Kuishinbo Elf

Chapter 36: CH 36

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36th meal Showdown Garune Dragon!

The Garune Dragon opened its huge mouth and charged at me.

The smoke of sand! The loud echo! ! And the fang peering through the mouth! !

Everything looks like an enemy trying to eat me! !

I stopped my shaky knees, barely preventing myself from falling.

I can be scared and tremble as much as I want on my bed later!

Right now I need to stay standing!

“Continue to concentrate. Go according to the plan and stop Garune Dragon’s movement with everything you have.”

“Roger! Almost time … … now! Poitcho!” 

As planned, I aimed at Garune Dragon’s face and threw a 『Flash Grenade』.

And, at the moment of the explosion, I held up my arms to protect my eyes from the flash.

A bright light covered the surrounding area momentarily!

…… However, the Garune Dragon didn’t stop! !

“Kouhai, one more time. He closed his eyes and is heading towards this direction, but he shouldn’t be expecting a second one.”

“I thought that you weren’t so bright, but you’re surprisingly smart! ? Yosh! One more shot! !”

I once again create a『Flash Grenade』 and threw it at Garune Dragon’s face. The Garune Dragon have blocked it the previous time and got careless. This time he received a direct hit.

“Okay, next. Quickly set up 『Pitfalls』. Do you know the location? “

“Yes! I’ve got to this point already … I can’t fail!”

The place of installation is at the feet of the Garune Dragon whose eyes are dazzling, and… one more behind me.

However, 『Pitfall』have a weakness that it takes time to set up.

Yes, this is a fight against time.

“Damn it … … faster, faster!”

I know, but I’m impatient.

If the Garune Dragon recovers before I finish the installation… … and charge towards me, then I’m out.

It’s an immediate gameover.

… …Tsk! Don’t think about extra things! Stay focused!

However, even in such a dangerous situation, it is my bad habit to think about extra things.

Damn it, I feel tire. 

If I return home alive, let’s stuff myself with Miranda’s omelet rice.

While considering such a thing, “Pitfalls” were set up.

While thinking about such a thing, I finished setting up my『Pitfalls』.

I was only thinking for a few seconds.

But, when I noticed … … Garune Dragon and my gaze overlapped.

…… Look over here! ! (White eye convulsion)

In an instant I can feel cold sweat all over my body.

A feeling of death.

Danger signals that can also be my instincts dominates me!

“Magic barriers, set to thirty layers …… deploy.”

Peachy-senpai forcibly deployed 『Magic Barriers』.

Thirty layers of domed-shaped magic barriers were deployed against my will.

The feeling of magical power being used without permission feels like bugs crawling on my skin.

The formation of the magic barriers were done by Peachy-senpai who is fused with me.

It is helpful, but I can’t be too pleased.

Peachy-senpai doing it on his own means that I’m still lacking in certain parts.

“Goovaaaaaaaaaaaaa! !

It was only shortly after.

Garune Dragon’s strong weapon shook the forest!

The trees cracked and became pieces! The earth cracked and became sand flying in the sky! !

It was a incredibly loud roar. Not any living creature can do such a thing.

A cannon of sound is the only way to describe the angry voice with such a strong power.

“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!”

If it wasn’t for the magic barriers, I would’ve became mincemeat by now!

The magic barriers have cracked.

The magical barriers were all shattered, leaving only several pieces intact!

Looking at the barrier, I once again understood the strength of the Garune Dragon that is confronting me.

“So it destroyed close to thirty layers of magic barriers…? Data correction start. Kouhai, continue to create 『Pitfalls』.”

“O, okay!”

The roar of the Garune Dragon was prevented by the magic barriers, but the sound still did damage. Was my semicircular canals mess-up? My vision is swaying.

The blurry golden dragon is in front of me.

Offu … … It feels disgusting. (T.N. Getting dizzy.)

“Continue to concentrate. It’s fine, there are still time left.”

Peachy-senpai’s low calm voice calmed me down.

I concentrated on making pitfalls, but my concentration is getting disturbed by my mental fatigue and fear.

“Calm down … I should be able to do it! Ah, but I still ended up getting impatient! Faster! Faster!!”

Damni it! So what if my magical power is high! ? So what if I’m the saint! ?

During important moments they’re useless! Fukyun!

Only extra things are entering my head. It comes and leaves, comes and leaves.

At this rate… … I won’t even get to fight and die! !

Not just me! Also Rioto… … Rioto!?

I just remembered when I thought of Rioto’s name. 

If I fail here, Rioto, the life of a friend who risked his life to save me will also be in danger! !

What am I doing, thinking about all the extra things! It isn’t the time for that right now!

I must do what … I ought to do! !

I poured as much magical power as I can carefully and boldly in the magic formation.

It led to the quicker completion of the magic technique 『Pitfall』

“I, I did it!”

Garune Dragon began it’s assault … almost simultaneously with the completion of my『Pitfall』.

Bogorowo! ! !

The Garune Dragon fell into the pitfall while making a loud noise.

The Garune Dragon had struggled, but wasn’t able to escape the pitfall.

That is because this pitfall is an improved version using antlion pits as reference.

Taste my magic technique that is improving day by day.


“Alright, good job. Next use the magic technique 「Hidden Leaf」.”

(T.N. The raw is the same as the one in Naruto. Hidden Leaf Village.”)

“Peachy-senpai, isn’t that a magical technique for getaway?”

Now that we’ve come this far, I don’t want to run away.

Well, I certainly do think that it is an option though.

“We’re not using it to run away. Use it on Garune Dragon. Hurry, we don’t have much time.”

Trusting Peachy-senpai’s low calm voice, I took out a large amount of dead leaves that I’ve gathered beforehand from 「Storage」. Then, I use the everyday magic,「Air Move」to swirl the leaves around the Garune Dragon to close its field of vision.

…… It is a big deficit.

Even though the original magic technique didn’t take that much magical power.      

I will send a bill to Garune Dragon for compensation. With consultation fee included.

“Activation complete….! Peachy-senpai, what do we do now?”

“How much dead leaves do we have left?”

After telling Peachy-senpai the remaining amount of dead leaves, he conveyed the next instruction.

I was told to lit the remaining dead leaves on fire and burn them.

As instructed, I used the fire attribute everyday magic 「Fire」on the dead leaves.

The dead leaves burned up in an instant.

I’m burning a good amount of dead leaves, so it’s flashy.

“Good, now have these join the dead leaves that are spinning around Garune Dragon.”

“Roger! Gooo~! !

The dead leaves wrapped around the Garune Dragon and it burns violently!

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Hehehe… … At this rate, I wonder if it will be well-cooked.

Then, I can eat it deliciously!

“Peachy-senpai… … With this, can we beat the Garune Dragon?

“If it can be defeated like this, we wouldn’t have to experience any hardships. Our aim is something else. Change in Garune Dragon’s muscles confirmed. Decrease of the nose’s defense confirmed. Rioto-shounen, it’s your turn. Are you ready?”

With 「Telepathy」, Peachy-senpai sent the message to Rioto.

Of course, it is using my magical power!

Ogogo… … it itches! ! (Bikunbikun)

“Okay! I can go anytime! Peachy-senpai, instructions please!”

The burning dead leaves wrapped around the Garune Dragon finished their roles and became ashes and flew away fleetingly.

Even after that burning, the golden dragon appeared to be perfectly fine. (Amazed)

Moreover, it seems that it didn’t received any damage at all.

However, that only lasted for a moment. The Garune Dragon seems to suffer severely and his chin fell onto the ground! ? This is… … ! ?

“It’s finish. The Garune Dragon is suffocating. The rest is up to Rioto-shounen. ”

I see, so 「Hidden Leaf」can also be used like this!

I learned something new! Let me write a memo. (Diligence)

“Let’s do it! Taste my full power!”

Rioto, who was hiding under the shades of the trees while waiting for the opportunity to attack charged at the Garune Dragon that is suffering from breathing difficulty!

The aim is the nose that is the weakness.

It is the only weakness of the Garune Dragon.

If it is suffocating, then it probably won’t be able to move.

It is a genuine last chance!

“Tsuaaaaaaaaaa! !”

A straight punch! Then, a spinning keck! Rioto’s intense attacks continues! !

But, I have no idea what going on!

The straight punch and the spinning kick was just me saying random things!

That is probably what he’s doing so don’t mind the small details! !

“Kouhai, prepare to use 「Heal」. Use it continuously on Rioto-shounen.”

” … … Eh! ? ”

I hurriedly checked the conditions of Rioto.

His arms and legs that are used to attack are bent in strange directions.

He is probably attacking with attacks that exceeds his limit.

He is a beastman.

Their power isn’t on the same level as humans.

But … Rioto is still a child, his body isn’t completely developed yet.

What will happen if you use attacks that exceeds the limit with an undeveloped body?

The answer is right before my eyes.

“Rai! Damn it!「Heal」 !!”

I hurriedly used 「Heal」.

This 「Heal」, even if the target is separated from me to some extent, they can still be treated.

In that case, the magical power consumption would increase, but it is useful right now.

If I get close, I may mess up Rioto make everything go to waste.

On the other hand, Rioto was attacking the nose of the Garune Dragon with power exceeding his limit and not thinking about anything else.

He continued to attack without caring that his fists or legs are broken.

Blood is flowing from his clenched mouth.

He is probably clenching his mouth to endure his pain to the point of bleeding.

“Rai … … you ……!”

I understand that he is being quite reckless for my sake.

Why are you going this far?

For my sake, is it worth going that far?

If I ask him, he probably will say “To survive himself,” and try to mislead me.

If he wanted to survive, it would’ve been a better to leave me and run away.

Rioto… … for my sake had picked a severe choice and had a harsh experience.

You’re … … a man among men! ! (Conviction)

“Kouhai, do what you can do right now. Your role is to support him, do not stop using 「Heal」. Continue to treat Rioto-shounen’s injuries.”

“Roger! What I can do right now!”

After being told by Peachy-senapi, I use all my strength to do what I can do.

Yes, the best I can do is of course, healing magic.

I will support Rioto with this magic which is also the meaning of my existence!

“「Heal」!! Go…..! All my feeling of gratitude!!”

I put a feeling of gratitude into the 「Heal」and sent it to Rioto.

…… I will not accidently hit Garune Dragon! (Crisis of error)

“Ohhhhhhhhh !!”

A cry that is nearly a scream was released from Rioto’s mouth.

Power and skill that goes beyond the limits.

The attacks without thinking about anything have finally caused the Garune Dragon to bleed.

“He stopped…?”

Rioto had fell on both knees and couldn’t move.

Limit of stamina.

「Heal」isn’t able to help with the stamina limit.

“Why!? Even though I just need a little more… …”

“Fukyun! Like this!?”

Just a little more.

But that little is infinitely far.

Rioto… already can’t move.

That is because of the abnormal breathing sound that he emanates.

“Move……! Haaaa…….move ! ! Hurry…… that guy….. Hurry! ! Huue, only I…… only I, huue, can do it, I was told to! ! geho geho.”

(T.N. Full of sound effects here so I’ll explain. They’re all sound of breathing and in the end, it is coughing.)

Rioto use 「Katsu」on his body, but he isn’t able to move.

(T.N. It was in brackets in the raw so it might be a technique? But when I researched, it apparently is also a judo resuscitation technique. It is probably the latter one.)

The body that have went beyond the limit is no longer listening to Rioto.

Eventually,, the Garune Dragon crawled out from the weakened pitfall and showed us its huge golden body.

“Damn it … … is there nothing that we can do?”

However, the state of the Garune Dragon is strange.

The anger from the golden dragon that was angry have disappeared… … wait no.

The anger didn’t disappear!

The moment it directed its face towards us, I understood! With my soul, not my head!

The golden dragon no longer look at us as a weak person.

An equal opponent, an opponent where you use everything you have, an opponent who is shown respect to.

It was a face that understands that I’m not an opponent it can be careless against! !

It got serious!

Towards us… a small group that will get blown away if it blows us! ! This is bad! !

“Kouhai, how you given up already?”

I sensitively responded to Peachy-senpai’s “Give up.”

“The words “Give up” are currently away from home in my dictionary! !”

Peachy-senpai was satisfied with my response.

When our souls are connected, the feelings of the other person are somehow transmitted.

“Nice spirit. There is still something that you can do. Struggle till the last moment.”

“Roger! I will show you my latent potential!”

I’ve already made up my mind. It’s not like I’m dead already. I will struggle and not give up till the very end!

I’ll go now! Rioto! !

We’ll live and return together… … back to everyone! !

I turned towards Garune Dragon and ran towards it.

(T.N. Still a cliffhanger. However, this time next chapter will be out quite fast.)

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