Life In Prodosia

Chapter 11: Chapter 10 – Lopsided Brothers

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Thomas closed his phone as he looked at the single purple gem in his hands, it felt like it was pulling on Thomas to swallow it and just try it one time. Thomas used his power to swiftly remove the influence, his ability was commonly called an ultimate defense from others due to how nearly nothing could get past him if he focused hard enough. Thomas put the jewel in his pocket as he looked up only to hear a loud car yell in the distance. Thomas smiled as he looked to his left to see what was basically an identical version of himself sitting in the driver seat, the only difference was an extremely different haircut and color for both. Thomas said


“Hey Jackov.”

Jackov looked at Thomas and said

“Let’s cut to the gist bro, why did you call me? You never call me unless you need something done quickly”

Thomas sighed before taking out the purple jewel and tossing it to Jackov, still sitting in his car, grabbed the jewel and turned it around in his hand observing every minute detail. Jackov then looked at Thomas and said with a smug grin

“It’s tragic that my brother has started doing dru-”

Thomas walked over and lightly smacked his brother. His brother was called Jackov Raids and had the super power Genius pupile. He had no superpower normally but could learn any subject to mastery in half the time of normal. He knew multiple languages and was considered experts in almost all ranges of science from astrology to geology. But despite all of this Thomas would still consider Jackov stupid, this is due to Jackov never being able keep a serious face around Thomas. This was for one reason Jackov admired his brother but Thomas hated Jackov it was a lopsided relationship between the two. Thomas then sighed and said

“I found this drug infecting a superheroes causing them to lose most of their reasoning on just slight inconveniences like being caught in a minor crime or being overcharged. I want two things , first how this drug is causing people to lose their reasoning and secondly, ``Who made it.” 


Jackov nodded as all the information lodged into his brain. Jackov smiled before placing the drug in a plastic bag saying


“I can find the first bit but it’s impossible to find the one who made it, that will be up to you.”


Thomas nodded before walking away , Jackov happily waved as he left. Thomas sighed only for a large explosion occurring at a nearby bank. Thomas looked at his watch to see the clock at 


Thomas smiled as he walked towards the explosion ready to take care of a small-time criminal but when Thomas arrived at the bank as opposed to seeing a low tier thug he saw a sight of hundreds of dead bodies burnt to crisps. Thomas walked inside carefully only to instantly have a wave of fire fly at him. Thomas quickly stomped on the ground bringing a wall of stone to protect him. Thomas instantly realized that he was fighting a fire villain so no matter how much air he condensed around him the fire would just grow stronger so obviously Thomas released his oxygen barrier protecting him. Thomas then touched the rock wall in front of him and changed the barriers shape into large boulder before pushing it forward, It wasn’t the intended use of his ability but due to his ability causing any protection able to expand or condense or speed up or slow down as long as it protected him in some form of way he could abuse it to make attacks. Thomas then smiled as the boulder slowly rolled forward while shrinking into a small dense orb. Thomas then finally saw the face of his villain and recognized it instantly, despite the burnt face and hollow eyes Thomas knew he was looking at Jackal. Thomas smirked before letting the boulder roll to Jackal only for Jackal to easily stop it with one hand. Thomas then clapped before the small ball of rock expanded into an excessively large size that took up half of the bank, quickly Jackal shot a beam of fire through the ball. The density of the ball was barely heavier than air causing less damage than hoped. Thomas then quickly blocked the beam of fire with an extremely dense layer of rock again. Thomas was astonished at the damage Jackal caused with the ground of usual tiles seemingly splashed against the walls due to a shockwave of some sort. But Thomas was quickly knocked out of his thoughts when the beam of fire seemingly increased in power but decreased in size. The beam then pierced Thomas’ barrier like a needle and cut right through his cheek causing seer marks and small embers along a narrow hallway of burnt blood and tissue. Thomas quickly tried repairing the injury only to look up and see Jackal in the air with two large claws of fire. Thomas touched the glass doors of the bank and shifted it into a small wall but with an inside full of shattered glass. Thomas still smelt his burning flesh as he finished covering up the wound. Suddenly even though the barrier was made of glass Jackal rammed through and gave a clean cut of fire across Thomas’ face. Thomas fell back out of the bank as two clear claw marks firmly burnt into scars. Thomas looked around at the scenery outside the bank. Around him was beautiful scenery of lush trees while he stood on a beautiful stone path, behind him were the empty streets. Civilians were advised to stay off the streets past seven to prevent chance of encountering a villain due to villains usually only attacked at night to prevent the chance of gangs of superheroes fighting them. Thomas would’ve smiled but it hurt to move any part of his cheek. Thomas breathed in as he looked forward at the bank on a beautiful landscape with water behind it. The bank had a small set of stairs that seemed like a mountain and at the top of the large staircase lied Jackal. Thomas breathed in as his body slowly seemed to disappear, Jackal quickly shot a ball of fire at Thomas' old position scorching the ground,  Thomas quickly dodged the fire while looking for one specific substance, water. Thomas ran behind the bank to see a vast lake, Thomas quickly shoved his hand inside only for the water to quickly surround Thomas on all sides, but it wasn’t enough. Thomas took more and more water till his water armor was the size of the bank itself , Thomas smiled as he used his still invisible body as he stood inside the giant of water he had made as he took a step forward causing the water giant to move its own leg. Thomas smiled as he raised his arms above his head, he started choking on water but it didn’t matter. Thomas saw Jackal scorching the land around the bank not expecting what was happening next. Thomas then slammed down on the bank collapsing not only the building but the surrounding area, instantly the water of the giant collapsed down swallowing up trees and cars in a wave resembling a tsunami. Thomas fell from the middle of the giant's chest onto the ground leading to a loud crunching sound below. Thomas coughed up blood and started choking water, Thomas with all his strength rolled over onto his stomach and puked up a disgusting combination of blood , water and his lunch. Thomas, who tried his best to always look respectable and smart in a public setting, crunched over and fell into a bile of his own puke as he looked at the bank only to see a small ember.


Jackal coughed up water , his flame around his burnt body had disappeared, he couldn’t move due to his burnt muscles that used to be supported with his super power. Jackal tried to push himself up only for his arm to bend backwards cracking and breaking instantly, Jackal bit his tongue trying to this of a way to recover before police arrive only for in his peripheral vision to see a small purple gem, Jackal unable to control his body that had become one with the same drug lunged at the tooth and swallowed it along with a handful of dirt. Ignoring the dirt Jackal swallowed and smiled before his fire body slowly came back to him. At first Jackal was confused not knowing why he was regaining his power only for it to occur to him, his drug crystals acting as his teeth were giving him power. Jackal smiled before his burnt black body stood up and sparked. Jackal knew that his power could barely let him walk so instead of searching for that invisible hero Jackal walked quickly into a back alley smiling with his mouth full of purple gems.


Thomas was still invisible when the cops arrived, Thomas was struggling from something called overpower , it was a condition that was from an extreme use of one’s power at their current strength causing them to feel intense pain in one’s heart and an intense pain whenever one used their power. Thomas bit his tongue as he spat blood trying to stay invisible, his heart felt like needles were jabbing it from every angle, inside of him currently blood cells flew around into and out of the heart causing the pain and even bruises in a sick twist for his body to try making itself heal. The condition also caused extreme fatigue making the effort to continue just a weak part of his power feel extremely painful. Thomas spat out more blood as he listened to a conversation of what seemed like a police guard and a detective. The voices told Thomas that


“The perp seem to have ran away after toppling the building”


“And the camera’s were in terrible condition all of them had either burn marks or were broken by brute strength or the rubble, we can’t even tell the superpower of the villain with the tsunami , an single eye witness report who almost drowned claiming they saw a one hundred and fifty foot water giant, fire obviously burned some of the tree’s and some strong impact to destroy the entire building.”


“And we don’t have a hero who has stepped forward claiming to be the hero and the ones who have were obviously lying to make themselves look like they beat a new big time villain.”

“Ugh whatever it is it’s obvious that either a new big time supervillain has been born and destroyed or this was a fight between two unknown people rivaling the power of this city’s top hero and the worse outcome is that in that fight the villain won.”

Thomas then heard a loud tch sound followed before hearing


“Well if anything we need to cover this up from the public or else there will be public hysteria at a potential new supervillain , or what were they called the top five villains?

“Globals, people who could threaten the globe with their power, for some reason this city always has ten total. Five heroes and Five villains”

“Huh well let’s pray we don’t have that final option then”



“Now bring me that hobo claiming to be an eyewitness and secondly go mind control the guards, as of today a propane tank exploded causing a chain reaction destroying the bank and causing a small Tsunami due to the sheer power.”


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“Yes sir Detective Shaw”


Thomas then saw the police officer, presumably the police chief walk off before bringing back an old raggedy hobo. Thomas then heard


“Hey Bobby this is the hobo right?”

“Yes sir”


“Do you know there is a theory that people are more likely to get certain types of superpowers based on their name and personality and even the job they will have in the future”

“Yes sir, I've heard of it”


“So how come you have a power that is completely different from your name.”


Thomas held back a cough of blood as he saw the Detective’s arm suddenly become large saw blades

“And my power sounds like a bad pun of my name”

Instantly the detective chopped the hobo’s head off who was kneeling on the ground during their talk. A stream of blood laced the saw of the detective as it quickly formed back into his arm. The detective walked away with the police chief in tow saying


"Maybe the theory isn't true sir?"


“Perhaps. Now have someone incinerate the body, he was a victim of the explosion , nothing survived but bone.”

"Question sir , why did you want to kill the hobo instead of mind control"


"Bobby you should know this, if you see something it's much harder to get rid of it from the memory than if you heard something. If you were told a new type of fruit exists but we're mind controlled to forget then you would need would act the exact same way when told about the fruit again but if you seen the fruit in person before being mind controlled you would only need to see the fruit and the mind control would begin to struggle. Because of this some gambling addicts who were mind controlled to forget about a casino would instantly remember the casino and what it has done to them. Now don't ask me that again , that was too long of an explanation."


“Yes sir”


As soon as they walked away Thomas coughed up blood only for the detective to give a small look behind him.

The police chief then said

“Problem sir?”


Only for the detective to respond with a 


“No , its nothing”

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