Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 25: Crow’s Feathers

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25. Crow’s Feathers

Removing all of the thoughts which had punching and killing the damn tailor out of my mind, I smiled, “Okay then, why don’t you show me your greatest achievement O’ great tailor.”

“Sure” He also smiled.

I was totally running out of patience with this guy.

“Your costume is inside that covered glass.” He said as he pointed with his finger.

I looked towards where his finger was pointing and nodded, “let’s see it then, if it doesn’t satisfy me, I will punch your teeth out.”

“Oow! Scary” He said while being frightened.

Was that sarcasm? I looked at him with narrowed eye, “Just get on with it!”

“Yea yea.”

We arrived before the glass which was covered with a black looking blanket.

I simply removed the blanket and looked at what’s inside the glass.

The clothes were indeed the exact same as I instructed, even the cape was exactly as I said.

The clothes were put on the mannequin that ..looked like me.

I threw the tailor a deadpan look and he just shrugged.

I looked at the details of the clothes and they were perfect.

Black pants and black boots made of special material, a black uniform that covered my entire upper body just stopping at the chin, there were 6 buttons on there. And lastly the cape. The upper part of the cape consisted of black fur around my neck and the bottom part was dark black with a few casual holes at some parts.

The holes weren’t because my sense of style consisted ragged clothing, it’s just that it’s way easier to run and move, if the cape doesn’t have any hole, it would lessen my speed because of the wider surface.

So yes, the people in the fictions that I can remember often had capes, but the mostly get in the way of speed.

But now that I look at the cape, I can see it’s very stylish.

Lastly I used [ Identify ].

[ Unnamed Set ]

[ Grade - Unique ] (Hidden: Growth type)

[ Type - Clothes ]

~ Clothes that are made for both battle and for style. (Hidden Details: Especially made for the successor of the Ice Crow’s Legacy.)

[ Effects - First Effect [Greater Maintenance]

Second Effect [ Night’s Embrace ]

Third Effect [ Crow’s Hidden Palace ]. (Can only be seen by the successor of the Ice Crow.)

I was surprised at the second effect. I didn’t really know how items get effects, so I had to ask.

“By the way, how can an Item get effects.”

The tailor looked at me and proudly raised his chin.

“You see, when the clothes are made from certain material or have deep meaning they get effects, this in not only for clothes but also for weapons and so on.” He finished his sentence and also raised his chest.

“I see”

I didn’t look through the descriptions of the Clothes, I was still in the middle of the store.

“You did a good job.”

He nodded as he looked at the clothes, “Indeed, o-oh I almost forgot, what are you going to name it? I thought of a few names for exa—“

“Crow’s Feathers” I cut him off. It was the perfect name.

The tailor looked at me and was speechless, he looked at me and then the clothes and nodded.

“That’s indeed a better name than the ones I thought about.”

He went ahead and removed the glass. He gently took off the clothes from the mannequin and gave them to me on be one.

I put them inside my [ Dimensional Storage ] and looked at him.

“You have done me a favor, even though I paid for it, you have an extra favor you can ask me, since you surprised me with this.”

He just shook his head, “As I said before, being able to produce such a treasure is my greatest achievement, you have already given me something much greater than you think, if anyone is in somebody’s favor it’s me.”

I looked at him and nodded, “Alright then, I’ll pass by for some clothes when I need them.


After we had our conversation I left and went towards my next destination. The Guild.

Soon I was going to head towards the Mayr Kingdom, but I can’t just go with out any information.

I only knew of the direction, not the road. This world is much bigger than my previous one by more than 10 times. A truly surprising amount.

So the distance between the kingdoms must be huge. Especially since the Mayr Kingdom wasn’t even a neighboring kingdom. I had to cross the Moon Kingdom and only then can I arrive to Mayr.

I don’t know how much time this journey will take, but I promised the old man I would keep his family safe, even though that’s something that I am currently incapable of, I will get stronger as I go along the road. I will use my potential to arrive at the peak no matter what.

One can have potential, but not the will to use it to their maximum. I am not one of such case.

I finished my thoughts as I arrived before the guild. Unexpectedly I also saw Tina.

I went near them.

“Hello there” I said to them.

“Leonidas? I thought you left?” Asked Tina when she saw me.

“I never left. That was just Claus overreacting” I said casually.

“I see” she nodded. “Well anyway, I have to go for now, since you have received your card, you can take quests whenever you want. Good luck!”

She waved at me and left.

“I guess I can tell her another time.” I shrugged.

I entered the guild and noticed the familiar voice.

You are reading story Leonidas – Greed at novel35.com

“Welcome back Leonidas!”

It was Beatrix. I nodded at her and said. “Do you have any good quest for me?”

“A good quest ? She mumbled and hummed “Currently there are only two quests who require the help of a Gold Rank adventurer. One is at the border of the city requiring help killing and pushing [ Mutated Lizards ] out of the city boundaries and the other is a bodyguarding job for a rich merchant.”

I thought for a bit and and said, “ I’ll take the killing lizards quest.”

“Alright! For proof of completing the missions, you need to bring the their body or just a part of their body for confirmation of a complete quest. Right now there are Silver Rank adventurers holding them back but it seems there are rumors that there is a [ Mutated Lizard ] boss, making them unable to face them for longer. If this is true, they will need all the help they can get. According to Claus and Brandon you are much stronger than your level, so I hope you can help them.”

Beatrix said those words as a bitter smile appeared on her face.

“Are there no Gold Rank adventures in this town?” I asked with a perplexed face.

“The numbers of our Gold Ranked adventurers are less and less every year. Some of them retired because of old age, some have left for other cities, searching for better opportunities.”

She had a worried expression as she replied.

“I see”

After discussing some details about the quest, I left towards the quest location.

The place where those [ Mutated Lizards ] had as their nest was near a lake. A few miles away was where the border of Silesia was. If those lizards manage to break through, a lot of ordinary people will die, not everyone trains or obtains class, they are just ordinary people, and can easily get hurt. Not that I care, but the guilds care because it will hurt their reputation or whatever.

Politics exist in every world..

As I arrived at the location I heard yells.

“They have crossed the lake and are coming towards us”

“Take the wounded away”

“They are coming!”

“We are on the high grounds, [ Mages ] stay back and help from afar, those who have close-combat class should fight head to head until a Gold Rank comes for help.” The one who was calmer yelled, he gave instructions fairly good. He had black hair and wore armor all over his body.

The others followed his commands obediently until a teenage suddenly yelled.

“Why are we sacrificing ourselves?, when there is no help coming! Our < Crimson Star Guild > has no Gold Ranks anymore, we might as well sacrifice ourselves for nothing.

The others gulped down as they processed his words. The situation was worse than I thought. So I decided to step in.

“There is no need to worry, I am a Gold Ranked.” I spoke up drawing everyones attention.

They looked at me like I was joking at a funeral. The armored man looked at me.

“This is no time to joke kid.”

Because I was so far away, they couldn’t see my information.

I might as well help them.

I got closer to them and arrived just several meters away from them.

They were shocked. They probably used [ Identify ] on me.

The armored man kneeled.

“I am sorry for doubting you. You can command us as you like.”

Why is he kneeling? I had a furred black cloak reaching halfway my back, but that won’t necessarily make me a noble. Or is it because I am higher ranked? I dismissed those unneeded thoughts and spoke.

“It’s fine. Tell me the number of enemies.”



“Around 15”

“How many are we?”

“30 people, 20 of us being Level 15, the rest are lower.” He answered every question immediately like a soldier.

“Do you have any information on this rumored Leader of Lizards? I asked.

“Rumored? I guess you didn’t get the news. The lizard boss is real and No!, all we know is that it’s very strong. Even though I am level 30, I have no hopes of defeating”

Hoo! “How do you know?” I asked, how can he know?

“I-it’s because every two hours it releases its magic intent. I can feel it from here, and can’t help but shiver. Some even directly fainted. I sent people to inform the guild since two days ago, but I hadn’t gotten a response, it seems they have contacted you, thankfully!” He first started with an awkward tone and it slowly changed into a glad tone.

“I see” I nodded. If what he’s saying is true, then something’s up. If the people he sent arrived at the guild. This quest would have been the talk of the city, even Beatrix didn’t make it that big of a deal and was only worried. She said that the Lizard boss was only a roomer, while here it’s already confirmed true days ago. Somebody might be plotting something, but if they dare to get in my way, I’ll freeze them to hell.

After finishing my thoughts I looked at everybody and said calmly.

“We will go on ahead with the plan that—eem” I looked at the armored man.


I coughed.

“We will go ahead with the plan Darrius made. I’ll deal with the Lizard boss and the some of the ordinary [ Mutated Lizards ], but I don’t have hundred hands. So you will need to do your job as well. All I have to say is —KILL until they are dead. Understood?”

“Yes” x30

All thirty people yelled with enthusiasm.

I nodded.

I just made my job harder but whatever.. All I need to do is KILL them. It sounds like a job I like to do.

After a round of enthusiasm, all got to their places and helped each-other in position.

Our current location was good. We were on top of some rocks, when the lizards come they will have to come up here if they want a taste of blood. That’s where the close-range adventurers’ job comes up. They will fight them, while the mages will support them from the top of the rocks. A classic strategy, but a very useful one.

But while they do that, I will charge at the Lizard Boss and kill some lf the ordinary [ Mutated Lizards ] on the way. Otherwise all of the adventures are going to die. Not like I care that much, but that will make my job harder. Judging by the seriousness in that guy Darrius’ voice. The Lizard Boss should be very strong. If a Level 35 was scared by the magic intent from such a distance, it should be at least 15 Levels ahead. Making it stronger than any opponent I have ever faced.

Suddenly a panicked voice entered my ears.

“They are here! I repeat! they are here”

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