Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 4: extra 4

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Every Night With Jun’s Heart 02 - Triple the small loyal dog, ah, heaven!

T/N: Content warning-ish for slightly suggestive content.

Ye Fengjun exited the hall, and walked along the veranda with his arms crossed for a while, finding Jun Wuwang lost in thought in front of a square latticework window. The patterned window depicted a pool of flowing water, and there was a small cluster of jade green bamboo planted on the open space to the west.

Due to this cluster of bamboo, the Hanshan Temple beyond the layers of mist outside was covered up and could not be seen. Garden landscapes in the Jiangnan region were very carefully selected, so the vegetation in this open area had been changed many times. In one life, it was loquat trees, in another life, it was peach blossoms, he had also tried yellow poplars, camellias, and osmanthus flowers.

During those endless ordeals where he couldn’t catch Ye Tan’s sight, the idle Jun Wuwang could only waste the endless time he had on these insignificant trifles.

After so many reincarnations, Jun Wuwang looked back to find that jade green bamboo was still the most suitable choice.

Ye Fengjun looked at that expression that seemed to be drowning in a deep, cold pool, and couldn’t stop himself from calling out: “Master.”

Jun Wuwang turned his head back and looked at his appearance, momentarily absent-minded, and couldn’t help but ask: “Who are you?”

He replied: “I am yours.”

Jun Wuwang suddenly understood: “Ye Fengjun.”

Ye Fengjun lowered his head and stood next to him, intently fixing his eyes on him.

This was the Sword Pavilion, after all, and Jun Wuwang had his own share of uncontrollable restlessness.

Jun Wuwang quietly called out: “A-Tan.”

Ye Fengjun steadily answered: “I’m here.”

The events of the past sobered him up and intoxicated him again, the blue sea scattered the sand and gathered it together. This feeling was truly wonderful. Ye Tan was not Ye Fengjun, but Ye Fengjun was Ye Tan.

He stood upright under the veranda, his smile didn’t have a single hint of joking, instead it pulled at his heartstrings even more. Jun Wuwang couldn’t bear it and pressed his head down, demanding a prolonged kiss.

Ye Fengjun had looked at the records of every reincarnation, he’d watched with his own eyes as his past self refused Jun Wuwang’s kindness time after time, how he’d cruelly extinguished that blazing, tender heart, and was totally oblivious as he lived safely under his wings while forcing him into a bottomless abyss.

He had warned himself countless times: This time, I will take the initiative.

After Ye Fengjun had experienced everything, the hot blood in his chest and his possessive desire surged to the extreme, making him wish he could make up for all his cold and lonely years within a single day, with so much urgency it was almost insulting. However, although his feelings were so, the deference and meekness carved deep into his bones had not yet had the time to completely leave him——He wavered back and forth between the two extremes, the fervent and coquettish Ye Fengjun, and the indifferent but gentle Ye Tan, until he felt his mind would soon be split apart.

Ever since he returned to the Sword Pavilion, old sceneries and old affections were vivid in his mind, and it seemed more like he had gone backwards.

Yesterday cannot be retained, and today causes many worries1. He couldn’t help but think to himself: What is so good about me? Why didn’t you give up on me?

Whenever Ye Fengjun had these thoughts, he seemed even more like the Ye Tan who would lock his door and refuse to see Jun Wuwang. And whenever he had this look on his face, Jun Wuwang was used to taking the initiative instead.

Jun Wuwang held his lips in his mouth and pressed him against the railing on the side of the veranda, while puling open Ye Fenjun’s lapels.

Ye Fengjun responded, asking in a low voice: “You want it here…..?”

Jun Wuwang sucked on the tip of his ear and lightly nibbled at it, asking in a hoarse voice: “Who was the one that said….. they would make it up to me for every place and position?”

Naturally, these words were spoken by Ye Fengjun.

That year at the Ye Residence in Changluo, Jun Wuwang secretly planted the Nirvana Gu on Ye Tan and got ready to retreat, confirming everything had been done and bidding farewell to that person in his heart, preparing to climb over the courtyard wall and leave forever from that moment on. He only hoped that Ye Tan and Jun Xuanheng could peacefully grow old in this life, and that a day where they would have to come to Tianshan and ask for his help would never come.

He had been chasing that figure for too long, it was time to rest.

Jun Wuwang had not yet steadied himself when an all-too-familiar tone of voice greeted him from outside of the courtyard wall: “Aren’t you going to Tianshan? I’ll give you a ride.”

Jun Wuwang was alarmed.

He looked back and forth several times between the man riding the Yulan White Dragon Steed, who held the horse’s reigns while looking at him with a tilted head, and Ye Tan, who had long since gone to sleep in his room. His whole person looking just like a frightened rabbit.

Jun Wuwang was given a great shock: “How can there be two Ye Tans?!”

The man on the white horse laughed: “You’re wrong. Counting yourself, there’s three.”

Jun Wuwang was very embarrassed.

That man extended out his hand towards him and Jun Wuwang, for some unexplained reason, took it, and was pulled onto the horse’s back.

Jun Wuwang was motionless, listening to the soft voice next to his ear: “Can you change back to your own face first? Looking at it is really a bit strange.”

Seeing him stupefied and not responding, that man helplessly smiled: “It’s fine, Master, I’ll help you.”

He lifted his hand and pressed the spot between his eyebrows, Jun Wuwang only felt a chill, and his appearance had already changed back.

Jun Wuwang was greatly alarmed: “How do you have the authority?! Who are you?!”

But he asked: “Do you still remember what this world’s serial number is?”

Jun Wuwang mechanically recited from his memory: “S233B817…..”

He smiled: “Look again.”

Jun Wuwang closed his eyes and went into the system interface to check, becoming startled as he returned: “818?! How could that be? How is there one more….. I clearly loaded file 817…..”

“I was the one who loaded it.” That man smiled as he spoke, “For this save file, the real administrator is me, not you.”

Jun Wuwang: “Y-y-y-you shouldn’t be…..”

“It’s me. You transferred your place in the Main World to me, after I died of old age I went to the Main World, and found out everything that happened in the past…..” He loosened the strength on his wrists and let the horse wander aimlessly, travelling back and forth in the nightscape of the bamboo buildings, and softly drew Jun Wuwang close to himself, “Now that I know everything, how could I bear to leave you by yourself?”

Jun Wuwang spoke in a low voice: “You….. since you’ve obtained immortality, why would you give up your place in the Main World…..”

“Don’t worry. That Ye Tan next door is a rank below me, so we don’t count as the same entity, I did’t violate the ban….. Master, even if this life ends, I will find you in the next life.”

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He spoke again: “Calling me Ye Tan again is also strange. Master, how about you give this subordinate a name.”

The rims of Jun Wuwang’s eyes turned red.

This was what the first life’s Ye Tan had said to him. Afterwards, he spent who knows how much effort….. but he was never able to have a calm interaction with Ye Tan again.

“I, I can’t give you a name…… you….. yourself…..” Jun Wuwang stammered.

“Then I’ll pick one myself.” His eyes curved into a smile, and he rubbed against Jun Wuwang’s cheek, “Just call me Ye Fengjun2.”

Jun Wuwang felt that it was a little too blunt, and his face heated up.

Ye Fengjun spoke faintly again: “I carefully watched the records of every one of your lives.”

Jun Wuwang became nervous in a split second: “How, how was it?”

He knew all-too-well how many times he had messed up, how many times he’d done things Ye Tan loathed. Now that this was brought up, he felt very nervous, just like a lamb waiting for the slaughter.

“I think you have been going the wrong way.” Ye Fengjun said.

Jun Wuwang was stunned: “Ah?”

“The Jun Xuanheng who doesn’t know anything at all, and the Ye Tan who doesn’t know anything at all, both attract each other. You clearly knew this, so why insist on having the Jun Wuwang who understands things go after the Ye Tan who doesn’t? Isn’t this acting in a way that defeats your purpose?”

Jun Wuwang fell mute.

He had long since felt that every time he came in contact with Ye Tan, the two grew further and further apart.

But he’d forgotten that the two of them were fundamentally not on equal status.

“The Jun Wuwang who knows everything, should naturally be matched with the Ye Fengjun who knows everything.” He calmly said.

“Didn’t you say so?” Ye Fengjun held him and turned him around to face him, then lifted his chin, “Only Jun Xuanheng is worthy of this perfect ending.”

Jun Wuwang had experienced hundreds of reincarnations, but he never had the chance to be treated so tenderly by Ye Tan again. He was extremely overjoyed at this moment, but also a little dumbfounded, so he could only stare at him blankly. Ye Fengjun looked at his absent-minded eyes and was filled with burning heartache, he kissed him gently and spoke in a soft voice:

“These words, the same goes for you.”

Jun Wuwang was in a panic, finding it hard to believe. He didn’t say a word, silently bowing his head and tightly pulling on his cuff. Ye Fengjun rubbed against the side of his ear: “What are you thinking about?”

“I’ve had too many beautiful dreams of a happy ending with you.” Jun Wuwang gave a pained smile, the rims of his eyes dry and sore, “I’m afraid this time is also fake.”

Ye Fengjun understood. In the first few reincarnations, he hadn’t been resigned to it, shouting and crying himself hoarse. But the further along he got, not matter how sad, how heartbroken he was, he only had this faint expression of sorrow, already unable to shed a single tear.

“Master, I know I’ve missed too much.” Ye Fengjun lightly kissed his fingertips, “Don’t worry, all your futile intentions….. I will make them up to you one by one.”

He carefully hugged his Master, and couldn’t help but recalling one life, when Jun Wuwang held Ye Tan like this as he spurred on his horse, and couldn’t stop himself from wanting him. ——The opportunities Jun Wuwang had to get close to Ye Tan were simply too few, so it was no wonder he was tempted to while on the horse’s back.

That time naturally also came to nothing due to Ye Tan’s resistance.

As Ye Fengjun thought so, his body couldn’t help but react. Jun Wuwang sensed this change, and both his face and body stiffened.

“You once got exited while on a horse with Ye Tan, right?” Ye Fengjun circled his arms around him, one hand lightly comforting him as he spoke warmly next to his ear, “Don’t reject me, Master….. Every occasion when you’ve been aroused, every time, every place, I know everything. I want….. to make it all up to you.”

After hearing this, Jun Wuwang seemed as though he’d been bewitched.

Ye Fengjun let go of the reigns, pulled open the wide cloak and fastened it in front of his Master, covering their two bodies, then took of half of his Master’s clothes while being jolted up and down. Their skin pressed closely together, Ye Fengjun pressed the red dots on his chest with one hand, and with the other reached in and rubbed the spot between his legs. Jun Wuwang grabbed his hand, unexpectedly saying: “Just directly come inside.”

Ye Fengjun said: “How could I hurt you? Wait a bit for me to expand…..”

Jun Wuwang closed his eyes, hoarsely saying: “Have I not waited long enough?”

Ye Fengjun was stunned.

He suddenly realised, perhaps what Jun Wuwang needed at this moment was not comfort and pleasure, not an affair where everything was methodical, but rather just pain——real, honest pain that was all about each other.

When the horse came to a stop, the two people on the verge of exhaustion could only lean on the horse’s back as they gasped for breath.

“How was it? Master, are you satisfied?” Ye Fengjun lightly kissed his back, asking with a joking smile.

“Not fun, I regret it. I won’t play around next time.” Jun Wuwang’s complexion was deathly pale, and he had a lingering fear.

That night was too exhausting, and Jun Wuwang couldn’t collect himself for a very long time. By the time Ye Fengjun carried him into the river to wash up, he had already passed out from weariness.

That day, Jun Wuwang had really been terrified.

But it was only on that day, nothing more.

He remembered the words Ye Fenjun used to move him, all for his own interest, and brought them out to persuade Ye Fengjun whenever he felt the time was inappropriate, refuting him, and using them haggle over the smallest grievance3.

He was no longer that kind-hearted, naive Jun Xuanheng. He was unreasonable, ruthless, domineering, vindictive, vicious and flippant.

None of it mattered, because it was him, and Ye Fengjun was eternally willing to endure it gladly.


1 From the poem “A Farewell to Secretary Uncle Yun At the Xietiao Villa in Xuanzhou” by Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, where he expresses frustrations with life and a desire to seek his aspirations as he bids farewell. Top.

2 夜逢君 The ‘Feng’ in his name means to meet/encounter, or to try to please sb. The ‘Jun’ (meaning lord) comes from the MC’s name, so literally translated his name means ‘Ye meets/pleases Jun’. Top.

3 Combination of two idioms: 锱铢必较 haggle over every cent, and 睚眦必报 seek revenge over the smallest glare. Both are basically used to refer to people that get hung up on the small stuff. Top.

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