Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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[Leonidas - Greed] 1. The Beginning of the End

In this day and age, is it so wrong to give in to desire? To complete your satisfaction like you are supposed to ? To live life in the best possible way?.

I laugh at myself for not being able to achieve what I wanted and hid behind the wall called “Laws”, its not like I wasn’t capable though, I was your genius “otaku” that lived out of his reality, obsessed with having power but having none of it.

Baseless ambition, I didn’t know why, but I could feel it in my soul, the drive of being the ultimate life form and live freely among the stars.

I died at the age of 25, leaving none behind but my fatality wounded body on the concrete floor.


It could be seen a boy in his mid-twenties buying snacks in the convinience store, he has black hair, black eyes and looked like he hadn’t sleept in a couple of weeks, his body was like it was made of bones and little flesh could be seen. He completed his purchase and left the store without saying a word. He looked at the road ahead of him and said “I hope a truck runs over me.” 

Well let’s say that his wish was granted, the so called truck-kun made his perfect timing as he was speeding on the road and guess what ? The person driving it was drunk. The boy smiled at his incoming death, if his body wasn’t in such a bad state he might’ve been able to dodge the truck, but he probably still wouldn’t dodge.

When one looses the will to live, it is hard to change their mind and one such mind is the boy who just died.

On this day May 6th, 2021 Leon Santos died…

~Flashback End~

Well I thought I died, but I was sucked into this place, an orbit of space or void whatever its called. I can’t tell how many days, months or years have passed, but my memories have started to extinguish bit by bit, it started with names, places, people(Not that I have met many).

There was one thing that I didn’t forget, 

My baseless ambition.

Thats right, the only thing that kept my soul charged with energy like a battery, I could also remember the reason people laughed at me. When I finished high school I didn’t continue school anymore because I was just an orphan and didn’t have enough money to continue my education, not like I couldn’t get a scholarship with my intellect, but what’s the point of getting a job so you can get paid monthly by working for someone else.

 I had a particular feeling about treasures, my baseless ambition drew me closer to them, it felt like it was whispering at me to get them and I did try to, however as much as I tried I couldn’t get my hands on them, I visited countless ancient places and found various traces of treasure only for the government to get their hands on them before me. 

At one point I realized that they were keeping track of me and spying on me, but I didn’t mind, without any other purpose in mind I still continued to search so I could feed my ego or my so called ambition.

 The goverment were still ahead of me and whenever  there was a time I got ahold of important treasures they took them from me, plotting and making excuses so that they “legally” take them from me and shutting me up with measly money which I had to spend to fund my travels.

The days past by and the treasures that I found were introduced by the government as lost antiques with advanced technology in them, hinting lost advanced civilization. They started a new advanced era for humanity as they indulged in the new technology and fulfilling lives, the goverment that stole my achievements became the leaders of humanity and the richest in the world.

Leaving me with no achievments and nothing to sell, all my leads to treasures were gone and had little money to spend. The landlord of my already shitty apartment kicked me out due to not paying for 2 months. I ended up homeless with barely any money left all alone in a shitty world and died at the age of 25.

“What a shitty life”

As time passed in the void I felt that my emotions were leaving me bit by bit, my soul and consciousness floated around this place God knows where it is. It doesn’t seem like there is Afterlife Police to send me to heaven or hell.

It seems I am still funny “hahahaha”

While I am laughing a vortex started to appear near me and space around it started cracking, it suddenly started spinning too fast pulling me in bit by bit as I started to loose consciousness, all I could manage to mutter is 

“Shit I jinxed it”

Without knowing how much times has passed, I woke up to the sounds of crows cawing, my eyes could barely open and could only see darkness, I tried moving my hands and I could barely use them. My eyes started to regain their functions and I could suddenly see better, I looked down to my hands and was shocked at the sight of them.

I had gray colored hands with long pitch-black nails, so was the same with my feet, all other parts were gray as well, my body structure was almost the same as a human with a pointy tail and two horns that could be barely seen. My face felt a bit deformed when I touched it but I didn’t really care for a moment

I came to realize that I have been Reborn in the body of a baby demon and have no idea where I am. I started observing my surroundings and realized that I have not been born yet or Hatched more accurately.

I had very little space around me, I tried touching it all around and understood that I was inside an egg, I also found a ring near my foot and I recognized it from one of my expeditions, it was a snake ring where the snake forms a circle and devours itself, It had no uses and it didn’t have any unusual materials to it, so I only put it for style, and here it has followed me here, it might be some important treasure but who knows, I certainly don’t. All kinds of thoughts were flowing im my head.

Did this ring send me here ? Was I sent to hell ? Did I really jinx it ? Or Is it…. another world? 

I jumped in excitement at the thought of isekai only to bump my head against the egg.

Well whatever the situation is, I will live however I choose and nobody will ever have an advantage over me, I will fulfill all of my desires and will battle those who stand in my way. As time passed


I heard a cracking sound above me, I looked above and saw that the place I bumped my head started cracking, I got excited at finally after years of hovering that shitty void, I get to finally be alive once more. So I quickly start to hit it with my little fists hard enough not to hurt my hand and slowly but surely 

I hatched

I climbed over the egg and saw the sky after a long time only to realize it is …Red.

I also looked around and saw eggs laying around all over the place, some were already hatched but there were no monsters in them, it seems there has been sometime since they hatched and have already left.

I also noticed that some eggs were more different in size than the others, with mine being bit bigger than most, however some were the same size as mine.

Which let me to believe we are siblings, not that I cared for such a thing, being that long in that fucking void dimmed my feelings to the next level.

I stared at my egg for a bit and something appeared before my eyes 


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It was a blue icon.

“Hahahahaha” I started laughing, here I thought I was in hell and started to loose hope, but this world doesn’t seem that simple let me try to see if I have a status, I mumbled “Status.”

As expected an icon appeared inside my mind.


Name: [Leonidas]

Race: [Lower Demon]

Subspecies: [Crion] Lv. 1

[Strength]: 3

[Agility]: 4

[Stamina]: 3

[Intelligence]: 8

[Endurance]: 3

[Stat Points available]: 0

[Race Skills]: [Language Comprehension Lv. 1]

[Universal Skills]: [Idenitify Lv. 1]

[Skills]: None

[Skill Slot - 1/3]

[Skill points available]: 0

[Title]: None

I read the information of my status and then used the [Identify] skill on the ring that followed me in this world and read the information on it.

[Type: Accessory]

[Name: ?????]

[Grade: ?????]

[Effect: ?????]


“What the hell?” I angrily muttered, even a 10 year old can tell its an accessory, what about the other information?.

I calmed down and assessed the situation and by the current information that I have, it could be deducted that the reason of why I can’t have any information on this ring is probably because of the level of the skill [Identify Lv. 1].

*Sigh* I sighed at the situation, although my emotions have dimmed they certainly are still there, especially irritation *Cough* if that is an emotion in the first place. 

I sat down on the ground and tried to relax, after I was done with calming down I made a decision… Since this world is like an RPG world, killing certainly brings EXP, I will raise my levels killing demons and become strong enough to survive wherever I’ll go.

Looking behind me I saw the some eggs were slowly starting to hatch, I grinned at the opportunity to kill them and if someone saw me they would see the words EXP in my Red eyes.

I grabbed the nearest rock I could find and waited until the eggs hatch so I could kill them, if I tried to kill them before they hatch, I might not be able to kill them from outside, and from what I can tell, the outside of the egg is way harder than the inside, a protective mechanism that these eggs have. The other reason is that killing them before they hatch might bring less EXP. 

All I have to to is wait and kill them the moment they hatch not giving them any chance to retaliate. Although I can feel that I don’t need sleep, I can definitely feel that I am starting to get hungry, an effect which I got by probably having my [Subspecies] a Crion. In a way it’s not that bad, as a former human, living without eating anything won’t be as fun.

*Crack* *Crack*

Hearing the cracking sound I immediately went towards the cracking egg and an ugly and disgusting spider appeared, I held the urge to throw up and immediately hit it in the head as hard as my little body could muster the strength, after I hit it blood came out if its disgusting head but it was still alive so I hit it again and it finally died.

Killed [Demonic Spider Lv.1] 

[Experience gained]

[Level Up]

[Crion Lv.1] —-> [Crion Lv.2]

[Obtained 6 status points; 4 skill points]

“…..This is a new beginning”

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