Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 77: LXXVI

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"OUR GRADUATION marks the end of yet another extraordinary chapter in our lives. With this chapter closed, I am sure that many of us are already anxious about starting the next one because, unlike the textbooks, we cannot skip through the pages of life to see how long the next chapter is going to be," Laia audibly swallowed as the stares directed tp her by everyone on the auditorium felt heavier by every second that she spent on the podium. "Often on graduation day we look outside for heroes but I am sure they are right here among us. I have seen in my four years here that we don't have to look far for inspiration and that we each have the potential to make an inspiring contribution to others, by being true to our values and committing ourselves to great goals,"

Gaining confidence from seeing reassuring grins on the faces of her friends, the girl looked up from her written speech to look at each and every face on the crowd, whether she knew them or she did not, and dedicated her last words to them.

"When you leave here today, be proud, celebrate what you have accomplished, and look forward to how you, too, can be the inspiration for others. Congrats to everyone and may we all succeed in life!"

A series of applause filled the gymnasium. It was so loud that it made Laia's ears ache, but it didn't matter very much as she knew that even if she ends up being a little deaf after all those applause and cheering, it would all still be a very beautiful memory to keep inside of her until she grows old.

Laia made her way back to her designated chair which was next to Samuel who was their batch salutatorian. She immediately reaches out for his hand the moment she sat down and he lets her squeeze it tightly.

"You okay?" He asks after Laia's grip on his hand loosened.

The girl nods, albeit her breathing is still a bit shaky from speaking in front of a crowd. Even if she had gained quite a lot of experiences when it came to talking in front of crowds, there are still instances much like now that she would feel nauseous after. "Did I do well?"

He merely grins reassuringly as a response. Contrary to some who may think that such a simple gesture wouldn't be reassuring enough, it was more than enough for Laia.

Some of the faculty continued on to speak their own words of congratulations and best wishes on stage until the announcement that everyone was finally allowed to toss both their graduation caps and diplomas.

Laia herself didn't toss her cap and diploma very high since she was scared that she might not catch it and it ends up being dirty or worse, stepped on by some of her classmates who are too caught up in their own excitement.

She noticed how Samuel threw both his cap and diploma simultaneously and yet still caught them both almost at the same time. He grins playfully at her and even bows after his so-called antics. 

"Laia!" Brie ran towards her and enveloped her in a tight hug that almost made Laia have difficulty breathing. Shane followed the hug and even kisses her on the cheek, same as Vivi. 

Jake hugged her after the girls did. "Congrats Laia,"

"Thank you," She replies as they pulled away from the hug. "Congratulations to you too,"

He smiles at her before returning his attention to Brie who was already trying to pull him towards where her parents were. It was honestly a surprise to see her friend's parents since she thought that they will still not be there for their daughter even for her graduation.

And yet, apparently, they were.

Laia scanned the gym to see where her mother was. Earlier today her mother told her that she might be a little late because she will be attending her daughter's graduation alongside her own mother who Laia had not seen since Christmas.

"Who are you looking for?" Samuel asks from behind her when he noticed the girl craning her neck and repeatedly standing on her tiptoes in an attempt to find her mother and grandmother.

"My mom," Laia replies after failing yet another attempt to find her relatives. "And my grandmother,"

"I didn't know she was coming with your mom,"

Laia may or may not have forgotten to tell Samuel yesterday when they were in a call about her grandmother attending her graduation alongside her mother.


"I forgot to tell you," She replies sheepishly.

Samuel raised an eyebrow at the girl. "We were in a call for two hours," Laia's sheepish grin widened. "And you still forgot to tell me?"

Laia was about to reply when Aiden suddenly appeared in front of the two with an almost awkward-like smile. "Congratulations to you two,"

The awkward tension between the three gradually increased until Samuel decided to respond with a pat on the other boy's shoulder and responding in an even tone. "Congratulations to you too, man,"

"Good luck in college,"

Samuel grins and once again pats the other boy's shoulder. "You too, man."

Aiden smiles and then waves goodbye. He merely glances at the girl beside Samuel and nods at her. He doesn't wait for Laia to respond which sort of bothered the girl but she didn't bother voicing it out.

However, just like always, Samuel was able to see through her immediately. "Maybe he felt awkward since we were together? Maybe he wanted to talk to you alone,

"Maybe," Laia watched Aiden walk towards their other batchmates who started talking to him enthusiastically.

It may seem petty for Laia to be jealous at the thought of Aiden gaining other friends on the other sections but she couldn't help herself from having that annoying pit in her stomach.

She had always been the type of friend who gets jealous easily. That attitude of hers didn't mellow down which lead to her current situation in which she thought that being the first friend that Aiden had guaranteed her to be the closest friend that he had therefore it surprised her to see him with other people in their batch.

And even if she doesn't want to admit it, she also might have had a crush on him before realizing that she liked someone else all along.

Or at least felt more attraction towards another, more like.

"I think I saw your mother over there," Samuel gestures at the corner of the gymnasium on where Laia did spot her mother quickly. "Let's go?"

Laia glances one more time in Aiden's direction before nodding and following Samuel towards where her mother and grandmother were.

Upon noticing her daughter, Layla waves her over excitedly. "Laia!"

Laia tried to calm her mother down by shushing her but her grandmother was quicker to do so by smacking her daughter in the leg with her cane. "We don't need the attention of everyone inside this gymnasium, Layla,"

Layla sheepishly looks away from the crowd that turned to them but was quick to regain her earlier excitement when she noticed the boy who was with her daughter. "Samuel!"

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"Hi auntie," Samuel accepted the older woman's motherly hug. "We were looking for you since earlier,"

"Mother decided that we buy a bouquet for Laia even if I already told her that Laia doesn't want flowers," Layla replies, sending a playful look at her mother before handing the bouquet to Laia. "Mother, this is Samuel,"

The oldest of the three women looked at Samuel and immediately had a puzzled look on her face.

Samuel decided to speak first in a polite tone. "Hi, madame,"

"Well hello to you too," Gone was the bored expression on the old woman's face and was surprisingly replaced with an intrigued look. "You look like someone that I have seen on television, are you perhaps related to an actor or an actress?"

More like a Senator, Laia thinks but doesn't say out loud.

And just before Samuel could respond to the old woman's question, his father appeared behind his back and placed his hands on his son's shoulders. "Good afternoon everyone,"

"Ah," Laia's grandmother points at the Senator. "You look just like Senator Laurie,"

"Of course he does," Helena, who was actually behind the Senator, says with a satisfied nod. "Samuel is Thomas's son and my stepson!"

Samuel visibly scowls at his stepmother's words but plastered a fake smile on his lips quickly when Laia's mother turns to him before turning to the Senator.

"Good afternoon Senator," Layla bows down to show respect. "Mom, Laia, it's Senator Laurie.."

Laia bows down as well albeit reluctantly. She didn't want to bow down to the man but knew better than to disrespect him in front of well, everybody.

"I'm very pleased to be here," The Senator says with a smile. "I'm even more pleased and proud of my son,"

He pats Samuel in the shoulder and pulls him towards him. Laia could see how the boy's jaw clenched but he didn't say anything.

She wanted nothing else but to pull him away from the man but knew better than to do so.

However, Laia knew deep down that she was just scared and she hated that feeling.

She hated feeling small and feeling irrelevant compared to the man in front of her. Hated that she couldn't do anything for the boy that she liked.

"Samuel is a very smart boy," Layla says. "He's been very kind to me and Laia as well,"

Laia tried to mouth some words to her mother to get her to shut up before she could say something else but the Senator was faster.

"Is that so?" The smile on the man's face was nerve-wracking but Layla didn't seem to notice it for she continued talking in an excited manner.

"Laia here is actually your son's g--"

"Good friend!" Laia exclaims, stepping in front of her mother to hide her from the Senator's view. "We're good friends,"

The relieved look on Samuel's face didn't escape Laia's eyes which proved that what she just did was right.

"Really?" The smile on the Senator's face didn't disappear and instead widened. "That's a good way to enjoy high school, having good friends,"

Helena herself clapped in glee. "Indeed! It's very nice to have friends that you will still be friends with until you all are elderly!"

Layla eagerly smiles back. "That's true,"

Without missing a beat, Laia saw how the Senator's hold on his son's shoulders tightened. "Would you like to have lunch with us? We have extra seats for our reservation to Lumiere, you see."

Laia saw how her mother and grandmother's eyes widened in surprise at the man's suggestion. Lumiere was a five-star restaurant located at the heart of their city and it was rumored to be almost impossible to even get a table there.

Well, unless if you were influencial and rich, per se.

And the Senator was both.

"We woul--"

"We actually have plans," Laia had to subtly step on her mother's shoe to stop her from agreeing. "We apologize,"

Laia even bowed just to make the Senator let them go more easily even if she didn't want to.

Layla looked like she was about to say something but Laia's grandmother thankfully understood what her granddaughter was trying to do and instead distracted her daughter by asking her to find her a chair for her to sit down on.

Fortunately, Layla complies and leaves Laia and her mother alone with Samuel's family.

"I see," It didn't take long for the Senator to excuse himself and his family. "Well, we hope to see you soon,"

Laia hoped to never see him again. She then watched them leave, her eyes on Samuel even with his back turned against her.

If only she knew that the view of his back would be her last memory of him then maybe she should've watched him until they all disappeared from her view completely.

And yet she did not.

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