Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 2: The Mystery of the Ring

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[Leonidas - Greed] 2. Mysteries of the Ring

Killed [Lower Demonic Spider Lv.1] 
[Experience has been given]
[Level Up]
[Crion - Lv.1] —-> [Crion - Lv.2]
[Obtained 6 status points; 4 skill points]
[The ???? Ring has activated do you wish to absorb [Lower Demonic Spider]

“Whatt?!” I don’t know what this means, but it won’t hurt to see what it does ..probably.

I pressed yes and just like that the corpse of the [Demonic Spider] dissapeared into the ring and not even the spilled blood remained. However suddenly a notification popped up in my mind.

[Devoured 1 status point; 1; skill point]
Devoured Skill [Night Vision] 

“Hahahahahaha” When I saw the screen, joy that I haven’t felt for millenniums embarked me, this rin- no! This treasure has unlimited potential, leveling up brings you 6 stat points and 4 skill points, coupled with the effect of devouring corpses with the ring, I will be far stronger than others my level and have more skills that can be used, making me an all-rounder. I opened my status and distributed my points “Status”

Name: [Leonidas]
Race: [Lower Demon]
Subspecies: [Crion] Lv. 1—> Lv. 2
[Strength]: 3 —> 5
[Agility]: 4 —> 5
[Stamina]: 3 —>5
[Intelligence]: 8
[Endurance]: 3 —>5
[Stat Points available]: 7 —> 0
[Race Skills]: [Language Comprehension - Lv. 1]
[Universal Skills]: [Idenitify - Lv. 1]
[Skills]: [Night Vision]
[Skill Slot - 2/3]
[Skill points available]: 5
[Title]: None

I evened all of my stats except [intelligence] to 5, doing so I have no status points available for me to use, but that’s fine, unlike the protagonist in novels who accumulate them in, reality need to be used, because you can never know when your attacked and can die in seconds, if you die without knowing how, what’s the point of accumulating points?, in this world strength is all that matters, so I am going to rise to the top even if I have to kill my way to it.

And the reason why didnt I use the skill points is because the skills I have right know are not worth anything and it would be a pity to waste 5 skill points for garbage so I will save them for future skills.

Although the skill [Identify] is very usefull, I can level it up rather easily, as long as I use frequently, It won’t be a problem. As for [Night Vision] it really isn’t very useful, there’s barely a change in my eyesight even after activating it, probably a skill the [Lower Demonic Spiders] need to see better, even after I hit then, they didn’t have an idea what was going on, well its good to know they are totatlly blind.

Now that I got the gist of it let’s continue. I sat down on the ground and waited for the eggs to crack as long as they even made a single noise I can kill them without much trouble.

After some time later.

*Huff* *Huff*
One by one I managed to kill all of them, however I still didnt check my progress and just absorbed them with the ring. There was one thing that was off to me though, everysingle one of them was a [Lower Demonic Spider] even the eggs that were bigger than mine were the same just bigger and had a bit more higher stats, still ….blind but I’m still wondering why am I the only one with the subspecies [Crion].

I thought I was born in the same batch as them, but I might be wrong, if my my guess is correct there should be a  [Lower Demonic Spider] that made these eggs and I was a mutation of some kind, well talking about isn’t going to solve the problem so I checked my gains and then immediately used my stat points.

Killed [Lower Demonic Spider - Lv. 1] x14
Killed [Lower Demonic Spider - Lv. 2] x 4
Killed [Lower Demonic Spider - Lv. 3] x2
[Experience has been gained]
[Level Up]x9

Name: [Leonidas]
Race: [Lower Demon]
Subspecies: [Crion] Lv. 2 —> Lv. 9
[Strength]: 5 —> 20
[Agility]: 5 —> 20
[Stamina]: 5 —> 21
[Intelligence]: 8 —> 20
[Vitality]: 5 —> 17
[Stat Points available]: 70—> 0
[Race Skills]: [Language Comprehension - Lv. 1]
[Universal Skills]: [Idenitify - Lv. 1] —>[Identify - Lv. 2]
[Skills]: [Night Vision]
[Skill Slot - 2/2]
[Skill points available]: 56
[Title]: [Spider Killer]

I can’t say I was shocked by this progress, after all killing 20 [Demonic Spiders] and devouring them should have rewards. 

I gained 14 points of status and skill devouring x14[Demonic Spider - Lv. 1] 

8 points of stat and skill by devouring x4     [Demonic Spider - Lv. 2]
 And finally 6 points of stat and skill by devouring x2 [Demonic Spider - Lv. 3]
I also grew a few inches, when I was inside the egg I was about a 3 years old human child while now I look about 5 years old.
I was very happy with this progress and my disgust for monsters dissipated as I was killing them, spendind that time in the void wasn’t rewardless as it strengthened my mind to unbelievable levels, however because I am very lazy I might have forgoten to ….eat

The sound that my stomach started making was starting to get inside my so called strengthed mind.

Because of my stats I could probably go without food for a long time so that’s not an issue, the real issue is finding more monsters so that I could level up. 
Following up on my words I started walking North, not like I had any plan in mind, becase no matter which way I look it’s all the same Rocks, caves, and barren land.

As time passed unknowingly I met some monsters on the way all, but they were all Lv.1 and had no skills at all, Not giving me a single level up causing me to believe that it’s not going to be so easy to level up anymore, anyway time continued, I couldn’t tell how many days or week or even years.

The sky was a never changing RED I certainly didn’t have a watch with me so that I could tell the time that has passed, leaving me clueless.
Nevertheless I continued on meeting Lv .1 monsters.
Making me believe that I have spawned on a certainly weak area until…

I meet a certain monster who looks very veeeery mad at me.

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I use [Identify] on it and read its information 
[Middle Demonic Spider - Lv. 17]

“Shit” I cursed under my breath as I look at the giant spider before me I tried speaking to it “Mmmm why do you look at me like I killed you children?”

As soon as I finish my sentence she runs at me on all eights enraged, I quickly jump out of the way and look at it. It is going to be very hard to beat a berserk spider using only claws, but taking advantage of her berserk mode I could easily dodge its sharp sickle-shaped legs with minimal movements and make counter attacks using my claws.

However I was very surprised that it could shoot webs, it- or she in this case started to slowly take advantage against me using her legs and webs, her webs although very weak, if they are in quantity they are very hard to cut through so I decided on using all my stat points that I devoured from the monsters I met on the way on [Agility].

[Agility]: 20 —> 30

Feeling the my body get lighter I maniacally grinned and started running around the [Middle Demonic Spier] in circles awaiting for an opening and take a chance to kill it, unfortunately for me I didn’t have enough firepower to kill it in a single strike because of its defense and my lack of offensive methods.

Using only my claws damaged it, but not enough to kill it, however bit by bit, the wounds filled with blood started to wear it down making it slower and weaker so I started taking advantage and launched at her before it can use its webs on me, I slashed its eyes making it screech in pain *screeeech*

“3 more eyes left” I grinned and slashed at the remaining eyes making her screech once more as the blood splattered the ground it was standing on.
“You are blind now, just like your children once were and you are going to be dead in a few seconds  just like you children are now.” After finishing what I had to say I stabbed deap in its face with my claws and killing her permanently leaving it dead on the ground I heard the notifications in my heah.

Killed [Middle Demonic Spider - Lv .17]

[Experience has been given]

[Level Up]
[Level up]
[Level up]
[Level up]

[Evolution Requirments have met]

[Lower Demon] —> [ Middle Demon]

[Subspecies] You have met the requirements to choose between the following 3;

[Advanced Crion]
A [subspecies] higher than [Crion].
-Has higher physical strength and focuses more on [Strenth] and [Vitality]
[Strength +7]       [Stamina +3]         [Intelligence +1]
[Agility +4]         [Vitality +7]

[Crionic Spider]

-Has higher potential of becoming a mage and focuses more on intelligence 
Effect- Trades 50% of physical strenth for Intelligence
[Intelligence +100]
[Strenth] ;  [Agility] ;  [Stamina]  ;  [Vitality] -50%
Become 25% Spider.

[Crionic Devil]

-The [Subspecies] with the most potential in the bloodline tree of the Crion Lineage.

An ancient [Subspecie] that is an all-rounder, in ancient times some who possesed this bloodline fought side by side with[????] to battle [????]
However none managed to get to the top of this bloodline and unveil its secrets.

[Strenth +10]          [Stamina +10]    [Intelligence +10]
[Agility +10]             [Vitality +10]           

“Hmmm” I read through the [Subspecies] information and and thought about them. If it’s how I think it is, the choice that I make now will affect the way I evolve forward from today, I certainly don’t want to be a 25% Spider so.
“I choose”

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