Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 48: 35

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Chapter 35 - The number of fans of the small loyal dog has increased! Congratulations! [Applause

Because my dinner was stolen, when night fell I was increasingly hungry, and I was unable to fall asleep, I could only crawl into the kitchen and forage for food.

I held an oil lamp and thoroughly searched the place, I grabbed a few flatbreads and a few cucumbers and held them against my chest, but hadn’t even taken a few bites when someone knocked against the door and came in. I was standing next to the faint lights, and vaguely felt they looked familiar.

“Yo! Beauty! It’s you again, must be fate.”

I recognised him when he opened his mouth, he was the culprit that stole my dinner today, he was still clothed in the Nightrunner’s outfit, but he was carrying a person by the waist. This person was tied up with his arms behind his back, and had a cloth stuffed into his mouth so he couldn’t speak, and did everything he could to struggle when he saw me.

Isn’t this Yang Qingzhou?

“Oh, I still haven’t found who I was looking for, so I just grabbed someone who would recognise him. Only he wasn’t too willing, so I had to force him a bit.” The young man with the Nightrunner’s outfit honestly explained.

I said: “That’s my friend, can you let him go?”

“You know each other?” He was a bit surprised, and said: “Then you tell him not to start shouting.”

I nodded, and took the cloth from Yang Qingzhou’s mouth.

Yang Qinzhou was dumbstruck, and he said to that guy: “Isn’t he the person you’re looking for? You don’t recognise each other, are you kidding me?”

I didn’t understand, but the young man in the Nightrunner’s outfit was alarmed when he heard this, and he plopped down to his knees next to me: “Boss! My god! You’re the boss?! I’ve been painstakingly looking for you!”

I was stupefied.

“It was boss1 Ye Tan that told me to come look for you!!” He explained.

“.....When did A-Tan get a subordinate?”

“Just today. Boss came to the Nightrunner during the day to buy two shadow guards, I was one of them, and he also hired two regular guards, but when we went back to look for you you’d already been captured. The others are still looking for you in other places.” He spoke cordially.

I said: “So you’re also from the Nightrunner.”

“Yes, I still don’t have a name.” He cheerfully said, “Boss quickly choose a name for me!”

“The Nightrunner, huh.....” I looked at the flatbread and cucumber in my hands, and feeling fortunate I said: “I’ll just call you Ye Xiao2 .”

Him: “.....isn’t that a little too random.”

I: “Then, Yeban Xiaopanqu3 .”

Him: “.....what kind of joke is that.”

I: “It’s not bad.”

He patted the bound-up Yang Qingzhou, and continued speaking: “None of us knew that you looked like, boss, and the boss Ye Tan is still unconscious, so I just grabbed a guy that had seen you before to come and find you....”

I hurriedly cut him off: “Hold on? What did you say? What’s wrong with A-Tan?”

“Today while we were separated looking for you, someone came to take the sword, and boss had a fight with them.” He downplayed the events, and when he saw my panic-stricken face, he tried to appease me: “Boss, don’t worry, the sword is safe! It wasn’t stolen!”

I was angry: “What kind of rubbish sword, if they wanted to take it they should have just taken it, why did this fool want to protect it..... Quick, take me to see him.”

Ye Xiao carried me and Yang Qingzhou under each arm as though we weighted nothing, and floated away in an instant.

He carried me until we arrived at an inn, then climbed up a willow tree inside the courtyard, and went inside a room in the third floor. There was only one person guarding inside the room, it seemed to be one of the new guards. As soon as I was let go, I worriedly rushed straight to the bedside to see Ye Tan’s condition.

Ye Tan’s complexion was pale, and his eyebrows were deeply scrunched up, his whole body was covered in bandages and he reeked of medicinal herbs. He seemed delirious, his right hand still tightly holding onto the sword hilt, but it was actually that black Han sword given to him by the One Sword Tomb. There was no trace of the Small Dull Sword.

This kind of thing, why did he want to protect it? And to risk his life with these injuries? I was already angry and anxious, and wanted to take it from his hands and throw it away, but unexpectedly as soon as I used a bit of strength, Ye Tan woke up, turned and jumped up.

“Master..... master.....” He saw clearly that it was me, and his body softened as he slid down once more.

I fearfully supported him and carefully tucked him back inside the quilt, then angrily said: “You really went so far worrying over one lousy sword?”

Ye Tan leaned against me and coughed for a moment, and when he finally calmed down, said: “Because it was a gift from you..... naturally..... I can’t allow others to touch it.”

My heart suddenly went soft.

“.....sigh, A-Tan, why can’t your brain change directions, next time I’ll make it up to you with a better one. In the future you absolutely cannot let yourself get hurt over these types of mere wordly possessions, just give it to whoever wants it.” I patted his back as I urged him.

Ye Tan didn’t answer, and struggled to hold my hand: “You came back safe and sound.... that’s wonderful.”

I remembered that stupid Ye Xiao, who saw me repeatedly and didn’t believe it was me, and I looked in his direction.

With this glance I saw that Ye Xiao’s eyes were red as he knelt in front of Ye Tan’s bed, looking like he wanted to cry: “Boss, are you alright?”

Ye Tan’s breathing was very weak: “I’m fine.”

“This son of a bitch tried to take advantage of the fact that boss’s strength hasn’t returned to normal to bully him.” Ye Xiao lifted his sleeves to wipe away his tears, and hatefully said: “Now that Boss is back, tomorrow I will take revenge for you.”

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Ye Tan frowned: “No, you’re Master’s guard. Don’t act without permission.”

Ye Xiao immediately turned his head towards me and asked: “Boss, please allow me to go take revenge for boss Ye Tan tomorrow, I’ll break this group of dogs.”

Of course I said: “If you’re going to fight, count me in.”

Ye Xiao was moved to tears: “Boss, you’re a really good person!”

It would seem that Ye Tan was both physically and mentally exhausted.

I helped him eat a bowl of medicine and gave him a few sugar preserves, then carefully tucked him back inside the quilt.

Ye Xiao silently crouched to the side, tears falling in splatters, and I was really bewildered, so I helped him wipe his tears a little flustered.

Ye Xiao sobbed: “Back in those years Yaksha the Blood Demon has such a good appearance, after a few years of not seeing him, he’s been tortured to this extent.”

I wondered: “You knew him before?”

Ye Xiao nodded: “Ten years ago, during the Nightrunner’s rating, I was just in the audience, and I personally saw boss treading on everyone and seizing the title of Blood Demon. I was thirteen that year, I’m younger than boss by just four years, and he had already become Yaksha, while I didn’t even have the qualifications to get on stage.” He gently and carefully pulled out a small handkerchief from his chest pocket, inside it lay a sliver needle, “This is something boss left behind after fighting on stage at that time, I secretly took it, and have treated it as a talisman since, since I could only hope that I would be able see him again some day..... I never thought that my god of war hadn’t been defeated by an enemy, but instead had his wuggong destroyed by one of our own people.....”

When Ye Xiao arrived to this point, he was sobbing so much he was unable to continue. I also remembered Yaksha’s loyalty and devotion, and how his two masters ruthlessly sacrificed him, and sadness also came upon me. I tightly held Ye Xiao’s hands, and the two of us became a crying mess.

“Boss is so tragic waah waah!!!”

“A-Tan is so tragic wuuh wuuh!!!”

“Get revenge for boss!! Wuhwah!!”

“Everyone must be buried!! Wuhwah!!”

“......I’m still not dead.” Ye Tan’s gloomy voice floated over.

I hugged him and rubbed my snot against his quilt: “Don’t worry A-Tan you will definitely recover, and when that time comes we will go to the Second Young Master and stab him in the face.”

Ye Xiao sniffed and stood up: “Boss, you rest well, I’ll go notify the others.”

He turned around and looked outside the window, and said: “Boss, I have to ask you something. In total, how many guards did you hire?”

Ye Tan said: “Just you four.”

Ye Xiao’s face wasn’t too great: “That means, those people outside.... Aren’t our companions?”

Ye Tan lowered his voice: “There’s someone following us?”

Ye Xiao nodded: “Boss, the first time you came to the Nightrunner to get me, there was someone following you, I thought they were guards you had hired before.”

“How many?”

“At that time it was thirteen, now it’s seventeen. Today during the evening there were less, just nine.” Ye Xiao calmly looked out the window, and pondered, “Of course, this is just what I was able to find out. If there’s any at Ye Yin’s level, then I certainly wouldn’t be able to perceive them..... luckily, Ye Yin is the only one at his level.”

Ye Tan’s expression became even worse, and I hurriedly put a hand over his eyes: “A-Tan, don’t think too much, you need to rest and recover. We’ll solve this.”

Ye Xiao also said: “Come to speak of it, its strange, these people should have been following you for a long time, but regardless of whether boss was faced with favour or adversity, these people haven’t made a move, which means they shouldn’t want to take your lives.”

“I’ve had these suspicions for a long time, it’s a pity that my current cultivation is shallow, so I couldn’t verify it.” Ye Tan sighed, and said, “I’m already powerless to defend myself, so I’m entrusting Master to you.”

Ye Xiao was about to agree, when I interrupted: “Just in case there’s really an accident, your priority is protecting Ye Tan.”

Ye Xiao and the other guard stared blankly, and asked: “He, isn’t he also a guard....?”

Ye Tan mumbled: “How can it be like this? Who leaves the Master alone to go protect a guard....”

I angrily glared at him: “Are you the boss, or am I the boss? Should we listen to you or to me?”

The people looked at each other in dismay and didn’t dare speak.

I sent away the two men and consoled Ye Tan, then leaned on the table next to him and prepared to sleep for a bit.

When I think about it, it really is a little odd, Ye Tan is a guard just like Ye Xiao, but I feel like he is more important than the other guards.

I feel like Ye Tan’s life is more important than mine.

Why do I feel like this?



1 Just for reference, this guy refers to Jun Xuanheng as boss with the word 老闆 lǎobǎn, while he uses the word 老大 lǎodà to refer to Ye Tan. Laoda is also boss but more in the sense of the person who is the leader of a group/gang, rather than laoban which is more used for the boss of a business, etc.Top.

2 夜宵 lit. midnight snack, or night night.Top.

3 夜半小胖曲 lit. Midnight little fat tune (roughly, it's nonsense).Top.

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