Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 24: Result or Coincidence

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24. Result or Coincidence 


I looked at Claus from far as he was crying, I decided there was enough water inside the restaurant. It’s a classic prank, no need for a tsunami.

I started to go to them with casual steps. I arrived in front of them, but neither of them saw me. Claus had his face filled with snot in Brandon’s chest plate, while Brandon was just patting him on the back.

Brandon probably saw my shoes and started to look up to see who was before him.

When he saw me his eyes widened, he was speechless.

I suddenly raised my voice, “Not only are you smelly, Claus, but I didn’t think you were also a snotty brat.”

Claus immediately turned backwards when he heard my voice. When he confirmed it’s me he jumped at me as snot and tears were falling around.

Not today.

I grabbed his head with my hand. Not letting him touch me.

“Don’t expect I am going to let snot fall on me, smelly bastard.” I said with disgust.

“Come on Leo, he has been whining for days because you didn’t come back. I had to play babysitter for him all this time.” Brandon exclaimed as he said helplessly.

I looked at both of them.

Since when do they call me Leo? I thought that only happened when we were drunk..

I let go of Claus and he hugged me. I only let him do that for two seconds and pushed him.

“That’s enough.” I said as I wiped the tears with a napkin.

“Where have you been Sniff*?” Asked Claus as he sniffed.

“That’s none of your business.” I said with a bit of annoyance.

“Can I have some curry and soda, BARTENDER?” I yelled at the bartender.

“Coming right up!”

I sat down on the chair and relaxed.

“So what’s happened while I was gone ?”

I asked the two of them as I put my hands behind my head.

“Leooo! You’re too cold.. How can you treat a friend like that.”

A friend? I don’t think I see them as friends, at most they are acquaintances. Thats all there is to it.. Or is there? I can’t tell my own feelings these days..

“I already told you that I will come back, you’re the ones who assumed I left for good.”

I spoke with a lazy and harsh tone.

The two of them were stunned, there was even a tinge of red in their face.

“Tsk” They are embarrassed for being stupid.. I guess that might be good progress.

“* Cough* He is right Claus, we are the ones who jumped to conclusions.” Spoke Brandon.

“But what about the letter? What was that for?” Asked Claus as he was hurt.

“E-Emm, that was the bartender’s idea, it was revenge for crying and scaring away potential consumers.” I found the right words to say, I can just pay the damages Claus will cause the restaurant after this.

When he heard my explanation, Claus immediately looked at the bartender in anger.


The bartender looked at Claus, confused of why Claus was looking at him like he wanted to kill him.

Brandon held Claus in place, not letting Claus kill an innocent man. He probably figured it was me who pranked him, but didn’t say much. He only looked at me with a ‘really?’ expression.

I just shrugged.

“Anyways I have something to tell you.” I spoke with a more serious expression.

They looked at me and took a seat.

“Did you know that there was an assassination planned for Tina?” I looked at them and asked.

“What?” Brandon immediately stood up from his seat in shock.

“I’ll take that as a no.” I said with a deadpan expression.

“Who was it?” Asked Brandon.

“I am afraid it’s none of your business, neither is it mine. But I only plan to tell Tina, as she was the target, if she wants to tell you It’s her business.” I looked at the both of them.

“You’re right, but how did you find out about this?” Asked Brandon as he calmed down and sat on the chair once again.

Claus was just listening to the conversation, he also had a serious expression on his face.

“I happened to run into the ones who were participants on the assassination.”

“I see” Brandon nodded.

“We need to tell Tina, she is my friend, I can’t let anything happen to her.” It was Claus who cut in and spoke.

“I’ll tell her when I see her next time.” I nodded and looked at the bartender with a threatening gaze.

Where is my food?

A minute later the food came in and I started to eat.

Claus and Brandon just watched me.

“What?” I looked at them confused.

“Three beers!” Yelled Claus, “Let’s celebrate our reunion.


Two hours later.

We left the restaurant and when we came out, we realized that it had become night.

Time sure flies fast..

“I’ll go and find an inn somewhere, Good night”

I said those words and left. I needed to sleep in a proper bed. I sat on a meditation position for 15 days.

*Ugh *

My back is killing me..

I found an inn called ‘Lucid Dreams Inn’.

I entered and found a women of age cleaning.

“Is there a room I can borrow?” I asked, making the old women jump in surprise.

“You scared me there young man.” She said slowly as she clenched her heart. “There is plenty of rooms, just tell how much you want to stay and what kind of room you want.”

“I’ll take the biggest room you’ve got, I’ll stay for a week, how much do I need to pay you.”

You are reading story Leonidas – Greed at novel35.com

“It’ll be 50 Copper Coin a day.” She said.

I nodded and gave her Four silver coins.

“Keep the change..”

I had already understood most of the currency system.

1000 Gold Coins is equal to 1 Platinum Coin

1 Gold Coin is equal to 100 Silvers Coins

1 Silver Coin is equal 100 Copper Coins.

Platinum was the Coin I had the least. I only found 10 pouches of them inside The Ring of Samael.

Scratch that.. It seems I don’t have copper coins at all. It seems the old man was too prideful to keep those around.

“Follow me.” The old lady took some kind of keys from a drawer and said to me.

I nodded and followed her. We took some stairs and went toward the end of the hallway on the second story of the house.

“Here!” She gave me the keys, “there is a bell inside the room, if you ever need anything just ring it a few times and a worker will come.”

She smiled after she spoke and left.

I opened the wooden door with the key the old lady left me with and the door made a creaking sound.

This door is ancient as hell

I opened the door wide and the entire room entered my sight. It was a 7x7 room with a bed and drawers on the sides. There was even a wardrobe in there. Everything was wood, I didn’t dislike it though. Everything was clean even though they were old.

I removed my shoes and jumped in the bed.

I removed any thoughts and closed my eyes and felt myself falling into a deep sleep. Suddenly, I found myself in a dream where I was floating in garden filled with glowing flowers and butterflies. As I took in the surroundings, I suddenly realized that I was dreaming. This realization triggered me to become lucid, and I knew that I had the power to control my dream.

Excited by this newfound power, I decided to explore my dreamscape. I flew through the sky, navigating through the clouds and visiting different places I had never seen before. I visited a bustling city, a mysterious forest, and even went underwater to swim with the sharks.

Throughout my dream, I remained aware of the fact that I was dreaming, and used this awareness to control the dream in any way I wanted. I felt a sense of liberation and freedom, and experienced things I could only dream of in my waking life.

Finally, I woke up feeling refreshed and energized, with a vivid memory of my lucid dream.

“What was that!” I jolted. That was a lucid dream? I looked towards the window and saw that it was already morning.

Is this because of my training.

Imagination.. One of the things I focused when I made the skill [ Freezing Sea ]. And also Visualization.

Was this because of my mind progression.

I shook my head and I could still remember every single detail.

“I hope this is a good thing” I mumbled and stood up from the bed. I put the shoes on my feet and left the room. I went downstairs to see the old lady sipping tea.

“Can you tell me where the bathroom is ?” I asked her.

“It’s a the first left that way.” She pointed and I left towards the bathroom.

I entered inside and the place was clean. There was even a modern looking toilet. I didn’t really need to piss or take a shit. My digestive system doesn’t let anything leave. Along with the skill [ Lesser Gluttonous Regeneration ] My ass was impenetrable fortress from the inside, Literally..

I moved closer to the sink and splashed the water from the tap in my face.

I looked at the mirror just above the sink. It was on the wall hanging.

I looked at my white hair that had gotten longer. They had reached my back. I tied them up in a bun with a thread around where my nape was.

My skin was a little tan. My eyes were the same never changing blood-red. I had sharp white teeth, they were still the same length as a humans, though pointier.

I was handsome to the level of Claus, but I had a devilish charm, which made me better in my book. Claus would definitely not agree to that fact. He seems to hold pride in charming a princess or whatnot.

I left the bathroom and headed out of the inn.

I looked at the name of the inn .

Is this.. a coincidence ‘?

I sighed and left.

I went to the Clothes shop. I still hadn’t received my order.

I opened the doors of the shop wide open.

“Welcome to Pratta Clothes! What can I get you”

I heard the same lines in the same tone as I did before.

I looked and saw the bald worker. When he saw me he widened his eyes and bowed.

“Ah, I didn’t see you there young lord.”

I look at him annoyed.

I though I already made myself clear about that title.

“I am here to receive my order.” I said clearly.

“Y-Yes! Follow me.”

He said and guided me to the same room as back then.

He opened the door for me and I entered.

“You came back, hehehehe.”

When I heard that voice, I felt weird.

Why didn’t I find that laugh weird before?

“You think I would forget to get my stuff?” I asked with a smile.

The man looked at me and smiled as he responded, “You look like someone who would forget such a measly thing.”

“Hahaha, is that so?” I smiled and then continued.

“So did you make it?”

“I did indeed, that was 5 days ago.” He said.

“Five? Wasn’t it supposed to be ready much longer ago?” I asked with furrowed brows.

“With the extra coins and some of the materials you gave me, I managed to do it in 3 days, by receiving help, but the finishing touches took me longer. I might have also took my time, because you weren’t showing up even after days later.” He replied as he shrugged.

I indeed gave him some good material from the Ring of Samael.

According to him they were precious materials or whatnot.

“Where is it then?” I asked impatiently.

“What I made for you is my greatest achievement I will ever make in this life, if you ruin it with your casualness, I might cry.”

He said with a bit of a sad face.

I really want to punch this guy so bad..

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