Kuishinbo Elf

Chapter 35: CH 35

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35th Meal Peachy-senpai

Hello! It is Eltina at the scene! !

Currently, we are being chased by a mysterious giant creature!

So, what exactly … …  is this creatures …??

Oh ~! A huge mouth is trying to swallow us!

For the time being, I’ll stop the recording until I return to the venue! !

Kachi! Kachi! !

“That was close!?”

Rioto barely dodged the continuous bites of the golden dragon.

That was dangerous.

This is not the usual movement of Rioto.

… … It’s his limit! I can easily tell that his speed is dropping!

If this continues, Rioto will die because of me!

Something …… Is there something that I can do …!?

My pitiful brain starts to rotate at a fast speed.

And … … kyupin! It came.

“Isn’t there a way. This is the exact reason, I’ve been repeating many trial and errors !!”

I invoked the magic skill 『Flash Grenade』!

Rioto who is carrying me is facing forward right now..

Yes! Right now is the time to it! !

“Go! Bomb of light !! Uoooooooooooo!”

I threw the flash grenade at the golden dragon.

The overflowing flash, at the overwhelming light, the golden dragon writhe in agony.

Excellent! As expected of myself! (Smug face)

“Wh … … what?”

“Run! Try to gain as much distance from it as possible!”

Rioto understood the situation instantly and used his last strength to run towards the forest … ….

We managed to loss the golden dragon and hide in the shadow of the trees while killing our breath to recover our physical strength.

“Is everything okay …  Rai?”

“Oh, I’m fine, I’m okay … …. Tsu !?”

Fukyun! Both Rioto’s ankles are swollen!?

In this state, he was running while carrying me! !

“Tsk… you found out… it’s fine, the pain will disappear soon enough. El, leave me behind and run out the forest. I’ll try to attract its attention.”

If you do that, there is no point.

If we’re together, then we will survive together!

I’m prepared to use healing magic since a long time ago! !

“Rai … … leave it to me! 『Heal』!!”

I used 『Heal』on Rioto.

The swelling on his ankles disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Something like this, is an easy thing! !

“Th, this is 『Heal』!? Moreover, it cured in a moment!?”

As expected, Rioto was surprised.

I do not need to hide it anymore.

He put his life on the line to protect me … ….

“Rai … …. I am an S rank healer … it wasn’t publicized and … … I can’t talk about it, is pretty much because of the king.”

“Then, the recent rumors about a young saint…?

Riot explained.

The rumored saintess is said to be about the same age as myself and she goes to the same school as myself.

Hey… this is the first time I’ve heard of this …?

Hey ~ king! The information is leaking ~.

The image of the king saying “Sorry ‘bout that” with a bitter smile came across my mind.

Um, muscle jiisan … (Seriously).

“Well, even though they tried to regulate information, there isn’t much that can be done. For now, we should think about our survival! We ought to survive!! Also, I don’t want to die yet ! I haven’t eaten enough delicious food yet!”

“As usual, food takes priority. Well… we’ll definitely survive and return home. Back to everyone!”

Umu ~ … but how do we get away from the golden dragon?

I can’t collect my thoughts.

With extreme fatigue, we are spiritually chased and we are drenched.

With extreme fatigue, we are also mentally worned-out.

“…… For such a time, Peachy-sensei.”

Let’s eat something sweet and heal our fatigue.

Peachy-sensei ‘s effect is tremendous. Can be guaranteed.

Light gathers in my little hands and a fresh fruit appeared.

Certainly I created Peachy-senei … …. I intended to.

But … what came out was a bit undeveloped blueish peach.

“Fukyun? What’s this?!

I observed the immature peach that have been created.

It doesn’t seem like I can’t eat it … ….

“Is this Peachy-sensei …?”

“I am not Peachy-sensei”

「「 !! 」」(T.N. Had two quotation marks here and using two “ on each side looks weird.)

Kyaaaaaaaaaa !? It spokeeeeeeeeeee!?

I was barely able to contain my urge to scream that out loud.

Right now we are in the midst of a life-threatening hide and seek.

But who would’ve thought that a fruit will begin to talk?

Even though this is a fantasy world, I’m still surprised by this.

“My name is 『Peachy-senpai』. Because kohai’s『Peachy Level』has reached a certain point, I rushed over.” (T.N. For those that don’t know, kohai means junior. I feel like saying junior’s peachy level sounds weird. Or is it just me?)

… … Because of the sudden situation, we froze.

What is 『Peachy Level』?

『Peachy-senpai』? I am a junior? There are a bunch of things that I don’t understand.

“Th, there are a lot of things that I don’t understand. I want a detailed explanation! And where did Peachy-sensei go?

So, the important Peachy-sensei didn’t come out.

If there isn’t the sweet juice from Peachy-sensei, I will have a white eye convulsion and quietly leave the world! (White eyes convulsions)

“Unfortunate … Peachy-sensei is currently attending 『World Peach Conference』… He can’t be called right now.”

“Wh… at… … !?”

What is … … that 『World Peach Conference』?

Do you have a discussion at a world level about peaches?

Hmmmm … I don’t understand! What is this peach saying!?

As my brain cells screamed, I abandoned thinking.

Poi ~ ucho!

“But to be able to summon Peachy-sensei at your age. Judging from the amount, you’ve summon and ate quite the amount of Peachy-sensei. Those that were stocked up could still be eaten normally. If there are any, take them out and eat them.

As Peachy-senpai had said to me,  I took out Peachy-sensei from my Storage.

I’m running out … I would have to refill it.

You are reading story Kuishinbo Elf at novel35.com

I got two and handed one to Rioto.

“I will treat you Peachy-sensei, you’ll recover a lot!”

We ate Peachy-sensei together.

I feel like my exhausted mind and body are recovering.

Meanwhile, I decided to explain our current situation to Peachy-senpai.

As I’m finishing the explanation to Peachy-senpai, I heard the sound of falling trees and felt an overwhelming pressure.

Under the heavy pressure, it feels like the whole forest is screaming.

He is here …………! !

We killed our breath and prayed that we wouldn’t be found.

“Mu …… so it’s that guy. Search start.”

“Fukyun!? Search ! ?”

I can hear a rattling sound from the immature peach.

What is that sound? I feel like I’ve heard it before.

Ah! I remembered! It’s a typing sound! ?

What is this peach! ? (Shocked)

“Search completed, I will explain.”

Peachy-senpai started to explain.

“That is a Garune Dragon, with a body length of 8 meters and a body weight of 25 tons. It doesn’t have a special breath, but its powerful roar can kill any weak organisms that are close by. Its flight ability has degenerated, but it have a robust body. Known as the ruler of the land. According to my data, Garune Dragon likes magical power more than meat. Do you understand now… kouhai. Because you have an enormous amount of magical power… you were aimed at.”

… …  ! ! What a disaster! That’s too much! !

It’s tooooooooo muuuuuucccccccchhhhhhhhh! !

Purupupuru … ….

…… Fuu, I calmed down!

After all, I need to do this to calm down… ….! !

To calm down, I cryed in the brain.

(T.N. I don’t know what this is so I translated it literally 脳内で号泣して、冷静さを取り戻す。)

I do this a lot, but it seems that while doing it, I look like a white rare beast that is trembling and frowning.

It is a so-called white-eye convulsion.

“Garune Dragons are also known as angry dragons. They get angry very easily and is always hostile at something. Therefore, we can exploit that.”

Peachy-senpai seems to have an idea.

With the feeling of relying even on straws, we asked Peachy-senpai about the plan.

(T.N. The part about the straw is a Japanese idiom, I think.  藁にもすがる気持ち)

“First of all, eat me and 『Fuse』. I’ll continue after that.”

“Fukyun ! ?”

Fusion? What is that! ?

“It is the ‘fusion of the soul and body.’ It is the ability to take in the body and soul to gain their power. For now, just eat me and not think about it.”

As I was told, I ate Peachy-senpai.

Peachy-senpai was sweet and sour.

“It’s the taste of youth”, I heard Peachy-sensei’s voice in my head.

It’s a weird feeling, I feel like I’ve done this many times in the past.

I think that it is just me … ….

“Very well, the fusion succeeded. I will now tell you the strategy.”

“El, are you okay! ? ”

Rioto looked at me with anxiety.

Even if you don’t bring your face that close, I’m fine.

“Ah … I’m okay, the fusion has succeeded. More than that … … Rai, calm down and listen. It’s important.”

I told Rioto the plan that Peachy-senpai told me.

Sure enough, he can’t accept it … It will be that expression.

“It is unreasonable! El as a decoy … … it is the same as suicide!”

“Well, listen Rioto-shounen.” (T.N. Would you prefer Rioto boy or Rioto-shounen?)

A low calm voice of Peachy-senpai came from my mouth.

It is somewhat disgusting. (Not sorry)

Peachy-senpai persuaded Rioto.

This is the … strategy with the highest possibility for both of us to survive.

I, who is the aim of the Garune Dragon will become a decoy and somehow stop its movement. Then, Rioto will attack Garune Dragon’s vital point with full power… …

If we believe Peachy-senpai, then the Garune Dragon will get angry and its muscles will expand, resulting in great speed and toughness.

Just that … … there is a part that is fragile.

“That part is the nose. If we attack the nose, Garune Dragon probably won’t be able to move for awhile. If this is successful, we may be able to defeat it … … it’ll be a gamble.

But isn’t there a big mouth right under the nose waiting for me?

I’ll get swallowed as a whole! !

“So… … I just have to attack that guy’s nose?”

Peachy-senpai affirms that saying “That’s right”.

I could feel the coldness from his words.

“Kouhai, attract that guy with everything you have. Failure isn’t allowed. It will mean your death and Rioto-shounen’s death.”

I nodded.

To be honest … … I am very scared.

“Do not be afraid … I’m here. I won’t let any of you die. ”

Ya … … Momo senpai, super handsome! You don’t have a face, but you’re handsome! !

And we are going to the place instructed by Peachy-senpai while killing our breaths.

That place is the center of the forest.

It is a place where the forest clears and is a convenient place to be a decoy.

For the surprise attack, the surrounding trees can hide Rioto’s figure.

It is the same for the other side, but Garune Dragons seem to have a pride as a predator and never make surprise attacks.

Really? I will believe you Peachy-senpai! !

“Are you ready? I’m ready, let’s live and meet again… !!”

“I won’t let you die… …! More importantly, we will be having a dragon barbeque party after we defeat this guy. When that time comes, El demonstrate your cooking skills again.”

With our fist together, we made a pledge to survive and meet again ….

… … It’s time. Rioto hides in the forest while I went towards the open space.

And… … that guy came!

Bakibaki, the trees falling, nothing is stopping him!

I can feel his overwhelming presence! The overwhelming intimidation! ! And the overwhelming…… killing intent! ! !

My eyes… met with his eyes!

A warm liquid overflows from my crotch.

I am leaking! ! (Shivering voice)

My body trembles, strength leaves my legs! My knees are shaking like crazy! !

Hahaha! This is the first time since I was born that I leaked from fear! !

Scared! I’m scared! ! … … But I can’t turn my eyes away! !

The moment I look away… … I will be eaten! !

“Endure kouhai. No matter how shameful it is. This is a world where the survivor is the winner. That is the law of the jungle … … Go win!”

That’s right… … I will do it! I will do it ! !

With all of my power… … I will defeat this guy! !

Right here, right now at this moment, to overcome the biggest crisis of our life, the challenge of Rioto and I is about to begin! !

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