Life of a Reality warper

Chapter 2: Exploited

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If Sihl had to describe his life it would be…. Boring, well having the powers to rewrite reality however you see fit doesn’t   really mean exciting, the first time his powers were awakened was when he was at age 5, he doesn’t know what the trigger was because they just sort of like turned on.

When a child awakens their Esper powers it usually happens due to a trigger of sorts  the trigger can be anything from a tripping on something and wanting to protect yourself from the danger of falling or in other cases it can be a severe injury or traumatic event, however for Sihl his power just turned on with no warning whatsoever.

His mother had thought he wouldn’t get any mutant abilities not at least until he hits puberty as that when most awakenings happen in fact it’s extremely rare for a child younger than 13 years to awaken.

When he awakened his powers his mother took him to a specialized doctor  who conducted tests and determined that his power was matter  manipulation due to the fact that  when Sihl said he wanted candy, a chocolate bar appeared out of nowhere.

Depending on the powers you have the government has the authority  to “convince” you to work for them and be heavily compensated, luckily since he was a child  the government couldn’t do anything without the express consent from his parent, his mother is your average citizen and she did not want her child to be a weapon so she signed a contract with the government that ensured they won’t do anything until  Sihl is old enough to have consent.

However as the years go by Sihl  became Sick of being constantly watched, as a result of awakening his powers  his senses were so great that he could smell poop from a kilometer away  because of that  he was able to know that he was constantly being watched  and not liking that he said something  like 

“I wish they could just leave me alone”

And so the government agents watching simply left him alone, it took him some years to realize he could reality warp by years I mean a year after the agents left him alone there were a couple of childish things he said that his power reacted to.

His mom was being bossy one time so he wanted a world with no adults and he got, it took a day for him to want his mother back but only his mother the rest  didn’t so he had to want a world were where adults are back and they came back , this was when he realized his powers were more than just matter manipulation. He tested it out, a world made of chocolate  he got a world made of chocolate.

As he grew up the more he experiment, When he was 13 years old his hormones ran high and well  a rather lewd world came to being, until eventually he had to return things back to normal.

It was at age 13 that he realized the he was basically God, he had his fun with the world reshaped it how he saw fit until he got bored and stopped,  Reality was his play thing and he didn’t want to play anymore. It was fun having everything you wanted, a massive harem of girls that did whatever you wanted but he eventually got over it.

Today  Sihl Outte  age 17  and 11th grade highschooler at  Arc City Esper Academy and is living his life normally, like an average person. As average as it can get in a world where super powers were a thing

He had arrived at his home and now stood in front of the door, he could hear some murmurs from within the house, he guessed his mother must have some friends over for a book club probably, he contemplated if he should just teleport directly to his room to avoid the women inside or just walk in.

He opened the door and entered the house, he decided to walk in mostly because it would be rude if he just teleported in without greeting them. Entering the house through the living room he saw his mother seated on the couch along with 4 other women who looked to be in their forties or thirties 

“OH great  Sihl you’re back, quickly change and go buy some juice from the store” 

His mother was the one to speak, and unlike him she had blonde hair and pale blue eyes, she was a little bit chubby as well but she was the good kind of chubby and she was fairly easy on the eyes but that didn’t matter to Sihl in his eyes she was his mother nothing more nothing less.

“OH while you’re at it Sihl-kun buy me some paper towels as well”

The one who spoke was an Asian lady with black hair and eyes she was also of the same body type as his mother and she was quit beautiful too her chubbiness made her look like she was thick, she was a thick Asian if you will.

“Well If Saeko is getting something then I might as well, Sihl has telekinesis right?”

Another woman with auburn hair  and caramel eyes spoke up and asked a question. Unlike his mother she was actually quite slim, his mother nodded to her question.

-I should have teleported

Is what he thought as the woman inside started telling him what they wanted from the store, down side of having a useful and powerful ability, he could refuse but that would be rude  so he went and changed and accepted their request. 

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Not everyone within the city has Esper abilities most parents were able to enter the city due to their children having Powers as such you’ll find a lot of adults that are powerless but  with powerful children.


Arc City  an artificial island  created for the express purpose of housing individuals that possess extraordinary abilities beyond human comprehension. The city was created in the middle of the pacific ocean and the only way to reach it is by plane or boat however due to it’s safety measures  the only way to enter the city legally  is by plane. 

The city is filled with state of the art technology built for comfort and research, The governments of the entire world  put in a lot of money to ensure the research on Esper abilities continues and the cause of their existence is determined, however under no circumstances are children to be harmed in the name of the research and Researcher are to ask for express permission of the person of interest or their guardian, it’s because of this that no children have been illegally experimented on or at least the government doesn’t know of any illegal experiments. 

Currently within the back alleys of Arc City a young teenage girl was running at her top speed while trying to not get caught by the black clothed individuals that were chasing her.

Due to the darkness of the night  her face was not visible  but her eyes had a an Deep purple glow to them and thanks to the lighting of the  windows of houses she rapidly passed at great speed one could make out that she was wearing a  trucker’s hat.

Sweat trickled down her forehead as she panted heavily, it was clear she was tired but she had no intention of slowing down at all, in fact the sound of her heavy breath was a sign that she was alive and that her pursuers wanted her alive  and as long as she is alive she can keep running plus no matter how tired she got her body always supplied the energy needed to continue.

Her eyes widened before she quickly tucked in her head forward and let the bullet speed past her like a rocket she then then side stepped and let another fly past her side grazing her shirt, it seems that they were no longer playing with her. 

Realizing that running in a straight line was dangerous she figured that she had to utilize evasive maneuvers and utilize the back alleys to their fullest, she quickly stopped In  her tracks and let the figure  run past her before turning back  and turning  a corner, however  another  black clothed figure dropped down from the roof and  rushed at her to tackle her. She jumped up over him using a front flip and used her legs to kick him on the back spring load herself forward before doing another flip and landing on her feet and continued to run 

Arc City has a planned residential area meaning that the street and houses were designed with intention  because of this streets had  lot of sharp rectangular turning roads and it was the same for its back alleys, the girl utilized the sharp turns to dodge and escape her pursuers.

she turned a corner  completely dodging the hand that had stretched out to grab her  However the r corner she turned was already blocked by another of her pursuers but she didn’t turn back.

The figure charged at her from the front again but she didn’t slow down  she delivered a swift kick to it’s stomach before jumping over it and continued  to run  however a kick from above came from another man looking figure, the man had jumped from the roof top to deliver an axe kick at her shoulder.

Another sidestep from her  let the man drop to the ground  before jumping on top of him and used him as a step ladder to jump over the houses and landed on the roof.


She exclaimed realizing the were more pursuers on the roof than on the ground, realizing  her mistakes she jumped over to the next house and continued to do so and her chasers did the same, the guns that the figures chasing her were carrying were a new type of gun known as [perfect silent] she doesn’t know how they work but when ever fired they make no sound the perfect weapon for stealth however thanks to her superior senses she could dodge them.

She quickly ducked dodging another bullet before doing a backflip  and this time evading a sword swing, landing lightly she did  a spin kick and kicked the swordsman off the roof, however she was quickly tackled by another man, it seems she was going to get overwhelmed eventually.

Thinking quickly she didn’t resist the tackle but instead grabbed the man twisted her body so that she was on top and used him to soften her fall, crashing on the ground She rolled on the ground before she stood up and ran again, turning the corners  trying not to fight but instead get away, she did not care whether or not the people chasing her died or not because she knew they weren’t really people, even if they were she still didn’t  care there’s no way she’s returning to that place.

The time of day currently was late night approximately around 21:30pm it was dark, However the street light provided adequate illumination. At that time of day people would be inside their homes probably cooking dinner or doing something else as such the streets would be empty especially the streets in the residential area of the city.

The girl had surmised that she wasn’t getting away from the men chasing her  not to mention it’s been Two hours  and  she’s getting tired, her best bet would be to fight them off and dwindle their numbers, the empty streets should provide adequate room to fight  the alley were quite cramped and close together 


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