rebuild the city. The talk drifted into current events. Rinaldo found the subject fascinating, and he liked the maids' gossip.

They told stories of the city, the events that had happened, and even their experiences. His mother kept the conversations going, always eager to know what was new and exciting. At that very moment, Rinaldo realised he had never felt more at home than he did right now.

“The Cultists have caused us much harm, but the good people of this city are strong and resilient.” The marshal looked around at the people listening, mostly the maids. “Tomorrow, we will begin to rebuild, and make this city into the jewel that it was.”

“Hear, hear.” Several people echoed this.

“We must put away our sorrow for what has been, and turn to build something new.” Rinaldo's mother smiled at the people before her. “This is where we need to focus.”

The talk died down, and the people were finishing their breakfast. Rinaldo was sure the marshal was eager to start the restoration plans. He saw Olivia had finished her conversations with Clarissa, and was standing over by the fireplace.

Rinaldo went up to her and smiled. “How was your meal?”

“It was wonderful, Rinaldo.”

“I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.” Rinaldo sat down next to her. “You look happy.”

Olivia smiled. “I had a good time, thank you.”

They sat by the fireplace and talked for a few minutes before breakfast was over. There were a few minutes left before the last person would finish and leave. The maids were still cleaning up, and the marshal had to leave soon, but they were enjoying themselves.

Rinaldo saw Gilbert and Mary talking to each other, and wondered what they were talking about. Mary looked so young with her bright smile. Gilbert was older, but the man was very upbeat and full of life. The man looked like he could have been in his thirties. Rinaldo suspected he might be quite the ladies' man.

Gilbert's wife, Viola's mother, died from an illness when she was young. Rinaldo knew little about the marshal's past, but it must have been hard to face life without a wife as a widow with a daughter. It seemed to take Gilbert a long time to find another.

Olivia glanced at Clarissa, who was cleaning up the other end. “Shall we help tidy up?”

“Sure, if you don't mind.”

Rinaldo took Olivia's hand. She looked surprised, but smiled. “I'd love to help.”

The two got up, and went to the sink, cleaning out the breakfast dishes. It wasn't tough to do. The dishes were effortless to clean, and Olivia's company was more than enough to cheer him up. They would soon have to go back to reality, however.

“I must be getting old.” Caitlin giggled. “I'm not as fast as I used to be.”

Mary nodded. “You are getting old, Caitlin. Just like me.”

As the oldest maid, Caitlin kept a good pace. The maids behind her did so as well. The dishes didn't pile up as much as they had before Rinaldo arrived. After about twenty minutes of dishes, they finished. They put the last dish in the sink, and turned around.

The marshal stood at his spot, his face full of great contentment. He thanked everyone for the meal. Rinaldo's mother looked tired, but happy to receive the compliment. The rest of the group gathered together, some in anticipation of what was next to come, while others wanted to be on their way.

“I have so enjoyed your company, Marshal. I hope you have had a good time. You have always been good to me, and I have always appreciated your kindness. It has been a genuine pleasure to host you here.”

“My pleasure, Ragnell. It has been a pleasure to visit again.”

Ragnell nodded. “Thank you. My family and I have been glad to see you as well.”

Gilbert smiled at them. “I shall remember you all, especially you, Rinaldo. Farewell, and may you live happily. Take care.”

The marshal walked away, still smiling at Rinaldo. Gilbert hadn't looked this happy when he came. Rinaldo had never met a more gracious man. He had been glad to meet the marshal, and was sorry to leave.

“Sir.” Clarissa approached him. “Someone is here to see you.”

Rinaldo turned to the maid. “Who is it?”

“A gentleman.” She hesitated. “I did not ask his name, sir.”

“Show him in.”

The maid bowed and left the room, leaving Rinaldo to wonder who this gentleman could be. When the maid returned, Rinaldo rose from the chair and turned to the man entering the room. When their gazes met, Rinaldo knew who it was and smiled. It was the Count.

He returned Rinaldo's smile. “You've had a very enjoyable day, I see.”

Rinaldo's smile broadened into a grin. “Indeed, I have.”

He took a seat. The Count took a seat beside him. Rinaldo and the Count exchanged pleasantries and small talk for a while. It wasn't long, however, before the real purpose of their meeting took precedence.

“What brings you here?”

“Our mutual friend.” The Count laughed.

Rinaldo's eyes narrowed. “The Emperor?”

“Indeed. You know how fond he is of us. He had something to tell you.”

That the Emperor had something to tell Rinaldo did not surprise him. In fact, he was pretty sure he knew what it was: something cool. He smiled. “Yes, he has, hasn't he?”

“His majesty thought it best to have his words delivered in person.”

The Count produced a device from his pocket. Rinaldo wasn't familiar with it, but it seemed to be a communication device. The Count activated it, tapped some buttons, and then placed the device on the table. A screen flickered into life, displaying an empty room.

Rinaldo studied the small screen for a few moments. It displayed no sign of the person on the other end. The screen remained static for a few moments until it displayed the blurry outline of a man. He looked familiar. “Hello?”

The outline nodded. He remained in that position for a few more seconds, then smiled. “Rinaldo! Good to see you as cool-looking as always!”

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The image was fuzzy, but the voice was unmistakable. Rinaldo would know that voice anywhere. It took little effort for him to place the voice. The voice belonged to the Emperor.

He laughed. “The pleasure is all mine, Charlie. It seems you've been busy!”

“You have no idea!” The Emperor chuckled. “I've been doing a lot of thinking.”

“Of course you have.” Rinaldo leaned forward. “What is it you have been thinking about, Charlie?”

“I'm thinking of showing you something cool, so get over here!”

A moment later, the screen went blank, and their conversation ended. Rinaldo wondered what the Emperor had in mind. Whatever it was, he'd have the answers to that when he returned to the palace. It must be something important that only Rinaldo should see in person. He felt a twinge of excitement.

The Count stood and rose, leaving the room. “That's it. I have to go.”

Rinaldo sat still. “So soon?”

“I'm afraid so. It was very nice meeting you, Rinaldo.”


He watched the Count disappear down the hallway. Rinaldo remained in his chair for a time, staring out the window. After a few moments, he got up and left the room. He found Olivia in the hallway, talking to Clarissa, laughing at something.

Olivia was more expressive now. He remembered when she first arrived how serious she had seemed. She had a serious face that was hard to interpret. Now she was smiling and laughing. She had seemed so different at the palace, so aloof, so detached from everything and everyone around her.

Rinaldo went up to her and began stroking her hair. He loved it when she smiled. “I think it's about time to go to the palace.”

She nodded. “I was thinking the same thing.”

They noticed Clarissa staring at them. It was like she wanted to say something. Rinaldo was happy she could see them off. It would give them a chance to say goodbye. Instead, she held onto Olivia's hand. He wondered what she could want and what she was thinking.

“Olivia, can I come with you?”

Unlike Mary, who would return to the Franckenstein household to serve when this was over, Clarissa was a recent hire. She had to find a new employer when she completed her current job. Rinaldo was sure Clarissa would love to work with Olivia.

“Yes, of course.” Olivia would gladly take her along if she would follow her. “I think you're the best person to serve as my assistant.”

Clarissa beamed at her. “Thank you, Olivia.”

“You three will have to be on your way now.” Rinaldo's mother walked toward them. “Do you want me to send you on your way?”

“We'd like that.” Rinaldo nodded. “I'd like to say goodbye to the maids first.”

Rinaldo and Olivia walked back to the maids. Clarissa followed them. Rinaldo turned to face the group. “Goodbye, everyone. I shall miss being here with you. I will see you again one day.”

The maids gave him a few sad looks. “I hope we've made it a better place for you.”

“I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your company.” Caitlin looked like she was about to break out into tears at any moment. “I've loved every moment of your stay here.”

Rinaldo went to the maid and embraced her. “Goodbye, Caitlin. I know I am going to miss this place.”

There were sighs all around. A few maids were smiling, but it didn't look like much of a smile. Rinaldo shook hands with everyone, trying to make their day less awkward. He ended the routine with Shelley. She smiled, gave him a little wave, and left to talk to her companion.

Rinaldo then turned to Olivia. “I guess it's time to depart.”

“I hope you will return one day, and that you have fun.” Rinaldo's mother hugged him. “If you need anything, let me know. Goodbye.”

His mother waved goodbye, and led Rinaldo out. The streets were almost deserted, but there were still the sounds of the city to listen to, as well as his own thoughts. Rinaldo was glad his mother had found him a cab to take him to the Mage's Guild to teleport back to the palace.

Teleportation was the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. Theoretically, one could teleport anything. The anywhere door was an example of a device that allowed the teleportation of a person.

Rinaldo wouldn't be using it now, though. He had learned that, like most of the Count's inventions, the anywhere door was still unstable. The Mage Guild's Warp Room was a completely safe and well-regulated facility connecting all branches of the Mage's Guild.

He would use it to teleport to the Mage's College in the capital. Not to mention he could also return the beast folk girl to normal while he was there. If the Central Church was out of reach, visiting the Mage's College should be his alternative.

Once they reached the Mage's Guild, the three walked into the Guildhall. Clarissa looked like she was too amazed to speak. The sight of so many mages in one place had caught her off-guard. The two girls were still walking backwards as Clarissa had her eyes transfixed on the wondrous items the people wore.

Rinaldo looked at her and laughed. He was glad he could help her have a good time. “Come on, Clarissa. You are coming with us.”

A few people in the Guildhall were doing their duties. Others were just relaxing. The atmosphere was one of pleasant idleness. It was just another ordinary day in the Mage's Guild. They walked down the corridor and stopped when they saw Katarina.

She sat in her usual place and smiled when she saw them. “Welcome to Viennetta's Mage's Guild!”

Rinaldo walked over to her, noticing the bandages covering her neck. “Katarina, are you alright? What happened to your neck?”

“A cultist got the better of me.” She laughed a little. “Don't worry, it won't happen again.”

Olivia smiled as she stood next to her. “I am sure it won't.”

Rinaldo and Olivia said their goodbyes. When they entered the Warp Room, there was the familiar blue glow of a portal. Rinaldo stood next to it. He glanced down the hallway to ensure it was safe before entering the gate and disappeared from the room.

On the other side of the portal, Rinaldo saw he was in a similar room inside Mage's College. The Mage's College was where the Guild's strongest and brightest mages came together to learn. They left all worldly worries behind, focusing only on pursuing knowledge.

It looked much like a school, with many students and professors. Rinaldo knew some students. They would use the time they spent here to hone their skills, or learn from some of the best mages in the Mage's Guild. However, he didn't expect to meet her here, out of all people.

“Hey, Rinaldo! I haven't seen you in ages!”

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