Life Skilling

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Getting an F ranked quest!

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Chapter 28: Getting an F ranked quest!

 Atha: Dungeon core, dual sword wielder. Not really in the mood to walk dogs...

We, all of us plus Allan, are before the quest board. I think that, if we test Allan on something F worthy, he will get the rank. I mean, most healers don't bother to learn about mana spells, until they join a big-time party. Our still nameless party is anything but big time. 

"What about this one? A house sitting, with babysitting a turtle?" Augustine asks. I groan at that. 

"I am a dungeon core, and you want me to babysit a turtle?" I ask him. He just shrugs. 

"We won't even need to feed it. Considering turtles don't even eat that much. I bet the owner will even change its water, and all that," he says. I look to Vincent for support. He just grins at me. 

"We can use the time to read some fighting manuals," he says. I bite my tongue, trying not to call him a traitor. That might end up with me being chased out of the bedroom. 

Now that I think about it, we have never done it in a bedroom...

"I have this textbook that I checked out from the library, that I would like to read," Allan says. Everyone looks at me. 

"Well, at least we are not walking dogs," I say. A passing by party gives us sour looks. 

"What is so wrong with dogs?" The tank of the party asks. I can see that they have a quest scroll in their hands, that is marked F. 

"Dogs don't like snakes. If they don't try to bite my tail, they wrap me around like a Yule present in their leash," I deadpan. The dog lovers rub the back of their heads. 

"Ah, sorry. It is just that, almost no one takes the dog walking quests, and dogs are such nice animals," the tank says. Then, he comes to me, and offers me his hand. 

"My name is Tony. Tony Toris," I take his hand, and give it a firm shake. 

"Atha," I tell him. 

"Wait, you are the Atha?" He asks. I scrunch up my nose at him. 

"Not every Naga named Atha is the Atha," I say, more than a little peeved. "For one, I am not blonde. Nor do I have a possessive vampire wind mage lover." 

"Oh, sorry. But you must get that a lot, right? Anyway, we," he makes a sweeping motion at his party, who all wave. I can see that they have a healer, an archer, and a mage, apart from Tony, whose shield gives him away as the tank of the party. "Are the Hornet Party. What is your party's name?"

"We don't have one," I say. Tony blinks at me. 

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"Really? But you have a Song weaver, and a healer. If you can think up a name, then you can get in a platoon in the blink of an eye," he says. Huh, I haven't thought of that. 

"We are not looking to get in a platoon," Dean says, and Tony turns to him. "We are not ready for one. Our party is ranked F." 

"Oh, you are newbies," Tony says, and then grins. "If you have any questions about the adventuring business, ask us. A word of advice, don't bother looking for any guides from the Adventuring Union days. Leander doesn't give out stone golems to people anymore. Not after the great uprising of 1,500 years ago." 

"Yes, we have to do actual adventuring now," Augustine looks like he is ready to throw a tantrum about that. Still, he doesn't give away the fact that we have our own stone golems. Five of them, in fact. I am glad that he kept them a secret. I don't want my name to be connected to the production of the golems. 

Yes, dungeon cores no longer get taken to labs...officially. Unofficially, if you don't keep low, you will be taken to a private lab, and experimented on, until either someone rescued you, or...

Don't think about that. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

"Yes, well, if you feel like you can platoon eventually, remember the Hornets Party," Tony says, and his party members hum their agreement. They leave, probably to walk dogs, and we are left before the quest board. 

 "Ok, let us go and get the license," Augustine says. He might as well have said: Let us get this over with, so I can return to my kitchen.

"How about we help you cook, after the house-sitting quest?" I ask. He practically gets stars in his eyes. 

"Really?" He asks. "If you help, I can make three time the normal among!" 

"We'll be happy to help. You will just need to be patient with our fumbling attempts," I tell him. What can I say? I love it when his eyes get all animated, when he thinks about cooking. Besides, I enjoy my time with him. And, who knows? One thing might lead to another, and we can all go back to the dungeon. This time, with Allan...

"You are doing this for sex, aren't you?" Augustine's eyes are narrowed. I catch myself grinning like a loon. Ah, I must have given myself away. 

"Well," I say, and glance at Allan. He is edging closer to Dean, who wraps an arm around his shoulders, as soon as the healer is within grabbing distance.

"Only those that want to come to tonight's orgies will come," it is uncharacteristic of an incubus to give people a way out of an orgy, yet, Dean surprises me with his words. He plants a kiss on Allan's cheek. "Don't worry about it." 

"It is not that I don't find you all nice, or attractive..." Allan mumbles, and then closes his mouth.

 Allan has a secret. I can practically smell it in the air between us. The only thing I can do, is to build trust with him, and give him time for him to tell it to me, and the rest. Although, by the way, Augustine moves to stand by Allan and Dean, and leans into Allan, I think he knows. Heck, I think Dean knows too. 

If an incubus knows a secret, then what are the chances that it is something to do with sex?

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