Life Skilling

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: When the quests call…

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Chapter 27: When the quests call...

 Vincent: Archer, wants to be a hero. Takes the lead, at times that need him to. 

Augustine's parents are really laid back. I mean, if my parents were still alive, and I told them I hooked up with an entire harem, they would have flipped. More than likely, they would have told me to pack my things as well. 

I shake my head, to chase those thoughts away. Yes, my parents loved me. Yet, they were very old school. I look at Allan, who is all but snuggling into Augustine. He said yes. To being in the party, I mean. He is yet to tell us that he will become a part of the harem. 

Something tells me that there is more to him, than him simply being dungeon made, or half a dungeon core. Still, I don't think I have the right to pry. Tine and Dean know Allan's secret, and they are fine with it. So, I am sure that it is nothing that will make me think any less of our healer. 

A healer... I sigh, and get weird looks from everyone at the table. 

"Sorry, I just regret that there is no more of the delicious food," I say. Augustine gets a glint in his eyes. 

"You can help make the dinner?" He suggests. My mind goes on an overdrive, trying to get myself out of this pickle. I do enjoy cooking with Augustine, but...

"We need to do some quests," I say, as Augustine prepares to argue. "We have a quest quota, Tine." 

"I know that," he says, as he moves his fork around his empty plate. "I still think we have time." 

"We really don't," Atha says. He looks at Allan. "He will need to be ranked." 

"I don't think they'll give me a rank," Allan mumbles. "The only thing I can do is clean wounds, stitch them closed, and bandage them." 

"That is still good," Dean says, as he reaches out from across the table, and takes a hold of Allan's hand. He is less restrained with the dirty-blonde man, than he is with the rest of us. As if there is a certain sense of familiarity between them. 

"Is it? Don't healers need to be able to use mana?" Allan asks. I blink at that. 

 "You don't know how to use mana?" I ask. He nods at that. 

"I never learned because..." he sighs heavily, and stares at his empty plate. "It was too expensive to get the lessons." 

A silence stretches in the room. Then, Thomas clears his throat. 

 "I can teach you," he says suddenly. We all turn to stare at him. "Free of charge, of course. You will be there for my son, taking care of his wounds. I teach children how to access their mana, in the kindergarten."

"I am behind toddlers," Allan murmurs. I just can't help it. I get up from my seat, and go to him. He stares at me the whole while. 

"You are not behind anyone," I say, when I get next to him. I look at Thomas and Margie, then I shrug, and deposit myself in Augustine's lap. "Sorry, Tine. I wanted eye contact with Allan for this conversation." 

"That is ok. I will be grounded for only a month at such a display," Augustine grumbles. I chance another look at his parents. They both look ready to chew both of us out. I wonder if Tine told them about the mini orgy we had, back in Atha's dungeon? 

 Gods, that sounded so dirty...

I make myself comfortable in Augustine's hold, and then cup Allan's face. He lowers his gaze. Yet, I refuse to put up with that. 

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"Look at me," I ask of him. He does so, with more than a little reluctance. "You will learn, and become great. I mean, back when he started, Leander didn't even know the quick heal. Let alone a that I think about it, we should get you a soul staff." 

"You can't be serious," Allan protests, as he begins to shake his head. "Soul weapons are expensive!" 

"So?" Augustine says, as he does his best to peer at Allan from behind my bulk. "You will be our healer, Allan. I mean, I can heal too, but my forte is buffs and mind manipulations." 

"I don't have the money for a soul staff," Allan argues. I look at Atha. 

"Not a problem," Atha says, as he pulls out a fat coin pouch from his breast pocket. "We have the funds." 

"But I..." Allan tries to get out of it again, but this time, it is Margie that speaks. 

"Allan, not a word more! When people want for you to improve, the only thing you can do is smile and nod! Also, you are moving into Tine's room. Tonight! I won't hear any arguments. Thomas will get a second bed in there, right, Tommy?" She turns to her husband, who nods. 

"It will be like having two sons," he says, and then chuckles. "Margie, we have always wanted a second son, right?" 

"Yes, if it wasn't for my sickness," she lowers her gaze, and leans into her husband, resting her head on his shoulder. I stare at them, as they give each other silent support. 

This is what I want from the harem. This sense of love, of belonging...

I am interrupted from musing further about this, by a sob. I look at Allan, who has fat tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"You are all so... and I am..." he can't get anything more out, because he hides his face in my chest, and clutches at me for dear life. 

"You are worth it," I say, and my party members chorus after me, one by one. I let Allan cry in my arms for a while, and then I pull him off my chest, and begin to wipe his tears away. 

"I will tell you what we are going to do," I tell him. I can see that I have his undivided attention. 

He is lost. My words have to help him find his way. 

Gods, just what has he lived through?

"You are going to wash your face, and we are all going to go to the adventurer's guild. Then, we will grab a quest that doesn't involve spiders, so Dean doesn't end up blowing anything up," I hear Dean cough in his hand, and Allan chuckles at his embarrassment. "And we will start small. Ok?" 

"Ok," Allan agrees, and I get up from Augustine, and help Allan towards the sink. He is shaking slightly from his crying, but with each step, he becomes more and more sure of himself. 



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