Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 72: LXXI

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LAIA REMEMBERED considering this one movie as her favorite when she was a child.

It was a film that nobody talked about very much because of how complicated the love story between the two characters was and of how its actors weren't that well-known compared to the other actors during that era.

However, Laia loved that film. She loved how regardless of the problems the two main characters faced they still ended up together in the end. She loved how despite how many times their love story almost ended they still found a way to reunite and fix the cracks in their relationship.

She especially loved the scene where the two main characters realized that they were in love with one another for the first time. How their lips met in a soft kiss and how their foreheads touched after they both pulled away due to their need for air.

Speaking of first kisses, the girl's first kiss wasn't how she expected it to be at all.

Laia expected it to be at her wedding, in front of everyone she loves and everyone she trusts. In front of the altar and after she says her vows to her beloved.

And yet, Samuel always had this way of making her feel like everything is perfect even when it's not supposed to be. Even when her expectations are ruined, he always finds a way to create a better reality.

A perfect one.

As the boy pulled away gently, Laia could still feel his soft lips on hers as if they had never left. She unconsciously touched her lips as her eyes remained on his. "You kissed me,"

Laia could almost hear the anxiety on the boy's laugh. "Yeah," He reaches out for her hand and squeezed it softly. "I did,"


"Why not?" It was his turn to look perplexed at the evident doubt on Laia's face. "What's wrong?"

"I mean," Laia used her free hand to gesture at herself. "Why me? I'm not even that pretty, I'm not popular, god, I'm not even rich or anything special like the rest of the girls--"

Her next words ended up getting stuck in her throat as the look on Samuel's face hurt her. Hurt her more than the blunt yet true words that she just said about herself.

It was as if he was in pain.

He didn't say anything. He just closed his eyes and squeezed Laia's hand as if she was his lifeline and the only thing that kept him sane.

But then it suddenly struck Laia like a sudden ache in the stomach. Like someone poured a bucket of cold water above her.

"Is this another one of your rich-people jokes? Kissing the girl you're not even attracted to or like? Are your rich-people friends here or is your older brother here?"

Samuel looks at her with undisguised confusion. "What?"

"God is Amethyst somewhere here laughing at my stupidity?!"

She was slowly drowning in the doubts and the fear that arose from her continuous thoughts but suddenly realizing that Samuel and Amethyst were technically still together was the last straw. Pulling her hand free from the boy's hold, Laia jumps out of the car trunk and throws the jacket she was wearing at the boy who remained still.

Laia wanted to leave. She wanted nothing else but to bury herself in her blanket and pillows and cry herself to sleep. She wanted to disappear.

And yet, there was still a part of her that wanted to stay. That wanted Samuel to tell her that everything that she was thinking about was false.

That he genuinely liked her for who she was and not because of a joke or someone's sick idea of a prank.

But he doesn't move from his position. The boy just remained there, his eyes on where their hands were just entangled a few minutes ago.

Where everything was just perfect and yet ruined so easily.

Laia knew that she should just walk away. Forget about everything that just happened and drown herself in studying like how she usually did whenever she had a problem she didn't want to remember.

However, she did the opposite and ran back to where the boy was. Laia stood in front of Samuel and silently pulled him towards her as she rested her head above his.

Her hands gently caressed the sides of his face as she pulled away, staring into the blue hues of his eyes that she could get lost in. He still wasn't saying anything and it reminded Laia of what happened back on the Senator's house.

"Do you like me?" She whispers to him.

"I do," His eyes never left her. It was almost as if it was enough for him to see her and only her. "I had for a long time,"

Her eyes widened but she doesn't stop looking at him. "When did you start liking me?"

"Since you punched me in the face," 

"You're kidding,"

He laughs. Before Laia thought that the sound of the boy's laughter annoyed or aggravated her but now she realized that it only annoyed and aggravated her before because it made her think of him for the rest of that day.

Made her realize now that maybe, a small part of her had liked him all along as well.

"I'm not lying," He placed his hand above hers as the look on his face reminded Laia of when they first met. When their eyes first met in the classroom. When she first realized that the boy will not just be another person in her life but someone unforgettable. "You made me realize that everything indeed happens for a reason,"

"That maybe moving to a new school out of nowhere without anyone was worth it," He continues as he slowly intertwined their fingers together. "That arguing about anything and everything without end was alright just so I can talk to you,"

"That volunteering to give you the script was alright just so I could see you during the weekend," He chuckles at that. "That approaching that stray cat was alright even if I was fucking allergic to cats just so you would like me just a tad more,"

How does he even remember things that happen so long ago?

"You idiot," Laia started to tear up. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. If this was someone's idea of a joke then she would gladly be their form of entertainment. "You're an idiot.."

"I'm sorry for all the things I said to you,"

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"Hmm?" Laia smirks at the apologetic boy in front of him. "Which ones?"

"Everything," He whispers against her lips before the distance between the two disappeared in one swift move. "I'm sorry,"

Laia could almost feel his lips on hers. Just a little bit more and the distance would be gone.

And so she did.

She pressed her lips on his again.

After pulling away, she was able to see how the boy's cheeks warmed. She laughs at the spontaneous expression on his face. "Are you blushing, Samuel Vincent Laurie?"

He looks away and Laia laughed even more as noticed how even the boy's ears are red. "Hey,"


"Do you really like me?"

Samuel turned to Laia. "Do you want me to repeat everything that I just said--"

"But you have Amethyst," Laia says. "Right?"

"I broke up with her,"

"What?" Laia's eyes widened as she momentarily pulled her hand free from Samuel's in surprise. "But yesterday--"

"After you left," Samuel intertwined their fingers again once Laia settled back beside the boy. "Everyone gave me odd and aggravated looks so I left,"

"I mean, you were an asshole,"

He laughs. "Yeah," He then sighs heavily. "I followed after Ame and told her what happened, we got into an argument and then I told her I didn't want to do it anymore,"

"Did she get angry?" Laia could almost see Amethyst's beautiful face scrunched in disappointment and sadness. "How did she take it?"

He glanced at the worried expression on her face. "I don't think you'd want to know,"

"And yet with your words, I just get more curious," Laia sighs, the picture of a heartbroken Amethyst not disappearing from her mind. "Is there at least a chance for you two to become friends again?"

She knew it wasn't her place to tell him what to do when it came to the boy's future relationship with his ex-girlfriend but Laia knew it was only fair to try. 

Amethyst had never done anything to wrong her regardless of the many factors that should've made her. She had never done anything to her in the first place, so why would Laia hurt her more in return?

"I don't see why not," The boy says but the expression on his face said otherwise. Laia knew it would be best to drop the topic for now so she remained silent, waiting for him to change the topic like he usually did whenever there is a need to. "Can I kiss you again?"

And yet, that was a change of topic that the girl certainly did not expect.

She lets him, anyway. "Okay,"

For a few moments, he did nothing.

And then their eyes met and the light from the nearby street lights reflected on the boy's eyes, making them look green for a split-second. 

Laia decided to make the first move again as she inclined her face toward his and lay her mouth on his mouth, which still had the lingering taste of strawberries. For a long time he kissed Samuel, Laia was filled with deep astonishment at how such a single action could make her feel different.

A good kind of different. 

Regardless of her making the first move, she knew by how he kissed her that he was way more experienced at kissing than she was. God, Laia wouldn't even be surprised if she ends up knowing that he had already moved past the stage of kissing with most of his exes.

Laia was the first to pull away due to the need for air. Breathing heavily, she looks away to avoid the boy's intent gaze which may or may not be the reason why she will end up kissing him again even if she knows how bad she probably is at kissing.

As if hearing the girl's thoughts, the boy squeezed her hand which made her turn back to him. "Don't overthink,"

"But I am bad at kissing," Laia internally facepalmed at how awful and pathetic those words sounded when said out loud. "Fuck, that was pathetic. Can you take me home?"

She knew it was a pitiful excuse to hide from how embarrassing she was but she didn't know what else to say.

And yet, Samuel always seemed to know what she wanted to tell him. "Okay, let's go,"

The drive home was silent and yet comforting. Laia would glance at the boy beside her from time to time as if not seeing him for even a minute would make everything that happened be revealed to be just a dream.

When they finally reached the girl's house, Laia stared at him. 

The boy turned to her with a curious look. "What's with all the staring, princess?"

She glares at him. "That's a gross pet name,"

"And yet I don't see you telling me to change it," He raises an eyebrow. "Won't your mother be angry to see a boy taking you home?"

Laia rolled her eyes. "Ah, don't worry about her," She unlocks the door to her side and opened it, stepping outside. "She also likes you for some reason so don't worry about getting her approval because you already had it even before,"

Just as the girl was about to wave goodbye to her (boyfriend?) once again, she smiles upon seeing him doing silly movements with his hands inside of his car.

"Idiot," She whispers to herself before closing the door, a smile on her lips.

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