Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 23: Mischief

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In the end, I decided to go with my high risk high reward policy. I doubt I will get anything bad from the fusion.

Fusing [ Ice Sword ] [ Ice Spear ] [ Ice Axe ] [ Ice Chains ] [ Ice Arrow ]


Fusion Complete

~Fusion Result~

[ Skill Card ]

[ Frozen Sea of Materialization ]

~ Allows the wielder of the skill, the ability to materialize a sea of weapons made of Ice. Whatever the wielder of the skill imagines, the ice will follow the Imagination in its perfect form.

“Damn!” I was thrilled when I read the skill’s description.

Now I can use Ice more efficiently then ever. At first I though I will get a skill that lets me materialize weapon of Ice, but now, I can materialize anything I imagine. Yet the skill is only at level 1. The higher my level the more efficiently can I use the skill.

Right now, with my amount of mana. I can only materialize small amounts of Ice. If I made a house full of Ice, my mana would run out immediately. The more mana I have, the more versatile I’ll be.

I quickly integrated the card with me.

[ Skill Card ] - [ Frozen Sea of Materialization ]


Integration finished

I felt the black skill card enter in the depths of my soul.


I’ll never get tired of this feeling.



I suddenly heard voices nearing me from the hill.

I quickly jumped to a nearby tree and hid there.

Suddenly two people appeared.

Both of them had armor and swords at their waist, one of them even had a shield on his back. The closer they got the more clearly I could hear what are they talking about.

“I can’t believe the daughter of that guy didn’t die in that forest.”

“Yea, we even made sure that the ogre with the orc bloodline wouldn’t stray off the plan by.”

“I am pretty sure that we planted that potion in her bag, that pig should have definitely smelled it.”

They were having a conversation between each-other. Both of the two had ordinary faces, one had black hair and the other brown. They were almost the same.

Are they brothers? Who knows..

At least I figured out that that they had planned to lead the ogre to Tina? They said her, and the ogre indeed went at her direction.

I continued to listen into their chatter.

“If that girl died, our guild would have definitely overtaken the < Crimson Star Guild >. The guild master, Bruno Sanguiss loves his daughter, if she died, he would be absolutely shaken.”

“Yes indeed, yet we failed, we have to tell boss about this, and he will probably punish us.” Said the black haired man as he gulped.

I used [ Identify ] on them.

[ Bono ]

[ Level - 14 ]

[ Class - Warrior ]

[ Soto ]

[ Level - 13 ]

[ Class - Shield Wielder ]

They are low-level, their classes are also shit.

Basic at most..

Tina’s father is the guildmaster of the < Crimson Star Guild>. It seems I was mistaken when I thought she was a noble. Turns out she is a rich kid.

I don’t like people who play dirty, I guess I’ll have to teach them a lesson.


I jumped down the tree and landed with a thud. Making the two stop at their tracks and unsheathe their swords.

They immediately turned their heads and looked at me.

I look at them with disgust.

“You know, you should be thankful that this is a world that the strong eats the weak, yet you throw that fact out of the window by playing dirty like cowards.”

The both of them had shocked expressions on their face.

“This guy heard us, we need to kill him. We can’t let this leak to the Crimson Star Guild.”

“You’re right”

The looked at me for a bit and the next second they were even more shocked.

I really don’t get it, when you have the ability to see the level of the opponent, you should do it the moment you see them. Why are people so stupid?

“Crap! He’s level 35, there is no way we can beat him.” Soto said in fear as he cursed.

Bono gulped and shivered, “H-He is j-just a teenage brat, h-he is probably f-faking it.”

Soto as if receiving enlightenment nodded repeatedly, “that’s right, he is probably a rich kid, who bought level-hiding items.”

The both of then gulped and nodded as if convincing themselves.

“Kid, it was a nice try.”


They both launched at me with their swords ready to cut my head.

Both arrived before me, one slashed at my neck horizontally and the other diagonally slashed his sword towards my chest. I just simply took a step backwards.

I had my hands on my pockets as I dodged their attacks.

My so called claws, which in reality are just super-long nails that are sharp and strong, ripped the pockets underneath.

Damn, I may have to cut my nails off at some point.

I didn’t really need them. I could use [ Mana Claws ] at any moment to slash at someone if I wanted to. And I enjoy punching more anyway.

Even though I left humanity long ago, I still like cleanliness.

I couldn’t make a fist, because my claws got in the way.

For the first time, I used it, [ Frozen Sea Materialization ].

I created a longsword of black Ice in my hands.

The sword felt perfectly fit in my hands. It was extremely sharp, when the sunlight touched the sword, it created a magnificent glow.

Sono and Boto or whatever they were called saw the sword I made and they were terrified.

“A Creation skill?”

“T-This i-is bad”

I smiled and accelerated towards them.

The one that had the class [ Shield Wielder ], picked the shield from his back and put it in front of him.

“You think mere wood can survive my Ice? Think again.” I scoffed and slashed at his shield while the other one behind didn’t do anything and just stayed there.

The longsword cleanly cut the shield and slashed towards his stomach.

Blood rippled down on the ground. While the other just stood there in shock.

I didn’t kill him of course, I just slashed where it hurts the most but won’t kill him …probably won’t kill him.

You are reading story Leonidas – Greed at novel35.com

I smiled and then asked something.

“If you tell me who your boss is, I will let you live, how about it?”

Both of them looked at me while shivering.

“W-w-we W-will d-die if we d-do”

One of then talked slowly as he shivered, and that one, was the person who got bloodied by my sword.

While the other one just nodded repeatedly as he gulped down, he was sweating allover his body.

“I guess you have to choose then, Will you die now, or die later by your boss?”


They were in contemplation, they bitt their lower lip.

They looked at each-other and nodded.

“F-fine we will t-tell you!.” Spoke the black-haired guy.

“Good!” I dematerialized the Ice sword and looked at them with a demonic smile.

Which made them gulp down their saliva.

“W-we are with t-the . The g-guildmaster sent u-us here.”

“I see, and where would this guild be located, Silesia?” I asked as I put my hand on my chin.

“A-although we indeed have a base here, our headquarters are in Bylmind, which is the neighboring city of Silesia.” He said as he held his bloody stomach.

“Why are you trying to take over < Crimson Star Guild>?” I continued asking.

“W-We don’t k-know It’s just the guildmaster’s orders and we follow them, I swear.” The other guy spoke up.

I looked at them and nodded, “I see, Okay! Now you can die.”



Before they could say anything else. I cut their heads off with my claws.

They are the last creatures I will ever kill with my nails. It feels weird having blood inside them.

“Ugh” I shake off my hands removing the blood as much as I could.

I look at the two dead bodies and went near them.

Freezing Sea

I froze both of the bodies and turned them into freezing statues.


The frozen statues turned into crystalized dust. Vanishing in thin air.

Rest in peace, I guess?

I never promised them I would let them live, I don’t really care much about humans anymore. I am not one of them anymore, and even if I was, I would still have killed them.

It’s simple.

If I was weaker than them, I would have died.

One should always expect the other way around to happed. If somebody stronger than me killed me, I wouldn’t hate him.

It’s just the rules of the jungle.

You have to accept it. If you don’t.. you will just die sooner.

Simple, yet crucial.

After dealing with the two of them. I stretched my back and yawned.

I should head to the city, it’s been quite a few days since I left.

Firstly I removed my torn pants and wore new one.

.. Now that I think about it, that tailor should have already gotten my custom order. I even payed him so he can do it faster. Yet I’m late 10 days.

Let’s hope it’s good. Or he will get it.

After I was done cracking my back. I started heading towards the city again.

Just like before, I avoided the guards and directly sneaked in.

It would have been way better if I had devoured that [ Three Headed Hound ]’s hiding skill. But unfortunately it seems, that the ring can’t have them all.

It’s fine, I will have many opportunities in the future when I fight against opponents with similar skills.


After I entered the city, I immediately headed towards the restaurant.

Because of my training. I hadn’t eaten for three weeks, [ Food Resistance ] was indeed a passive skill, but it’s one where you can deactivate. I like it deactivated, not only do I train my body, it feels good when I finally eat something after so long.

I push open the doors of the restaurant and sniff the smell in the air.

*Sniff Sniff*

Just the smell made me feel like I’m in heaven.

But of course I had to be interrupted by a voice I found quite annoying.

“Why did he leave me?? My best friend Leo, Sniff* I thought we had good chemistry.”

What now?

After I heard the word ‘Leo’ I turned my head where the voice was coming from.

Only to see it’s…motherfucking Claus..

Since when are we best friends?

He was sitting on a table and Brandon was sitting next to him comforting him.

I head towards them with casual steps.

But Suddenly I stopped on my tracks. An evil though appeared on my head.

I decided to play a little prank on him first.

I headed towards the bartender and sat on the chair that was near the bar table. I took paper from the storage ring and wrote a letter. After I finished in a few seconds, I looked at the bartender who noticed my arrival.

“Hey! I know you, yo-“ Before he makes any unnecessary noises, I shut his mouth with my hand and say, “ If you’re interested on making a quick penny, you should listen to me.”

He looked towards my other hand and noticed silver coins between each of my fingers.

He nodded and I let go of my hand.

I went near near his ear and whispered, I want you to go to that blondy there that is whining and say this ..Leonidas left you a message …whisper whisper* and give him the letter..

After I finished saying what I had, I disappeared from sight so Claus or Brandon don’t see me.

I looked from afar as the bartender made his way to Claus and Brandon.

I saw the bartender say something to Claus. Just as planned. As the bartender finished his words and gave Claus the letter, he left. Leaving a stunned Claus and Brandon behind. Claus opened the letter quickly.

What I had written on the letter was something along the lines.

‘You Claus, were a huge disappointment and were always smelly, whenever I was near you, I couldn’t help but almost pinch my nose, even Beatrix could barely handle it, sorry for you to find this way. Goodbye from me, may we see each-other when you are not smelly, which probably won’t happen …Sincerely Leonidas!’

Even Claus was reading the letter out loud, tears were coming out as he was reading it.

Such a crybaby..

“Noooo! How can I be smelly? I bathe everyday day and even use special soap.. Hooow?!”

The entire restaurant shook from the yelling Claus did.

“Brandy, please tell me I don’t smell bad, pleaaase!” He looked towards Brandon and grabbed his collar bringing him closer to his face as he made a pleading expression.

Brandon was speechless and couldn’t tell what was going on.

Poor man..

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