King of Blue Flames

Chapter 26: Chapter 24

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“Hey, Rinaldo! I haven't seen you in ages!”

Rinaldo looked over and saw a familiar young woman staring at him. She was about the same age as him. Her long, wavy blonde hair flowed over her shoulders, stopping just above her bust, which was the largest he had ever seen.

Her bright blue eyes shone with mischief, as she smiled widely at him. She wore a red dress that came down to her knees, with a slit revealing the slightest of her legs. The dress hugged her body tightly, showing off her supple curves. Rinaldo couldn't help but notice how her breasts bounced as she walked.

The young woman had an attractive face, but Rinaldo wasn't too impressed. In Rinaldo's opinion, she could use less makeup. She seemed a little too eager for his attention, as she waved to him excitedly.


“Yes, it's me! What are you doing here?”

Rinaldo was at a loss for words. He had never seen her before in the capital. Why would she be here? It must be a trap. Rinaldo played along with her. He walked over to her, trying to appear calm and collected.

“Just passing by.”

“Ah. I see. Well, come on then, Rinaldo. You can sit with me. We have a lot to catch up on, you know.”

Rinaldo nodded. “I suppose you're right, but why are you here?”

She looked away. “Oh, I came to visit a friend.”

Rinaldo wasn't sure he should believe her. Something didn't feel right. Still, he sat down and took a look around the hallway. He noticed it was full of students, talking to each other and studying. Most were in different places at different times in the room.

No one seemed to notice his presence or pay attention to them. Still, Rinaldo was on edge. He could feel the eyes on him. He focused his attention on Viola and saw her staring at him. Rinaldo looked away quickly.

There had to be more to her story, but he couldn't force her to tell him anything. He tried to change the subject. “So… how's it going? What have you been up to?”

“Oh, just the usual.”

Rinaldo nodded. He wasn't sure what “usual” meant to her. Viola seemed to have the same carefree attitude she always had. She was too confident in herself, and Rinaldo could tell she hadn't changed in some time.

She kept looking over at him, staring into his eyes, as if trying to catch him in her net. He was starting to get irritated. “Viola, stop looking at me. I'm here with some friends. We were going to see the Emperor.”

“The Emperor? That guy? You were really going to see him?” Viola laughed, putting her hand over her mouth. “You two are such a cute couple! I knew it!”

He felt a little disturbed. “We're not….”

“You're dating him, aren't you? I knew it!”

Rinaldo shook his head. “No, I'm not.”

“You don't have to lie to me, Rinaldo.” Viola looked relieved, although she tried to act disappointed. “I know you and the Emperor are close.”

Viola had always been a bit of a drama queen, and Rinaldo knew it. Rinaldo figured that would never change. It would be better for him if she left, but he didn't want to be rude and tell her to leave him alone. Rinaldo wished she would just shut up. She was getting under his skin.

“Don't worry, I'm just teasing you.” Viola grabbed his arm. “You're so easy to tease. That's what I like about you.”

Rinaldo felt a little uneasy around Viola. He didn't want to be around her much longer. It was obvious she was trying to manipulate him. He wanted to get rid of her but couldn't bring himself to do it. She just seemed so happy. He wanted to give her one last chance.

Viola's stares continued to intensify. He stared back, trying to tell her that he didn't appreciate her stares, but she didn't seem to care. Viola grabbed his hands again. “Hey, Rinaldo. Don't ignore me!”

“I'm having a nice time, Viola.” Rinaldo tried to pull his hands away. “I'd love to stay and talk more, but I need to get going.”

“Oh, you're leaving already? So soon? I won't see you again, then?”

Rinaldo shook his head. “No, I'm only here for a little while, but I have things to do.”

“Oh, no! You can't leave!” She looked excited. “You owe me a kiss.”

He tried to get away from her, but Viola wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her. Rinaldo fought to get away from her. Viola had a firm grip and was crushing him. She would not let go.

“Stop it, Viola.”

“But I haven't seen you in a while! I thought we could do something fun.”

Rinaldo felt like the rest of the students were watching him, or maybe it was the entire hallway. Everyone seemed to take in the scene in front of them. He was sure everyone was staring. Viola quickly reached out, cupping his cheek.

“You know what? You should stay here with me! We could do a lot of fun things! I'm sure we could do it right here, in the hallway. All you have to do is follow me, and you'll be surprised what you can do.”

“Viola, I'm not doing anything here. Please stop.”

Rinaldo tried to keep her from touching him, but she only pulled him closer, making it more difficult for him to move. Rinaldo was growing frustrated and tired of having his head snapped off by this woman. He shook off her grip. She was becoming a nuisance.

“Oh, so you're not into girls!”

She was now standing before him, making it difficult for him to escape. He tried to shake her off, but she only grabbed hold of his arms, wrapping her long, firm fingers around them. She stared back at him. Viola seemed to know he didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Rinaldo wasn't sure what to do. He pushed her away. “You know what? I'm leaving, Viola.”

“Oh no, you don't. You're staying.” Her smile had turned strangely predatory. “Please, Rinaldo. I can make you feel good.”

Rinaldo could feel himself grow irritated. Why was this woman so persistent? Why couldn't she just let him leave? He hated it when people wouldn't leave him alone. Rinaldo would not let her get to him. He pushed her away, trying to get her out of his face.

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“I'm not going to tell you again. I have things to do, and I'm trying to be polite. Now, excuse me.”

Viola stepped back, watching him walk away. Rinaldo didn't know this, but she was smiling, happy that she got what she wanted. It was better for him to be angry with her than to be dead. She'd lost him once. She didn't want to lose him again.

Rinaldo's mind raced. Why would Viola be visiting? And what was she doing here in the first place? Rinaldo couldn't let it bother him. He felt a presence approaching, and he looked over to see Olivia. She was standing nearby, looking at her surroundings.

Rinaldo motioned with his head that she should come over, and he was glad she did. Olivia knew Rinaldo needed him. With a quick jump, she was beside Rinaldo.

“Rinaldo?” She turned to him. “What's going on?”

“I'm not sure. Viola just showed up and started talking to me.”

“Oh, I see.”

Rinaldo noticed Clarissa in the background, standing at the end of the hallway, where it led out of the cafeteria. Her posture was different. She was standing differently than normal. Olivia didn't say anything, but she must have noticed it too.

Clarissa was staring at the floor. It was strange. Then Rinaldo noticed she wasn't moving. Rinaldo reached out, feeling her movements, and saw that she was completely stationary. She was like a statue, standing motionless.

They approached her, and Rinaldo immediately noticed that she was afraid of something. He went to touch her, and saw she was trembling. Then the fear was gone, replaced by relief.

“Clarissa, what's going on? Are you okay?” That her fear had left so quickly confused Rinaldo. Perhaps the presence of familiar faces made her feel better.

She turned to face Rinaldo and Olivia and gave them an embarrassed smile. “I'm fine. Don't mind me. Just a few nerves, I guess. There are so many people here.”

Rinaldo thought the entire situation of being in an unfamiliar landscape, and among so many people could have been too much for her. She was right to feel nervous because it seemed like this crowd would be overwhelming for her.

“You're right.” Olivia agreed. “There are so many people here.”

“We'll take you back to the palace. It's a safe place.” Rinaldo looked at Clarissa, who nodded. She had calmed down but still wasn't fully herself.

She looked at Rinaldo with gratitude as he led them away from the crowds, where Clarissa could feel more comfortable. “Thank you.”

They walked to the college's exit. Rinaldo watched Clarissa as she walked. She seemed a lot more relaxed. Rinaldo and Olivia were happy she seemed better, and were hoping her unease about the situation would not persist.

The three were now just outside the door, near the side of the college. It was a bright sunny day. Everything looked like any other day. The air was calm and quiet. They walked along the edge of a wooded area on a grassy lawn. Clarissa returned to her normal self and was again in a good mood.

Olivia turned to Clarissa. “Have you been in the capital before?”

“Yes.” Clarissa looked at her and smiled. “I have been here a few times, actually.”

Olivia raised an eyebrow. “You have? I didn't know that. How many times?”

“I don't know. Several, maybe? It's been a while. I've always wanted to see it again.”

Holy Norman's Imperial Capital was a spectacular sight. It was so massive and magnificent that it seemed to be more of a metropolis than a town. The buildings were tall and wide, standing several stories tall. The roads were made of granite and paved with wide brick or asphalt.

It had many parks, a large central square, and other large buildings. Many smaller buildings, houses, and shops were also present throughout the city, near the central square. The square had statues and fountains. Everything about the city was grand and beautiful.

“There's so much to see.” Clarissa looked enthralled by everything she saw. “It feels so much bigger than I remembered. It's been a long time since I've been there.”

“It is impressive indeed.” Rinaldo commented.

“Isn't that the Imperial Palace?” Clarissa pointed to a white building on the horizon.

“Yes,” Olivia confirmed. “That's where the Emperor lives.”

Clarissa smiled. “I'd love to meet him.”

“Why don't we go there right now?” Rinaldo suggested. “We can meet him right away.”

The three had reached the edge of the grassy field. They could see the impressive palace standing in front of them. After a while of walking, they reached the palace. The palace looked majestic, like it had been around for ages.

The large white building was stately. Rinaldo knew the entire palace was beautiful, but the main entrance, with the tall pillars and archway leading to it, was the most impressive. It was in the middle of the massive lawn, with marble pillars and walls.

“Wow.” Clarissa looked around, staring at the palace. A look of admiration filled her face. “It's just so… beautiful. Everything here is so grand.”

“I knew you would like it.” Rinaldo said with pride. “It is magnificent, isn't it?”

They continued, following the sidewalk towards the main door. It was far from where they were now, past the lawn and large lawns, but they could get there quickly. The three were feeling excited. Rinaldo saw Clarissa's smile. They had all been waiting for this.

They approached the door, which was the only entrance to the palace. The enormous door opened for them, and they all walked inside. It was the gateway to the heart of the empire, and people were always happy to see it. The sunlight shone in through and made the white marble walls glitter.

There were guards, both armed and unarmed, stationed at the outer walls of the entrance to the palace. The guards stood there with their lances drawn, looking out for trespassers and anything dangerous that would interrupt the peace in this place.

“This is the entrance to the throne room.” Rinaldo greeted some guards. “The Emperor's throne is behind the dais.”

“Can we go in there?”

“Of course.” Rinaldo smiled. “We're here to see the Emperor, after all.”

“Oh, that's great. I can't wait to meet the Emperor.”

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