Life Skilling

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Wait, you have a what?

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Chapter 23: Wait, you have a what?

 Augustine: Song weaver, self-proclaimed Life Skiller. If he is the voice of reason, then the party is doomed

We are finally out of the blasted cave. My clothes stick to me because Dean pushed Atha and I into a pile of goo, while he was riding Vincent like a pony. He did it deliberately, I swear it! 

Anyway, we gathered the slaves... I mean the golems. We gathered them, and are now herding them towards the Unemployment Office. The official plan is that Atha will pose as their HR agent.

The truth is, that he is now a slave owner. All 200 golems march behind us. Fortunately, Atha didn't create them with enough brain cells for them to have an opinion on the situation. In fact, I don't think he bothered creating any gray matter in their massive heads. Which begs the question, why create them with heads at all? 

"Tine, are you still with us?" I hear Vincent call, from a little bit to the front. I blink. We are before the town's walls. Just when did we reach the place?

"I'll go home now. I need a change of clothes," I say, but Atha shakes his head. 

"Hell no. You know more about laws than I. I mean, you have a cooking partner," he tells me, speaking about Allan. 

"I haven't offered him a contract yet," I tell him. Which is something I should fix. Allan should be at my parent's house, cooking his morning away, and preparing to stock up this bakery, or that food stand. I really regret missing out on the opportunity to cook with him. 

"Yes, but you are going to offer him a contract, right?" Dean asks. I can see that he is trying to sound uninterested, but there is a barely vailed threat in his voice. It makes me feel warm inside, that he cares about Allan in his own way. 

"Must you even ask? He is a treasure in the kitchen, and outside of it. I know to value him," I tell the incubus. His shoulders relax a little. 

Vincent looks between us, and then speaks. 

"Now I really have to know the story behind this Allan. Will he be a part of the harem?" He asks. Both Dean and I speak at the same time. 

"Absolutely not," Dean snarls, as if ready to fight Vincent over it. 

"No, not really," I say. Dean and I share a look. His face is still scrunched up in anger. 

"You put the moves on him?" Dean looks ready to hit me. I take a step back. 

 "I didn't know that he..." I hold my tongue. It is none of Atha's or Vincent's business, what sort of job Allan had. As far as I am concerned, I don't have to share my friendship with the blonde with the two of them. Or with Dean, for that matter. "I can have friends, can't I? Everything doesn't have to be about the harem." 

"Treat him well," Dean more warns me, than anything else. I gulp at that, yet, a part of me feels insulted. Still, I only nod. I still remember that Dean blew up a dungeon like it was nothing. He is not yet warmed up to us to the point when he won't make us disappear. I have to remember that he is a demon. 

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"Ok, then. I'll go and negotiate the price with Vince," Atha looks between Dean and I, and does his best to smile. Dean huffs, and begins to walk into the direction of the red-light district. 

"Dean, where are you going?" I call out to him. Surely, he is full to bursting?"

"I live in the red-light district," he says. I run up to him, and take a hold of his arm. 

"Come with me to my house? I want to introduce you to my parents," I tell him with a smile. He eyes me up and down, and then chuckles. 

"Really, Tine? You'd introduce me, but not Atha or Vincent?" He asks. I chance a look behind, to see that both Atha and Vincent have paused in their march towards the Unemployment Office, to listen in. 

"You are right, I shouldn't give this shock to my parents in small installments. How about this: We all have a brunch at my house? I will talk my parents into leaving for their work a bit later than normal?" I move my face closer to Dean, and then tilt my head to the side, exposing my neck. 

"Is that a peace offering?" He asks, his voice breathy. 

"You are not my dirty secret," I tell him, as he presses his mouth to my neck. "You are my lover. I am happy that you chose to be with me, Atha, and Vincent." 

Dean chuckles, and then bites me gently on the neck. He then gives me a couple of hickeys, which makes my knees go weak. 

"If this is really what you want," he murmurs, when he pulls away from my neck. Dean places a hand over the other side of my neck, and then moves me around, so he can get a better look at his handiwork. "I'll behave before your parents, I promise."

I give him a quick hug, and he chuckles again. His hands travel down my body, and rest on my bum. I shake my head at that, as he gives my butt cheeks a firm squeeze. 

"You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" I ask. He lets go of me. I can see the wistful look in his eyes. The happy undertones animate the red orbs...wait, red orbs?

"Your eyes were red the entire time?" I ask him. He gulps. 

"Ah... I'll explain. After the brunch. Just know that, well, I am a full demon. This," he makes a sweeping motion at his body. "Is not my real look." 

"Do you have a tail?" I ask, my eyes shining. He actually blushes at that. 

"I do," he admits. I squeal, but then he pushes me towards the direction of my home. With barely restrained excitement, and a bounce to my step, I go home. Ready to prepare the best brunch for my harem. I just can't wait to see Dean's real form! 

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