Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu

Chapter 68: 68

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Triumphant return in the rain

A light drizzle is falling today.

In addition to the bad weather, it was still early afternoon, so there were few customers.

If she was working alone, she would have too much time, but today is Ena and Jayla’s work day.

The three of them finished preparing the ice cream, and now they are having a relaxing tea party.

Looking out the shop window, Alme was troubled.

“If it keeps raining like this, we might not get any customers today.”

“It’s been sunny lately, so I feel like it’s about time. I don’t care about the salary, so if you want to close the shop, you can do it.”

“Oh, if you’re going home early, who wants to go shopping? I want to buy some clothes.”

It would be nice to continue the tea party in a leisurely manner, but it would also be fun to go out.

In this world, the common people’s shops are carefree. It is common for the shop to be closed on days when it is not expected to attract customers.

“I like shopping. Where do you usually buy your clothes, Jayla?”

“My favorite place these days is the one in the underground shopping mall.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s raining, if we go underground. I want to explore new clothing shops too, so I’m on board!”

“Okay, then, it’s decided!”

The three girls stood up and began to close the shop.

Luorio is as busy underground as it is above ground. It’s a great place to enjoy shopping and sightseeing even on rainy days.

Alme quickly closed the shop and made preparations to go out.

As she stepped outside, small raindrops hit her skin. It’s a light rain that makes her hesitate whether to put up an umbrella. There’s no problem if she runs into the underground mall, but she brought an umbrella just in case.

The three of them went down to the underground mall from the stairs in the immediate vicinity of the street.

The underground mall where the light of the magic stone lamp sways in the dark is a place that somehow makes her excited no matter how many times she comes.

As they walked along, enjoying their chat, they arrived at the clothing shop that Jayla wanted to visit. The shop was reasonably bright with lots of lamps.

“Now, let’s see if I can find some cute clothes!”

“Miss Jayla’s favorite shop…I see, there are a lot of clothes with bold designs!”

Many of the clothes lined up in the shop were quite revealing. Some were designed to show the belly, others were short skirts that showed the legs.

It’s a high hurdle for Alme, but it’s fun to look at. It’s all clothes that look good on the tall and stylish Jayla.

When Alme held it in her hand and looked at it, Ena laughed mischievously.

“Oh, you’re going to buy a blouse that shows your belly too, Alme? It’s your debut to show some skin!”

“I’m not buying it! I don’t have the stomach to show it off. How about this mini-skirt for Ena?”

“I think it’s cute, but if I buy clothes that are too skimpy, Aiden will sulk.”

“If it’s loungewear, it’s possible, isn’t it? I think that Aiden guy would be quite pleased.”

While laughing, the three girls picked up clothes one after another and looked at them.

A long skirt with a deep slit that reveals the thighs. A tube top that covers only the chest area. Pants with a low rise that makes the hip bones visible.

It’s interesting to see all the clothes with designs that Alme doesn’t usually wear.

There was also a lingerie corner in the back of the shop. The lingerie is also lined up with designs that match the atmosphere of the shop.

“This is…quite extreme!”

“Ahahaha, it’s a design when you don’t want to hide anything at all!”

“This kind of lingerie is just for showing off!”

The revealing lingerie is no longer underwear, but a ‘decoration’. The lingerie section of this shop has what is called ‘competitive lingerie’.

Ena, who had been laughing hysterically as she picked it up, suddenly turned serious.

“I think I’ll buy one. As a reward for Aiden’s safe return.”

Saying this with a straight face, Ena began to make a serious selection. She decided on a set of lingerie that she thought would be perfect and approached the shopkeeper.

“Excuse me, can I try on the lingerie? Just the top is fine.”

“Yes, of course you can try it on.”

“Maybe I should try on just the skirt too~”

“Please, this way to the fitting room.”

Ena and Jayla head to the fitting room with the clerk.

“I’ll be looking in the shop across the street”

“Got it~”

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“No, no, take your time.”

While waiting for them, Alme decided to look at the accessory shop across from the clothing shop.

After doing so for just a short while, they separated.

After paying the bill, Alme received an outrageous gift from Ena and Jayla.

“Alme, here you go. Yes, this is a present from us!”

“We want to show our support for Alme’s search for a match!”

“Eh, what? Can I see it?”

Alme took out the contents from the paper bag that was handed to her. It’s a cloth with a gleaming material.

There is no way…

“Ena-chan and I chose the best lingerie set for you!”

“I couldn’t decide between pink, light blue, and white, but I chose white! You like white, right? Your hair ornament and sandals are white too.”

Alme leaned forward with a cringe as she unfolded the cloth in her hand. The gift was a very revealing pair of underwear.

It is tailored with transparent lace, and a fabric area that hides almost nothing. Both the top and bottom are worn with ribbons tied around them, and the design itself is quite pretty.

If a model was wearing it, it would have made a girlish heart swoon. It is that kind of exquisite design.

…though it would be too much for Alme to wear it herself.

“Thank you… but I can’t use these items to find a relationship…”

“Just kidding, just kidding!”

“If you’re going to wear it after you’ve successfully completed your relationship search, why not?”

“It’s impossible even after looking for a relationship…!”

If she had the personality to wear such items easily, she would have already found herself a partner and married long ago.

Alme returned the underwear set to the bag in front of the two who were holding their stomachs and laughing. Sorry, but she’ll leave this lingerie as it is in the bag.

After enjoying shopping in the underground mall, They returned above ground.

At Ena’s request, they decided to go to a restaurant along the street for lunch.

You are reading story Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu at novel35.com

However, the destination was suddenly changed.

As they started to walk away, the city bell rang.

The sound of a bell with a distinctive sound – a clang-clang – this bell signals the return of the troops.

The three of them stopped and looked at each other. Ena’s expression stiffened.

“They’re back…Hey, can we stop at the roadside? This was a sudden dispatch, so I’m worried…!”

“Of course. Let’s have lunch later. Can a return march be seen closer than an expedition march?”

“There will be a good turnout, but not as good as the military send-off. If you want to get a spot, now is your chance! Let’s go!”

While the rain turned into a downpour, the three of them hurried to the main street.

The main street is reasonably crowded, but compared to the send-off, the number of spectators is much smaller. Maybe it’s because it’s raining.

They waited for the army to return from a well-visible place along the road.

Listening to the conversations of the people around her, it seems that most of the people gathered here are related to the military, there are many family members and friends of military personnel.

Everyone looks anxiously at the street.

“It’s because the scale of the corps was large this time…I wonder if it’s okay.”

“My son went into battle for the first time…”

“It’s going to be okay. Papa is a strong person. When Papa walks by, let’s wave to him.”

People’s voices made her heart flutter.

Ena seemed to have the same feeling, and her hand holding the umbrella looked like it’s trembling.

Alme closed her own umbrella and entered under Ena’s umbrella. Alme took her hand and clasped it with both of her hands.

When Alme is feeling anxious, she feels calm when she feels someone’s body temperature.

“Let me in too!”

After Alme entered the umbrella, Jayla came in as well. Her light and cheerful voice softened her heart.

The three of them decided to greet the army together under one umbrella.

After waiting for a while, they heard people’s voices and footsteps from across the street. It looks like the soldiers are marching.

They started to see the first group. However, it seems that the number is smaller than when the army was dispatched.

The soldiers on foot all look exhausted and their clothes are badly soiled. Pitch black stains, reddish-black stains, and dust.

Did the man who did not lower his sword lose it on the battlefield? Or was it broken?

Some horses did not carry a person. The horse carried a rider on the march out…then where did the rider go?

They watched the ragged march in dismay.

Ena muttered in a trembling voice.

“…the 3rd squad passed by. Aiden wasn’t marching with them.”

“Charikot wasn’t there either.”

“. . .”

Alme bit her lip without saying anything.

The soldiers passed by.

The march is almost over. A group of horses with no master on board came walking, pulled by soldiers.

The horse has only a magic wand attached to it. It was the horse of the military priests. The beautiful magic wands were stained black as if they had been covered with mud.

Among the herd of horses was a white-gray horse. This horse, Alme believed, was the one Falk was riding. She remembered it well.

But right now, no one is riding on its back.

The throbbing in her chest grew louder and it was hard to breathe. Ena stiffened her body and her arms were shaking.

Jayla said in a calm voice.

“The injured are thrown into a wagon, so maybe they’re inside. Those who died…if it’s a terrible battlefield, are left behind for a while. After returning the living people to the city first, a team will go out to clean up the remains.”

Jayla stands tall, her back straight as usual. She seems to take it calmly.

If Jayla had entered the military, Alme was sure she would have been a splendid soldier.

Thinking about such things vaguely, she ended up escaping from reality.

But, right after that, she was suddenly pulled back to reality.

From the last group of people, one person came out to the side of the road. A large, bearded soldier.

A soldier in knight uniform riding a horse vigorously pulled out his sword and raised it into the sky. At the same time, he raised his voice.

“Our brave army of Luorio has fought and vanquished numerous dragons! Not a finger was left on the battlefield, not a soul was left behind, and all the men returned safely! Praise the warriors! Praise Luorio’s army!”

As soon as they heard that loud voice, cheers rose from the surroundings.

Both Alme and Ena opened their eyes wide.

“The army took on dragon demons and no one died ……? Everyone made it back alive, right……? Aiden is in the wagon too, right……! Thank goodness…… thank goodness~……!”

Ena hugged Alme as hard as she could. Alme hugged back with all her might. She’s so relieved she’s about to cry…

It was really, really good.

All of Luorio’s troops made it back alive!

Alme turned to exchange a joyful hug with Jayla as well, but the tall Jayla was nowhere to be found.

When she looked down at her feet, she saw that Jayla was squatting down and covering her face with her hands.

“Charikot, you stupid bastard~! You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re still alive! You’re talking bad luck for nothing! ……! I’ll punch you when you get back home! Oh, God! My makeup is coming off~……!”

Jayla had tears streaming down her face.

Both Alme and Ena were taken aback. Where was her unflappable appearance until just now?

She was sobbing and crying raggedly, while swearing.

“Miss Jayla! Are you okay!?”

After crying for a while, Jayla’s makeup was completely removed. Surprisingly, she seems to have a quality that won’t stop once she starts crying.

Without makeup, she looked very much like Charikot, even down to her appearance.

The next day, Alme heard from Ena about Aiden’s injury. She told her that Aiden had been treated but needed to rest since he had been seriously injured.

Furthermore, the next day, a letter arrived from Jayla.

It seems that Charikot will be hospitalized for a while. But he seems to be eating well.

She was relieved to hear that they were safe.

However, there was no word from Falk.

Alme sent him a letter the same day he got home, but he didn’t reply. Every day, she checked the mailbox many times, but there was no letter from him.

Then, when she started to feel the throbbing in her chest again, she finally got a reply.

The reply, or rather, the person himself showed up.

Like a bird with a wounded wing, he appeared dazed and staggered, and Alme was startled.

You can find story with these keywords: Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu, Read Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu novel, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu book, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu story, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu full, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu Latest Chapter

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