Life Skilling

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Preparing to open for business

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Chapter 22: Preparing to open for business

 Vincent: Archer, commander of stone golems. 

Atha has been creating the stone golems since a couple of hours ago, but they are already filling up the cave. What I can't understand is, why I was chosen to command them. 

"Atha, tell me again why you are linking me with the golems?" I ask him, still as confused as the first time I asked him that. 

"Simple, you are an archer. If you train up a couple of them, to assist you in fighting, then you will always have tanks around you," Atha tells me. Huh, this is not the way he worded it last time. 

"You are the one who is the most agile of all of us," Dean whispers in my ear, biting my earlobe in the next moment. "Atha, you should make sure that Augustine has a couple of those for personal use." 

"Tine, how many tunes can you mix up?" Atha asks. Augustine rubs the back of his neck. 

"I can play just one at a time. If I try to mix up a melody, the jumble that comes out of the harp is unholy," he says. Dean whistles. 

"You should play me something in private. Naked, maybe with only underwear on you. But not your boring boxers. Slips, my dear. I'll buy them for you," Dean swats me on the butt. Well, I have had enough. He really should stop doing this to me. 

"You fed from an orgy," I protest. The incubus shrugs. 

"I was starving before the orgy?" He asks, more than tells. I just take his hand, just as it is in the process of feeling up my tights, and shove him towards Augustine. 

"I need to concentrate on the golems. You can go and molest Tine. Heck, why don't the two of you fuck too, while you are at it?" I ask. Dean gets a mischievous smile, and saunters off to Augustine. I think it is pretty obvious from the glint in Dean's eyes, that what he is about to do will really result in some sexy time. 

Augustine must have some other ideas because he takes out his harp. He begins to play a tune, and Dean begins to dance in place. 

"If you wanted me to move, you should have said something," Dean says with a chuckle. I blink at the fact that he is not angry at the mild mind control spell. 

I watch him dance for a while, and then go back to focusing on the stone golems. They are easy to move, but getting them in formations is hard. The rightmost golem bumps up into the middle golem, and they both fall on the ground. I sigh at that. 

"How am I supposed to move these," I ask. Dean turns to me. I think he is dancing to seduce us now, instead of because of the mana in the harp. It is almost working too. Augustine hit three false notes in the last minute alone, so I am pretty sure he will get too distracted to play, soon. 

"Voice commands. Don't try to divide your attention with the golems," he says. Then, he bends backwards, does a cartwheel, and Augustine stops playing. 

"Just how flexible are you," he says, in such a shrill voice, that I can't help but think that soon, Dean is getting himself another meal. 

"Very," Dean says in a sultry voice, full of promise and lacking shame of any kind. 

"Get in formation, standard adventurer one," I tell the golems. Lo and behold, they do so. "I feel silly now." 

"Of course, you'll have a bigger advantage, if you can get them to answer your mind commands, but that is not something you will be able to do without training," Dean says. I look at him, and see him draped over Augustine. His hand resting over the very visible bulge in the Song weaver's pants. 

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"," Augustine tries, but Dean is already rubbing his crouch. 

 "Jail? Come with me, drop the soap, forget about condoms," Dean says, every word followed by a kiss on Augustine's ear. 

"You pervert," Atha says. He stops making the golems long enough so that he can slither to Dean and Augustine. 

"Well, you like me," Dean teases, and we all roll our eyes. He smirks, and begins to tug at Augustine's pants. 

"I will take you this time," I say. I just can't let Dean imprint on Augustine or something. What if he leaves the rest of us? 

"Are you worried I'll leave you and our lovely raven-snake?" Dean asks. Atha huffs. 

"Why are you saddling us with such a nickname?" He asks. 

"I think that, before we have another orgy," Augustine manages to get out, even though he is practically potty in Dean's hands. "We should decide what we should do with the golems." 

"Let them work in the mines, and the fields," I say. Honestly, what else can golems do?

"They are also perfect for building houses," Atha chimes in. I nod at that. 

"So, if you rent a golem for one silver coin per day, then..." I count all the golems that are already made. "You stand to earn fifty silver coins per day." 

"I still have plenty of mana in the tank," Atha says, with an easy-going smile. "I can make it up to a gold coin." 

"One silver coin? Why don't you gift wrap them first?" Augustine places a hand over Dean's wandering one, to try and get his thoughts together. Or, at least it looks like he needs the peace of mind for the moment. 

"The average worker earns a silver coin per hour, but they are humans, or demi-human," I say. Honestly, the golems can't even speak. How are we going to pass them off as workers with equal rights to the humans? 

"The golems won't tire. They can work all throughout the night. Remember, the underground that spans from Alcandino to here was made by golems," Augustine says. 

"Dreary place," Dean comments. 

"Still, it was free real estate, at the time," Augustine retorts. I am beginning to have the impression that he is a major Try Hard Party fan. Which won't be a good thing, if we are to ever unhorse them. 

"Ok, ok. Let me try to pawn the golems for 10 silver coins per day, and allow for the time to include the night as well," Atha says, and then slithers even closer to Augustine and Dean. "Vincent, come over here. I think I might be a part incubus because I want another round." 

"I am topping Dean," I insist. Dean just chuckles at that. 

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