Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 62: 49

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Chapter 49 - Why does the loyal dog smell so good.

I had thought that after we had dealt with this matter, we would be able to rest for a time and find an excuse to shirk the responsibility and pass on the position to someone else so we could go back to our free and unfettered days without being obstructed by anything.

I didn’t anticipate that ascending to the position of the One Sword Tomb’s Sect Leader was not a matter that could be completed overnight. According to the sect’s ancient rules, the Sect Leader must go into seclusion for three months, study the sect’s practices and ancient records, and come out on top after breaking an enemy formation, only then would it be considered completed.

Hearing this gave me a bit of a headache, and Ye Tan asked: “Can we make an exception?”

Qiu Wujiu shook his head: “You will only officially be considered the Sect Leader after your seclusion is complete, if you want to change this rule, you can only do so after coming out of seclusion.”

Ye Tan found things very difficult, so I consoled him: “In any case, you need to recuperate and practice. One Sword Tomb is cut off from the rest of the world, so you’ll be free from distractions, how would you know this is isn’t actually very lucky?”

“This subordinate is a shadow guard, how could I separate from Master for even half a step?” Ye Tan frowned.

I couldn’t help laughing: “You’re a Sect Leader now, don’t think of yourself as a small follower anymore.”

Ye Tan softly asked: “.....does Master intend..... to expel this subordinate?”

I’ve had this idea for a long time, because I didn’t want to reduce him to a minor residential guard. But I was a little apprehensive, if Ye Tan was no longer my shadow guard, what would his relationship with me be? If we weren’t master and servant, would..... I still have a reason to see him?

With this in mind, I said: “I’ll think about it.”

Hearing this, Ye Tan’s complexion became pale.

“You just properly go into seclusion, so you can work on restoring your gongfu as soon as possible.” I patted him on the shoulder as I consoled him, “But three months is honestly a bit long..... there are no villages or shops here, and I’ll be bored stupid if I stay, so I’ll return to Yangxi first.”

Ye Tan did not agree at all: “By yourself? You can’t, it’s too risky, I won’t be able to protect you, not to mention there are those people who always follow us like a tiger stalking its prey.”

Qiu Wujiu butt in: “No problem, Sect Leader, we can help you safely send him back.”

Ye Tan instantly interrupted him: “I don’t believe you.”

Qiu Wujiu was about to cry, but resolutely said: “If we make even the slightest mistake and harm a single hair on Young Master Jun’s head, I am willing to offer my life as an apology.”

Ye Tan was indifferent: “Whether you live or die, that has nothing to do with me, I can’t risk putting Master’s life in your hands.”

Qiu Wujiu was mournful, and wished he could immediately pull out his liver and gallbladder to bear witness to his loyalty1 . I was also startled, and said: “A-Tan, this person is your subordinate, this way of speaking to him is too heartless. Haven’t you leant anything from how I usually treat my subordinates?”

“.....” Ye Tan was silent for a long time, then said in surprise, “You want me to be like how you are towards this subordinate? .....Are you..... certain?”

I seriously thought about it.

My mind conjured up images of Qiu Wujiu holding Ye Tan in his arms and feeding him, of him helping Ye Tan wash up, of them holding each other at night and sleeping on the same bed, and of him taking advantage of Ye Tan being asleep and stealing a kiss from him.

...... ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

I was alarmed again: “No no no don’t.”

When he and I normally do these things it is trivial and ordinary.

But how come it is so awkward if it’s with somebody else.

Ye Tan observed my expression change, and muttered in a low voice: “You.... where do you want to go.”

I discarded these strange fantasies from my mind, and firmly said: “Then help me write a letter to Ye Xiao and Ye Lan, and I’ll wait for them to come get me, will that let you feel at ease?”

Ye Tan nodded, then asked Qiu Wujiu: “Is it possible to delay the seclusion for two or three days?”

Qiu Wujiu respectfully said: “Whatever the Sect Leader commands.”

With this matter decided, we urgently returned to the room to rest. Our nerves were stretched taut for these past two days, so now that we were able to relax, I immediately felt exhausted. The backs of my knees where I had been kicked were terribly sore, and I was unable to continue standing, I hadn’t even opened my mouth but Ye Tan seemed to clearly understand, so he carried me back to the room.

I had spent a whole day and night on horseback, so my body unbearably ached all over, and my spirit was also rather low. Ye Tan saw that I was tired, so he let me lay down on my stomach on the bed and began lightly massaging me. It hurt a little at first, but soon my soreness was relieved and it felt gentle and soothing.

I soaked in the pleasure for a while, but suddenly returned to my senses: “A-Tan, you must be more tired than me, you don’t need to do that, quickly come up and rest.”

Hearing this, Ye Tan removed his hands, then stood back two steps and knelt on the floor, bowing down and touching his forehead to the ground, begging: “This subordinate knows he is incompetent, but I beg Master.... don’t expel this subordinate.”

Was he still thinking about this.....?

I wanted to help him up, but after crawling halfway, I felt that my legs were unsteady and I wouldn’t be able to get down, so I could only say: “First come up here and then we’ll talk.”

Ye Tan got up and took of his outer coat, then laid down next to me, his expression still restless. I thought for a moment and asked: “A-Tan, if you weren’t my shadow guard, what would you do?”

Ye Tan had clearly never thought about this question, so he pondered for a long time, and answered: “If Master didn’t want this subordinate, I would return to the Nightrunner and wait to be assigned to another master, and I would serve him with my life.”

I wasn’t too happy to hear this, wasn’t this not making any progress at all? I changed my wording and said: “What if you didn’t need to be a shadow guard, and you regained your freedom? Is there anything you would like to do?”

This time, Ye Tan answered quickly: “Even if this subordinate wasn’t a shadow guard, I would accompany and serve Master, and thoroughly protect Master.”

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Wasn’t this still exactly the same?! Was it my question that was wrong? I racked my brains, and added: “Then, what if my wuggong was unrivalled and there was no one in the world who could hurt me, and you didn’t need to protect me?”

Ye Tan said: “Even if Master couldn’t be harmed..... I could help Master handle trivial matters so they would not get in Master’s way, that would also be good.”

“.....” I sighed, feeling exasperated, “Apart from protecting me, can’t you think of anything else?”

Ye Tan was at a loss as he stared at me.

I remorsefully said: “A-Tan, there is no difference between a salted fish and a person without dreams2 .”

Ye Tan softly said: “This subordinate has said, in this life, the only thing I ask for is a Master to protect with all of my heart——”

I was finally able to grab onto that thread of hesitation: “If our relationship was no longer that of master and servant..... What are you protecting me for? Why..... must it be me?”

Ye Tan determinedly said: “You are what this subordinate has been looking for in life.”

I thought that he was being a little evasive.

But I also couldn’t clear up the question in this short time, so I let him go. In the future, I would clear it up for myself and then ask him again.

One Sword Tomb hadn’t had a major event like this in a long time, so the atmosphere became very lively and the cold air scattered away. Qiu Wujiu was busy with who knows what all day long, with his feet on the ground all day, so we were only able to meet him at dinner time.

A few doubts had been circling in my mind all day, so I chatted with him: “What is One Sword Tomb’s strength in the Jianghu?”

Qiu Wujiu laughed: “Are you speaking nonsense?”

I explained: “What if you were to battle against Zhongli Court’s Second Young Master?”

Qiu Wujiu loftily said: “Easy win.”

I nodded, pleased, but Ye Tan was astounded: “Master..... actually had this intention?”

I was immediately delighted, and happily said: “A great opportunity has been delivered to our door, why not use it to wipe away a humiliation? He destroyed your wuggong and expelled you from the clan, wouldn’t it be painful for him if we waited until you recovered your power and returned to kill him at Zhongli Court with you acting as a Sect Leader?!”

“Second Young Master was forced by his circumstances, he never let me down.” Ye Tan shook his head.

I curled my lips: “You’re still making excuses for him. He not only exploited your trust and loyalty to make you sacrifice yourself, he is also a selfish, vile character. A-Tan you are a generous person, but I really mind.”

Ye Tan spoke again: “Although we are confident of our success, casualties would be unavoidable. These subordinates are all innocent, and this subordinate..... is unwilling to have them die for my own selfishness.”

“That’s also true.” For me, it was only a few thoughtless words, but for everyone in One Sword Tomb it was a fight that would risk their lives. If I sacrifice these strangers for a moment of righteous indignation, how would I be different from Zhongli Zixi who sacrificed Yaksha? I finally nodded and said: “Alright, we’ll spare Zhongli Zixi’s small life. I won’t mention it in the future.”

Ye Tan had not anticipated that I would be persuaded so easily and he pursed his lips, trying to hold back a laugh.

I still had to think of a way to personally attack him.

We waited until night of the third day, when Ye Xiao hurriedly rushed over. According to my instruction, the letter didn’t mention the matter of Ye Tan succeeding the position of One Sword Tomb’s Sect Leader, so he still thought we had happened upon a major event and was very frightened.

After I finished talking about the situation, I explained: “Those people who have been following us don’t know what our goal was, we concealed as much as we could so they would know as little as possible. What about Ye Lan?”

Ye Xiao said: “Waiting outside. I didn’t know what the situation would be in the tomb, and I didn’t dare risk dragging him into danger.”

After I finished explaining everything, we set out on our journey back. Ye Tan stood at the door of the tomb and quietly followed me with his gaze, the light from the altar lamps that covered both sides of the tunnel flickering in his eyes. At this moment, I still didn’t know what the pain of separation was, so I casually waved back, not reluctant to leave at all.

On the road, I looked at Ye Xiao, and I remembered the questions I had a few days prior.

I replaced Ye Tan with Ye Xiao and ran through our usual daily routine in my mind. I thought about Ye Xiao hugging me as we woke up and went to sleep, thought about telling Ye Xiao that I would dismiss the others so it could just be the two of us, thought about Ye Xiao planting a soft kiss on the centre of my forehead, and warmly telling me: “Wow, Boss, you are what I’ve been looking for in life hahahaha.”

I suddenly felt so frightened I got goosebumps all over.

Ye Xiao sensed me shudder, and asked: “Wow, Boss, what’s wrong, you’re shaking like a leaf, hahahaha.”

I: “Shut up.”

They’re both shadow guards, how can the difference be so big?


What is it about you that makes you different from the others?



1 From the idiom 忠肝義膽 lit. loyal liver righteous gallbladder. Used to describe someone who is loyal and brave. Top.

2 Salted fish is actually a slang way to refer to someone without aspirations, who live mostly bland, mediocre lives and don’t really do anything to improve. It’s usually said in a self-deprecating manner. Top.

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