King’s War Game

Chapter 10: Ch.9: A Guard’s Duty

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            “I won’t allow it,” Miller says, standing in front of Mila.

The pair stand in the middle of a makeshift camp at the base of the mountain. The other guardsmen prepare for the upcoming battle while some watch the siblings squabble. The commander stands on the sidelines, monitoring them as the preparations continue.

Mila glares up at Miller, staring at him. “But Brother!”

            “We’re on duty.”


            “No buts. You can’t face a Demon even a lesser one. You should just give it up and go wait at the camp.”

Mila shakes her head. “I’m going!”


            “Because I want to keep the island safe, too.”

Miller walks forward. “Mila, please. You’re too weak to come along.”

            “I can fight just like anyone.”

            “It’s not about fighting. It’s about how you can’t control yourself.”

Mila steps back. “What?”

            “You’ve been blacking out again, haven’t you?”

She pauses. “What if I am? What’s the point in this power if I don’t use it to protect the people I care about?”

            “What if you hurt the people you care about?”

The pair stare at each other, unable to say a word as Miller turns away from her. Mila grabs his arm and he ignores her, yanking his arm away.

            “You’re staying here to watch over the supplies. That’s final. If you come anyway, then you’ll be in trouble for insubordination. Even as my sister, you won’t get off unscathed. Understood?”

Mila pauses as the tears well up in her eyes. “Brother.”

            “Don’t worry. I promise I’ll come back and then we’ll be able to relax for a minute.”

            “But…” Mila’s mind turns back to the immense pressure she felt glancing at the Lesser Demon as she worries for her brother.

He flashes a smile that somewhat comforts her and he turns away. “Now follow your orders.”

            “Yes, Brother.” She says, lowering her head.

Miller walks towards the commander as the two look over the guardsmen.

            “Captain Gill.” The commander says.

            “Yes, Sir.”

            “Do you think it’s wise to keep Mila out of this? Her power is incredible.”

            “She lacks control. It’s too dangerous.”

            “Are those your words as a captain or as her brother?” The commander stares at Miller. “I remind you your position comes with certain rights and responsibilities. Ignoring a useful tool could be seen as foolish.”

            “In all honesty, Sir as a member of the Defense Force, I have one duty above all.”


            “To lay my life down for the ones I love!” Miller yells with a stern expression on his face. “It’s what my father and mother drilled into me before they left this world. And those are words I choose to live by.”

            “Fine. But just remember, you aren’t the only one who lives by such words.”

Miller turns to Mila and nods. “I know.”


An hour later, a small contingent of twenty warriors begins their mission. Ten climb the mountain while another ten comb the surrounding area. After finding the residue of the Lesser Demon’s miasma, the two groups combined and tracked the residue towards the forest. As they move forward, a thick miasma covers the area and they take up their masks or scarves covering their noses and mouths.

            “Do you think it’s here, sir?” A guardsman asks Miller.

            “Considering how thick this is, either it’s here or it’s spawned.”


            “I’ve heard that Lesser Demons can make more of themselves by feeding parts of themselves to monsters. But the miasma typically keeps most living things away.”

            “How’re we supposed to take this thing down?”

            “We throw everything we can at it,” Miller says, grabbing the hilt of his sword. “Even if it costs us.”


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The group marches into a forest and finds the Lesser Demon standing in the middle of a field. It stares at the moon in a seeming calm as it opens its mouth. It lets out a loud cry that shakes the air as the miasma around its body grows thicker. The plant life around it rots away as it seems to laugh.

            “What the hell?” Someone asks, gaining the creature's attention.

It turns to them with a smile on its twisted face as it holds out its four arms. Miller steps forward, drawing his sword as he feels part of the blade cut into his hand.

            “Everyone. We have to take this monster down! Begin the Operation!” Miller yells.

            “Yes Sir!” They all yell.

The group behind Miller charges ahead as the Lesser Demon gathers fire in the palm of its hands. It unleashes a blast of flames, with a group of guardsmen rushing to the front and holding out their shields. The shields form a barrier that blocks the fireball as it fades away, with another group rushing ahead and swinging their blades at the beast.

The blades cut into its flesh but as its blood spurts out, the swords and spears melt away as the Lesser Demon laughs. It lunges forward, grabbing ahold of a man and lifting him into the air. Bolts of lightning shoot run through its body as the mages cast their spells with the Lesser Demon, dropping its prey.

            “The thing is resistant to magic.” A mage says.

            “And its blood is melting the weapons.”

Miller steps forward, drawing his blade. “Let’s try with enchanted weaponry. Everyone else, back away!”

            “Miller at my side.” The commander says.

The pair hold out their swords and charge forward toward the beast. It grabs hold of their swords, cutting its hands, but the blades remain sharp, cutting off its arms. Miller’s sword grows sharper and jagged as he spins around and lops off the monster’s head.

            “There it is done.”

            “Miller!” The commander yells out.

The Lesser Demon’s tail swings, smashing into Miller’s head and knocking him back as the creature charges toward him. It thrusts its fist forward, jabbing Miller faster than he can defend as it breaks away his armor.

            “How is it alive?” Someone asks.

            “Look at its chest!”

In the center of the Lesser Demon, a face forms as it opens its mouth. It laughs, sticking out its long tongue and showing its jagged teeth. With one last attack, it pierces through Miller’s side, and then, with another set, runs a fist into Miller’s stomach. The Lesser Demon laughs as Miller collapses, with the commander rushing ahead and swinging his sword at the monster. It blocks the attack and unleashes a blast of flames from its body, burning everything around it.

            “Damned monster!” Miller yells, forcing himself up.

He pours his blood onto the blade as it grows larger and sharper as Miller thrusts his sword forward. The Lesser Demon yells as it thrusts its attack at Miller aimed for his head.

            “Brother!” A voice screams out.

A figure bursts through the flames, grabbing Miller and taking a blow in the side. Miller’s eyes focus as Mila stands over him, bleeding as she holds onto her side.


            “Are you okay, Brother?”

            “Mila I… I told you not to come!”

            “But Brother. If you never came back then….” Mila collapses as the blood pools around Miller’s feet. “I would never forgive myself.”

            “Mila!” Miller yells.

His pupils dilate and he screams out in a rage as his ears and tail perk up. He swings his sword and slashes into the Lesser Demon, unleashing his strength. The monster laughs, seemingly ignoring Miller’s attacks as takes them. As Miller’s strength fades, it unleashes another attack at Miller, aiming to end their battle.

            “Brother. Will you learn your lesson?” Mila says.

Mila stands between Miller and the Lesser Demon, forming a sphere of flames around herself. Her posture changes as her tails grow longer and her eyes glow red. Her teeth sharpen and she stares ahead at the Lesser Demon with a twisted smile on her face.


            “Brother, sit down. I’ll kill this thing.” She says.

Miller reaches for her, only for the flames to burn him. “Mila!” He yells out, reaching out for her.

Mila smiles as the Lesser Demon laughs at her. With five tails behind her, Mila holds out her hands as pillars of flames burst forth from her palms. The Lesser Demon laughs, unleashing its flames to counter hers.

            “Oh, you want to have a firefight? Then let’s play monster. I have to make you pay for hurting my Big Brother!” She yells as she attacks the Lesser Demon.


Elsewhere on the island, Glyn sneaks around, exploring the side of the mountain. He wanders around, avoiding anyone’s sight as he stops to take a drink.

            “Damn it, my eyes still hurt.” He says with his eyes red with irritation and pain. “It’s taking everything I have to not scratch them. Because it’ll only make this feeling worse.”

Forcing himself ahead, he finds an odd sight on the side of the mountain.

            “Is this what I think it is?” He smiles, looking ahead at a large hole in the mountain's side. “This would explain it all. All the monsters on the island, the sudden increase in their number, and the Lesser Demon.”

He stands in front of the hole and holds his arms wide open. “A dungeon!” He screams at the top of his lungs.

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