Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu

Chapter 69: 69

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Protecting a feeble falcon

A few days had passed since the Luorio army returned.

It’s been raining heavily for the past few days, but today is finally going to be a sunny day.

Recently, the ice cream shop was closed due to the rain, but it looks like it will be open soon.

Alme checked the weather and looked into the mailbox at the front door…she hasn’t received a letter from Falk today either.

Is he just busy…or is he in a state where he can’t reply due to a severe injury?

(If something happened, I think the temple will contact me, but…)

Falk has been asked to act as a guarantor for her work at the temple–the Ice Magic Replenisher, so if something happened to him, she should be contacted.

She hadn’t heard anything so far, so she was sure that he was fine. Worry is worry.

Checking the empty mailbox, Alme let out a sigh.

She can’t spend the day in a gloomy mood, so she changed my mind.

Now then, she’ll start with the opening of the shop. Just when she thought that, she saw a figure walking from the back of the alley to the small plaza.

Tall stature with brown hair. Walking towards her is Falk.

“Mr. Falk!…wait, you look dizzy.”

It is always the case that the heat has exhausted him, but today he is different. He is walking with his hands on the wall of the alley.

Alme rushed through the small plaza to meet him.

“Mr. Falk, welcome back! I mean, what’s wrong with you!? Are you all right!?”

“Hello Miss Alme. I’m sorry I couldn’t reply to your letter…I came here because I wanted to meet you in person and have a chat.”

“But it looks like you’re not feeling well…”

Alme took hold of the unsteady Falk’s arm and supported him. The body she touched was much hotter than usual.

She reached over to check the temperature on his forehead.

“You have a fever. For a priest to wander around in such a dazed state… the God of medicine will get angry.”

“I know my stupidity…. But I really wanted to eat ice cream…so I snuck out of the temple.”

“I would preach to you as much as I can, but I will do so when you feel better. For now, please rest at my house.”

She walked back to the house while supporting Falk who was hunched over.

On his left hand is the bracelet she had given him. He came back from the battlefield, but is still wearing it.

Somehow she felt happy and embarrassed… She felt a strange feeling in her chest.

Alme looked up and saw Falk’s face so as not to be conscious of the bracelet.

“Are you unwell because of the battle? Is it because you were injured?”

“No, it’s just magic fatigue. This time the demons were hard to break, and many people were injured. I kept using healing magic day after day, and this is what happened…”

“That’s… thank you for your hard work.”

Magical fatigue is a physical condition that occurs when someone uses too much magic. It can range from mild, where one feels a little sluggish, to severe, where one can’t move. Falk must have been in the latter state.

“If you say that you have escaped from the temple, is it possible that Mr. Falk is currently hospitalized?”

“……It’s already decided that I will receive a sermon, so I will confess…well, it’s true.”

Falk made his body even smaller. Looking at Alme’s complexion, he continued in a whisper.

“So, umm… if possible, I’d like to eat a lot of ice cream…”

“Are you hungry?”

“It took me so long to get out of the temple that I missed breakfast, or…”

“Sheesh, really, what are you doing!?”

This priest gets angry at other people’s injuries, but puts his own health on a shelf. Whether a doctor or a priest, neither should neglect their health.

(practice what you preach…)

It was confirmed that Alme’s sermon was going to be incredibly long.

Alme invited the dazed Falk to her home on the second floor instead of the first floor shop.

The ice cream shop will be closed again today. For the time being, she decided to let him relax and unwind.

When she brought him home, Falk put down his bag and took off the necklace of his disguise.

“Please take a seat. It’s pre-made, but I’ll warm up the soup.”

“Thank you…excuse me.”

Serving breakfast before ice cream, he sat in a chair in the living room while Alme set the plates on the table.

Chicken and macaroni vegetable soup, chewy little cheese bread and green vegetable juice, which her grandmother taught her how to make a long time ago and which gives her energy.

“It’s Luorio’s home cooking, so I don’t know if it will suit your taste, but please go ahead and try it.”

“I’m sorry to even eat your meal…then, I’ll enjoy it.”

Despite his despondent appearance, Falk was able to eat a big mouthful of the soup, which was full of various ingredients. He seemed to be very hungry.

Alme was glad to see that even though he is experiencing magical fatigue, he still has an appetite.

Alme also sat across from him and drank tea in a relaxed manner.

You are reading story Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu at novel35.com

This carefree time spent with Falk is one of Alme’s favorite moments. She breathed a sigh of relief when she thought to herself, ‘Ah, everyday life has returned.’

“It’s delicious… it’s reviving… It’s like heavenly food. I’m sure the gods must be eating this kind of food every day…”

“What are you saying about just a home-cooked meal?”

Alme laughed at the overly exaggerated impression. It seems that Falk is so hungry that his sense of taste has become strange.

“There’s still plenty of soup and bread to go around, and if you need more, I’ll be happy to get you some more.”

“Thank you, but I’d like to leave some room in my stomach for ice cream.”

“Oh, come to think of it, I have all the ingredients for the ‘parfait’ that I talked about last time, would you like to try it?”

“Of course, please! I’m glad that I escaped from the temple after all!”

When Alme glared at him, Falk immediately averted his eyes and shrugged.

“I wanted to reward myself a little bit for all the hard work I did, because being in the temple, I only get a salary for being a military priest. I wanted something more like this, something comforting.”

“Even if you make excuses, the sermon is confirmed. Well, putting that aside, after a hard job, it would be nice to have a big reward. Alright! Then, let me present Mr. Falk with a special parfait.”

After saying that, Falk stopped eating and applauded. In contrast to his stoic demeanor, he is cheerful and easy to understand. Maybe it’s because of the fever, but his reaction is more honest than usual.

The carefree applause that echoes through the room adds to the atmosphere. It’s a quiet living room with only the two of them, but the atmosphere is as if a party is about to start.

They might as well really have a party for the two of them as a celebration of Falk’s return.

While they chatted, Falk finished his breakfast.

“I will clean up.”

“No, no, don’t worry about it. Right now, Mr. Falk’s job is to ‘relax and unwind slowly.’ Resting is also part of your job.”

“Similar things have been said to me by Master Lou… Well then, I’ll be spoiled by you today.”

“It will take some time to make the parfait, so please rest on the sofa. I apologize for the mess.”

Since it was decided to bring Falk home in a hurry, the living room is somewhat messy. Most common people’s houses are like this, so please don’t worry about it…

While instructing him to sit on the sofa, for the time being, she quickly put things away.

Removing her own bag that has been left lying around, and moving towels that had been folded and left after washing.

At that time…

A rustling sound was heard at Alme’s feet as she hurriedly cleaned up. Something seemed to have caught on her foot.

“I’m sorry for rustling in front of a customer.”

“No, I’m sorry for suddenly visiting you. I don’t mind at all, so even if it’s like that…”

The thing that Alme caught on her foot and kicked away was a paper bag. Falk reached down to pick up the paper bag.

But his movement stopped in the middle. As it was, he froze like a stone statue.

“What’s wrong?”

“…nothing, uh,…”

Alme looked down at Falk’s outstretched hand.

The contents that came out of the collapsed paper bag. Transparent white lace and a pretty ribbon. The cloth area is extremely small, and it is the lingerie set that she received the other day.


At the speed of light, she snatched the underwear and paper bag. She thought it was the quickest gesture she has ever done in her entire life.

In a panic, she shoved the lingerie into the paper bag.

“Did you see it!?”

“Um, no! I didn’t see it! Nothing…!”

Falk covered his face with his hands.

And then, just like that, he staggered and collapsed on the sofa.

Whether or not he saw her racy underwear flew out of her mind in an instant.

She was startled by Falk, who had sunk into the cushion, and looked into his face.

“Mr. Falk!? Are you okay!?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m totally fine… I just got a little dizzy…”

When Alme put her hand on his forehead, it was hotter than before.

Alme threw the paper bag into the bedroom and brought a small towel instead.

Wetting the folded towel with water and wringing it out lightly before using ice magic. She kneaded the frozen towel and placed it on Falk’s forehead.

“For the time being, please lie down for a while. Parfait, do you think you can eat it?”

“I’d like to have something cold…”

“Then, I’ll go get the ingredients for the parfait from the kitchen downstairs. I’ll make it in my kitchen at home, so please call me if you need anything…”

“Yes…I’m sorry for disturbing you….I’ll say it again, I didn’t see anything!”

After saying that, Falk closed his eyes and became quiet.

Is it Alme’s imagination that even though he has a stern face, only his supple lips have slackened?


You can find story with these keywords: Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu, Read Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu novel, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu book, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu story, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu full, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu Latest Chapter

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