Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 4: The Devouring Snake Ring

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[Leonidas - Greed] - Devouring Snake Ring

After I jinxed myself into almost getting injured, I chose to stay vigilant in case of another attack, from what I can guess, this part of the “inner dungeon” should only be with traps, so I probably won’t see monsters like those gargoyles anytime soon.

Just as expected traps became more frequent, but still easy to dodge them.

Time passed again, more traps started to get activated, the walls all around me started showering arrows toward me, some even had poison laced at the tip of their arrows, I made it my priority to dodge those laced with poison first and then the others. After another wave of arrows, I started running at a much faster speed as I was until I got caught off-guard and activated another trap, only this time it wasn’t arrows, but spears, axes, short swords and various other weapons made their way toward me to take my head off, it was like switching a game from easy to hard mode.

“Crap” I cursed as I dodged another set of spears and kunais coming towards my face.
This wave of various weapons went on for 15 minutes, leaving me with a lot of injuries and scratches and not much time to rest, thankfully I was not seriously injured at all because I specifically protected my vital parts otherwise I would be in q lot of trouble.

And just like in the last room, the same sight appeared in my eyes, a giant door appeared at the end of the tunnel, however this time 3 gargoyles were already there without me actually activating any hidden mechanisms.

I quickly looked at them and used [Identify].

[Gargoyal - Lv. 15]
-Protect the gate of the central part of the “inner dungeon”

[Gargoyal - Lv. 15]
-Protect the gate of the central part of the “inner dungeon”

[Gargoyal - Lv. 15]
-Protect the gate of the central part of the “inner dungeon”

They were one level higher than me, but my stats are way higher than theirs because of devouring the monster’s corpses with my ring, giving me chunks of stat and skill points to use other than the ones I get from leveling up.

So I started running toward them wanting to take the advantage of surprise, I used [Strenthen] Which I have leveled it up to Lv. 3, and ran at my fastest speed towards the [Gargoyal] in the left side. I streched my claws out and coated them with mana, slashed towards the gargoyal’s neck, which instantly died from my claws.

The other two were already alerted when I slashed at the already dead [Gargoyal] and attacked me. One had an Iron spear and the other a wooden bat. I started running around them and created a single thread as to not risk it being discovered, it was a single thread but I put a quarter of my remaining mana onto it.

After I was sure I got them with my thread I speed up and went in circles while dodging their attacks and when the right time came I pulled the thread connecting the two gargoyles together, they were struggling to get out of my thread, but I wasted no time and killed them with a slash of my mana coated claws.

No matter how many times I kill them, I still can’t get used to seeing gargoyles with blood. Its like pinnaple on pizza, those who like that are sickos, even those who like pinnaple are sickos but people can’t find any reasons to tell them that.

Well anyway besides sickos, I wonder what is at the center of this “inner dungeon.”

Without having much time to waste I devour the three gargoyles.

Killed[Gargoyal - Lv .15]
[Experience has been given]

Killed[Gargoyal - Lv .15]
[Experience has been given]

Killed[Gargoyal - Lv .15]. 
[Experience has been given]

l[Level up]

[Crionic Devil - Lv. 15] —> [Crionic Devil - Lv. 16]

Devoured[Gargoyal - Lv. 15] x3

[Obtained 30 status points ; 30 skill points]

Obtained skill [Stone Skin]

[No slots are left , remo— Error#%]

[The ???? Ring has unlocked the second stage do you want to store skill?]



“What now ?!” The ring gets more and more mysterious as time passes, it’s already overpowered as it is and yet it’s not yet unlocked, helpless of the situation I pressed “Yes” and then another alert popped up in my mind.

[Ring’s Dimensional Storage has been unlocked, storing skill [Stone Skin]]

“Ok whaaat again??” I am totally flabbergasted once again, so I try to see if the information of the ring is unlocked and to my surprise yesss.

[Type: Accessory]

[Name: Devouring Snake Ring]

[Grade: ????]

[Effects: First Effect [Devour]

Second effect [Dimensional Storage]

-Gives the holder of the ring the ability to devour materials and in return give stats and skills.

You are reading story Leonidas – Greed at novel35.com

[Dimensional Storage]


Gives the holder of the ring the ability to store Items and even skills.

Infinite storage- Can’t store living organisms.
The ring allows you to have as many skills as the holder of the ring wants.

Any skill in the dimensional storage can be infused whenever you want.

The skills in the [Dimensional Storage] will be turned into cards which the holder of the ring can use however he wants, including - Gifting the skill to somebody else(They have to have a remaining slot) infuse it yourself or use it on equipment to give them skills(Have to be compatible).

Can devour skill card in exchange for skill points.
For the third time in a single day this ring shocks me to my core, if this isn’t the best item in the universe, I don’t know what is. Just the first and second effect can shock the world, let alone the others. The only problem with this ring is… “if someone steals it I am doomed”

But no treasure at this magnitude would be so much at risk of being stolen, I didn’t unlock all the stages of the ring yet so In the future I might make it bound to me.

As a half-time otaku I had the gist of how to use the [Dimensional Storage] so I focused on inside of the storage and I could exactly pinpoint how many things were inside it, not like I had anything inside, it was just a feeling.

The only thing inside the [Dimensional Storage] was a pitch black card that had written in white “Stone Skin” the skill which I saved earlier. I took it out of the storage and looked at the card in my hands, unlike before I had to use [Devour] with the help of the system, now I could command it on my will.

“Devour” I muttered and the ring absorbed the black card and an alert popped up.

Devoured[Skill:Stone Skin]]

[Obtained 36 skill points]

That’s the first time I got so many skill points at once and the only thing I trade for it is a trash skill, talk about an overpowered ring.

Now that I have no limits in skills, I’ll try to gain some skills by repeating actions, I had thought of this before but because I had almost no slots left I didn’t take the risk.

Also I postponed going in the central area of the “inner dungeon” for a while, as I want to get a few skills and upgrade the old, now that I think about it, I never trained them and only relied on leveling them up with skill points, only now I realize that move was nothing short of stupidity.

After my decision, I stayed if front of the gates and started training to various things like the usage of mana, my threads, my techniques, and started creating various skills.

So time passed quickly as I trained…

1 week…
3 weeks….
3 months…..
6 months……

And after finally 7 months,.. I finished training. 
213 marks could be seen, counting the time was also part of my training and it was fairly easy, because I used to do it in the void whenever I felt bored and was not sleeping.

However in these 7 months or 213 days, time passed quickly for me, but my strength soared, I may have not leveled up, but all my skills leveled up insanely in just 7 months and also obtained new skills and leveled them up.

I can say with certainty that I could beat the previous me with without moving from my spot and only using one hand and that too might be an understatement.
“Status” I muttered.



Name: [Leonidas]

Race: [Middle Demon]
Subspecies: [Crionic Devil] - Lv. 16

[Strength]: 64
[Agility]: 66
[Stamina]: 63
[Intelligence]: 81
[Vitality]: 59
[Stat Points available]: 12

[Race Skills]: [Language Comprehension - Lv. 1]

[Universal Skills]
Identify - Lv. 2
Mana Manipulation - Lv .2
Mana Shot - Lv. 7
Magic Missle - Lv. 6
Mana Claw - Lv. 5
Mana Coat -Lv.8

[Skills]: Night Vision
Enhance - Lv. 1
Thread Creation - Lv. 3
Meditate - Lv. 6
[Skill points available]: 13

[Title]: [Spider Killer]

Looking at my status, I have to say, the improvement of my stats and skills is massive, it’s true that I used status points to increase my stats, but by training consistently, they started to increase by itself, especially [Intelligence] and the reason it increased that much might have to do with the fact of my usage of mana, my control of mana is very good and also created various skill like [Mana Shot] [Magic Missle] [Mana Claw] etc..

I also used skill points to increase their levels, going from 95 skill points down to only 13.

[Thread Creation] was upgraded from [Lesser Thread creation] and had huge improvement to versatility, Before, I needed to create threads from directly from me, but now I can create them anywhere I want, I can even make a shield of webs if I desire with just a thought, the two disadvantages of this skill is that someone stronger than me could cut through it so I can’t just go around strangling and ripping heads to whoever I want.

The other disadvantage is fire, which got me to try elemental magic, however no matter how much I tried I still couldn’t grasp it, I could feel it around the corner but I still felt something missing, so I left it for the future.

After assessing my strenth I was finally ready to go, until I realized that I was ..naked.
That wasn’t a problem for me since I could make clothes with my threads.

So i made simple white pants and a white shirt, not like I had any choice of color, but for now its fine.
I looked at the gate before me and said “Let’s dance”

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