Life Skilling

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Checking up on the lovebirds

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Chapter 44: Checking up on the lovebirds

 Atha: Dungeon core, dual sword wielder. Is a good grandson. 

As the rest are helping Tine build the new guild house, I make my way to Dru's place. I wonder what she and Ariknol are up to. It takes me two hours to exit the town, and to find my way before her cave. 

Only, where once there was a cave, there is now a castle. It even has walls, and battlements on it. I blink. The draw bridge, just why does Dru need a draw bridge? The bridge is not down. I slither as far as the tar pit allows, and cup my hands before my mouth. 

"Dru! Ariknol! It is me, Atha. Your grandson," I yell. The bridge falls down, the gates open. Dru is on the other side of the door, with Ariknol by her side. 

"Do you see this?" She asks, making a wide sweeping motion with her arms. "Ari made me a castle!" 

I blink at that. Wait, how did he...?

"Well, she is a princess," Ariknol takes a hold of Dru's hand, and kisses it softly. The love and adoration are clear in his eyes, even from the spot where I am standing. 

"Oh, you," Dru giggles, as Ariknol begins to kiss up her arm. 

"Can I come in?" I don't want to see my grandparents getting it on, thank you very much. Even though I know that, the only reason behind us searching for Ariknol, was to get him hitched to Dru. 

"Where are the rest?" Dru asks. Ariknol fumbles with something by his ear. Dru leans into him. "I asked the boy, where his husbands were." 

"Ah, ok. Darn hearing aid keeps on turning itself off," Ariknol says. Then, he turns to me. "Come on in. We were just about to sit down for lunch. Your grandma made enough to feed an army." 

"That is not true," Dru says, but I can see that her eyes are twinkling. "I was hoping we would have guests, is all." 

"I'll bring the rest next time," I slither into the castle. My eyes go wide, when I enter the courtyard. There are so many statues around. Of different creatures. The crowning jewel is a statue of Dru, with silver for hair. She is holding a vase, from which water slowly trickles down. 

"Wow, grandpa. This is a masterpiece," I say. Ariknol moves closer to me. 

"Do you like it? Ever since your grandma made me a dungeon master, I got some of my old strength back. And then some," he grins. I look at Dru. 

"You took the next big step?" I ask her. She nods. 

"You should assign your husbands roles in your dungeon too, boy. What if something happens to them?" She takes a hold of my hand, and begins to lead me up the stairs. "I know that you are not much of adventurers, but things can still go wrong. What if that Warren boy..." 

I chuckle at the way she refers to the guild master. 

"That awful Warren boy sends you to a real quest? What then?" She asks, as we enter the inside of the castle. I can see there are paintings lining the walls. I wonder if Dru made them for this new home, or if she had then from her last harem. 

"I won't let us be send to something we can't handle," I tell her. She sighs. 

"Not everyone will be clear on the quest points. What if they lie about the danger? And you are such a go-getter. I bet you want dragon schemas," she tugs at my ear then. "Dragons are bad! Don't risk your life for them." 

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"I'll keep it in mind," there is something nice about her caring so much. Yes, I call her my grandmother, but she is not my blood grandmother. Yet, I think that, she is my soul's grandmother. If that makes any sense. 

"Will you stay the night?" I hear Ariknol from behind us. "We have a room with your name on it." 

"I would love to," I tell them. Dru gives out a giggle. 

"I will tell you a bedtime story, Atha. One, I have made up myself. About turtles," I groan at that. They want to baby me. 

"Why don't you two adopt a kid to embarrass, instead of embarrassing me?" I ask them. 

Dru looks at Ariknol. 

"Do you think that the orphanage is going to let us adopt ten children?" She asks suddenly. I blink at that. 

"Why ten?" 

"Because there are ten empty rooms, for which we have no purpose. We did make them into bedrooms, with beds, and desks and everything," Ariknol answers for the two of them.  

"But I am a dungeon core," Dru says, lowering her gaze to lock it on her feet. "Peaceful or not, that matters little to the humans." 

"Do you want ten kids? I'll get them for you," I don't ask her to create them herself. At her age, any mob she creates will come out stunted. Just like the turtles. "You better prepare to make extra big pots of delicious food, granny." 

"Oh, you are such a good grandson," Dru says. She pats me on the shoulder. "And so skinny. Just look at your tail. All bones and only some scales on it." 

"There is nothing wrong with my tail," I protest. Ariknol comes to stand by me. 

"What type of snake are you? A garden one? What a skinny tail. Your lovers are going to leave you, boy," Ariknol then moves, so he is facing me. "Thank you, Atha." 

"You are a good kid," Dru says, and then hugs me. 

Now I really need to get them those ten kids. There will be a lot of bullshitting involved.

Neither Ariknol nor Dru are the youngest possible parents for the kids at the orphanage. Still, they are brimming with love at the prospect of being called mom and dad. I have to make sure it happens. 

When in doubt, bribe. 

That sounded almost like I was a mafia boss. Well, I just hope that the matron likes money. 

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