Kingdom of the gods

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 The old is forgotten

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The year was 2050, and after innumerable conflicts, there had been years of peace in the Blue world. Lei Shun reincarnated into the form of a beggar just off Dong Jie East Street in the Dragon Kingdom. As he struggled to rise to his feet while leaning on a wall with his right hand, Lei Shun asked himself, "Where am I?" as he tried to make sense of his current situation.

"Did I perish? "How come I can't recall?" as he was gaining enough strength to walk, he was greeted by bustling people moving up and down on their phones and schoolgirls chatting to their friends on their way to class or just skipping school without a care in the world, all of this was new to Lei Shun as he received this new information from his former host.

He re-entered the alleyway he had just exited and saw two familiar faces sleeping soundlessly and peacefully on the floor, it was his mother and sister, his mother was an attractive mid-aged woman who looked to be in her forties heading to her fifties shown by her hair that was black as night with a few grey strands that lay loosely all over her face, as she was cuddling a little girl in her arms who looked to be 12 to 14 years old. The only difference between her and the mother in her arms was that one was older, and the other was younger. Lei Mei-Ling is the name of his mother, and Lei Xinyi is his sister.

His father was from a wealthy family with a long history, therefore they could not allow a lower-class lady into their family, so they tried everything they could to ruin her, as he learned from the host.

"Since I inherited this body, I will not make you and your family suffer in this life." Lei Shun said this with a calm and stern expression on his face. He noticed that his clothes were worn out and that his trousers on his knees were full of holes as he was barefoot. His face was close to his mother's, beauty, with somewhat long black hair that reached his shoulders, he was between the ages of sixteen and eighteen.

His mother and sister awoke as a result of a sudden earthquake and asked, "What happened?" as the Earth began to shake and everyone became terrified, Lei Mei-Ling said as she took a glance around. "Mommy, I'm scared," Lei Xinyi murmured, Lei Xinyi's mother was comforting her, saying "Don't worry baby, everything is going to be okay”. People on the street were surprised when the earthquake suddenly ceased, and everything returned to normal as if nothing had occurred. An elderly gentleman then said, "What just happened?" a woman with dread on her face responded, "I don't know, I believe that was an earthquake."

Then everyone in the globe heard a loud noise that sounded like something was attempting to break in. Everyone watched the sky crack and shatter piece by piece like glass in astonishment and amazement while experiencing many emotions. Then, all of a sudden, the Blue world vanished and everyone faded, only to reappear in a new world.

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