Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 6: extra 6

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Every Night With Jun’s Heart 04 - Small loyal dog: too flirty, too troublesome.jpg1

Jun Wuwang and the second person swaggered into the main room of the northern building, and Ye Tan and Jun Xuanheng were squeezed out.

Fortunately, the Sword Pavilion had many buildings, so they simply moved into a courtyard on the other side. The courtyard was one Ye Tan chose, it was about an incense’s stick time away from the main hall on foot, and he had a few selfish reasons for choosing it——for some unknown reason, he didn’t want his master to be too close to those two people.

Even so, that day when night came, and the night patrol struck the third watch2, Ye Fengjun came to their door. Jun Xuanheng was leaning on the soft bed, flipping through a book, watching Ye Tan wiping his sword while idly reading folk stories. When they were interrupted, Ye Tan was really not very welcoming.

Ye Fengjun was wearing a loose black gown carelessly tied at the waist. He leaned against the door frame and asked: “Could I ask the Master to lend us a bit of hot water for bathing?”

Ye Tan didn’t answer him at all, turning his head to wait for Jun Xuanheng’s instructions.

“Doesn’t the Suoye pavilion have maidservants?” Jun Xuanheng asked as he closed the book and sat up straight.

“The servants in the main hall are the Master’s servants, since you moved over, then naturally the servant girls also came along.” Ye Tan answered evasively, making it seem like the main hall being left without servants was just an accidental oversight.

Sure enough, Jun Xuanheng didn’t doubt him, saying: “A-Tan, go pick out a few people and make the arrangements.”

Ye Tan received the order, and was just about to go out the door to give his instructions. But Ye Fengjun was still leaning against the door frame, tilting his head and gazing and Jun Xuanheng without any intention of leaving, and Ye Tan did not what to leave his Master and him alone no matter what.

He was just about to chase the guest away, but heard Ye Fengjun saying: “Take a look at your Master."

Hearing this, Ye Tan turned his head. The breeze was mild, the moon was bright, and half the room was bathed in a dim yellow light, only Jun Xuanheng had a few flickering lanterns burning by his side, making them look like starlight as the flames from the candles converged on his body. One side of his body shone with the cool afterglow of the moonlight on the latticework window, the other with the warm candlelight that looked like the soft halo of the setting sun at dusk, the cinnabar spot in the centre of his forehead was hidden in between the criss-crossing warmth and cold, looking both beautiful and lonely. Having just risen from his lying position into a kneeling one, his loose lapels fell to one side, revealing a length of collarbone and shoulder that was as white as mutton fat jade3.

He stared at himself in confusion, in his usual unguarded, casual manner.

Ye Tan’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

“Look at your Master, just how beautiful is he?” Ye Fengjun’s voice was low and deep, as though it was resonating from a mysterious, empty valley, “How are you still a man if you’re able to endure it?”

Ye Fengjun laughed and quickly turned around and slipped away. Ye Tan was still in a trance, he carefully thought over what Ye Fengjun meant a few times, and when he understood it, he couldn’t stop his complexion from turning dark as his blue veins suddenly burst out.

That was more than Ye Tan could bear, he finally overstepped and asked: “Master, who on earth are those two people? This subordinate had originally guessed that Jun Wuwang should be your elder brother, but then who is Ye Fengjun?”

Jun Xuanheng had long since wanted to ask this himself, but Jun Wuwang had warned him that making irresponsible remarks would cause an accident, so the only thing he had told the public what that those two were his and Ye Tan’s brothers. In the past few days, he hadn’t had the opportunity to be alone with Jun Wuwang to inquire about this, so he awkwardly changed the topic: “I’m also not too clear on that, what are you asking for…..?”

Ye Tan coldly said: “I want to kill him.”

Jun Xuanheng rushed to stop him: “Hey you can’t, they’re friends, they don’t have any bad intentions.”

Ye Tan could sense that Jun Xuanheng also didn’t know much about them, but he still trusted those two unconditionally, which he felt was even more dangerous. He sulkily sat back down on the side of the bed, pulling his Master’s loose lapels tightly closed and re-tying his belt.

Jun Xuanheng was very depressed.

He knew Jun Wuwang and himself came from a common origin, and he could also roughly guess that Ye Fengjun and Ye Tan were connected. They were all the same people, so why was Ye Tan’s attitude towards them so different?

Even though Ye Tan felt all kinds of rejection towards them, he still listened to orders and went outside to arrange for maidservants and guards to be assigned to the Suoye pavilion. When he came back after handling things, his expression was still not at ease, he helped his Master take of his clothes and lie down on the bed, and he himself closed his eyes without saying a word.

“A-Tan…..” Jun Xuanheng sighed, he held Ye Tan’s slender knuckles and softly asked of him, “Be a little nicer to Jun Wuwang. He’s a really pitiful person…..”

“Jun Wuwang is arrogant and rude, Ye Fengjun is frivolous and contemptible, those two have insulted Master, and this subordinate absolutely won’t tolerate it.” Ye Tan refused, coldly and resolutely, “Except for Master, other people have nothing to do with this subordinate.”

He was usually so mild-tempered and obedient, but when it came to Jun Wuwang, he was so decisive he seemed like a different person. Although Jun Xuanheng had not personally experienced those reincarnations, he still couldn’t help but feel distressed just imagining them, and he couldn’t help but say: “What if I told you that…. Jun Wuwang and I, are the same person?”

Ye Tan turned his head to look at him doubtfully.

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Jun Xuanheng thought about it, trying to explain it in terms he could understand: “Buddha said the three thousand worlds of the cosmos are made up of ten billion mountains and ten billion seasons4. With so many worlds….. there are also naturally many Jun Xuanhengs, and many Ye Tans. You and I, Ye Fengjun and Jun Wuwang, we’re only one out of a multitude of them.”

Ye Tan nodded: “I see.”

He believed his Master was a lost Immortal, and so it was only natural that he knew all kinds of extraordinary things. Jun Xuanheng had never once lied to him, this matter may sound unimaginable to other people, but he didn’t have a single trace of doubt.

“I met A-Tan, and stayed here. But in every world, I’m not always so fortunate….. to be able to be loved by you, and to live in the world in peace and happiness.” Jun Xuanheng’s casual smiled was tinged with a bit of loneliness, and he spoke softly, “Don’t forget….. when I was captured and tortured by the Second Young Master, he was the one that saved me.”

Ye Tan had always had some lingering fear after this event, and now that it was brought up, he couldn’t help but be moved.

“You think he’s mean, arrogant, ruthless and disagreeable….. but he’s been tortured by every reincarnation to the point of changing his character.” Jun Xuanheng’s chest felt terribly sour, he got up, barefoot, and climbed up on the lattice window, reclining against it, “If I had died that day at Zhongli Court, and had been separated from A-Tan by life and death….. sooner or later I would have gone mad crossing over countless worlds trying to find you, and would have become the sort of ruthless and heartless person Jun Wuwang is.”

It was as though Ye Tan had been enlightened, and his heart was shaken. He had always thought it was due to his luck that he was able to meet his Master, and that, even if the road was bumpy, they had always been able to avoid disaster.

It turned out that it had never been a matter of luck.

With the past in sight, not a sound could be heard. Jun Xuanheng looked at the moonlight, and suddenly began to doubt: “A-Tan….. Jun Wuwang and I are obviously the same person, you like me so much, but you want to get far away from Jun Wuwang. If my personality changes in a few years, will you not like me anymore? A-Tan….. you like me, but what exactly do you like about me?”

Ye Tan softly and quietly circled his arms around him from behind, and spoke between clenched teeth: “I don’t recognise him.”

Jun Xuanheng was at a loss: “What?”

“Jun Wuwang and you may really be the same person, but I don’t recognise him.” Ye Tan buried himself in his neck, and spoke in a muffled voice, “Master was the person who rescued me and took care of me when I was crippled, who gave me my name, my sword, and a place to call home, the person with whom I have spent these years with. No matter what kind of person Master is, this subordinate likes everything….. It doesn’t matter what Jun Wuwang has done for this subordinate, I am grateful to him, but the feeling stops at gratitude. Only you are my Master, I only like you.”

Actually, ever since Jun Xunaheng had found out that he and Jun Wuwang were copies, he had started to understand a little why the ban had been put in place. He had already begun to doubt the meaning of his own existence, begun to question which things he deserved, and which things he didn’t.

He even considered whether or not he should just surrender it all away, since Jun Wuwang had paid such a great price.

Ye Tan never spoke much, and he was afraid that he had already sensed his own thoughts.

“I was the one that got worked up over nothing.” Jun Xuanheng apologised with a smile, turning around and gazing at him, “I just found out that A-Tan was so good at speaking words of love.”

Ye Tan’s mind had been so excited just now that he’d forgotten his modesty, and he already regretted it. Blushing, he said: “This subordinate’s words are sincere, I really wasn’t joking.”

He feared the ground was too cold and, seeing his Master’s expression had eased, tightly hugged him and carried him back to bed, apologising: “This subordinate has been very neglectful towards our noble guests these past two days, and has made things difficult for you, I apologise.”

Jun Xuanheng smiled: “Be a little gentler to Jun Wuwang, it’ll make him very happy.”

Ye Tan nodded: “This subordinate will take note of it. As for Ye Fengjun…..” Just thinking about this person made him feel very annoyed, Ye Tan had always been serious, and had never feigned civility, so he spoke candidly, “If he is rude to Master again, this subordinate will teach him how to behave.”

Jun Xuanheng was uneasy when he heard this, Jun Wuwang surpassed him by who knows how much, so Ye Fengjun’s strength should also be above Ye Tan’s. He hurriedly said: “Don’t fight him, you might not….. be a match for him.”

Ye Tan remained unmoved: “Regardless of the outcome, as long as this subordinate is alive, I will not allow this person to be disrespectful to Master.”

Jun Xuanheng couldn’t make sense of this, so he went to sleep deeply worried and sick at heart.



1 Meme chastising people for being flirty/troublesome (second line of the meme says smth like ‘you’re the most flirty one’). Top.

2 Third watch is the time between 23:00 and 1:00. Top.

3 Also called white nephrite, a type of white jade known for its translucent, creamy colouring. Top.

4 佛說百億須彌,百億日月,構成三千大千世界 lit. Buddha says ten million Sumerus, ten million seasons, make up the cosmos (three thousand worlds). Comes from the Buddhist concept of “three thousand realms in a single moment of life”, which refers to the infinite potential every life has. Top.

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