Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 21: Wander the City

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21. Wander the city

Platinum, Gold, Silver and Copper.

That’s the currency of this continent. I had plenty of them. The trio looked at me weirdly though.

Do they think I am going to steal?

I picked a pouch full of silver coins out of the storage and showed them.

“Are you convinced now?”

When they saw the pouch full of silver, they were relieved.

Damn!.. they actually thought I will steal..

Although I have a face that isn’t very …lawful. I am still a pretty good guy, I think..

I arrived before the shop. Thankfully it had an open sign which was near the shop’s name.

Which was < Pratta Clothes >

I pushed the door and entered in.

Immediately as I walked in someone came in front of me.

He was a short guy with a bald head. He was a bit shorter then me.

“Welcome to Pratta Clothes, what can I get you?” He said to me with a smile.

I looked around and answered him, “Clothes … a lot of clothes.

He was a bit perplexed at my answer and spoke with a respectful tone, “Emm mister, you will have to be a lot more specific, like, what kind of clothes you want, size, color. How about I show you around.

I nodded and followed him. The store was quite big, which was the reason why I chose to come here instead of the other similar stores that sold clothes.

The worker showed me around and I saw a lot of clothes. I picked a few causal clothes.

Around 10 White shirts

10 black shirts.

10 pairs of black pants.

Shoes. Boots…

I bought a few cloaks, coats and anything that was interesting and had fur.

More then 10 bags were filled with clothes. The worker seemed a bit anxious, he probably thought I wouldn’t be able to pay. I understand that, after all , I don’t exactly look rich. Handsome ? Yes.

Rich? Nope.

“Is there anything else you would like?” The worker asked me.

I though for a bit and then responded by asking, “Do you take special orders?”.

He looked at me with a bit more serious gaze.

“As long as the customer pays enough, everything can be possible.”

I nodded and 2 pouches full of gold appeared on my hand.

He looked at my hand and was incredibly surprised, he got a hold of himself and said, “Follow me”

I nodded.

We arrived before a red door, the worker opened the door and gestured that I go in.

“You are not coming?” I asked him.

He smiled awkwardly and said, “ I’m afraid not, custom orders are out of my hands.”

”I see” I nodded and headed in.

As I walked inside the room, I looked around. The clothes here look much better than the ones on the previous room. Various designs.

Diamonds, gold, silver could be seen on the clothes. A lion’s head on the shoulder of a uniform.

“What do we have here.”

The voice came from the corner of the room. I turned my head and saw a middle aged man sewing clothes.

Mana strings?

The middle-aged man had an average face, with black hair and brown eyes, he was looking at me with an amused gaze.

“I’m here for clothes” I said.

“Hehehe, everybody is here for clothes.” He said jokingly.

“I need something that is stylish and can be used on combat.” I looked at him with a smile.

“Hehehe, that’s more like it. But you do understand that the kind you are looking for is the special kind, right?”

“The price doesn’t matter.”

“I see.” He looked at me as he had his hand on his chin.

He left whatever he was doing, and came to me with measure tape.

He unexpectedly started to measure me. My stomach, chest, arms, legs and even my hands.

“I have your numbers, now tell me how you want it.”

I was surprised at how he does things. He looks like a busy man, but I like someone efficient.

[ David Pratta ]

[ Level 20 ]

[ Class - Speedy Tailor ]

He certainly had an interesting class. Let’s just hope he really is fast.

I looked at him and told him my preferences.

“I hope you can make them the highest grade possible.” I looked at him with a serious gaze.

He grinned and gestured with his hand.


I gave him 30 Gold coins. Even he was surprised, even shocked at the sum but quickly hid it, he’s clearly not fast enough to escape my eyes.

“Come back in a week, you’ll have it ready by then.”

I tossed another 10 gold coins.

“Make it 3 days.”

After I said that I left from the room and arrived at the center of the store, where I saw the bald worker again.

“How much will all of those cost?” I asked him.

He nodded and checked the price on the paper he was holding.

“That will be 2 Gold coins.”

I nodded and gave him 3 gold coins.

“Keep one for yourself.”

He was surprised and quickly bowed, “Thank you young lord.”

“I am no lord”

After I said those words, I left the shop. In front of the shop stood Brandon and Claus.

“How can buying clothes take such a long time??”

Claus came in front of me and shook my shoulders dramatically.

“How long was I gone?” I tilted my head.

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“2 hours!”

This time it was Brandon who spoke, I could see a vein in his forehead as he told me.

“Sorry, I had to buy a lot of clothes.”

I said with a smile.

“A lot?”

Claus looked at me, “Where are your bags?”

“They are in my ring, there was a lot of bags, so I can’t carry all of them.”

“How rich do you have to be to buy so many clothes from the most famous brand in the city?”

“Rich enough to not care much about money.”

I said, but I felt guilty, I was so rich, yet it was all money given by somebody else.

“Must be nice to be you, If I had money, I would have bought the prettiest ring in the jewelry store and would have asked Beatrix to marry me.” Claus was talking sadly and was fantasizing about something.

I looked around and I didn’t see someone.

“Where is Tina anyway?”

“She had some family business to attend to.” Spoke Brandon with a weird expression.

“Alright then, who’s hungry? It’s on me.” My kind heart decided to pay for food.


“I’ll join”

Both Claus and Brandon agreed and we headed to a restaurant Brandon recommended.

We arrived before the restaurant.

Its name was ‘Wild Boars’.

We entered in and the place was full of wooden tables and chairs. There were maids who served beer and food towards the customers.

“What do you guys want to eat?.” Asked Brandon.

I looked at the board above the counter which had a wooden menu and said to Brandon.

“I’ll have the dish called curry and a soda with ice.”

While Claus seemed to be thinking and then said.

“I’ll have some soup, pork eeem salad oh! And also wine.”

If I wasn’t rich I would have frozen him on the spot.

“Okay then, I’ll go order the food while you find a place to sit.” With that said Brandon left us.

At first, I though people would look at me disgustingly, but the people didn’t mind that I was here, of course all of them looked at me, but soon, they returned at what they were doing.

Me and Claus went to a table and sat down waiting for Brandon to bring us the food.

We waited for a couple of minutes and Brandon finally arrived with the food.

The curry that I ordered was giving me nostalgia.

I also opened the bottle of soda with my teeth and started chugging it down.

It felt like sprite. I always have likes sprite.

“Hey do you happen to have that sauce” Claus looked at me like an innocent child, even Brandon was joining him to the innocent part.

“But you already have sauce on it!” I retorted, I only had a limited supply of that sauce. There were only a couple of…hundred- but they go fast.

“But yours is so much better.” Claus was still insisting.

Brandon also nodded at his comment.

“Fine” I gave them a bottle of the sauce.

“You better not waste it fast, I ain’t giving you more than that.” Of course, I had to warn them first.

Claus and Brandon looked at each-other eye to eye as if planning something and nodded.

Come on..

After we ate, I went to the cashier and paid him 2 silver coins. Which made me surprised. The cost was so low, I thought I would have to pay a gold coin or something. But it seems the standards are lower than I though here.

After we ate, we left the restaurant with all three of us burping.

“I can’t believe you ate that much Claus”

Brandon said at Claus, while massaging his stomach.

I just watched them while picking my teeth with a toothpick.

“I can’t believe all that food and those drinks cost me 2 silver” I threw the toothpick on the ground and said to them.

“What do you mean?” Asked Brandon

“Just saying, I spent a lot of gold buying clothes, yet the food is so cheap.”

“What? I thought I told you, you only need silver to buy clothes at most.” Claus was looking at me with disbelief on his face, while Brandon nodded.

“I needed a lot of clothes.” I responded casually.

“Do you know how many would kill for a gold coin? A family can survive with 10 silvers for a month, yet you spend it on clothes.” Claus said helplessly.

“Is that so?” I closed my eyes. It seems I gave that tailor more then I thought. He better gives me my money’s worth, or else he is having my claws at his face.


By the end of the day, we had visited a lot of places of the city.

At the moment we were sitting at the previous restaurant having beer.

“Are you sure you can drink at your age Leo?”

Claus asked me and started drinking from his bottle.

“Although I am young, I have been through more than you Claus, I guess that makes me manlier than you no?” I spoke as I drank.

Claus even started to call me Leo, which I didn’t necessarily dislike. Or it could have been the beer’s fault, who knows?

In the end we told stories about a lot of things. How Claus once almost got married to a princess. Which by the way sounds crazy.

How does one get to such a situation?

I have to agree that Claus is a top tier handsome man though.

He had curly blond hair, crystal blue eyes and a pale face. I’d say that’s enough for a princess to fall in love with.

Brandon also has had his fair share of body guarding. He also had a daughter, which surprised me greatly. He also said that he often does body guarding quests, which makes sense why his level was so low for a knight.

He has a family which he needs to take care of. If he didn’t his level would have probably been higher.

“What about you Leo?, Do you have any cool stories to share?” Asked Claus.

“Me?” I pointed at myself.

“In this life all I’ve done is kill monsters for as long as I remember. I guess I can tell you how I killed some demonic spiders and how their mother came back for revenge, while screeching like a mad women. Of course if that’s something your stomach can handle hiccup”

The both of them looked at me disgusted.

“We are fine”

“We are fine”

Is this a rehearsal?

“Hahaha, bunch of pussies”


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