King’s War Game

Chapter 9: Ch.8: Emergency Senario

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            “So, you’ve found a Lesser Demon?” The Elder asks as Glyn and Mila sit in his home.

The three alongside the commander sit in a large meeting room as Glyn and Mila report their findings. The commander looks at Mila, observing her as Glyn finishes the report and stretches his legs.

            “That’s right. After it stopped, we ran back here as our lives depended on it. Because they did.”

            “The monsters are going nuts and now a Lesser Demon has appeared. It appears you have bad luck.” The commander says.

Glyn sighs. “Don’t I know it?”

            “And Mila, how were you?”

            “I was fine. I blanked out for a moment. But I think it was because of the Demon’s miasma as Glyn said.”

The Elder nods with Glyn watching him. “So, this man knows what’s up with Mila. Or that other Mila.

            “Anyway. I’d say it’s a newborn. Likely coming out of whatever nest the other monsters are spawning in from.”

            “That’s clear. But the question is how many there are.”

            “One. Considering how it acted, it’s likely the only Lesser Demon to spawn. If another were around, it would try to fight it to show dominance. But there were no others.”

Mila stares at Glyn. “Um, what is a Lesser Demon?”


            “I know about Demons. But I’ve never heard of a Lesser Demon?”


The Elder laughs. “I’m sorry. This child had a limited education. There are some concepts and common knowledge she doesn’t know of yet because they deemed it unnecessary for her.”

            “Geez. I know you kept her isolated. But trying to dumb her down, that’s kind of low Elder.”

            “It was not my choice.”

Mila grabs Glyn’s hand. “Don’t think ill of anyone here over me. I’m sure they had a good reason for it.”

Glyn sighs. “If you’re not mad, then why should I be? Anyway, let me tell you what a Lesser Demon is.”

            “Thank you!”

            “A Lesser Demon is essentially a monster that has obtained a Demonic Element.”

            “Demonic Element?”

The Elder holds out his staff. “You remember. How do people have a natural affinity for elemental magic, correct?”

            “Yes, and how I have a natural affinity for fire.”

            “That’s right. Well, monsters have similar affinities. And if one were to kill a monster and take their core, they can turn this affinity into an item called an Element.”

Mila nods. “Right. That’s how we craft magical weapons like Brother’s sword.”

            “Right. A Demonic Element is different, however. It’s a naturally occurring thing in places with the correct mixture of miasma and mana. Thankfully, most of the time, they're small and can’t cause any trouble. However, in rare occurrences, they’re strong and if a monster absorbs it, they’ll become a Lesser Demon.”

            “If we leave a Lesser Demon alone for too long, it’ll spread its Demonic Element to more monsters, creating followers to grow its strength.” The Elder says. “And if it grows powerful enough, it can be reborn as a Demon.”

The Commander nods. “Demons and their sources have been extinct since the crowning of the king. Or I guess I should say old king one hundred years ago. For one to show up now after his death is unnerving.”

            “Yes. If this were to get out, the mainlanders would swarm the island and might destroy it to prevent Demons from re-surging.” The Elder says.

            “Well, it looks like you can’t get rid of me now. I imagine this Lesser Demon came from the same place all the other monsters did. And I still have a bet to win.”

            “You think you can stop it?”

            “No. Not on my own. But I can stop more from spawning.”

The commander nods. “That would be helpful. But we can’t take any risks.”

            “Yes. Glyn. From this moment forward, you are under house arrest and you are not to leave the manor. As for Mila, we will assign you to support the squad handling the Lesser Demon.”

Mila shoots up. “Huh why!?”

            “With a Lesser Demon about, we can’t take any risks. If he were to be injured by it and that got to the mainland, we can say our island, our home goodbye. And since you would likely ignore orders and help him escape captivity, you are being reassigned.”

            “But….” Mila’s eyes dart around the room before focusing on Glyn.

            “Fine.” Glyn stands up. “I was thinking Mila was cramping my style.”

            “Huh? But….”

            “Listen, the situation’s getting dangerous. If you keep helping me, then you’ll get blamed if I break a rule or two. I’d rather just avoid that.”

            “So, you’ll cooperate?” The Elder asks.

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            “For now. Until I decide not to.”

The Elder laughs. “What an interesting child you are.”

            “Well, let me say we will have a spare division of guards patrolling your manor and the surrounding areas. We’re going to make this as difficult for you as possible.” The commander says.

            “Good. I like a challenge.”


They push Glyn back into his manor with the commander and Miller following him close behind. Several guards surround the manor as Glyn counts the various guards posted around the building. Miller stands behind him as the pair wander the halls of the manor. Miller glares at the back of Glyn’s head, gripping the hilt of his sword.

            “You guys are pulling out all the stops. You’re trying your best to keep me inside.”

            “It’s for your and our protection. You have to admit you’re too much of a wild card in the current events.”

Glyn nods. “Yeah. I try to make things difficult. I would rather be unpredictable. That makes it harder for my enemies to figure me out.”

            “Yes, and it also makes you incredibly annoying.”

            “I guess.”

            “Anyhow, I need to ask you something.”

            “About Mila?”


            “About her ‘other’ self?”

            “You saw it then?”

            “Yes. I noticed she had a third tail, and that she acted differently when we encountered that Lesser Demon. Harsher somewhat.”

Miller shakes his head. “She has an incredible pool of mana inside of her body. The most I’ve ever seen. But she can’t control it. She can only tap into a fraction of her power before losing control.”

            “I see. I’ve heard of cases like this.”

            “Then is there a cure!?”

            “A cure? There’s nothing to cure. Mila’s mana is part of her. Curing it would essentially kill a part of herself or crippling her.”

Miller pauses. “I… I want to keep her safe. Even if it’s from herself.”

            “Would that include robbing her of her freedom? At that point, it’s not about protection. It’s control!”

            “What do you know? I’m her brother. I have to keep her safe.”

Glyn turns around and walks down the hall. “I’m also an older brother. And I know something about the lengths one can go to protect their sibling.”

Miller pauses and turns around. “Just stay put. We’ll exterminate that monster tonight and you just have to sit tight. Once we’re done, then we’ll figure out what to do with you next.”


Miller leaves and Glyn makes his way into his room. He sits on his makeshift bed and pulls out his book to check his notes. He nods as he checks them and sighs, leaning back on the bed.

            “Well, at the very least, they can’t ship me off until after we’ve dealt with this Lesser Demon fiasco with. And they find where it came from. They wouldn’t want the kingdom stomping down on them.”

He nods, standing up and walking around the room. “I need to assume a position here. And technically, our bet is still on. So, I should find it myself and win the bet.”

He looks out of the window and notices the guardsmen patrolling the area. “But they will not make it easy.”

            “It’s a good thing Mila isn’t here or else I couldn’t do this.” He says to himself as he reaches into his bag.

Pulling out the map from Mila, he looks at the remaining spots and nods. He walks out of the room and holds out his book. As he makes his way to the exit, the guardsmen approach him as he opens the book.

            “What’re you doing?” One asks, pulling out a large stick.

            “Just go back inside and there won’t be any trouble.”

Glyn smirks. “I feel bad about this. I honestly do. Especially because this hurts worse than you can imagine.”

Glyn whispers into the book and a thick mist spills out of the tome. “What’s this miasma?!”

            “What the hell….”

The pair collapse to the ground as Glyn closes the book tight with blood dripping from his nose. “Twice in one day. It’s a good thing I practiced before I came here or else I might’ve knocked myself out.”

Glyn walks forward, holding his side as he wipes away his bloody nose with his shirt sleeve. “Now let’s cross off the remaining spots. Hopefully, one of them will be what I’m looking for.”

            “If not, then I’m really in trouble.”

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