Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 49: 36

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Chapter 36 - Hard life days with the small loyal dog.

My sleeping posture could not have been considered steady, since I didn’t dare disturb the injured Ye Tan so I spent the night resting on top of the table. The next morning I dragged Ye Xiao to go and properly apologise to Yang Qingzhou, luckily Yang Qinzhou’s temper was mild, so he didn’t argue.

According to him, every year the Swords Conference shines a light on awesome and outstanding weapons which many people covet, so it’s not uncommon for there to be ambushing and looting afterwards. Fortunately, most of the people holding these precious swords also have extraordinary talents, so very few villains actually get their way, so this time was inevitable, and there will probably be some kind of follow up for this matter.

He gave me new information again, on that day before Ye Tan and I got on the island, there were already people following us.

I didn’t really understand, Ye Tan and I were empty-handed, with no authority and no power, who would be concerned about these two salted fish.

Ye Xiao said: “What’s strange about this? Every sect and group in the Jianghu has it’s own scope of power and interests, and suddenly you appear with an unknown origin and start causing ripples, if it was me I would also be suspicious, and would have to carefully investigate before I could be at peace.”

I remembered the time we got the wrong directions on the road, and the time people kept coming into the wrong room, and suddenly everything became clear. I always thought I would be considered an outsider in this world, but in this moment I realised that the Jianghu was like a torrential hurricane, and I had actually been in the middle of it for a long time.

I was the kind of person that appeared out of nowhere, and naturally no one would be able to find out any information about me, which makes me seem even more strange, and I’m afraid people have been suspicious since long ago.

I thought Ye Tan and I were two weaklings, like fish on a chopping block, but every step we take is still being carefully watched by the wolves and tigers. It’s simply a miracle that we have been able to survive so smoothly until today.

We saw Yang Qinzhou off expressing our gratitude again and again, and I went to meet the four new guards Ye Tan had picked out.

Ye Xiao was a remarkable chatterbox, with such a happy appearance it almost overturned my understanding of the Nightunners, on the contrary, the other shadow guard was habitually silent and seemed to be steady in his words and actions, but he was always absent-minded and inattentive. The other two were regular guards, who took up posts to protect the house. Honestly speaking, aside from that chattering Ye Xiao’s excessively strong presence, I simply can’t tell the difference between the other three men.

On the matter of giving names again, I spoke without thinking: “You’re also from the Nightrunner, so you can be called Ye Lan1 . The other two.... can be called Heng and Shu2 .”

The shadow guard didn’t answer, still having an indifferent appearance.

Ye Xiao, who was standing next to him, lifted his hand and smacked him on the back of the head: “He’s talking to you, answer.”

Ye Lan: “Yes.”

Looking again at both Heng and Shu, their expressions didn’t seem very happy.

I asked: “Is something wrong?”

Heng and Shu said: “We already have a name....?”

Oh, so it’s like this.

One of them said: “My name is Xue Zhegui3 , I was originally also studying a few imperial edicts, since my parents hoped I would be a top scorer on the examination.”

The other one said: “Fu Suiyi, this is an uncommon name, I can write it for you.... here.”

I seriously looked at them, and awkwardly said: “......these two names, I won’t be able to remember them.”

The two of them: “......”

The two people contemplated for a long time, then painfully agreed.

At first, my world only consisted of Ye Tan, now all of a sudden all these people come out at one, and I’m getting desperate.

Ye Tan’s complexion was still not looking good, but luckily he was still awake. I held him up in my arms and fed him a bowl of medicine, then called for some tea and breakfast.

Then a problem arose, since I still wasn’t skilled with chopsticks, I couldn’t feed him properly.

I tried for a moment, but felt like I shouldn’t be tossing an injured person around, so I was forced to hand it over to somebody else. I had just finished asking when Ye Xiao had already jumped up to the head of the bed and excitedly shouted: “I’ll come I’ll come me me me!”

“Don’t wear shoes on the bed.” I angrily grabbed Ye Xiao and pulled him down from the bed.

He moved the food from the low table and put it at the head of the bed, that Ye Xiao who spent all day jumping up and down and hardly stood still very gently and cautiously held Ye Tan in his arms, filled with reverence and excitement. But he was a glutton, and had barely even fed him a few bites when he started eating it himself, chewing on the dumplings and criticising “Sigh, tastes bad, we can’t eat this.” Then throwing it to the side, then picking up a pan-fried bun and biting into it, crying out with a mouthful of food: “Hey, this one is tasty! Boss, you try it!” And stuffing the half-bitten pan-fried bun into Ye Tan’s mouth. Then finally poked around the plate of dumplings, piercing open the crust and looking over the stuffing, asking: “Boss, what kind of filling do you like? What about shrimp? Hey, what kind is this.... jicai4 ? Celery? Hey, do you eat celery, boss?”

“It’s all fine.” Ye Tan weakly leaned against his shoulders, letting him toss him around.

Ye Xiao looked sloppy, but he was surprisingly very skilled at taking care of others, he didn’t spill even a little bit, and didn’t even give me an opportunity to wipe his mouth.

I crouched to the side, anxiously watching those two act intimately, and suddenly felt really lonely.

Ye Tan finished eating with difficulty, and was tucked back into the quilt, I anxiously grabbed Ye Xiao by the collar and dragged him off.

Ye Xiao didn’t understand the reason, so he asked me why I dragged him.

I said: “I don’t know why, but suddenly I really want to hit you.”

Ye Xiao swallowed: “Since it’s what Boss wants, I can only accept.”

I nodded, pushed Ye Xiao onto the table, pulled out the bench and smacked him.

But due to my bad strength, I wasn’t able to hit him that much, Ye Xiao still cried out loudly after I hit him, so I supposed he was acting.

After hitting Ye Xiao, my mood was a little better, which I also found inexplicable.

Now that I looked around the room, I realised there was no trace of the small dull sword, so I asked: “A-Tan, where is that broken sword? Was it taken?”

Ye Tan shook his head: “Yesterday, they were only focused on taking the sword from One Sword Tomb, at that time, hidden weapons were not enough, so this subordinate threw it to trip them, and lost it by the lake.” it can still be used like this.

That small dull sword that isn’t loved or respected by others, really makes my heart feel sorry for it.

Leaving both Heng and Shu as well as Ye Lan guarding Ye Tan, Ye Xiao and I prepared to go look around the crime scene for a bit.

Yesterday’s sweet roasted chestnuts were really good.

Ye Xiao and I got a bag each, and we bit into them side by side as we wondered around, and a passer-by scolded us when we spit out the shells.

Ye Xiao felt provoked by the person, and after hearing this he jumped up wanting to fight, but I smacked him back into place with my hand and properly apologised to the passer-by, getting on my hands and knees and picking up the chestnut shells on the ground one by one. I picked up the shells for a short time when, from a small crack between the stalls, I saw a familiar broken sword leaning against a street corner opposite me.

.....isn’t this the small dull sword?

I got up and patted my clothes, arranging them before crossing the street to go pick it up, but I hadn’t gone far when someone passing by felt it was in the way and kicked it very far away with their foot.

.....extremely terrible, really.

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I slowly went and picked it up and patted the mud on it, the small dull sword had been set aside here for a day, and people had kicked it I don’t know how many times, so it was covered in scratches everywhere, and the crude welding crack was full of mud, looking even worse than before.

Ye Xiao stared at me and said: “Boss, you really like picking up rubbish, that’s really plain and not worth for boss Ye Tan to look at.”

You don’t understand the great truth, but this is actually an SSR item.

“It’s too filthy, you help me hold it.” I only used two fingers to hold it, being very careful not to touch the sword blade as I handed it to him.

“Don’t want to, it’s so dirty, it’s going to get on my clothes.” Ye Xiao refused me with disdain on his face.

“Hey, you rebel, are you this kind of guard.” I wanted to hit him again.

We yielded this scarily great weapon to one another, when a man rushed out from the side, drawing his blade towards me and shouting: “I found you little bastard!”

Ah, it was the large bearded man that I made run off crying in anger.

The large bearded man had clearly accumulated his hatred since that time, and he angrily shouted: “Quick, hand over that Great Sword of Holy Binding!!”, you didn’t even get a single word right!!!!!

I patiently corrected him: “It’s the Great Sword of the Divine Physics Oath of Victory, here, say it with me, Great Sword, of the Divine, Physics, Oath, of Victory.”

“Your father doesn’t care what you called it, is something wrong with your brain!!! Hand it over!!” He threatened.

Is it really that hard to remember, I feel wronged.

Hearing what he said, I obediently grabbed the small dull sword and handed it to him. The mud covering it was too much, and I actually didn’t really want to hold it.

“What crap is this!!” The bearded man kicked the small dull sword and sent it flying, “You dare rebuke your father, hand over that black sword with the pine cypress embroidery!!”

I got it, the one from the One Sword Tomb.

I hurriedly explained: “You’re fundamentally mistaken, that sword was just a freebie! Just a gift! The one that chopped down a hundred swords at the Swords Conference really was this one....” I turned my head to look for it, but the small dull sword had already kicked to who knows where.

My heart is tired.

The large bearded man raged and cut down with his blade, but Ye Xiao quickly and easily handled it. He skilfully and nimbly tied the still-swearing bearded man up and kicked him into the lake, where he floated away.

I gasped in surprise: “I couldn’t tell before, but your gongfu is so good.” Since he’s always had a Mentally-deficient +10 face.

Ye Xiao proudly said: “Of course, I originally wanted to take the title of Yaksha.”

I remembered the rumours about the previous generations of Yakshas, and my emotions were a bit stirred up: “The title of Yaksha is ominous, you should avoid it.”

Ye Xiao resolutely said: “The title boss holds is certainly the best. I’m not concerned about what other people say.”

My heart was warmed, and I gave him half of my beloved chestnuts.

Ye Tan was pleased with this title, but his destiny became increasingly bumpy, and he had to bear much injustice and infamy. Now those that know him and whose hearts hurt for him isn’t limited to just me, and I’m extremely grateful.

We wondered around, buying many pastries and snacks, until we finally saw that small dull sword that had been kicked around in a neighbouring street.

In this half day, the small dull sword got even more dirty, and it makes me not want to hold it even more.

Ye Xiao and I crouched next to it, suffering for a long time. We decided to depend on a coin toss to determine the outcome, and the loser would have to take it back to wash.

I lost.

How painful. It’s dirty and broken. I don’t want to hold it.

Ye Xiao was overjoyed as he patted me on the shoulder and laughed his head off: “Hahahaha if you agree to a bet you must accept your loss, Boss.”

I felt grieved and inconsolable: “Just you wait, sooner or later I’m going to fire you, you prick.”

I unwillingly carried that filthy small dull sword back to the inn, Ye Tan was lying on his sickbed and lifted his eyes up to see me, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

“You.... retrieved it.” Ye Tan said in a daze, “It seems like.... it probably took a lot of effort.”

I held my forehead: “Don’t mention it.”

Ye Tan thanked me in a low voice.

That evening Ye Xiao was again excited and in high spirits wanting to feed Ye Tan dinner, but I reflexively refused.

I called for A-Heng to feed him.

I saw A-Heng holding Ye Tan and feeding him, and again I didn’t know why I wanted to hit him, so I also pushed A-Heng onto the table and smacked him.

A-Heng and Ye Xiao both had on a dumbfounded expression, and asked me why I wanted to hit them at the drop of a hat.

I said: “I also don’t know, maybe my hands itched.”

But I also felt like this method isn’t good, and I might have to find a decent maidservant to wait on Ye Tan.

Ye Tan’s vitality had improved a lot, so that night so I rubbed against him as we slept on the same bed.

“Master.... Please forgive your subordinates for their words. The guards are all new, so if you’re not satisfied you should bring it up. If you’re naive when it comes to punishment.... I’m afraid they won’t be too loyal for a long time to come.” Ye Tan said.

I also felt like I’ve been really moody recently.

I pressed up against his shoulder and inexplicably said: “I certainly have to master using chopsticks earlier, I can’t allow other people to have the opportunity to feed you.”



1 夜闌 lit. late night, or the dead of night.Top.

2 橫 & 豎 their names are literally Horizontal and Vertical.Top.

3 The Zhegui part of his name can also mean to ‘pass an imperial examination’.Top.

4 It’s a leafy green plant, also known as sheperd’s purse.Top.

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