Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 20: Vultus

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20. Vultus

The trio took all of the valuables on the bodies of the bandits and let their bodies there. After that we started to continue on our path.

The city wasn’t far away from there, we arrived in less than 20 minutes.

Currently we could see huge walls before us, a gate and guards.

We approached them. Tina took a step forward and took silver coins. She gave the guard 4 silver coins. I didn’t know whether that was bribing, or paying an entrance fee, but I didn’t really care. As long as she gets the job done.

For now, I didn’t want to do anything other than relax. But of course, before I could do that I need to register in a guild.

I already told Tina that I won’t be joining as a member and only register there. She understood me very well ..probably.

We entered inside the city. Directly at the entrance I saw people swarming the streets.

Shops, houses, Ins and various other buildings were around the city.

I was impressed by the architecture. They weren’t necessarily like modern world houses, but they had a unique structure. Overall, I thought the city was quite good, if a mere city is like this, I would probably like the capital of this kingdom.

“Come on Leonidas, the guild is this way.”

Brandon said to me, throwing me off my thoughts.

I followed them from behind as I looked around.

I also saw a clothing store, I took note to go there after registering in the guild. If I go around dressed like this, people will either start to think I’m a weirdo or they would think I’m homeless. Neither of them was something I’d like to have on my precious reputation.

Or that’s probably what the old man would have said..

“It’s here!” Said Brandon.

I look in front of me and saw a huge building.

At the top of the building in a huge black board, it was written < Crimson Star Guild >

The building was better then the others, overall. It had windows all over, I tried to see through them but I failed. Either the materials that are in the window are making it tinted, or either they are covered in those runes that the old man spoke of.

Brandon pushed the door wide open and we entered in. The place inside wasn’t much, there were several board on the walls with papers, probably quests.

“How may I help you?” A voice came from the side of the room. I look toward the voice and could see a young girl looking at us.

The place where she was standing was filled with papers. That was probably the place where I’m supposed to register. The place was like a bar. And the girl stood where a bartender would. Yet the roles they played couldn’t be more different.

The trio headed over to her. Claus was a bit faster then the other two and waved.

“Hello Beatrix, how is it going ?”

He said this with a smile as he gave her a flower .

Not only is he stupid, he’s also a simp..

“Aaw, thank you Claus.” She said as she accepted the flower with a smile and then looked towards us.

She had blonde hair and green eyes, she was above average when it came to looks, but she was nowhere near Tina.

I used [ Identify ] on her.

[ Beatrix ]

[ Level - 5 ]

[ Class - Receptionist ]

The classes surely are specialized. A receptionist has the class of a [ Receptionist ]. I bet other professions do so as well.

“How may I help you?” She asked once more.

Tina looked at her and said, “We are here to get the rewards of the Night Forest quest and also register someone new.

After she said those words, she got something out of her storage ring. Although the space inside probably wasn’t huge since Brandon and Claus still had bags in their back, the thing she pulled was only a piece of paper and a pen.

She signed it and gave it to Beatrix.

Beatrix looked at the paper and her eyes widened for a bit and looked at Tina, she quickly got a hold of herself and nodded.

“I’ll look that it is done, we’ll just need confirmation of level and class.”

“He doesn’t have a class.” Tina responded.

“Eeh? I am sorry miss Sanguis, but if his class is a [ Failure ]. The reputation of the guild will fall down even more than it already has, even with your recommendations we ca—“

“Who said I was human?” I cut her off. I mean is she blind or something, how could she not see my skin?

She was surprised at my remark and looked at me “ A Demon? E-Eh, I’m sorry for misunderstanding, you look almost exactly like a human.”

“Huh? Can’t you see my skin is gray?” I look at her a bit surprised at her idiocy.

“Gray?” She also looked at me confused, not only her the trio also looked at me confused.

“What?” I looked at them.

“Emm, how do I say this? Your skin is totally like a human’s, maybe a bit more tan, but it’s still like a human’s.” This was Claus talking while scratching his nose.

Wait whaat? A human?

I calmed down and quickly look at Beatrix to asked her something, “Do you, by any chance have a mirror?”

She nodded and picked something from under her papers.

It was a mirror, she gave it to me and I pointed at myself.

I had totally changed.

My hair was pure white….

My gray skin was also gone and instead I had skin that resembled human’s although a bit darker, not enough so one wouldn’t think of me as not a human. I still had my horns but instead of them being gray and spreading to the sides. They were pure black and were pointing up. I still had my tail, but I already knew that since I could feel it under my clothes. My eyes were still the same, only looked more like a blood-red than a regular red.

As for any other changes, I looked at Claus and asked him, “How tall are you?”

He looked at me and thought for a second.

“Hmm, I should be around 1.8 meters(5ft‘10)”

I was around ten centimeters (3.5 inches) shorter than him, which made me around 1.7m(5ft ‘6)

I calmed a bit as I took deep breaths. I never though I would change so much, I though I still looked the same, so I didn’t really check myself at the pond.

After I calmed down, I looked at Beatrix and asked her after giving her mirror back.

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“ Since I am a Demon, do I need to show my subspecies?”

She looked at me and replied, “No, you can choose whether you are going to disclose either your rank or your level. We have machines that can do both, in the meantime I prepare it your should fill out this form.

She gave me some white papers, I took them and took a look at them.





I don’t have any Id, nor do I know my birthdate.

I looked at Tina and told her, “I might not have an Id with me is that a problem?”

She nodded, “It’s fine, just enter your name, family name.

I wanted to tell her that I didn’t know my birthdate either, but chose not to.

I can make it up. From my understanding. Since the new calendar appeared, the time, days, weeks, months. They all had the same names as my old world, I guess the heroes did me a great favor by changing them to the previous world.

My language comprehension was also leveled up quite a few times, so I don’t think I would have any major problems.

I knew that I was reborn in this world for some years, but I don’t know exactly how many. I probably traveled most of the places of the barren land.

I look at Brandon and asked him a quick question, “Brandon, if one was to walk the entire barren lands of the Hellzarr continents, how much time would it take?”

“Eh?” He looked at me like I’m crazy.

Cough “Emm, It would take around 10 years or less if you have a lot of stamina.” He finally got me my answer to the question.

I also took a lot of breaks too, so I entered that I was born in the year 1464, which means I’m twelve.

In the end these were my answers.

Level 35

Hellzarr Continent

Year 1464 of the New Hellzarr calendar


I didn’t know if this machine Beatrix was talking about will manage to know my level, but I chose to trust in the divine grade ring, I also faked my level to 35 and made it so others can see it, but I still hid my Race.

Beatrix came back with what looked like an iPad. She looked at me and said, “You just have to put your hand in here and it will know your Race’s rank or level?, whatever you prefer.

“Level” I said.

“Okay then” she nodded and did something with the iPad looking device. The device was on and in the screen options appeared, Beatrix chose the level option and pressed yes.

The technology is quite amazing, that iPad looking thing was quite advanced, I asked her.

“What’s the name of those things?”

“This? It’s a vultus, it’s quite useful, there are a lot of people who like to fake their levels so they can get better conditions and more money. So we use this.”

“I see” I nodded.

“Just put your hand here.” She gestured.

I did as I was told and put my hand in there. After a few seconds, I removed it and the machine started to calculate my level or whatever it does.

Beeping sounds came from it and the words ‘Analyzing’ appeared on the screen.

Analysis Complete < Level 35 >

I felt relieved that it worked, If I was exposed, I didn’t know what I would do, although I am stronger then a level 35, only the trio knows that, but that’s not enough for the guild to believe.

“You are quite strong Leonidas!” Beamed Beatrix, Claus was a bit depressed at my left when he heard that.

I gave Beatrix the paper form.

She took it from me and was shocked at what she saw.

“Your 13 years old?!?”

“What?!” x3

Brandon, Claus and Tina were shocked as they looked at me.

“Although I don’t know exactly how old I am, I’m around that age, if not less.”

“Even less?” Brandon voiced out.

Beatrix looked at the paper form in her hands and then nodded.

“Okay then I’ll make you a gold card, but you’ll have to wait for a day, so you can come back here tomorrow.

“Okay” I nodded

I looked at the trio and they still had shocked expressions on their face.

I ignored them and left the guild. I headed towards the clothing shop I found earlier.

The trio could be seen behind me, they yelled at me but I didn’t turn and just walked ahead. Forcing all three of them to run.

They caught up with me and Claus asked, “Where are you going?”

“Shopping for clothes”

Claus looked at me suspiciously, “Do you even have money? The money system isn’t the same as Hellzarr, they won’t accept red gold in this city.

So that’s what that red gold was in the old man’s ring? Although the red gold wasn’t as much as the normal gold, there were still enough to fill houses with it.

“I have gold” I told Claus.

“You’re going to use gold for clothes? Are you crazy?”

“Then what should I use?” I asked him confused at his remarks.

“Silver is enough, gold is much more valuable then silver.”

Damn it.. I already know that…

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