Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 5: Challenging Reach

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[Leonidas - Greed] 5. Challenging Reach.

I entered inside and unlike before, I could see everything and what I saw excited me. A fascinating view entered my eyes. Trees, lakes mountains and in the middle of it all, stood a long pointed tower.

“So this is my hunting ground?”

I couldn’t help but smile, It’s been a while since I saw life, outside of this dungeon felt like a desert without sand, there was no water, no trees and only roaming ugly monsters, no matter where I looked there were no signs of civilization, but before me was a view that I missed.

Not wasting anytime I walked toward what seemed to the entrance of a forest, as I got closer to it, I saw an old wooden board with whitle chalked written on it meaning “keep out - Monster’s Den” I strangely understood what was written on it despite seeing such characters for the first time.

I didn’t take the warning to heart and entered it without hesitation, I am not the one who should be afraid of the monsters it’s… the other way around.

As I got deeper and deeper into the forest I noticed presence nearby, I had my guard up, however these presences did not show themself, but I could tell they weren’t very strong. A demon’s intuition is no joke, especially mine.

After I was done flattering mys- *Cough* I mean telling the truth, I detected something coming toward me, after turning around I saw …monkeys.

There were at least 20 of them, they were glued in the trees and branches with rocks in their hand, they were a bit different than the monkeys I remember back on earth that had normal tails, the monkeys before me had tails like almost resembling mine, pointy pitch black tails and claws. 

They were also looking at me with curiosity in their eyes, this might be the first time I see a somewhat intelligent creature, unlike the others I have encountered so far. Well let’s say I jinxed it, the curiousness in their eyes suddenly turned into an evil glare. I take back everything I said about them being more intelligent. Sensing their killing intent, I tried something.

Taking killing intent as inspiration, I tried to make a skill [Magic Intent], but because I trained alone, I couldn’t test it on anyone. I unleashed some of my mana in my body, and as expected coupled with killing intent.

A red aura could be seen around me, when the monkeys felt it, they felt pressure on their body, especially the ones closer to me. The 10 monkeys that were from afar were able to move their body and escape, if I wanted I could easily kill them, but they are just weakling, I doubt I can get anything from them, while the remaining monkeys were still in place frightened, I lauched a few threads at their necks, with a violent pull, the mana sharpened threads devided their head from their body.

Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3] 
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3] 
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]
Killed[Wild Monkey - Lv. 3]

[Experience has been given]

I devoured one of the monkeys, but this time I didn’t get any points, perhaps as I level up and grow stronger, the resources I devour need to be higher too, seeing that I couldn’t gain any points from them, I stored the remaining monkeys in my [Dimensional Storage] and left from the area. 

Even after walking for ten minutes. I didn’t find any monsters anymore, this dungeon was probably cleared before by somebody else, there were no sign of monsters except those monkeys, but those monkeys were harmless so that doesn’t count mich of a threat. I still continued walking forward , looking and enjoying the sceenery around until I stumbled upon a river.


I smile as I see water from a distance, I got closer to the water, and when I was near it, when I saw the current of the river, fragmented memories started to come together, but since I didn’t care much about it, I surpressed whatever I was feeling at the moment and got face to face with the water.

Seeing my reflection in the water gave me a surprise. I could see my glowing red eyes, my smooth gray face and unkept mixed white-gray hair. I looked devilishly handsome. After finishing looking at my handso- *Cough* face, I grabbed a handful of water and splashed it on my face, giving me a feeling that I haven’t felt for the longest time.

I didn’t think that a day would come where I could find joy in the simplest things. I quickly removed my thread-made clothes and jumped at the river, although the river’s current was strong enough to push ten ordinary humans away, I was no ordinary person let alone a [Human].

As I was relaxing in the water, I started to think about the journey that took me here, Being reborn, Eggs, spiders, monsters, gargoyals and monkeys. All this happened, while the funniest thing is— that I don’t even know much time has passed, except the time I trained, which was for 7 months straight, as for the rest of the days I have no idea.

You are reading story Leonidas – Greed at novel35.com

No matter how hard I thought, this place was only red, and it’s a red that you can’t really decide whether it’s night or day, I feels like this place was a perfect place to mentally torture creatures. After finishing my shower thoughts I made a semi-towel with my threads and dried the water in my body. Quickly wearing my clothes I prepare for the next location, which is.. The tower. 

Since I am here I might as well explore this place although I still have no idea how can such a place exist inside a dungeon which looked thousands of time smaller than here, well the only answer I had to this situation is Magic, I don’t know how but this world is no ordinary world and anything can happen.
Setting my doubts and questions that I am not capable of answering aside, I continue heading towards the tower.

As closer I got to the tower, the more mana I felt coming out of it, although not much, I still felt potential danger. After getting closer to two kilometers near the tower, the mana coming out of it felt like lava coming out of a volcano, my inside wanted to puke out, but I kept it together and continued walking at a slower pace.

When I passed the one kilometer range, blood started to tickle the corner of my mouth, I didn’t get any injuries, but I felt that if I got closer to it light injuries are the going to be the least of my problems.

..700 meters, - I continue my struggle, my head felt like it wanted to pop, but my mental strengh easily took care of that, my body also started to get heavier.

….600 meters, - A mouthful of blood left my body, and my body started to get a bit more heavier but still persisted on getting to the tower.


...500 meters, - My pace got slower as I felt the mana push me back bit by bit, my muscles all over my body started to hurt really badly, making me grit my teath and endure it.

300 meters in… I took a deep breath and activated [Enhance] it was the advanced version of [Strengthen]. [Enhance] boosted my physical abilities for about 5%, although it might not seem much, but no matter how strong I become the skill will always boost my overall physical abilities by 5%, and that says a lot if a battle is in a stalemate position.

50 meters in .. - [Enhance] helped me get here without much of a problem, ignoring the pain I had all over my body, I walked forward with a bit of a slow pace so I can catch my breath.

10 meters - I could see a giant door before me, resembling the ones I had already seen, but couldn’t move to reach them, I still had my strength however the density of the mana surrounding the place was terrifying, I ran out of ideas until a thought came to my mind, I also started releasing my mana bit by bit, [Magic Intent] until it reached 50% of my mana pool, only then I felt I could move, but barely. 

7 meters 
6 meters 
5 meters

I unleashed 80% of my mana at this point
4,3,2 and 1 Meter left….

Finally I could press my palm on the door, mustering all of my strength and releasing all of my [Magic Intent]


I roared as I pushed the door when it finally made a clicking sound.


The door glowed blue light and all the mana that I felt earlier vanished! Like it never existed. I payed no heed to that and focused my intention on the door as it started opening by itself. The blue light also vanished and behind the gate a voice traveled through my ear.

“Congratulations! for making it this far, little demon”

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