Lantern Against the Wind

Chapter 28: CH 28

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Elena bit her lips forcefully at Gareth’s insulting remark. This meant that they already knew what Gareth was doing to her. However, she immediately realized that Gareth was not concerned about this, as if it were something normal for him. ‘What a barbaric man…’ she thought, then immediately realized that his subordinates were the same as well. To them, women were nothing more than tools at their disposal.
Elena gritted her teeth as Gareth’s finger forcefully made its way inside her. An urge to scream filled her, but she pushed it down. Based on his crude behavior, that held no signs of consideration towards her, Elena was able to assume what her future would be like. ‘To be his wife…’ With a trembling voice filled with fear, Elena begged Gareth, “C-could you go a l-little s-slower…”
However, Gareth turned a deaf ear to her words as he began to push his manhood into her. It felt as if he wanted to violate her, as he attempted to enter her pure entrance which no one had ever invaded before. Elena let out a groan and instinctively tried to escape from his hands, crawling forward. She was terribly frightened. At that moment, Gareth forcibly grabbed her waist, causing her to fall flat on the blanket. His skin felt terribly frigid as it weighed over her body.
Elena elbowed Gareth and whispered harshly, “W-wait a minute. Please, just give me a minute!” 
Gareth, who had trouble inserting himself due to Elena’s dryness, exhaled harshly. With Elena still pressed down to the ground, he stripped off his shirt. He had to satisfy this desire quickly, before he became angry and lost his sense of reason. He knew that if that were to happen, then he would become a merciless monster. Even so, Elena’s soft and smooth skin, that trembled every time he rubbed against her, was pushing him to his limit. The intense temptation and heart-burning desire continuously stimulated him. Gareth approached Elena again, spreading her legs wide with his knee.
At that moment, her crying voice rang out. “I-I am your wife. I am your wife.”
“Elena, you’re mine!” Gareth ended up shouting through his teeth. ‘She’s mine now. This woman is mine now. I won’t allow her to rebel against me.’ With these thoughts, Gareth applied even more pressure down on Elena’s neck. Elena slowly stopped resisting, perhaps because of the heavy force weighing down on her. Her body struggling to intake air was rapidly losing strength. Gareth, who belatedly noticed the change, quickly loosened his grip.
Elena began to gasp for air. Gareth waited for her breathing to become somewhat normal, then approached her again. He felt as if he was going crazy trying to relieve his desire. This was the first time that he had fallen prey to his desires while sober, which only drove him more insane.
Gareth made another hasty attempt to insert himself into Elena. He tried to get into her body, ignoring the rough friction. However, it was to no avail. ‘Damn it!’ He was now angry. He couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working. Still, he kept Elena’s legs wide open and tried once again to roughly insert himself into her.

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“I’ll take you in my arms,” Elena suddenly spoke up.
Gareth stopped his attempts and asked, “What?”
“I want to take you in my arms. I’m your wife,” Elena begged desperately. She didn’t want to be defiled. A wife may just be a possession to Gareth, but she didn’t believe that. Gareth was the only person she could trust and rely on at this moment. He was the one who was going to be her husband. This was the first time Elena had left Townsend territory to travel to somewhere unknown; she needed to grab ahold of something because she was afraid, frightened, and terrified of losing herself.
“Please let me take you in my arms.” Elena pleaded as she grabbed onto Gareth’s hand that was on her bre*st. She trembled like a leaf as she did so. The only thing on her mind at the moment was that she didn’t want to be defiled. 
‘Ha!’ Gareth grinned and let Elena go. Elena rubbed her teary eyes with the back of her hands and turned towards Gareth. She couldn’t stop crying, but determinedly began to untie the straps at the front of her dress as she stared into the man’s eyes. Gareth fixed his gaze on Elena’s dazzling flesh, which he could vaguely make out in the dark. He then reached out to her skin that was gradually becoming exposed. He stroked her neck and trailed his hand down to her round bre*sts poking out from her now open dress. He knew she was crying, but didn’t care.
Elena paused for a moment in the middle of taking off her dress to wipe her tears away. However, Gareth couldn’t wait any longer and yanked the rest of her dress down. He had never done the deed with a naked woman, but had quickly stripped this woman out of desire to savor her skin in its entirety. He pushed her back down on the blanket.
Elena refused to close her eyes and instead reached out to grab Gareth’s arms as he squeezed her bre*sts as if to play with them. She could feel the strong muscles in his arm wriggle and the scars on his fingertips. Elena then trailed her hands to Gareth’s firm chest covered with hard muscles, then his abdomen made of small muscles. The mercenary’s body was not brutish, but rather, a little skinny. Still, she could clearly sense the immense power he carried inside him.
Gareth narrowed his eyes as Elena touched him, but let her be. He had never allowed anyone to caress him like this because he wasn’t fond of other people touching him, but didn’t mind it if this was what eased her tension. Gareth soon realized her touches were making him feel strange and causing his body to heat up. Although her skin was extremely soft, her fingers were different. They were calloused as if she had done a lot of manual labor. Gareth took in a deep breath, the realization that he didn’t want to shake off her bold hands settling in. He decided he could not tolerate his desire any longer.

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