LEX book 1


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The night was so close to its dawn, that the swerving wind blew across the woods into the dampened light shining upon the street. The cooing sound echoed across St George Vicniski Avenue into the isolated grounds of Bay Horth High. It was an unusual night with the moon at its apex; the Mayor had made a curfew to restrict the movement of the people of Bay Horth. Some creatures find lurking in the dark so amazing- especially the night of the full moon.

Having lost their powers to the witches, the only time a Lycanthrope has the opportunity to feel its full potential has been limited to just a few hours every month. Since Elaine had placed a curse on the Lycanthrope in 1867, they have wallowed in darkness for centuries; with no hope of whom to lift the curse. Lifting the moon curse comes with many sacrifices- they need a witch willing to uplift the curse and for centuries, they have found none.

It was some minutes past nine; the boys race their way down St George avenue. Having sneaked out of the mighty penthouse located in the woods and compelled from the reach of humans. The boys drifted down the street before making a sharp bend to the left and halted in front of an isolated ground; it was BayHorth High. BayHorth High was founded in 1972 by the founding families- and was taken over by the government eight years later. The school is the only high school suited in Bay Horth, with many controversies occurring in the school before it was taken over by the government.

Lori Blake, a student of BayHorth High and a nonresident of Bay Horth was attacked by an animal on her way home from school- the founding families knew it wasn’t an animal attack but they had to make up a story and make people believe it was an animal attack.

A Series of high school death occurred after the attack on Lori. Cases of animal attacks on a highschool students increased drastically which caused the shutting down of BayHorth High. Bay Horth a town of roughly 780 people has got people fleeing town for a safer place and the population of Bay Horth became 328 in 1976. Bay Horth tourist attractions became a nightmare and a place of doom for people- there was nothing so fascinating about Bay Horth anymore- the vampires now rule and every human has been compelled.

The witches try to form an inner circle to reclaim the town that was once in their possession- but all to no avail. The witches sometimes wonder how the vampires were able to get every human in Bay Horth under their spell- but they couldn’t find the right answer.

“Hope it is not what am thinking” Cole said, as he stared at the fence of BayHorth but Alex had jumped his way over the fence of BayHorth High before Cole could think otherwise.

"Adam, why is Alex always getting us into trouble" he continued.

"We are vamps and this is our town. So we ain't trespassing" Adam replied

Cole had always been the silent one, he was more like a nerd. Adam on the other hand is a descendant of the first vampire. His great-grand, Kol had begun the bloodline of vampires but what remains a mystery was Alex. They all knew his mother Sarah, a vampire who had run away and lived among the humans for two years. Sarah had died from a werewolf bite- there had been different rumors about what happened to Sarah on the night of the crusader. Alex was something greater than a usual vampire. He was faster, his reflex was quicker, his hearing aid was much better, and he was just so invisible. And that brought up speculations among the vamps, he wasn't an Olsen's but his abilities were similar to a descendant of the first vampire.

"Alex, watch out" Adam screamed.

As usual, Alex's reflex was much better. He had drifted quickly and prevented a collision with the unknown creature.

"That was a close one," he said, grinning.

A loud sound came from the forest behind the school, and more creatures began to hop out of the forest. Most of them jumped into the school compound. They were running like they were being pursued. The boys dodged the creatures to prevent any possible encounter. One of the creatures with blood dripping from its neck turned toward the boys and tried to attack them. Instantly, Adam stepped up and held the creature’s horn. He turned it towards the rest with a dramatic reflex and then smack its buttock, which made it run towards the rest.

"It is just a deer," Adam said simply.

"Always showing your Olsen prowess," Alex said with a wink

Adam ignored him. He knew Alex could be like that at times, always mocking him whenever he saved them or did something so outstanding.

"It was in fear....."

"What was in fear?" Cole asked

"The deer..... They were running for their lives"

“Okay- okay… Action boys,” Alex said, trying to digress from what was discussed. “you guys are digressing. Don’t forget what we are here for and that is girls… You know, BayHorth High has a lot of hot chicks. So let the issue of deer and any unknown creatures lie low"

Adam's mind was still there. He was interested in the creatures scaring those animals.

“We should go back to the penthouse; it is the full moon and you know what happens on a full moon,” Cole warned

"So?  Don't forget those crazy Lycans- shape shifters- werewolves or whatsoever they are called ain't our match"

“Alex!” He screamed. “they would be at their full potential and you know they hunt in packs, and that could be deadly"

“You scared? Better don’t be. We got an Olsen with us,” Alex said, smiling.

“This ain’t a joke, Alex,” Cole said, giving him a serious look.

“I’m nobody’s savior, especially not your savior. Anytime I save you, you spit it back to my face,” Adam retorted, giving Alex a disgusting look.

"Huh, so you prefer watching me die and ....."

Noises from the hostel cut him off. They watch the students run out of their hostel and scattered around the school premises. It was like they were in terror. Fear had gripped most of them.

"And what the hell is going on?"

"I think those deer just got acquainted with our precious students," Cole said, and turned to Alex " -and your hot chicks"

"Guess it's time to be the superhero," Alex said, drifting towards the students.

“What in Hades’ name is Alex’s problem?” Cole asked in disgust, but Adam just grinned.

“Don’t tell me you don’t love adventure,” Adam said, and within a blink of an eye, he was also gone.

“Adventure!…...oh shit! also gone,"  Cole said, with a hoarse voice.

He saw a lady being pursued by a deer, but he couldn’t help but help out.

"This is so not funny," he said, surrendering to them and running towards the lady. He grabbed her waist with his left hand and flipped her to the other side. He stopped the deer with his right hand and knocked it out.

"You are my Superman" the lady's voice came so softly and slow

“Superman,” Cole said with a scoff

He took her to a safe place and laid her down. Her beauty captured his eye. She was a brunette with a deep eyebrow and dark lips. She look sixteen and Cole couldn't stop admiring her as she lay low on the floor.

“She is beautiful…”

“Cole!” Alex screamed and brought him back from his brief fantasy.


“Help me with this,” Alex said, angrily. “these stupid creatures are so frustrating"

Cole ran towards him and in a second he was right beside Alex, who was holding a rope in his hand.

“Tie their horns,"

“Is that your plan? You just going to tie their horns together with this little rope?” Cole asked in disgust.

“We are just going to tie the ones the rope can tie… You know what I mean?”


“Okay, nerd- you have a plan?”

“We will divert them and send them to pass the school gate…”

“So they can go into the town and start destroying properties?” Alex cut in sharply, and Cole shrugged. “sounds like an awkward plan. We stick to my plan… Tie as many deer as you can…."

A sudden noise erupted from the forest. It was the sound of hooves. Those deer kept coming into the school compound.

“More deer? Is this compound even secured? How on earth are they entering the compound?” Alex yelled.

“I was about to ask you the same question."

“Me?” Alex gave him a disgusting look. “Something is scaring them, and I must find out what that is before it kills a human"

‘Where is Adam?”

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“Adam?” Alex looked around but couldn’t find a silhouette of Adam. “let me go look for him"

“Alex, come back here. Don’t leave me alone with these creatures,” Cole screamed, but before he knew it, Alex was gone.




“You shouldn’t have come here. ” the voice was thick and hoarse

Adam was lying helplessly on the floor. His mouth was full of blood. The werewolves had dominated him.

“You must be a fool to walk alone in the forest,” another voice said

Adam manage to get to his feet; he staggered helplessly, like a drunkard. He wasn’t going to sit and watch the Lycans assault him. At least he had been so successful in preventing their bites. The bite of a Lycan is so poisonous to the vamps that it spreads faster than the venom of a snake and could kill a vampire if it reaches the heart.

“Do you know who I’m?” Adam said, trying to put his pride intact, but the Lycans weren’t moved. “You guys are only five. Your mistake could harm your pack and even your fractions," Adam continued.

The werewolf alpha raised his eyebrows and was ready to find more information.

“I’m an Olsen,” he said, hoping for them to fidget, but they weren’t. So I will give you just a second. You are going to hand me the girl and we are all going to forget this happened “

Adam thought he had successfully manipulated them, but hell no, it was his doom.

“Do you know how long I have been trying to get hold of an Olsen? Guess today is indeed my lucky day," the alpha said

"Luc...Lucky?" Adam stammered and was gripped with fear. He saw the alpha shift into a beast and that could be very deadly.

"I have waited a long time to avenge the death of my family. What Austin did to them; every time I close my eyes, I could hear my father screaming in pain, my mother begging for her life, my sister clutching unto his heels"

"Wait a minute! Austin? My dad?"

"So he is your father? Guess now is the right time" the alpha howled and his fangs dripped with saliva.

Adam knew he must prevent the fangs from entering his system if he wants to live to see another day. He suddenly wished Alex was there to repay his debts- the debt of saving him and Cole numerous times. The rest of the packs tried to pin Adam down but he managed to overcome them until one of the wolves attacked him from behind. The attack made him lose focus, so the rest pounced on him. They dragged him towards their alpha. Adam suddenly realized the only way out was screaming to alert Alex and Cole. His voice was at the loudest pitch, he knew the moment the alpha fangs penetrate through his system, that would be the end. Suddenly, a strange cooing circulated the woods; the fog build up like it was winter; the rustling of leaves began to give Adam hope.

"I warned you not to mess with an Olsen," Adam said, smiling below the unraveled alpha but to his surprise, it was a deer that ran out of the bush and he felt despondent.

"Oh! your emergency call got diverted" the alpha said, and the rest of the pack laughed.

For a second, Adam's hope dash away into the thin air. His Olsen prowess couldn't do the trick and he felt so weak- with his cold temperate body beginning to chill out. He couldn't but hope Alex and Cole were coming to his rescue: it was supposed to be a clean and silent sneak out. Instead, they had broken the rules laid down by Austin and will suffer the consequences if they fail to return to the penthouse before the sentinel starts the dormitory check.

"Oops, guess I just pick up his emergency call" the voice came huskily from behind the trees. Adam's face lit up immediately; It was Alex, he hid in the dark and warned the werewolves to surrender. He gave them a minute to release Adam and lose grip of the lady they had tied down.

"So you think staying in the dark would scare us. Come out and fight like a man"

Alex jumped out from where he was hiding. He swooped a wolf and inserted it into the other werewolf holding Adam a mouthful of his fangs. He helped Adam to his feet and rested him behind a tree.

“What the hell took you so long?” Adam asked, panting.

“Traffic, I guess,” Alex said, smiling

“I warned you but you just didn’t listen,” Adam said, coughing

The Alpha was scared, he hadn’t seen anyone move so fast before and struck so hard within a blink.

“Attack!” The Alpha screamed

Alex overpowered them in no time. His abilities were growing stronger day after day, so he defeated all the werewolves in a short time and was left alone facing the Alpha.

“You just made your pack suffer"

“You will pay for this” the alpha growled, and his pack stood up and left.

Alex went over to where Adam was laying

“Did you bite that guy?” Adam asked

“Guess I will take that as a thank you for saving your life"

“I’m serious. Did you?” Adam said, frowning

“All part of sense defense-  I just saved your life, that is all that matters. So please stop crucifying me"

“You know what happens when a vampire bites a Lycan" Adam’s eyebrow raises.

“They will get him treated before the venom spreads- At least a vampire bite isn’t as powerful as theirs. So you don’t have to worry"

Alex turned his head to see the lady being tied to a tree, she was sitting in fear with the hope of being forgotten. She look so scared and had seen what she wasn’t supposed to see. The war between vampires and Lycanthropes seems like an endless war that started five decades ago with Lycanthropes having more casualties than what the vampires could record.

“And who is this?” Alex said as he walked toward the girl.

“Oh! I heard her screaming. So I ran there without hesitation but they were all over me in a second"

“That is what happens when you wander off without me,” Alex said, giving him some awkward smile.

Adam bent over and untied her. He could hear her heartbeat race as he held her- Her heartbeat skipped in fear and she loose from Adam’s grip and ran away.

“Don’t forget to clean up your mess" Alex shouted.

Adam pursue her and stopped her before she could leave the woods. He grabbed her tightly and she tries to fight her way out.

“Don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you” He whispered, reassuring her but her beauty captivate him. He couldn’t but help it for she was prettier than anything he had seen. She tries everything possible to free herself but his grip was too strong. Adam looked straight into her eyes making her concentrate as he utter some soft enchanting words into it. He had developed strange and unusual feelings he had never felt for anyone before. He had wanted her to remember him but he just couldn't, so he had to do what was right by making her forget everything that happened tonight.

"Forget ever coming to the forest and everything you saw some minutes ago. Go back home and enjoy your life as a normal teenage girl"

"-as a normal teenage girl" she repeated softly and left. It was like she had forgotten everything that had happened about forty-five minutes ago. Mind compulsion was one of the vampires' greatest weapons. They could compel anything except for a vampire.

"Are you sure she has forgotten?" Alex said as he walked up to Adam.

"My compelling never fails" Adam smoldered.

"There we go again with the Olsen ego"

Adam smiled and patted him.

"And where is Cole?"

"Oh, Cole! Guess I'm in serious trouble" Alex said, drifting towards the school.

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