Life In Prodosia

Chapter 10: Chapter 9 – There are no Limits to Justice

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Eagle still stood in the court after the case with burn wounds still visibly on his body. Doors of the court have been burnt and chairs were replaced with cinders. Eagle looked around the best he could only to drop a single tear. He would've punched a desk but there was none left he wobbled aimlessly till he reached a large palm shaped hole in the ground with black burn marks layering inside. Eagle was first amazed at Mr. William's power but quickly felt terrible by not helping to stop the escape. Eagle touched the cold metallic floor of the ground and still felt a small bit of heat. Eagle breathed in before making the entire floor contract and retract until it became a solid ball of metal nearly four feet tall. Eagle looked down at it thinking of not morals and legality but power. Eagle touched the ball and transformed it to have a small spike on the end, this was something risky but Eagle pressed forward. Eagle poked his hand causing blood to drip out. Eagle then touched his wound and instantly transformed it into a small bullet, Eagle slashed his hand again and touched his blood and transformed his blood to a large intimidating crusader sword. Eagle smiled before getting slightly dizzy. He had to finish the job so he grabbed the metal spike being careful to not lose any more blood and slowly transformed the metallic ball and spike into thin air. Eagle felt heavy and he instantly bent to the floor. He smiled as his plan worked. Eagle pointed his wounded hand forward and sent out a large spike from beneath his hand. Instantly pain spread through his body but it didn’t matter, Eagle had successfully integrated his metal into his bone , he now was metal. Eagle retracted the bloody metal spear and struggled to try standing, Eagle knew that this power was his way to success but it was so heavy he couldn’t use it in combat just the little test was hurting beyond belief and he was dizzy from blood loss and being weighed down from the new weight of his bones. Eagle mentally made sure to never use this technique except for a secret technique. Eagle smiled and laughed before looking to his side at his watch. It said a clean 



Eagle walked as quick as he could to his home and put on his blue orb on his back, the total weight of his equipment made him struggle to stand. He turned his watch into a motorcycle and waited only for a perfectly timed siren to bring out at a nearby restaurant. Eagle got on his motorcycle and looked at the villain, it was a villain who had normal clothes and seemed to just begin his career as a villain. Eagle decided to stop it early and quickly launched at the villain from his bike. Midair turned his power orb into his armor and expanded his wings as he landed on the villain who looked worried due to the siren. The villain looked at their arms and turned them into pure metal. Eagle collided with his opponent and fell back. His armor protected everything but his face and even then his eyes were covered by a holographic blue view made by his armor. The villain quickly removed his arms from his face as he introduced himself

“I am the metallic menace making my debut”

Eagle was still slightly worried due to his fight against Masked yesterday but he shook the thought out of his head as he flew forward with his hands jutting out  towards the metallic menace who instinctively blocked again. Eagle continued his assault with a large kick powered by jets. The villain flew back but they didn’t fall. The metallic menace seemed surprised but was quickly interrupted by a punch powered by every jet on his armor.  The metallic menace tried to block but his arms were broken through. He then turned his face metal and blocked the attack again. Eagle was extremely tired and was using jets for the most basic assaults. He would need to practice with his new heavy body. Eagle looked at his villain. It seemed that all the patrons and workers had left the store during their battle. Eagle looked at his enemy , he knew he could defeat him right now but he wanted to practice his new body. So he did and for hours he tortured this new small time villain who had to use his power on his body for such a long time Eagle wouldn’t be suprised if he lost his feeling in his arms. Eagle smiled after another flurry of punches on the villain. He breathed in and removed his hand coverings. The villain smirked thinking it was finally his time to attack and charged with their entire body covered in metal except their legs. With a strong punch they made a dent inside of Eagle's armor but it didn’t matter, Eagle grabbed the villain's arm who looked confused and instantly turned both of his enemies arms to large weights. The villain looked afraid and tried to turn his arms back into normal but not succeeding. Eagle grabbed the villains head , he wasn’t planning to do anything but the fear was enough. The metallic menace instantly said

“I give , I give, I’ll go to jail”


Eagle changed his enemies arm back, Eagle didn’t so much change the arm into a metal ball but just encased his enemies arm in their own metal. Eagle touched his boots and formed them into two very powerful handcuffs and covered his opponents wrists with one and his legs with another as Eagle grabbed a phone from the counter and called 911. Eagle smiled as he stretched and retracted all of his armor except his mask and powercell. The powercell said

“Power forty percent , recommend to retract powercell before next battle”

Eagle chuckled as he still felt quite heavy but he guessed he could at least do a brisk jog. He then heard police sirens where he stood up preparing to greet the officers. He introduced them and they made sure they reported that Steel Wing beat metallic menace and left. Eagle looked around as he touched his arm and rubbed it suddenly a small purple crystal appeared out of his wrist. It was a single bit of Stotali he found inside the handprint, apparently it was a type of metal so he absorbed it but something inside of it was changing him. He tossed the idea aside thinking that he will do forensics on the drug later. He then slowly tried pushing out his metal from his hand but the pain was too much and he couldn’t do it. He sighed as he reverted the handcuffs the officers gave back into a small motorcycle, he was using the motorcycle so much he wanted to give it a name. Eagle then said

“I’ll call you Silverwing.”

Eagle lovingly touched the motorcycle only to suddenly feel a touch on his shoulder. Eagle transformed the motorcycle into large steel fists and turned around to punch but for him to only meet air with his attack. Right in front of his arm was Thomas who was wearing a top hat while wearing his suit. Thomas said

“Hello there Eagle. I’m here to ask about you removing the floor of the court.”


Eagle yelled 


“How did you know”


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Only for Thomas to disappear and reappear behind Eagle saying

“My ability, I checked the court for clues only to see you standing by yourself so I waited only to see you absorb the entirety of the metal floor leaving only dirt. The only recognizable part of the court was a print in the floor because all the chairs were destroyed and the floors were stolen. It’s funny what people will do for justice.”


Eagle, worried that he would go to jail reflexively and quickly punched back at Thomas but his hand hit air again. Thomas then said


“If you want to spar I’m fine but when I win you need to pay back for the court floor.”


Eagle boosted forward to attack only to kick air, he increased thrust but only for Thomas to give a slight chuckle before seemingly disappearing into thin air. Eagle looked around , he kicked and punched the air until his foot got grabbed. Thomas smiled before while still staying invisible pulled air towards his arm and slammed down and smashed Eagle’s leg. Thomas revealed himself and said

“I know you aren’t thinking straight with your blood loss and all but you need to calm down and just pay for the materials you stole and I will be out your hair”

Eagle tried responding with a surprise spike blasting out of his wrist. It pierced the invisible barrier and cleanly pierced a hole into Thomas’ face. Thomas flinched backwards in pain holding the wound. Thomas instantly touched his face and caused skin to form and mash together to cover the hole. Thomas then decided that Eagle needed to calm down. Thomas compressed the carbon in the air into his armor sadly realizing he had to knock out Eagle , Thomas didn’t know Eagle for long but for the small bit he did understand it was obvious that something was wrong especially for Eagle to use something so dangerous. Thomas then thought back to the court case and remembered the drug. Thomas then while thinking felt a pierce in his arm, it was another spike from Eagle. Thomas looked at Eagle only to see Eagle bleeding dangerous amounts of blood from his arm and Thomas saw a slight purple glow from Eagle’s wrist. Thomas smiled before quickly pushing his hand filled with pure carbon on Eagle mouth and nose. Eagle shot out hundreds of spikes losing blood by the second but could not stop Thomas’ hand. Eagle fell to the ground and passed out. Thomas gently laid Eagle onto the ground and looked at Eagle’s arm. Thankfully due to Eagle repeatedly shooting out metal from his inside Thomas had a quick way to extract the judge. Thomas stood up and smile and said

“Thank you Eagle. I’ll pay for the court as a thanks for this evidence.”

Thomas walked away memorizing Eagle’s face to make sure to never forget him as he walked away and took out a cellphone before quickly dialing a number. The phone rang three times before hearing a

“Hello? Hello? Who this?”

Thomas responded with a sigh and said

“Hey brother I have some evidence you need to view”

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