Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 78: LXXVII

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THREE MONTHS HAD PASSED since their graduation day and since her last conversation with Samuel.

Laia had not heard of a single thing from the boy since.

She tried to distract herself from constantly thinking and worrying about the boy with her upcoming college life but it proved to be useless. No amount of studying in advance and reading textbooks and materials for her course diverted her attention from thinking of Samuel and his current whereabouts.

It also didn't help how her days became repetitive and dull as the days went by, especially with how her mother still wasn't home often since she was always either working or taking care of Laia's grandmother which led to the girl always ending up to be alone in their empty house.

Even her workdays at Brewing somehow became monotonous to her as well. Despite Niel and Keith's attempts to cheer her up or start a conversation with the girl, they will always fail due to Laia's immediate rejection or lack of enthusiasm.

The girl just didn't know what to do regarding Samuel. She tried to text him-- call him, even. She even learned how to utilize various social media platforms in hopes of getting a response from the boy but to no avail.

It was almost as if he vanished out of thin air.

Brie had no news about Samuel either. Brie herself was worried for the boy but tried to convince herself that nothing was wrong for the last news that she heard about him was that Samuel was already on his way to Germany to pursue his studies there.

And yet, that was two months ago which only confused Laia further because if he had the time to send Brie a message then why didn't he just decide to send Laia a message as well to let her know about his plans and cease her worrying and anxiety altogether? 

Wouldn't a decent person send their significant other a message or a call if they had already arrived in another country?

The concept of Jake not knowing anything recent about Samuel's life was news to Laia as well. Jake even told her that his last conversation with Samuel was around the same time as Brie had received the message of Samuel traveling to Germany which just didn't make sense to Laia at all. 

Why would the boy decide to make her an exception to the people that he sent messages to or even have a conversation with?

Did he think that she wouldn't understand his sudden trip to Germany?

Did he think that she would force him to stay with her?

"I can ask Sawyer about him," Laia remembered Jake's words to her in their conversation earlier this day. "There's a huge possibility that he knows more than me and everyone else,"

"Sawyer?" Laia dubiously asks. 

It might be rude to be dubious about Sawyer but her last meeting with the actor didn't prove to be a very good experience. It's only justifiable for her to have doubts about a man who punched his younger brother in public and then suddenly brings him to his fiancee's house to get him fixed up later on after getting abused by their father.

"But I can't promise that he'll give us the answers that we want," It seems like it wasn't only Laia who had doubts about their future conversation with Samuel's eccentric older brother. "To be honest I do try to avoid a conversation with him as much as possible but this is an exception,"

"Thank you," Laia says in all honesty. She's really lucky to be friends with Jake. "Where and when will we meet him?"

"I'm actually already in his condo," Jake replies. His revelation made Laia raise an eyebrow but she didn't dare interject. "I'll send you the directions to his condo,"


The call ended after that and Jake was quick to text her Sawyer's address which ended up being in the same condominium complex as Samuel's is. 

Weird. How come Samuel never told her that he actually lived close to his older brother?

But again, it's not Samuel had ever told her much about his life.

Laia sighs in disappointment as she glanced at the boy's name in her contacts after deciding against calling Brie for backup. She decided against it in the end since the possibility of Brie overthinking and going ballistic later when they see something that they're not expecting was not worth the stress.

The girl also decided to leave a note in the refrigerator for her mother to see if the older woman does come home saying that she left and would be back later in the evening. 

Or maybe earlier, seeing that it was still three in the afternoon. 

"Taxi!" Laia waves her hand around to call an empty cab and fortunately it didn't take her very long for a cab to stop in front of her. "Coûteux Condos please,"

The taxi driver's eyebrow raised but didn't say anything. Laia thinks that the driver's reaction might be because of her choice of clothing which was merely a simple hoodie and jogging pants in contrast to the condominium complex's overall expensive flair and ambiance.

It also didn't help how all the cars that were parked near the complex's entrance were luxury cars and its owners were all dressed up like they were about to attend a high-class party that Laia only sees on those dramas that her mother watches.

Funny how Laia's goal today was to meet up with an actor that appeared in those dramas.

"Thank you," Laia says to the driver after she steps out of the taxi and paid the fare which may or may not have had Laia's face scrunching up due to how needlessly expensive it was. 

The taxi driver nods and left Laia standing in front of the entrance.


How was she supposed to convince the guard that she's not a homeless person or someone who's after the other hotel clients's money?

"Uh," Laia tried her best to look confident but obviously failed based on the guard's sympathetic face. "Sawyer Laurie?"

The sympathetic expression on the guard's face was replaced by a frown. "Another one of his girlfriends?"

Laia grimaced. "Uh, no," She even shook her head. "Definitely not,"

"That's a relief," The guard visibly relaxed. "You see there were three girls earlier who almost teared each other's faces apart since they all claimed to be Mr. Laurie's girlfriend,"

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If they only knew that a boy is currently inside their so-called boyfriend's condo, Laia thinks and stifled a laugh.

"Tenth floor and the first room on the left," The guard says. 

Laia thanks the friendly guard whom she thought previously would be haughty and a snob before making her way to Sawyer's room.

It didn't take very long for Laia to arrive at Sawyer's doorstep. The girl looked around to see if anyone was around and there was none who can possibly help her in case of emergency.

Emergency being Sawyer calling security on her since he doesn't remember her or had absolutely forgotten about her existence altogether.

After a few minutes of alternating between looking like a stalker hanging outside their idol's doorstep and sitting down on the floor waiting for a slight chance of Jake opening the door for her, Laia finally had enough and decided to knock on the door loudly.

She knocked again and again until someone decided to open the door for her.

It was Jake.

Jake with an awfully and definitely not a bug bite on his neck.

Laia raised an eyebrow and was about to ask about it when Jake pulled her inside.

"What the hell--"

"Did you wait long?" Jake asks after beckoning the girl towards one of the bar stools. Looks like Sawyer's a fan of mixology. "I didn't hear you knocking,"

You obviously didn't hear since you were preoccupied with the person who left a freshly-made "bug bite" on your neck, Laia thinks.

Laia looked around instead of responding to the boy who walked towards the refrigerator, taking out a pitcher of water. "Water?"

"Yes please,"

The interior of Sawyer's condo was a mix of beige and white. The walls were painted beige and the tiles were white, probably whiter than Laia's skin. What caught Laia's attention the most was the beautiful grand piano at the center of the living room, waiting for its pianist to play.

"Does Sawyer play?"

Jake replies after handing Laia a glass of water. "Yes," The tips of the boy's ears reddened. Or maybe it was just Laia's imagination? "He plays very well,"

"Is that so," Laia hums. "Do you play the piano?"

"No," The boy shook his head. "I'm more of a violin person,"

"You play the violin?!"

"He does," Laia turns to the direction of where Sawyer's voice came from and immediately averted her gaze upon seeing that the actor was merely wearing a extra-sized shirt that reached his knees.

His hair, which was in a loose ponytail rested on his shoulder, had significantly grew longer since Laia last saw him.

"Hi Laia," Sawyer sauntered towards the girl and sat on the bar stool beside her. "Why did you suddenly decide to visit me?"

"Uh," Laia can't deny that her eyes were drawn to how pale the actor's thighs were. "Didn't Jake tell you?"

Sawyer turns to Jake with a mischievous smile. "Did he?"

"I already did," Jake rolled his eyes but repeats what he had already said earlier anyway. "We want to know about Samuel's whereabouts,"


Laia noticed how Sawyer's playful attitude changed into a serious one in a matter of seconds. He really is an actor, she thinks.

"The thing is--"

Popular social media influencer Amethyst Harriet who had recently made headlines regarding her being part of the sitcom, Pretty and Rich Girls, is seen with the second son of Senator Thomas Ignacio Laurie in Berlin earlier today...

Laia slowly cocked her head to the side and watched the current news on the huge television that Sawyer had.

She saw how Jake's eyes widened and how Sawyer clicked his tongue in disapproval. The girl even noticed how the boy was about to reach for the remote control to probably turn the television off or change the channel but she turned to him. "Do you know about that?"

Laia hated how her voice cracked at the mention of what she just saw.

The images of Amethyst and Samuel together that were shown on the screen made Laia sick in the stomach. Their close proximity in those photos reminded Laia of Samuel's hand intertwined with hers just a few months ago.

Is Amethyst dating her ex-fiancee's younger brother after all or was this all a coincidence since the filming site of "Pretty and Rich Girls" is in Berlin and so is the university of Samuel Vincent Laurie, the second son of Senator Laurie? What do you think, Amy?

I personally think it is a coincidence Steve but apparently Amethyst's fans think otherwise..

Almost as if someone punched her in the gut, Laia froze.

What the actual fuck?

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