Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 3: extra 3

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Every Night1 With Jun’s Heart 01 - Double the small loyal dog, double the taking in (being beaten)

The author has something to say:

The main story was written in first person, so in the latter stages there were a lot of things I couldn’t write. The following short stories will be written in the third person to fill in the gaps.

The timeline for this part is around two or three years after they return to the Sword Pavilion! The four of them make a super cute group every time QuQ. I will write about how Ye Fengjun came to be after.


Ye Tan could often see a gentle and indulgent expression on Jun Xuanheng’s face, but unexpectedly this time the one his Master was facing was not himself.

It was almost summer, and Moling was just warming up. Coincidentally, Ye Lan had brought freshly-plucked tea leaves from Meijiawu, so Jun Xuanheng had taken advantage of the bright and sunny weather to pull Ye Tan into the pavilion at the heart of the lake to boil some. Ye Tan stopped his movement, putting the tender tea and honeysuckle back into the jar, and followed his Master’s line of sight, after which that trace of displeasure turned into shock.

There were two people standing at the moon gate, one wearing a hat and beautiful clothes, and the other black clothes made of coarse cloth, looking exactly the same as his Master and himself.

If it weren’t for their expressions being truly unfamiliar, Ye Tan would have almost thought he was having an out-of-body experience.

That young man who bore a striking resemblance to Jun Xuanheng had a face full of impatience: “This is my house, I’ll go wherever I want to, why do I still need to report it.”

That guard that bore a striking resemblance to himself helplessly said: “This is not your house.”

Although the young man wearing embroidered clothes looked very similar, he could still differentiate him at a glance, his expression was seven parts arrogance and three parts harshness, he was a different person from his Master.

On the contrary, the clothes and attire of that guard by his side were no different from his own, even the Pine Wind at his waist was the same as his.

Ye Tan couldn’t help but stop and look a few more times, and that person’s gaze inadvertently swept past him. Ye Tan felt cold, as if meeting a great enemy, but that person’s gaze calmly slid away again.

That person was like a gentle breeze, making him seem like a startled bird in contrast, and Ye Tan started feeling a sense of frustration for no reason at all.

Jun Xuanheng looked happy, and he jumped up to greet them, grabbing Jun Wuwang’s hand and gladly saying: “Hey why are you——”

Jun Wuwang flatly interrupted him: “Don’t talk nonsense, be careful of something happening.”

Jun Xuanheng pursed his lips, controlling himself for a small period of time, and carefully asking again: “What can be said, and what can’t be said?”

Jun Wuwang said: “It’s best if you don’t say a single word.”

Jun Xuanheng closed his mouth tightly and nodded, then began to gesture. Pointing to the pavilion at the heart of the lake in one moment, making a plucking gesture the next, then acting like a ferocious beast, running and jumping in place another moment, then he grabbed the air in front of his chest and made a slashing motion, followed by a series of other baffling movements.

Jun Wuwang seemed unable to understand what he was looking at, coldly saying: “Don’t be stupid, get the meal ready.”

Jun Xuanheng went in a good mood.

Ye Tan looked at this arrogant, haughty, and rude person bossing his Master around, and he was already annoyed. But since they were his Master’s friends, he couldn’t disrespect them, and could only slightly lower his eyes.

Ever since he came in, Jun Wuwang kept glancing at Ye Tan from time to time, and when he became aware of the hostility in his eyes at this moment, he inexplicably spoke: “I still haven’t done anything yet, why are you looking at me like that again?”

Ye Tan: “Again?”

Ye Fengjun said: “He’s a little neurotic, don’t mind him.”

Jun Wuwang wasn’t in the mood to pay attention to them, so he made his way into the inner courtyard without consulting anyone, seemingly knowing the way like the back of his hand.

Ye Tan took a detour towards the kitchen to look for his master, Jun Xuanheng was in the middle of discussing the day’s menu with Qiqi. Although he called it a discussion, it was only one sentence: “Just take the dishes A-Tan and I usually like the most, and make them again.”

Qiqi refused: “That won’t do, you’ve already eaten roasted fish three times this month, today is the day you should eat celery.”

Jun Xuanheng defended himself: “We have guests today! I won’t eat it, give it to them to eat…..”

Qiqi: “Then isn’t that what you like to eat? You still want to put the blame on others? Do you have the ability, ah?”

Jun Xuanheng’s negotiation did not bear fruit, and he felt extremely wronged, so he crouched down in the vegetable garden and began bullying Qiqi’s garlic shoots as a way to vent his anger.

Ye Tan stroked his head, and asked: “Master, those series of movements just then….. were you inviting them to the pavilion to drink the new tea from Hupao2 Spring?”

Jun Xuanheng spoke with delight: “A-Tan understood!”

Ye Tan said: “En….. but there was a movement I didn’t understand.” He clenched one hand into a fist, and made a slashing motion at his chest, “What does this mean?”

Jun Xuanheng: “That movement represents Ye Lan.”

Ye Tan was alarmed: “… it, scooping out a heart?”

Jun Xuanheng looked at his expression: “Is it….. a little frightening?”

Ye Tan nodded.

Jun Xuanheng: “Yeah….. but otherwise what other gesture could I use? Can you find another movement that represents Ye Lan better?”

Ye Tan gave it some thought, and arrived at a conclusion: “I really can’t, Master is still the smartest.”

Jun Xuanheng was very pleased with himself.

Ye Tan: “I missed the gestures after that.”

Jun Xuanheng: “Oh.”

His Master invited the others for a meal, and although his excitement was hard to contain, he still obediently barely spoke, but he still couldn’t stop himself from curiously looking back and forth at Ye Fengjun’s face.

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Ye Tan’s concern about the two people’s identities had reached its peak, but he was the most disciplined, so he never asked or thought too much about the things Jun Xuanheng didn’t bring up himself.

Jun Wuwang ate half his meal, then slammed his chopsticks down in annoyance: “Is Ye Tan not enough for you to look at? Why do you keep looking at my person?”

Jun Xuanheng said: “Wow the two of them look the same, I can’t tell the difference, so I was just looking for some differences.”

Jun Wuwang took a look at Ye Tan, and sneered: “They don’t look alike at all, you’re blind.”

Jun Xuanheng was astonished: “How?”

Hearing Jun Wuwang be so rude towards his Master, Ye Tan really wanted to cut him down. Ye Fengjun happily observed everything, and fearing he would laugh too much, lifted his hand to cover his mouth.

Jun Wuwang mocked him for his lack of judgement in his mind while explaining: “You see, the one who obediently does as he is told is Ye Tan, and the one who is bad and needs to be beaten is Ye Fengjun.”

“Ah your name is Ye Fengjun.” It was the first time Jun Xuanheng heard that person’s name, so he winked at him in a friendly manner and extended out a hand, “Ah, hello, my name is Jun Xuanheng, I’m the Master of Moling’s Sword Pavilion, if you two have time in the future…..”

Ye Fengjun suddenly stopped smiling, and respectfully lowered his eyes as he planted a kiss on the back of his hand, then raised his sight again and spoke in a deep voice: “Master.”

Jun Xuanheng’s words got tied into knots, and his face suddenly turned red.

Ye Tan’s blade was closely pressed against the side of Ye Fengjun’s neck.

“A-A-A-Tan Q口Q!!” Jun Xuanheng grabbed Ye Tan in a panic and buried his face into his shoulder, howling, “I’m done for I really can’t tell the two of you apart!!!”

Hearing this, Ye Tan wanted to kill that person even more.

“I was just joking, that’s all, no need to get angry.” Ye Fengjun smiled as if he still had something to say.

Jun Wuwang was even more unhappy: “It’s fine if you provoke me, but what are you teasing him for?”

Ye Fengjun innocently said: “Who would have thought the both of you would be so easy to deceive.”

“I have a way.” Ye Tan moved the tip of his blade upwards, pressing it against Ye Fengjun’s cheek, “I’ll make a slash here, how about it?”

Jun Wuwang: “Good idea.”

His tone was filled with resentment, he seemed to already have suffered a lot from this.

“Hey not good not good, these are our guests, A-Tan.” Jun Xuanheng motioned for Ye Tan to withdraw his sword, and Ye Tan obediently agreed, turning the tip of his sword towards his own eyebrows, saying: “Then I’ll just make a mark on this subordinate’s face.”

Jun Xuanheng and Jun Wuwang shouted in unison: “No!”

Ye Fengjun spoke hoarsely: “Wow, Wuwang, aren’t you being a little too fickle….. you won’t protect me, but you’ll protect him…..”

Jun Wuwang laughed grimly: “That makes two of us.”

Jun Xuanheng scrambled to grab Ye Tan’s sword and put it back in his arms, and Jun Wuwang said: “Ye Tan, I’ll help you watch him. Don’t hurt yourself.”

At last this matter was reluctantly dismissed, and Ye Tan thought to himself: If this happens again in the future, it wouldn’t be excessive to take his life as compensation.

Jun Xuanheng looked at Jun Wuwang, then tugged at Ye Tan’s sleeve: “A-Tan, Jun Wuwang and I also look the same, you shouldn’t be able to tell us apart either, right…..?”

How could that be? In Ye Tan’s heart, the two people standing there were as different as could be, there was absolutely no way he would make a mistake.

But saying this out lout would be disrespectful, so Ye Tan said: “The difference is clear. This Young Master is taller than Master by an inch.”

Jun Xuanheng hadn’t realised this, so he was startled: “He is?”

Jun Wuwang nodded.

Jun Xuanheng was curious, the two of them came from the same set of data, how could there be a difference? So he asked: “Why?”

“It doesn’t concern you.” Jun Wuwang coldly rebuffed him.

But Ye Fengjun laughed: “He thought I was too tall, and that kissing was uncomfortable, so he made himself a little taller.”

Jun Wuwang: “…..I regret bringing you out at all.”

“… it?” Jun Xuanheng muttered to himself, unconvinced, and looked at Ye Tan, putting both his hands on his cheeks and kissing him.

Ye Tan was so startled he forgot to respond.

Jun Xuanheng let go of his hands, tilting his head and licking his lips: “Not tall, ah, just right.”

Ye Tan returned to his senses and nodded: “En, this subordinate also thinks….. it’s just right.”

Jun Wuwang thought there was no way he could eat this meal anymore.

He threw away his chopsticks and went back inside with a gloomy expression.

“He’s angry. What should I do?” Jun Xuanheng was anxious, he got up and said. “I’ll go take a look…..”

Ye Fengjun stopped him with a smile: “No matter, you two continue eating. He had just come around to the idea of coming to see you, but there will inevitably be a slight feeling of unease. I’ll go coax him.”

Jun Xuanheng nodded, speaking again: “I…. A-Tan and I will be a little more restrained in the future. Hopefully we won’t make him unhappy again…..”

Ye Fengjun laughed: “How do you know he’s not using this as an excuse for me to spoil him?”


1 The word for ‘every night’ is the character Ye repeated twice, 夜夜. Top.

2 虎跑 Hupao literally means ‘tiger running’. JXH would be pretty good at charades… right? lol. Top.

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