Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 75: 62

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[Extra] 62 - Drunken Hometown (Second Part) - Almost got deleted, I’ll certainly make it through

T/N: Content warning continues for mild smut.


While the two Pavilion Masters were being lovey-dovey, Ye Xiao had returned to his seat with two cups, and carelessly used his elbow to push one to Ye Lan. Previously, Ye Xiao had stolen and drank A-Heng and A-Shu’s Shaochun and Huadiao wines1 , which were biting in taste and pungent in smell in a way that made drinking them no different from self-abuse. At this moment, he cautiously sniffed at it, feeling like the plum wine seemed very mild, and tried drinking a small sip, angrily saying: “Shit! Tastes bad!” Then he slammed it on the table and backed away, disdainfully saying, “How could anyone like drinking this disgusting thing…..”

While he swore, he turned his head back and saw that Ye Lan had already completely drained his.

Ye Xiao was speechless: “…..Why did you drink the whole thing?”

Ye Lan was at a loss: “Weren’t you letting me drink?”

“You don’t think it tastes bad? I wouldn’t have been able to tell you could actually drink.” Ye Xiao was still speechless, and he gasped in surprise, “Sigh, pouring it out would be a waste, I’ll give this cup to you too.”

Ye Lan obediently took the cup he was handed, and fully drained the cup as though he were drinking plain water.

Ye Xiao was speechless: “What are you drinking so fast for, won’t you feel bad…..?”

Ye Lan said: “I feel bad.”

Ye Xiao considerately said: “Eh, if you feel dizzy, you don’t need to force yourself, tell me and I’ll send you back first——”

Ye Xiao hadn’t finished speaking when he saw Ye Lan slump away from his chair and land face down on the floor with a loud “thud”.

Ye Xiao: “……”

Jun Xuanheng heard the movement and turned his head, seeing Ye Lan had already fallen to the ground, and angrily said: “How did he get drunk so quickly? You’re bullying Ye Lan again!”

Ye Xiao was unable to give a convincing explanation: “That’s unfair, I didn’t know he was so weak.”

Jun Xuanheng hurriedly said: “Quickly carry him back to rest, it’s really windy here, be careful of the cold weather.”

Ye Xiao wailed in aguish: “How the hell am I going to carry him I can barely walk on my own…..”

Once Jun Xuanheng heard this, he anxiously said: “Are you unwell anywhere? Doctor Lu isn’t here today, let A-Tan look at you.”

Ye Xiao held his scattered and smashed backside and waist, and spoke with a trembling voice: “Don’t look at it, I didn’t say anything, I’m fine everywhere. I’ll take him I’ll just take him…..”

Ye Lan returned to consciousness as he was being jolted up and down.

He could feel his head hurting a little, and his line of sight wasn’t too clear, furthermore, the constant up and down movement of his insides made him want to vomit. He was muddleheaded for a long time, and gradually discovered he was being carried on someone’s back as they ambled forward through a corridor.

They were surrounded by a vast lake on both sides, its clear and crystalline water rippled with the afterglow of the setting sun. The light sunset glow wound around the mountain as twilight approached, gradually dying the layers of the forest. The mountain rivers gathered into a thin line in the horizon, and Ye Lan could only marvel at the vastness of the earth, losing himself in its beauty.

Ye Lan thought that he must be dreaming, because his life only had high walls and chains, and he had never seen such a wide, magnificent landscape.

And the person carrying him had the same familiar scent of a cherished memory.

He involuntarily blurted out that name that was always in his heart: “Gui Mao…..”

“Aiyo, ancestor, you’re finally awake.” Ye Xiao could finally look forward to freeing himself, so he stopped walking and turned his head back to speak to him, “Get down and walk on your own, spare my life.”

Ye Lan caught sight of his face and was stunned for a moment.

After returning to his senses, he struggled free of his arms and quickly withdrew as though he’d been electrocuted.

Ye Xiao was just wondering if something was wrong with him again, when he heard Ye Lan point at him in a panic: “Gui, Gui- Gui Mao?”

Ye Xiao smoothly answered: “Hey, what are you doing?”

Ye Lan turned his head to look around in a fright, and when he didn’t see other people, he rushed to ask: “You, are you talking to me?”

Ye Xiao: “Who else? Could I be talking to a ghost?”

Ye Lan’s face, which was already red from the alcohol, seemed to turn an even darker colour.

“What’s wrong with you again, quickly let’s go.” Ye Xiao supported himself on a red pillar with one hand and used the other to support his waist, “My old waist was almost broken from being tossed again and again, I want to quickly go back and rest.”

“Go back? Back where? You…..” Ye Lan’s tone was extremely careful, sounding almost like he was crying, “You know me?”

“Wow, are you stupid or am I stupid, just because you don’t recognise other people doesn’t mean other people don’t recognise you.” Ye Xiao looked down on him and curled his lip, he didn’t have the patience for his nonsense, so he urged, “Quickly let's go, Ye Lan.”

Ye Lan’s expression froze, and we was stunned for a short time before asking: “Ye Lan….. who is that?”


“…..Did you forget again?”

Ye Xiao had a big headache, he sighed and grumbled: “Why did you pick this time to get sick, you’re making too much trouble for me….. couldn’t you wait until I was lying down to relapse…..?”

Ye Xiao felt that his waist was at its limit, so he could only say: “Hey, I’m dying, you hold2 me.”

“H-h-ho-hold, hold you????” Ye Lan was taken aback, frantically shaking his head and retreating farther and farther away, “Th-th-this is n-no-not ri-right!!”

Ye Xiao was immediately also dumbfounded: “What’s not right? It’s not like I’ve never been held by you before?”

Ye Lan’s back pressed against the railing, he couldn’t retreat any further, and he was practically shaking like a leaf, and his sight became blurred: “Y-y-yo-you what did you say about m-m-me holding, holding you b-before?? Th-th-that c-can’t be???”

Ye Xiao gnashed his teeth and sneered: “You’ve done more than just hold me, we’ve gone all the way.”

Ye Lan slid down to the floor, his eyes had a defeated expression, and he looked lifeless. He was stunned for a while, then breathed in, and two lines of clear tears flowed down his face.

Ye Xiao was shocked: “Fuck, what the fuck are you crying about? I’m the one that should be crying, right?!”

Ye Xiao saw that he seemed scared stupid, and thought to himself that he shouldn’t bother arguing with an idiot, so he resigned himself and raised his true qi, turning around and going to help him up, “Alright don’t have an attack, come back with me first…..” Unexpectedly, before he even took a few steps, Ye Lan leapt out of the corridor like a startled rabbit, disappearing into the shrubbery without a trace.

His movements were quick and fierce, and his technique highly skilled, it was simply the pinnacle of the martial arts he’d spent his life studying.

Ye Xiao’s patience had finally reached its limit, so he beat his fists against the railing: “Bullshit, suit yourself! Get lost!!” He turned around, irate, and prepared to go back. Unexpectedly, in his anger he took too large a step and felt a stab of pain on his hips, causing him to sway and and bend down.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Lan’s shaggy head peeked through a gap in the branches, and he carefully asked, “Gui Mao, are you hurt?”

Ye Xiao clenched his teeth and looked at him, he was peeved and didn’t want to deal with him.

Ye Lan spoke again: “Y-y-your complexion doesn’t look very good….. do you want help…..?”

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes and glared at him: You also know I need help! But are still not rushing to carry me! Idiot!

Ye Lan’s heart beat wildly due to his anger, and he became increasingly terrified. He went back into the side of the dense forest and, when he returned, he was holding a branch as thick as his wrist. He seriously handed it to him and said: “Grab onto the branch, I’ll help you go back…..”

“Ha???” Ye Xiao exploded in anger where he stood, and sent the branch flying with a slap, “How can you be so annoying!! If you are going to carry me just carry me! If not get lost!”

Ye Xiao muttered: Why is Ye Lan being so overly sensitive today? I somewhat miss the Ye Lan of before who would take off his pants and just go for it…… Oh, I meant take of his pants and just go for it as an adjective, I was definitely not referring to the act itself3 .

Ye Lan struggled for a long time, until he finally half-knelt in front of him, trembling. Ye Xiao slumped on his back as if he’d been relieved from a great burden, already feeling like he’d had his life shortened by ten years. Ye Xiao slowly relaxed, but the person carrying him remained motionless, “Ah, do you not know the way? If you can’t go just ask, ah, follow the road until the end, then turn East…..”

Ye Lan could only feel his legs going weak, and he spoke in a sobbing tone: “You….. can you turn your head a bit….. don’t blow air against my neck….. wuuh…..”

From the moment he woke up, he had been feeling like we was swaying and couldn’t steady his steps, and now Ye Xiao’s breath was hitting his back, which simply felt like a hundred claws scratching at his heart4 .

Hearing this, Ye Xiao hurriedly turned his head to the side and adjusted his direction, sticking close to his ear and blowing out a breath of hot air. I’m always getting done by you! I’m also going to do you! I insist on blowing!

The effect was immediate, Ye Lan fell to the floor with a thump.

As a result, Ye Xiao also fell to the ground, and he felt his backside get smashed into pieces, “Aiya my god my butt aaaaaah hurts hurts hurts…..”

In this moment, Ye Xiao understood a principle: People who court disaster, will die.

Luckily, everything was in fine afterwards, and there were no other situations. The sky was already dark by the time Ye Lan trembled and carried Ye Xiao back to an inn to settle down.

Ye Lan asked him where he was injured, what the condition of his injuries was, and whether or not he wanted to invite a doctor, and Ye Xiao pelted him with curses.

Ye Lan was completely at a loss, and it was clear he didn’t know why he was being cursed. According to what he usually did, he should have stuck to Ye Xiao and squeezed into the quilt with him, but today he turned around and went out of the room, then sat at the threshold of the door and began staring blankly.

Ye Xiao lay down comfortably for a while, but when he glimpsed that figure at the doorway, it suddenly felt very familiar. Then, he remembered. When they were young and trained at the Nightrunner, back in those days and nights when Ye Lan and himself still hadn’t even spoken to each other, he would also post himself at the entrance of his room, staying there day and night.

“Ye Lan?”

He called him, but Ye Lan seemed lost in thought and didn’t react at all.

Ye Xiao thought about it, and spoke again: “…..Bing Xu.”

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Ye Lan shook from head to toe as though he’d been struck by thunder, and suddenly turned his head back and looked at him, his eyes seemed to contain turbulent waves and he had a look that he had never seen before. Ye Lan spoke with a trembling voice: “You, you didn’t recognise the wrong person….. You really know me…..”

Ye Xiao helplessly patted the empty space next to him on the bed: “You don’t remember again, I don’t blame you. Come here, I’ll tell you everything again.”

Ye Lan hesitated for a while, forcing himself to approach a few feet, then sat at the foot of the wall.

Ye Xiao urged him: “Come up, why are you hiding so far away I’m not going to eat you.”

Ye Lan flushed and shrank at the corner of the bed: “Here is fine, there’s no need to trouble you, no need.”

Ye Xiao turned towards the sky and rolled his eyes: Why is this idiot being such a dawdler today.

“Hey, idiot, listen properly. Before, you were called Bing Xu, afterwards, we both graduated from the Nightrunner and met our current Master together…..”

Ye Xiao recounted the events of these years, picking and choosing what to fully explain. Ye Lan hugged his knees as he crouched at the corner of the bed, dumbstruck, listening without moving, with no indication of whether or not he understood what he was hearing.

He looked back while he explained, and Ye Lan looked like he wanted to bury himself into the ground.

When Ye Xiao talked about the speech he gave to the Master of the Yun Garden, saying that he liked Ye Lan and asking the Master to give Ye Lan to him, he heard a small, delicate sound like the mewing of a kitten from the dark corner of the bed: “Yiiii……”

Ye Xiao angrily beat the bed with his fist: “Why are you crying again?!”

That weak mosquito sound at the corner of the bed: “You….. you like me…..”

“Hey! That’s not right, after you turned stupid, you would tell me you liked me twice every three days. I, I was just, returning the favour, that’s all.” Ye Xiao stumbled as he explained, and once again angrily hit the bed with his fist, “Hey, at that time you swore you liked me, but then completely forgot about it not even two days later….. I just knew….. I knew….. fuck…..”

The corner of the bed: “What?! Me?! I said such improper things?!”

Ye Xiao angrily shouted: “The hell! You don’t want to own up to it!! You’re too late, I’m telling you!!”

“No no no, that’s not what I meant…..” Ye Lan had already withdrawn and gone underneath the bed, “You, you keep going….. Q口Q…..”

Ye Xiao finished explaining everything, and scowled as he asked: “That’s about it. And you, did you understand?”

Ye Lan answered: “I understand.”

Ye Xiao didn’t believe him at all, but he didn’t feel like arguing. He patted the empty space he’d left next to himself again: “Then why don’t you hurry up here and go to sleep, I don’t want the Boss to turn around and talk about how I’m bullying you again.”

Ye Lan shook his head: “I don’t dare sleep, I’m afraid….. I’m afraid that I’ll wake up from my dream if I go to sleep.”

Ye Xiao: “Ha? What does that mean?”

Ye Lan didn’t answer him, only giving him a pained smile Then he spoke again: “According to what you said….. every time you and I….. sleep, sleep together….. it’s always a very painful thing.”

Ye Xiao snorted coldly: “Hmph, it’s about as painful as the Nightrunner’s training for interrogation under torture.”

Ye Lan was silent for a while, and softly said: “I’m sorry, I’ve done too many things to hurt you….. I’m really sorry.”

He didn’t know how many times in a day he usually rushed into trouble, and he never knew where he had gone wrong, but every time he saw Ye Xiao get angry, he just apologised on instinct. These words, after they left his mouth, were an insignificant, cheap compromise, and simply couldn’t be counted on. But this time wasn’t the same as it had been in the past, his words weren’t frantically tangled together, even sounding a bit titillating, and Ye Xiao unexpectedly felt his heart tremble when he heard them.

After settling his heart, Ye Xiao helplessly said: “Eh, you don’t need to be so serious, I’m also used to it, it doesn’t matter…..”

Ye Lan took in a deep breath and lifted his hand to press on his madly beating chest. He composed himself and got out from underneath the bed, then slowly climbed up onto the end of the bed.

“You finally came around.” Ye Xiao was utterly exhausted and relieved he could finally sleep.

Ye Lan didn’t dare look at him, he got into the quilt from the corner and knelt down between his knees. He lightly put his hands on Ye Xiao’s sides, and closely buried his head in between, using the tip of his tongue to explore through the cloth, and, after pinpointing the position, sucked on that still-soft tender thing. The silk was very thin, so after being moistened with saliva it stuck close to and revealed the outline of the shape hiding underneath.

Ye Xiao was stunned for a long time, until the soft flesh between his legs was made to lightly raise its head, and it was only then that he realised what Ye Lan wanted to do.

Ye Lan had always attacked without warning, he had never been as gentle as he was being now, so much so that he couldn’t think of the two things going together.

Ye Xiao hurriedly pushed Ye Lan’s shoulders through the quilt, and said in alarm: “What are you doing?!”

Ye Lan frowned, and asked: “Am I doing it wrong?”

Ye Xiao was alarmed: “This, this isn’t a question of right or wrong….. I-I-I’m telling you you absolutely can’t eat things at random! That isn’t food!!”

“…..Pff. Don’t worry, I won’t use my teeth.” Ye Lan found him amusing, his voice was muffled inside the quilt, so his speech was unclear as he said, “Just treat this as an apology, let me try it. I also don’t really understand this kind of thing….. Tell me if it feels bad and I’ll stop.”

The soaked cloth, at this moment, was already completely cold. Ye Lan reached in through the side of the short pants and pulled the cloth apart, and the cold feeling pressing up against the inside of his thighs was immediately peeled away and replaced with a warm, satin-soft tongue that wrapped around him. Ye Lan was sticking too close, so his hot breath and long eyelashes brushed against his thigh and underbelly from time to time, and the less intentional it was, the harder it was to ignore.

It was the first time Ye Xiao experienced this, he could only think that it seemed the shallow teasing carried an unspeakable, compelling implication, and soon pleasure and numbness spread all over his body. One moment before he had still been in a panic, but the next he was so comfortable he felt his mind about to dissipate.

Ye Lan heard Ye Xiao let out a low moan, and felt extremely glad that maybe he wasn’t doing too badly. The thing inside his mouth had not yet fully stiffened, and felt like soft pulp with a stiff core on the inside. Ye Lan pressed the tip of his tongue against the small hole at the top and moved towards the stiff core, pressing down the tip as he went. Ye Xiao was unable to stop himself from letting out a high-pitched groan, and he unconsciously spread his legs, so Ye Lan responded by sending himself even deeper.

Ye Xiao felt that the quilt was actually in the way, so he lifted it. As soon as half of Ye Lan’s body was exposed, he was immediately unable to move.

“En why are you not moving…..” Ye Xiao was just reaching the top, so he was very dissatisfied when he saw that he had stopped, he stroked his cheek and forced Ye Lan to lift his chin.

Ye Lan avoided his gaze, blushing as though he were being cooked, and buried himself into the inside of his leg as he pleaded in a small voice: “Don’t, don’t look at me….. I feel embarrassed…..” He grabbed a corner of the quilt as he trembled, secretly pulling it towards himself. He didn’t dare make too big a move in case he was discovered, so it was very difficult to pull.

“Ha???” Ye Xiao calmly looked at the person between his legs, and wondered, “Why is your skin so thin today, you weren’t like this before. When I was still on-watch at the roof of the restaurant, looking at the lanterns, you suddenly jumped on me, simply not caring if there were people downstairs, and I couldn’t stop you at all.”

“I’m, I’m sorry…..”Ye Lan pulled the quilt up and hid inside, flustered, and took him into his mouth all the way to the base. He was tightly enveloped too suddenly, and Ye Xiao almost let out a cry, he couldn’t help but stretch out his fingers and bury them into Ye Lan’s hair, pushing the top of his head deeper down until he reached his end.

This was practically the first time Ye Xiao had really tasted the intimacy of a bed5 , and he couldn’t endure the provocation, so it wasn’t long before he found it hard to control himself. As soon as he released, he immediately regretted it, this thing was so filthy, how could he have vented inside someone’s mouth? He hurriedly retreated out and repeatedly apologised. Ye Lan was also caught unprepared, and the corners of his eyes overflowed with tears as he choked, but he waved his hands to indicate that he was fine, not saying much.

Ye Xiao had just been feeling good and hadn’t given it too much thought, but now that the tide of feelings had subsided, he finally found it strange. Ye Lan was being a bit unusual today, normally he should have long since thrown himself onto him. They said that drinking made one confused, but could it be that he had actually withered and couldn’t do it…..

He moved his line of sight downwards, and suddenly realised that the bow between Ye Lan’s legs was fully drawn and ready to shoot.

In the past, every time Ye Lan reached this point, it would always be followed by unbearably brutal torture. Ye Xiao was so scared his complexion turned white, and various shadows crawled up into his heart, so he fell back in fright and wished he could immediately fly out of the room.

But Ye Lan was still composed, he only wiped the turbid liquid from the side of his mouth and said: “I’ll go heat water so you can wash up, wait a moment.” He calmly climbed down from the bed and, in a rare sight, lowered his head to look for his own boots.

Ye Xiao looked at him with surprise and confusion: “You’re not….. not going….. to do anything today? It’s just that….. eh, although I’m not looking forward to it…..”

Ye Lan still didn’t dare look at him and the dark red flush on his face only increased, he suddenly nodded and hurriedly escaped.

A short time later Ye Lan returned carrying water, he carefully wiped his body for him, and even helped him apply medicine, then covered him with the quilt. His actions were nimble and his movements appropriate, if not for his intelligence, one would simply be unable to tell that he was a fool.

Ye Xiao was very pleased.

But he wanted Ye Lan to get on the bed and go to sleep with him, but he wouldn’t agree no matter what and insisted on hiding far away and blowing cold air6 . It didn’t matter if he was calling his name or looking at him, Ye Lan was flustered by all of it. He wouldn’t listen to what he was told, and it was even harder to communicate with him than it had been in the past.

Ye Xiao just had a big headache.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Lan fell down from the doorway and drowsily woke up, then climbed back onto the bed in confusion.

Ye Xiao asked him a few questions and discovered that he had finally sobered up, and had become as obedient as he used to be.

Ye Xiao was very happy, he hugged him and fiercely kissed him a few times, after which Ye Lan pressed him against the wall and ruthlessly did him once.

Ye Xiao held his backside and thought, these past two days Ye Lan has simply been an enigmatic, profound mystery. I’m afraid there is something strange going on.

Ye Xiao pondered about the painful experience, going through he numerous twists and turns, until he finally discovered the crux of the issue.

Afterwards, when Ye Xiao went out, he would also often prepare all kinds of strong alcohol. Jun Xuanheng was very puzzled, Ye Xiao didn’t like the smell of wine, and Ye Lan couldn’t hold his drink, so who on earth was he preparing this top-quality wine for?

But it didn’t matter.

Lately, Ye Xiao was no longer paralysed in bed almost every day and skipping work, so this was worthy of celebration, congratulations.

[Drunken Hometown end]


1 燒春和花雕 lit. Burning Spring and Flower Carving. Both are names of wines. Top.

2 The word they’re using is 抱, which is used to describe an action that involves using both arms to surround sb./sth. so depending on the context, it can mean hold/carry/hug/embrace/etc. Top.

3 The phrase he uses can be read as both ‘take off pants and just do (something)’ or ‘take off pants and just fuck’, since he specifies he's using it as an "adjective" I went with the less direct translation. Top.

4 百爪撓心 Idiom used to describe someone’s mood as being complicated, restless and/or anxious. Top.

5 床笫 lit. bed and sleeping mat. Used when referring to a bed as the place where intimate activities take place. Top.

6 Like the expression to ‘throw cold water on’, meaning to discourage someone from an idea with their words. Top.

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