Life of a Reality warper

Chapter 1: Boring day

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"What would you do if ever given an insurmountable amount if power?”

 The question was written on a clear white board with a red marker, just a few meters to the left was a teacher sitting on her desk while she fiddle with what looked to be a cellphone, her eyes were intensely focused on  her phone, she was currently reading something that only she would know.

The teacher wore a black blouse along with a blue knee length skirt and low high heels, her hair was tied into a pony tail and there was one strip of hair that hung forward in front of her head, her darkish brown eyes stared at the screen of her smart phone, she was a fairly beautiful lady  but due to her attitude the students had a low opinion of her 

The question on the white board was meant for the students, an essay question to write down what they would do if they had unlimited power, of course the question itself was stupid and ridiculous  but she only had ten minutes to teach and she didn’t really feel like teaching as such  to make them quiet by  making them write a pointless essay, though one could hardly write an essay I’m ten minutes.

A majority of the students were quite aware of this and new the teach wasn’t going to ask for the essay the following morning, all they had to do was stay quiet  and they can do whatever, obviously that was easier said than Done but with the help of a classmate the room remained silent. A few had their phones  out playing games or listening to whatever music they liked  the far more diligent students wrote the essay or rather the bullied Nerds were venting out their frustrations  as they wrote they’re power fantasies and wish fulfillment stories 

Paper planes flew across the  class room along with spit balls  and crumble up pieces of paper, despite seemingly rowdy the students- thanks to one of their classmates- they were sure not a sound would  reach her ears if it did the bitch of a teacher makes everyone stay for detention. 

A few of the students were even daring enough to use their powers despite usage of their abilities being banned on school grounds.

Sparks of electricity, gusts of silent wind  flying objects and so on, each person inside the class had their own ability, some unique to individuals while others are common with only unique slight variations. The students within this classroom had Esper powers,  infact everyone within their school had superpowers.

“What would I do with insurmountable power huh? Hmph”

A silver headed boy muttered to him himself  before a snort escaped from his nostrils, he felt the question was quite  insulting if not a little bit personal of course he is the only one with such sentiments towards the question. The boy sat straight in the middle of class, he would have preferred to be sat near the window or at the back but  their current homeroom teacher had made it a point to move all the troublesome looking ones to the front half of the class so she could get a clear look at them.

While he wouldn’t call himself troublesome looking he couldn’t help how others perceive him, silver white hair with crimson Red eyes, he was lean and tall,  he wasn’t exactly handsome infact he was quite average the only thing unique about him was his hair, whenever he looked at himself in the mirror he always got the impression of a cool silent type but that might be his own bias towards himself so maybe he is Rather scary looking to everyone else, his Name was Sihl  Outte despite his average looks he was anything but average.

Sihl swept his eyes across the class Turning his head left and right  as he looked he saw everyone was doing their own thing, not caring about the consequences that might follow. he then spotted the  girl responsible for the silence, everyone was doing something it was impossible for the room to be so quiet, there wasn’t any sound of movement or any screeching desks or anything of the like.

The girl was using her power to suck all the sound from the room, a useful ability but he couldn’t help but think she was taking a risk here, using ones abilities on school grounds could get you expelled depending on the circumstances 

The girl looked to be the shy quiet type, the type that wouldn’t speak up in troublesome situations, she had long black hair, that was very well kempt almost shiny even and her eyes were an electric blue color,  she wore a set of black rimmed square glasses that gave her an air of intelligence, she also wore The Standard ACEA(Arc City Esper Academy) uniform for girls, which is a dark blue Blazer and a pale blue shirt with a dark blue tie with light blue stripes, it was the Same as the boys’ uniform the only difference being a skirt. Her head was bowed and she seemed to be reading something on a book.


A glance at her he understood what was going on, this caused him to sigh in his head, the girl was probably being bullied, despite lacking any evidence to support his assumptions he was confident that she was indeed being bullied. he simply shrugged and He turned to look forward again, he didn’t really care what his classmates were up to, he just like to take  a look at things and observe sometimes, it’s always interesting to watch what people do in their lives but right now Nothing of note and he was very bored.

The question in the white board had not disappeared, the question irritated him quite a bit, it felt like rather than a question it was a jab at him. Here he was with said Insurmountable power yet he has done nothing with it,  all the power in the world yet he still lives like a normal civilian, it felt like the question was saying the powers he has are wasted on him since he won’t do anything with them, it made him irritated and his mood was turning sour by the second and it felt like the ten minutes were taking forever.

-End this accursed day already 

Almost as if to succumb to his whims the bell  signaled ending the day of school, if he didn’t know any better he would have thought it was his powers that did that.

Everyone immediately started packing their  stuff  and he too packed his stuff before he went out the door.

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“This was quite the boring day, again”

In all honesty he had no idea why he still continued on, with his type of power he could  remake the world however he sees fit but he just won’t  despite the mundaneness of everyday life he still carried on, he got used to the boring aspect of it’s  because he already reshaped the world in the way he sees fit before and it doesn’t sound appealing anymore.

Making his way out of the school building he took a detour to the restrooms to relieve himself  before going home.

Exiting the school gate, he saw the girl that was responsible for the silence,  her posture was slouched and her head looked downward seemingly not paying attention where she’s going.

He was quick to catch up to her and walk along side her an excuse to speak to her came so he spoke.

“are you okay”

A simple question with no hidden meanings.

“Yes, I’m fine”

The small voice of the girl squeezed out a response to his question. Her head was still looking down as such she couldn’t tell who she was talking to.

“ You can tell a teacher you know”

“About what?”

This time she looked up and saw him, she noted his silver hair and she instantly knew who he was, only he has white hair in the entire class if not the whole school, but also because they lived in the same neighborhood, they’ve never held a conversation before but she always sees him when they go to school so she had often wandered what he was like at least wondered about his powers.

“about the  bullying”

“I’m not being bullied” 

The girl responded, she had no idea where he got the notion  that she was being bullied.

“oh! My bad then, have a nice day”

He quickly walked past her, he hurriedly went home as quick as he could  trying to make sure no one saw how  embarrassed he was, the embarrassment he felt at that moment was immense, he’ll remember this day forever  and curse himself every time he does.


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