Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 50: 37

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Chapter 37 - A small loyal dog with a dream.

Having lost yesterday’s bet, I had no other choice but to very unwillingly face the difficult task of washing the Small Dull Sword. Out of the four people, Ye Xiao is the most obsessed with eating, so he had just gone out to buy snacks, both Heng and Shu were stationed far way, and the only one remaining was Ye Lan, who was hiding nearby. I called for him a few times wanting him to help me draw some water.

However, after calling several times, no one answered.

Is he not here? Did he slip away? Is he not awake yet?

I had no choice but to go out and call for a waiter, waiting for them with a small cup of tea, until they came back carrying a copper basin full of water of a suitably warm temperature. I wet a cleaning rag and began washing. When I had washed half of it, Ye Lan suddenly pulled down the window and asked: “Did someone call for me just now?” long ago was this??

I said: “Yes, I wanted to ask you to help me fetch a basin of water, but I thought you weren’t there.”

I don’t know what Ye Lan was thinking, his eyes were unfocused and he didn’t answer.

I saw he was not in the mood to talk, and also not paying attention. The mud on the small dull sword had already become mushy, so I grabbed the cleaning rag and wiped it a bit.

Waiting until I had finished cleaning half of the sword hilt, Ye Lan suddenly said: “Oh.” And disappeared in an instant.

I think this person is a little weird.

When I finished wiping the sword hilt, A-Shu came in with medicine that had just been decocted, I instructed him to go change the water in the basin, and I took the medicine and went to give it to Ye Tan. The liquid medicine was actually scalding hot, and I had to blow on each spoonful for a long time. Ye Tan leaned meekly into my arms, the outline of his nose and eyebrows looked good and healthy. Even if I couldn’t feed him, I could still give him medicine, so I inevitably felt a little pleased with myself.

He had drunk half the medicine when Ye Lan suddenly kicked open the door, coming in with a basin of water in one hand, as he dryly said: “The water you wanted.”


This person’s reaction speed?? Seems especially slow??

“Eh..... you, put it down first. I just told A-Shu to get me a basin, so I shouldn’t need to use it.....” I said.

Ye Lan looked down at the basin he was holding, and didn’t move, his mind seemed to be wandering again.

I fed the entire bowl of medicine to Ye Tan, then helped him lay back down, Ye Lan had still not moved from his position, and only came back to his senses when he heard me putting the bowl down next to him: “What did you just say? Who’s A-Shu?”


I was extremely alarmed, and stealthily asked next to Ye Tan’s ears: “Does this person have brain problems?”

Ye Tan pursed his lips: “.....I heard he had an accident during Nightrunner training, and he’s had a hard time remembering things ever since, his reaction time is also a little slower than a normal person’s”

I wondered: “ could he still be a shadow guard when his reaction speed is so slow?”

Ye Tan said: “Don’t be fooled by his sluggish appearance, his skills are actually quite good, even Ye Xiao is not his opponent.”


I thought about it.

There’s me, too weak to bear the weight of my clothes and a stumble away from death, then there’s Ye Tan, who lost his wuggong and is injured year-round, then Ye Lan, who has very slow reflexes and psychological stress in addition, and there’s Ye Xiao, whose brain is so ineffective he is only comparable to a mentally challenged person.

I feel like the four of us.

Are just like a Disabled Persons’ Association.

I had a feeling of concern towards the disabled regarding Ye Lan, so I didn’t have the heart to order him around. I took the basin from his hands and pacified him: “There’s nothing to do here for now, go to the alcove next door and take a nap, you don’t need to stand guard.”

Ye Lan nodded blankly, but still stepped on the window frame and jumped back into the shadows of the tree branches, continuing his guard duty.

Ye Tan sighed: “Nowadays, he only remembers the Nightrunner’s original orders of stealth and survival.”

I had doubts: “You said he had an accident during training, what does that mean?”

Ye Tan calmly said: “The Nightrunner’s training methods are extremely brutal, the vast majority of people are driven to insanity, he was able to get out alive, so he could already be considered extremely lucky.”

Ye Tan spoke lightly and calmly, but I could hear his heart palpitating. I knew he had also experienced a great deal of torment, and my heart hurt for him again.

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I helped him smooth out his messy black hair, and asked: “A-Tan, why did you pick him?”

“.....actually, this subordinate didn’t pick him.” Ye Tan slowly grasped my hand, “It was Ye Xiao who begged this subordinate to take him as well..... thinking about it, Ye Lan can’t remember things, and he would be in real danger if he was left alone at the Nightrunner.”

I thought about Ye Xiao and smiled in amusement: “When Ye Xiao saw his idol, he probably threw himself at you, hugging your thighs and begging you to buy him, right?”

“..... just the opposite.” Ye Tan said, “That day when this subordinate went inside the shop, the Nightrunners brought out a few guards to choose from, amongst them was a person that all along the way tightly held on to the beams and the doorpost and wouldn’t let go, wailing ‘I want to stay behind and fight for a title I don’t want to sell myself’, forcing the manager to directly intervene, there was a cacophony inside the store.... that person was Ye Xiao.”

“Hahahaha Ye Xiao really makes too much trouble.”

“This subordinate saw that his skill was not bad, and I was also interested, so I tried talking to him.” Ye Tan spoke again.

I laughed: “And when he saw you, he probably completely forgot everything about a title.”

Ye Tan smiled in embarrassment, and showed a little bit of rare bashfulness: “.....this subordinate doesn’t deserve it, it was him who brought up that absurd praise.”

“My A-Tan, you’re naturally the best, Ye Xiao has good vision.” My heart was happy, and I drew him into my arms and patted his back, and said, “The Nightrunner can actually produce temperaments like Ye Xiao’s, it’s really a marvel.”

Ye Tan smiled lightly, seemingly remembering something about the past: “Maybe every cycle.... can have a person who can make jokes.”

I curiously said: “Since you said this, did your year also have one?”

Ye Tan nodded: “Yes, this subordinate’s cycle also had a very funny person, he was also extremely clever.”

“Was he your friend?” I had heard him speak so little about his past with the Nightrunner, I was rather fascinated.

Ye Tan thought deeply: “This subordinate acted as his friend, but I don’t know if he considered this subordinate as a friend or not in his heart. His fate was good, so he might not remember this subordinate anymore.”

I heard him sound a little lonely, so I hurriedly said: “Do you want to see him? Do you know where he is now? I’ll buy him so he can keep you company.”

“He’s had a master for a long time.....” Ye Tan’s smiling expression faded a lot, “During that year’s rating, he took the title of ‘Ye Jun’, and he left with Zhongli Court’s Second Young Master that day.”

.......a really curious coincidence, why this person out of all people.

When I found out Yaksha’s inner strength had been personally abolished by the Second Young Master, I already didn’t have a good opinion of Zhongli Zixi. If we ever meet in the future it is inevitable he would be a foe, not a friend, and I wished I would be able to let him personally experience all the suffering Yaksha went through on that day.

I deeply though about this, and Ye Tan stroked that black Han sword from the One Sword Tomb, lightly sighing.

He suddenly asked: “Master, this subordinate isn’t fond of swords, but my swordsmanship is the best, do you know why?”

I was at a loss and shook my head.

Ye Tan said: “Because the ‘Ye Jun’ evaluation depends on swordsmanship.”

I was stunned.

“Yaksha only has to kill, so for the most part this cultivation consists of concealed weapons and poisons, crooked methods, so the more vicious, the better; Ye Yin’s mastery lies in concealing and tracking, so qinggong, following trails, and changing appearance is what they’re best at; Ye Jun is born to protect their master, so they care most about loyalty, and are required to have a magnanimous style like a man of honour, so they must use swords.” Ye Tan lightly closed his eyes, and his voice got increasingly softer, “This subordinate.... didn’t like killing, and also didn’t like hiding and tracking, therefore I began to train for the purpose of obtaining the title of Ye Jun. The day before the rating competition, he specifically came looking for this subordinate, saying ‘If you want to take the title of Ye Jun, tomorrow you must lose to me’.....”

Yaksha was undefeated, that much I knew, and my heart couldn’t help but jump: “......You naturally didn’t lose to him.”

Ye Tan nodded.

His goal was so clear, it’s a pity that, in the end, he missed it narrowly due to an unexpected turn of events.

Their starting points had originally been so close, but ever since their titles were determined, their circumstances had been as separate as the clouds in the sky and the mud on the ground. Ye Jun was famous for being loyal and sparing no effort on any task, without exception. The Second Young Master had a few misgivings, but because he viewed Ye Jun’s title favourably, he was able to stay at the Second Young Master’s side for ten years, and is deeply trusted by him to this day.

However, Yaksha had to bear the curse of past generations, condemning him to go insane and betray and kill his master, so he was rejected by everyone he met.

I couldn’t help but get a little angry: “Knowing what you do today, why didn’t you lose to him that day? If you had taken the title of Ye Jun, how could you have suffered so many injustices later on.....”

“This subordinate said at that time: If I obtain the title of Yaksha, it must be because Yaksha is the most suitable for me. This subordinate..... is ashamed to say, that after encountering major unpleasant changes and remembering this matter, I wasn’t without regrets.” Ye Tan tightly held on to my hand, and looked at me earnestly, “.....until I met you.”

My heart found it increasingly harder to take: “If you hadn’t experienced this misfortune, and hadn’t been reduced to this level; you would be by the side of more powerful masters, and your circumstances would be a thousand times better than they are now..... whether you met me or not, it wouldn’t matter.”

“You’re wrong..... the events of the past were not misfortunes, but rather fortunes.”

Ye Tan lightly kissed the back of my hand, and shook his head: “This subordinate has achieved his wish. Also..... there are no better circumstances than what they are now.”

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