Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 53: LII

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Thalia almost fell to her feet after she dashes towards the boy who was already on the floor, unconscious.

Jake followed suit, already immediately opting to carry the other boy on his back. "Open the door,"

Laia was quick to open the front door and lead them to her bedroom (again) for Jake to lay the unconscious asshat on the bed.

"Is he okay?" Andrei asks when the two returned to the living room, leaving Samuel for a while. Thalia was beside Andrei, looking both anxious and concerned.

It was obvious how Jake restrained himself from rolling his eyes. "He's not okay," The boy's fists were clenched on his sides. "We should go to the hospital--"

"And what?" Thalia huffed. "Do you really think his dad won't know if his son is in the hospital?"

The boy beside her reluctantly nods. "I don't think it's a good idea as well,"

Jake massaged his temples in a frustrated manner. "Then what do we do? None of us are nurses for god's sake!"

His sudden yell was even to make Laia step back. She wasn't scared of Jake but she'd rather not be on the boy's way if he decides to find a wall to punch or someone to punch, thank you very much.

Tension filled the room when nobody else spoke up after Jake's shouting.

Andrei reluctantly grabs everyone's attention by clearing his throat. "My older sister's a doctor,"


"But she isn't the biggest fan of treating strangers--"

Laia raised an eyebrow. "Aren't all her patients that she's supposed to take care of and treat are all strangers in the first place?"

The boy shook his head. "Um, she's a doctor exclusive to celebrities,"


At this point, Laia won't be surprised if Jake's mother or any of Thalia's relatives end up being mayors or councilors.

Or nurses exclusive to A-list celebrities.

"Well," Thalia looks at the open door that led to Laia's bedroom. "Isn't Samuel a celebrity in his own right?"

Yeah. A celebrity who becomes his own father's punching bag, apparently.

Laia mentally slapped herself. What she just thought was definitely inappropriate and shouldn't be said out loud.

Especially in front of the asshat.

She even steals a glance at the asshat who was visible from where she was standing. He was still unconscious.

Jake sighs. "I'm calling Sawyer,"

Laia casts a skeptical look at him. He's calling the asshat's older brother who just punched him not even a week ago?

Thalia seemed to share Laia's thoughts. "I don't think that's a good idea--"

Jake shushed her as he put the phone on the loudspeaker when the asshat's older brother answered the call.

Laia honestly didn't know that Jake was close enough to the asshat that he seemed to be on friendly terms with the asshat's older brother too--

"Who the fuck is calling me at ten in the fucking evening?"

Oh. Change of plans, they're not on friendly terms after all.

Contrary to the concerned faces of his companions, Jake didn't even look one bit surprised by the actor's response.

"It's Jake. I need you to come over--"

The boy's words were interrupted by a loud yawn. "Is this one of my one-night stands? Unfortunately, my schedule's full for the next, uh, two months tops. Maybe we can fuck again in March?"

Laia exchanged curious glances with both Thalia and Andrei. They seemed to have shared her opinion regarding how surprising it was to hear this so-called rising star talk in such a crude manner.

Not that Laia was blind to how actors would often have different personas behind the cameras but this was more than she expected.

Guess the asshat's brother isn't just limited to being a boy who punches his younger brother.

He's someone who has one-night stands with both genders as well.

She gave Jake a deadpanned stare. Did he honestly do the deed with his best friend's older brother?

Should Laia tell Brie?

Jake's grip on his phone looked very tight that Laia feared it might break. "I'm your brother's friend,"



"Oh," His voice was suddenly laced with an almost seductive tone. "The cute one with green eyes?"

Andrei stifled a laugh as he looked away. Thalia exchanged glances with Laia again but both girls said nothing at where the conversation seemed to be going.

Laia couldn't even think of a single reason how can anyone refer to Jake as cute when he's a literal giant.

And then she remembered how Brie would often call her boyfriend cute whenever he's not around so maybe there is something cute about Jake that Laia cannot see. 

Maybe his bank account?

"Sawyer," Jake looked torn between angry and constipated. "Something happened to your brother."

Silence and a beep. Jake looked at his phone with undisguised perplexion as the asshat's older brother apparently dropped the call without saying anything.

Did Jake make a mistake on who to call for help?

Thalia stood up from her seat and continued pacing back and forth just like earlier. Andrei and Laia followed her frantic movements with their eyes but remained silent. Jake still looked aghast from what just happened.

Laia's eyes drifted towards the clock. It was already ten-thirty and her mother still wasn't home.

She had no idea if that should make her sigh in relief or should she rush towards her mother's workplace right this instant to check if her mother was alright.

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The girl was still thinking of her next move when a loud honk of a car was heard outside. 

Andrei was the first to sneak a glance at the window behind him to see what was going on outside. It wasn't even a minute and the boy turned back to his companions and fumbled on his words. "T-there's a really nice car outside y-your house!"

"Nice car?" Thalia craned her neck upwards to see what was Andrei talking about. Her eyes widened in panic. "That's definitely Sawyer, open the gate!"

"Uh, no can do--"

"Laia, open the gate!"

Laia glared at her companions but decided to step outside anyway and opened the gate almost reluctantly when a familiar man stepped outside of the obviously luxurious car that was probably more expensive than the girl's house.

The freshly painted surface of the car shone under the moonlight.

Laia thinks it's mocking her.

"Aren't you the girl with my brother in the coffee shop?"

"Uh," Laia almost retracted her steps when the boy in front of her suddenly leaned in. "No?"

He raises an eyebrow dubiously. "You're lying," He started walking circles around the girl like a predator that's about to eat its prey. "Why are you lying?"

Laia felt goosebumps on her skin when the boy whispered his question on her ear and flinches. "I'm not lying!"

"I'm not gonna bite you know--"

"Sawyer!" It was Jake's voice. Laia almost sighed loudly in relief as the moment she turned towards the direction of the voice she immediately saw Jake and Andrei supporting the asshat in walking. "Open the door to your car,"

Sawyer's attention was quick to leave Laia as he gazed at his younger brother indifferently. "Is he dead?"

Thalia passed through the actor and opened the door to the backseat. "Put him here!"

"Do I even know you, princess?" 

"No," Thalia raises the asshat's right leg for it to fit inside the backseat. "And you shouldn't bother, I'm just here to help your younger brother,"

The older boy smirks as he leans at his car. "Yeah?"

Thalia pins the older boy with an unyielding stare. "Yeah, so what?"

Sawyer shrugs and turned his attention back at Laia who flinches upon remembering how the older boy was quick to remember her from the coffee shop. "Who's this?"

Jake answers this time. "That's Laia, a classmate of ours,"

"And this?" He points at Andrei next who visibly pales.

Laia can't blame the boy. She doesn't like how they're being introduced as well. She'd rather them remain anonymous and unassociated with the asshat's family affairs, thank you very much.

"Andrei," Jake pins the older boy with a stare. "Are you planning to go to a hospital? We thought about that earlier and decided not to since the possibility of your father knowing is high--"

Sawyer places a finger on the younger boy's lips. "Shush," His eyes darkened as he gazed at everybody who was present. "You never know who might be working for father dearest,"

At first, Laia wanted to yell at the actor's face that she would rather starve than be a spy for a potentially power-hungry man but stopped herself as she realized that she would probably come up with the same thoughts if she was in the actor's shoes.

With their father being having that much influence and power Laia had this underlying suspicion that he probably already sent spies after his children before.

A look of approval from Sawyer was enough for Laia to come to the conclusion that remaining silent was right.

"Get inside the car," He says when everyone heard coughing from the backseat. "I know someone who might be of help,"

"The police?" Andrei asks when he settled on Thalia's side.

Thalia glared at him. "Are you serious? What would the police do to an unconscious boy who has bruises on his face?"

"Uh, I don't know? Make the abuser pay?"

Jake pulls the asshat's head towards his shoulder. "Have you not thought of the possibility that going to the police will only make matters worse?"

"Shut up," Sawyer glances at them through the rear-view mirror. "You're making my head hurt with your squabbles."

Laia almost commends the older boy with how quick he was at changing moods. Just a minute earlier he was this flirtatious and now he's grumpy like Laia's late grandfather who had mood swings.

She misses him though.

"Where are we going?" Thalia asks when Sawyer makes a left towards the subdivision that Laia always referred to as the "subdivision for the elites".

"You'll see," He makes another left towards a path that was leading to the bigger mansions. Laia swore she saw one with an actual horse but maybe she saw it wrong. 

She turned back and saw the horse again. 

"What the fuck,"

Sawyer turned to her with a smirk. "First time seeing a horse in someone's backyard?"

"Is that even allowed?"

The girl only gets a chuckle as a response.

After a few minutes of a so-called night drive (as how Brie would call it but in Laia's case it's more of a travesty) Sawyer finally stops in front of the most beautiful (and biggest) mansion that Laia has ever seen in the entirety of her life.

She wasn't kidding. Brie's mansion doesn't even compare to this one.

"What are you waiting for? Ring the gate," Sawyer says as he steps out of his car. "I'll help my brother,"

Jake and Thalia exchanged glances. Andrei stayed behind them and so did Laia.

No way is Laia touching a single part of that pristine-looking gate!

Before any of them could ring the gate (like what Sawyer said), the huge and tall doors of the mansion opened and revealed a very familiar face.

Scratch that. A very gorgeous familiar face.

"Well, well," She raises an eyebrow at the group currently outside of her mansion. "Who do I owe the pleasure-- Laia?"


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