Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 19: Bandits

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[ Skill Card ]

[ Lesser Gluttonous Regeneration ]

~ Allows the wielder of the skill to regenerate at a certain pace in return for mana. The effects rise if the wielder is eating more. It will also give the wielder of the skill the [ Sub-skill ].

[ Vitality Steal ]

~ Allows the wielder to steal others vitality to help the skill wielder regenerate even quicker.

-Active Skill-


2 skills? I didn’t know that skills could have sub skills. Well.. you never know when you find out about new things.

It certainly is a good surprise.

Not only did I get rid of the abnormal effect I also got a [ sub-skill ].

I moved on to the next skills. I also combined the 10x [ Sharp Fangs ]

And got [ Extra Sharp Fangs ] which I thought was absolutely useless. But instead of devouring it I only stored the card inside my [ Dimensional Storage ], you never know when a pet comes at your door.

After I finished fusing all of the skills, I started to infuse the two skills that were left with me.

[ Fireball ]

[ Lesser Gluttonous Regeneration ]

Firstly I took the [ Fireball ] skill card and and pressed infuse in the panel.

The card disappeared from my sight and entered inside me.

I could already feel that I had a new skill, but I didn’t try to cast the fireball spell and instead infused the other skill.

The Skill card [ Lesser Gluttonous Regeneration ] also disappeared and entered me.

Now I had two new skills. Although [ Fireball ] isn’t that useful itself. It will make it easier for me to create fire spells in the future.

Right now I couldn’t believe how easy it was to gain the fire affinity. I had to go through so much to gain the Ice affinity. Yet the ring only needed me to devour a body.

Although it’s low-grade. If my theory is correct. If I absorb corpses that have fire affinity. I will also be able to fuse them.

Truly a cheat..

Nevertheless, the world is wide. I shouldn’t be arrogant with only this much power. If I only rely on the ring to get stronger. That just proves that I don’t have the capability to do so myself.

After I ended my monologue to get stronger.

I communicated with Ceru, I told him that if anything happens, he should wake me up.

Of course, right now I am going to sleep. Training can wait. My beauty sleep can’t..

I made a bed similar to before and slept.

I slept for about an hour before I woke up. The others hadn’t arrived yet, and Ceru was unsummoned. I was surprised Ceru could still be here even after I was asleep. My mana was automatically taken from me, so Ceru can stay here.

A truly convenient skill.

As a few minutes passed, I took out a novel to read. I have nothing to do right now, I might as well enjoy the literature of this world.

The book was quite enjoyable in fact. It was a boy who came from a Barron family, he was shunned and hated by his family members. He was kicked out from the family and from there he obtained many opportunities. A special class, a divine sword and treasures one couldn’t imagine to obtain. And when he returned from his adventures and became known worldwide, his family tried to mock him, accusing that all his achievements were lies. As every protagonist does at least once a week, he face-slapped them to oblivion. A truly generic fantasy novel that was written spectacularly.

Yet here in this world it wasn’t that much of a fantasy and could become a reality.

I was at the end of the book when the trio finally arrived.

The sun was already up and I barely realized that as I was focused on reading a spectacular novel.

Tina saw this and asked me as I closed the book.

“ Do you like novels?”

I looked at her searching for an answer.

“I guess I do.”

“I noticed the books earlier too, you have quite high quality books. They are very rare to find yet you treat them as ordinary.” She looked at me as she eyed the book in my hand.

I didn’t know about that, but regardless I smiled as I said to her, “I got it from an important friend of mine.”

Yes, a friend. Although biologically the old man was much older then me. My mind and soul is much higher in age by an uncountable number.

But unlike him, I don’t have a grandpa aura. So I can’t be said to be as old as a grandpa.


Finishing thought that could potentially doom my self-esteem, I looked at them.

“Are we going now?”

“Yes” Said Brandon as he nodded.

Claus was feeling a bit relieved and muttered something along the words.

“I’m finally going to sleep in a real, fluffy bed.”

But his eyesight caught something he probably shouldn’t.

“A bed ?”

Yes.. he saw my thread-made bed.

He came close to me and shook my shoulders dramatically.

“Why do you have a beeed?”


He really sounded like he was in agony. Was it envy or despair? I can understand emotions because of my past life experiences. But currently I could barely feel them. It must suck for him.

I shrugged at his antics and moved out of the way.

Brandon was able to calm Claus, while I put the bed inside my [ Dimensional Storage ], a downside of the skill [ Thread Creation ] is that after I upgraded it to the next level. I wouldn’t be able to make the threads disappear after I make them. When I create them it takes my mana and that’s it. Before I leveled them up When I created them I had to supply them chunks of mana to stay materialized, when I didn’t supply them mana they disappeared.

I guess I’ll just hope that after another upgrade it will be the way I want it.

You are reading story Leonidas – Greed at novel35.com

Future things aside, All four of us started to move on. The three pf them didn’t really talk as we were walking. I was staying behind them, as I didn’t know the way to the city.

I was bored as we passed the forest.

All I could see was hills, trees, grass. In the barren lands I wished there was something like this. Yet here I am complaining, after I’m finally here.


We walked for around an hour. Time to time I took the pocket watch out of the [ Dimensional Storage ] to see the time pass.

Finally after two hours we are finally here.

I could see an entire city in front of my eyes.

It was directly under us, we’re currently at the top of the hill. Looking down at the city.

“Is this the Silesia you mentioned ?” I turned to them.

“Yes” It was Brandon who gave me a reply.

“Let’s go then, what are we waiting for?”

“A-Ah you’re right” Brandon awkwardly scratched his head.

We continued going down the hill towards the way filled with trees around. It certainly isn’t a good road for tourists, the place felt really hard to walk on. Stones and random trees on the road was a frequent occurrence.

I almost shot missiles everywhere, but held myself back. Doing that would probably destroy it even more.

The road was quite boring until something interesting happened.


No matter what world you go they exist.

They had surrounded us. All of them wore black clothes with hoods on. However there was one bandit who was bold enough to show his face.

He had black hair and brown eyes. His face looked like a delinquent and had a scar on his bald head.

He looked at us as he had his hand on his dagger. He pointed it to us and shouted like a maniac.

“Leave your belongings on the ground and you will die a painless death.”

Pfft I couldn’t hold my laughter at that threat. It’s not like it was funny, It’s just amusing. A bandit’s job is to steal and lie. Yet he can only lie. Only a stupid person would threaten to kill someone painlessly.

Whether it’s painful or painless, Death is Death..

The bandit not only has poor choices of words, he also has poor choices in targets. Right now I had the [ Ring of Samael ] make me look like a Lv. 15, so I can’t blame him much but the bandit leader himself was only level 15. While the others were around level 10 or 12.

Even if I don’t interfere the trio can take them on by myself. I still hadn’t looked at them since the bandits appear and when I looked at their faces.. they were disappointed.. I didn’t know why, but did really care much as I told them.

“You deal with them yourselves.”

“With pleasure” Brandon spoke with a threatening tone as he looked toward the bandit leader.

The bandit leader was confused as to why Brandon was looking at him without fear, but after a few seconds the bandit leader’s face was pale.

This idiot hasn’t even checked our levels….

How stupid can one be..

The bandit leader shouted “Retreat!!!”

The other bandits looked confused as to why their leader looked scared of Brandon and after looking at him with a bit of concentration they also started screaming “Retreaaat!!” “Run!”

Even the subordinates are dumb..

I facepalmed myself at their stupidity.

Brandon put strength into his legs and accelerated forwards. Claus already had his arrows on his bow ready to let go of them.

Tina was casting a spell, it felt weird though, because she had to chant them.

< O’ Element of Fire! Grant me your presence and unleash hell to thy enemy! [ Fire Blast ] >

Mana appeared at the top of the orb in her staff. It quickly started to shape like a ball and it started to turn into fire.

The process was really intriguing to me. I watched the [ Fire Blast ] head towards one of the bandits and when it hit the bandit the bandit was shot back and was catching on fire.

My thoughts on the spell? It took a lot of time because of the chant, which is a huge disadvantage, if the opponent is smart he can get to you before you finish it and if you lose concentration during a spell, the spell will fail. There are even chances where one is injured because of that. Although rare, there is still a chance.

Next I looked at Claus. Now that I think about it, I have never used [ Identify ] on Claus, so this time I did and it was a dud. Just like Tina, I couldn’t see his level, but I could see him using interesting skills.

< O’ Spirits of Nature! Grant me your presence and unleash the wrath of nature to thy enemies [ Nature Shot ] >

The the tip arrow in Claus’ hands started to gather green mana from the surrounding and shot towards another bandit. The arrow passed right through the bandit’s stomach, killing him on the spot.

Brandon was also chasing behind the bandit. He wasn’t as fast as the bandit.

Brandon saw that he couldn’t quite reach to him yelled, [ Dash ]. Mana gathered in his legs as he sped to the bandit leader and cut his head off with his sword.

Oh come on! Don’t tell me everybody tells the name of their skill in this world.

What happened to secrecy that the ol’ man told me. By the time this fight ends, I could figure out most of their skills if they continue yelling them.

The fight was done and all of the bandits were killed. Tina and Claus seemed to have wasted quite a bit of mana, while Brandon looked quite fine.

“Nicely done” I praised the three of them.

“Thank you”


Brandon and Claus thanked me while Tina just nodded and then said something.

“I am still far away from chant-less magic like you.”

I wanted to laugh at that, but chose not to, it would be quite inappropriate.

“It’s fine, visualization is key, as long as you have visualization you can do most things.”

I wasn’t spouting nonsense, it’s quite true, the training I did on mana for seven months weren’t for nothing, and I have to say I am quite talented on magic. So that was a good advice I wish I had when I started training back then.

Tina looked at me a bit surprised, but quickly shook it off and said to the other two.

“Alright, let’s wrap this up.”

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